Monday, May 13, 2024

Found on the Mother Ship

“Next time you think Americans have changed and not in a good way, remember, it’s mostly fake. Most people think just like you do, but the media has brainwashed Americans. It’s called social engineering. It’s here, and it’s effective.”

Mostly fake?

40% of the American voting population would like to vote in as POTUS again an adjudicated rapist and tax fraudster; a man indicted on 88 felons; a man who is a serial adulterer, who cheated on all three wives, and even cheated on his mistress; a man known for not paying people who contracted work from him; a man who is a verified grifter selling autographed Bibles, gold sneakers,, and pieces of the suit he wore when he surrendered to the police.  A Liar, a cheat, a fraud, and a rapist.

As long as there are Americans who will vote for the human wreckage that is Trump, we have to acknowledge that America HAS changed.  And NOT in a good way.  


  1. Social engineering - conditioning devoted evangelicals to worship against everything they ever stood for: their complete opposite and a disgrace to the species. Wow! and only $60 for the
    anointed one's bible.

  2. The only good thing to come out of the Trump presidency is the fact that we discovered Trump and his Evangelicals do NOT care about family values, good character, or telling the truth.

  3. America has changed and not in a good way. There is hope, we did elect Biden President. Looking forward who will be the candidates for President in 2028?

  4. Here's what James Dobson, then trusted head of Christian based Focus on the Family said regarding Fmr President Clinton's sexual dalliances back in the day.

    "As it turns out, character DOES matter. You can’t run a family, let alone a country, without it. How foolish to believe that a person who lacks honesty and moral integrity is qualified to lead a nation and the world!

    I just don’t understand it. Why aren’t parents more concerned about what their children are hearing about the President’s behavior? Are moms and dads not embarrassed by what is occurring? At any given time, 40 percent of the nation’s children list the President of the United States as the person they most admire. 33 What are they learning from Mr. Clinton? What have we taught our boys about respecting women? What have our little girls learned about men? How can we estimate the impact of this scandal on future generations? How in the world can 7 out of 10 Americans continue to say that nothing matters except a robust economy?"

    Maybe Dobson was prescient. Who knows.

    What we do know is this... millions of primarily white Christian Americans back then agreed with Dobson. And yet now, not so much.

    So we are left with two questions regarding what Dobson had to say...

    When Dobson wrote, and said publicly many times, "character does matter" and "How foolish to believe that a person who lacks honesty and moral integrity is qualified to lead a nation and the world!" did he and his followers lie?


    Were they all wrong?

    Because something has changed.

  5. The most massive social engineering in recent decades is the emergence of the emboldened "Christian" white nationalists.

    And it will only get worse as long as their Mob Boss avoids justice, or even if he's elected.

    Trump has gone full on white nationalist neo-Nazi ranting about "a definite anti-white feeling in this country" and "there's absolutely a bias against white".

    This is a full-on American neo-Nazi movement. Either their leader goes down, or the American experiment in democracy is done.

  6. Even if their cult leader goes down the American experiment in democratic self rule may be finished anyway. The neo-Nazis have infiltrated state governments, and the federal government and judiciary have been heavily infiltrated by neo-Nazis. The movement continues to grow in numbers and strength.

    Tyranny will arrive clutching a bible and waving the flag. Possibly with a military band and a display of military hardware and might. North Korean style. All for their Dear Leader trump.

  7. And don't forget local governments. How many may have been infiltrated by neo-Nazis?

    In even the best scenario things don't look good for American democracy going forward. The modern day American neo-Nazi leader trump, with the charisma he has with his cultists and the many highly uncurious Americans creates the environment for the collapse of the American experiment in self rule.

  8. My suggestion is we make everyone dye themselves red white and blue and establish a national religion with the president as it's leader. Kind of like Henry the VIII did. Then bigotry would no longer exist and we could be in line somewhat with biblical preaching about the end times. Surely one the evangelicals could misread the Bible once again and say the interpretation of the number of the beast was actually the colors of the beast or some such nonsense. They should employ some atheists to help with this as in my experience more atheists know the Bible better than most Christians.
    Now watch JoeC and his/her other monikers run with this on one of their right wing lunacy sites and become heroes. Sorry guys.

  9. Well JoeBama, it's a thought. One that the trump "Christians" will surely jump at methinks.
