Monday, July 1, 2024


From Really American:

"Pre-immunity ruling, Donald Trump already had unchecked criminal impulses. 

Trump to his then-Attorney General Bill Barr: “just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congress.” 

Trump to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger: “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” 

Trump to a writer, publisher, and others without security clearance: “It is like highly confidential, secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.” He continued: “See, as president I could have declassified, but now I can't, you know. Isn't that interesting? It's so cool." 

 Three instances where, as President, his actions were self-serving, dishonest, and dangerous. 

And these are the kind of acts SCOTUS just gave a pass to. 

 Post-immunity, the convicted, compulsive criminal would be a clear and present DAILY danger to America."


  1. And the neo-Facist conservative scotus couldn't give a rats arse. Obviously. They're likely celebrating the gradual demise of our Democratic Republic. He'll, the cons have very likely been planning this for years.

    Biden should now take IMMEDIATE action! He's got immunity!

  2. I think President Biden should immediately postpone the November elections, citing a need to know one way or the other whether former President Trump is guilty of the charges, innocent or immune from those charges even being considered.

    Call it part of his official duty to safeguard the security and long term stability of the United States and our elections, and as such, immune from prosecution.

    After all, both Presidents and the citizens of the US have a right to know, before voting, whether they are voting for a free and innocent man, or a felon, intent on over turning a US election.

  3. According to the SCOTUS, President Biden would not be overstepping his powers if he postponed the 2024 elections, so Biden would be doing this within what the SCOTUS said is legal as long as President Biden did it in his official capacity.

    Biden has from now until he's no longer POTUS (which could be January 2029) to do whatever the hell he wants. Maybe even declare MAGA anti-American?

    Of course, we're joking, because President Biden is not a crazy malignant narcissist.

    Trump has already, this evening, retweeted a Call to Jail 15 Politicians From Both Parties

    Trump also signaled support for arresting President Biden for “treason”

    He also reposted this:


  4. Steve Martin:

    Aross the top of the entrance to the Supreme Court of the United States,these words carved in stone:
    "Equal Justice Under The Law"

    That edict is forever gone as of today.
    Great sadness in America.
    A sometimes flawed institution has chosen to join in the destruction of American democracy.
    Never believed this could happen much less so brazenly.
    Disappointed and frightened at this point.
    Right above the door.

    They see it every day...
    "Equal Justice Under The Law "
    Gives blind justice a new dark meaning.

  5. LMAO!

    Of course god has chosen Trump. god, like Trump, is one very authoritarian vengeful god who seeks retribution. It's in the bible.

  6. Obama isn't doing to delay the election. When Joey flubs the 2nd debate, the Mooch will become the official Democratic Party nominee.


  7. Yeah, sure, JoeCon. You hitting the bottle again? Or is it those funny 'shrooms?

  8. Sounds like maybe Crack might be involved.
