Monday, July 1, 2024



Joseph Robinette Biden is unstoppable!


  1. You do realize people saw his performance?

  2. Yes, Lisa, we all saw Trump spew a firehose of lies at the first debate and not answer a single question.

    There's not a lot Trump, a convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster, can do to make himself appealing to voters who look for honesty and decency in a POTUS.

  3. L'État, c'est moi!

    Read the Constitution.

  4. Why yes Lisa, we did see the lying neo-Nazi Trump. Lying his ever flowing stream of bullshit. While not answering a single solitary question.

    Is that because Trump is i'll informed? Stupid? Or simply doesn't give a rats arse about truth, honesty, integrity, or anything else a sincere patriotic American cares about?

    Glad the knumbskull potus handed President Biden the ticket to have Trump arrested on grounds of national security and have him imprisoned in his official capacity as President. President Biden, in his official duties as President should then immediately declare the election postponed until Trump stands trial and all judgements are in on Trump. Found guilty - JAIL. Found innocent - Election proceeds with Trump on the ballot.

    Simple logical path to resolution of problem. Thanks scotus.

  5. This group is a wonderful example of political branding from the mere 'credentialism school' of meritocracy. No wonder the workers have all left the Democratic Party and registered as Trumpublicans. :)

    Now crown my contribution to this conversation with laurel wreaths....

  6. Democrats focus on Zero-sum games while Trump plays win-win ones. No wonder they're bleeding voters. *tsk-tsk*

  7. What in the world are you talking about?

    The majority of union workers are Democrats. The Trumpublicans are against unions and GOP governors are pro "Right to Work" anti-unionists.

    You can twist and bend the truth better than a pretzel maker, but the truth will out:

    Who creates more jobs, Democrats or Republicans?

    Since 1989 a mere 1.3m jobs have been created in net terms with Republicans in the Oval Office—despite the party's reputation for being more business-friendly.

    With Democrats in power a net 49.4m jobs have been added. Mar 19, 2024

    "Republicans want working-class voters — without actually supporting workers

    GOP courts blue collar voters but most favor anti-union ‘right to work’ laws and reject laws that would protect right to organize.

    "...nearly all Republican lawmakers in Congress oppose proposals that would make it easier to unionize. One hundred and eleven Republican House members and 21 senators are co-sponsoring a bill that would weaken unions by letting workers in all 50 states opt out of paying any fees to the unions that represent them. And at a time when many young workers – among them, Starbucks workers, Apple store workers, museum workers, grad students – are flocking into unions, Republican lawmakers often deride unions as woke, leftwing and obsolete."

  8. -FJ,

    Trump doesn't play anything. He's a convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, and serial adulterer.

    You admire that scum. Own it.

    1. He's always been a Playboy , owner of golf courses with money. That doesn't lessen his ability to run the country.
      Joe on the other hand is a typical politician. Making laws that me make people 's lives miserable then pretending to fix it .while lining his own pockets.
      I love the way people don't care that these public servants will come out with becoming millionaires .How do you think they do that and don't tell me by writing books cuz nobody writes that many books, and if you think Joe is capable of writing a book that I have a bridge to sell you.

  9. Trump is too weak and stupid to do anything. He is just a figurehead.

    Who is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

    The Heritage Foundation?

    The Federalist Society?

    Once these fascists are in power there will be no stopping them.

    1. Oh please he's not going to do that that's what's being done now I guess since it's your side it's okay

  10. Yes Lisa, and if you or any of the clowns who post their uninformed MAGA stuff at your "false facts" [your words, not mine] blog had read anything here, you would have known that.

    But you see, we try to stay on topic here. And this post is about what Joe Biden could today, as an official act, while he in office, and be immune from prosecution.

    Joe Biden, as president, under the immunity just granted by the SCOTUS conservatives judges, can order a Seal Team hit on Donald Trump and, get ready for it, he would be immune from prosecution.

    Do you or your trolls, support that level of immunity for any president?

  11. Hey Joe, I have read the Constitution. Please post the part where it says in plain language that president have "absolute immunity from criminal acts" while in office.

    I ask because for years, at least since Scalia, conservative judges appointed by presidents conservatives support have argued for textualism regarding the Constitution. They are not, as CJ Roberts has said, to make law, rather to call balls and strikes.

    Here's how textualism is defined...

    The meaning of TEXTUALISM is strict or rigid adherence to a text. Textualism does not rely on the broad dictionary-definition of each word in the text, but on how the words together would be understood by a reasonable person.

    So again, where are the words that "reasonable persons" can see as enabling "absolute immunity". Because I know you're never going to find those two words.

  12. Interesting the parallels our Nation has with the ancient city of Troy. It was foretold that Troy would fall from a type of suicide. We have a few Cassandras like those from the Lincoln Project that tell the truth about Trump yet they are afflicted with her curse. Magats don't believe them. Not that that is surprising. They draw an equivalency between three documents Biden found in his home with 1500 or so Trump had stashed away at Mara Largo. I wish I had something optimistic to add but I fear the end is near for our great experiment. We had a good run. It lasted far longer than John Adams thought it would. I guess in the long run greed and bigotry win out over liberty.

  13. Dave M,
    We all know Joe Con can't support his lie that the Constitution allows a president "absolute immunity from criminal acts", official or unofficial, while in office.

    He is an authoritarian personality and we can never expect good faith discussion from his ilk.

    I still don't believe he is a US citizen. But he shows us he IS a Kremlin agent, citizen or not.

  14. Lisa said..."He's always been a Playboy , owner of golf courses with money. That doesn't lessen his ability to run the country."

    Well, in 2020, the American people kicked his playboy arse out and, being the anti-democracy human wrecking ball that he is, Trump would not leave. Instead he summoned an armed mob to come to the Capitol and HANG PENCE! unless VP Pence stopped the Constitutionally mandated certification of the electoral vote count.

    Those are facts that you obviously know nothing about. And you believe that criminal deserves the presidency? Really.

    Lisa: "Joe on the other hand is a typical politician. Making laws that me make people 's lives miserable then pretending to fix it .while lining his own pockets."

    Hey Lisa, writing stuff that's not backed up with evidence is nothing more than opinion, and everyone knows the definition of opinions.

    Lisa: "I love the way people don't care that these public servants will come out with becoming millionaires .How do you think they do that and don't tell me by writing books cuz nobody writes that many books, and if you think Joe is capable of writing a book that I have a bridge to sell you."

    Poor Lisa and her MAGA "false facts" cohorts: They completely ignore the millions and billions that Trump and his daughter and son-in-law made from cashing in on Trump's presidency. And that's because Lisa and her cohorts aren't interested in facts, just gotcha posts and "opinions" backed up by nothing.

    Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president

    Trump's a dirty politician who made millions while he was POTUS. And because he has no ethics or morals, he'll do it again.

    And Lisa will continue to be blind to all of Trump's dirty business dealings cause she's not interest in facts. A perfect Trump cultist.

  15. -FJ/JoeCon,

    Tell us the percentage of Conservative/Trumpublicans who support unions.

    What percentage of Americans support unions?

    AFGE | New Poll Shows 7 in 10 Americans Support Labor Unions

    Half of the voters believe it should become easier to form or join a union. They, including supervisors, would join a union if they have the option. The poll confirms a 2022 survey conducted by Gallup, which finds that 71% of Americans approve of unions, the highest since 1965.

    Demographics of the working class: Black, Hispanic, and other workers of color make up 45 percent of the working class, while non-Hispanic white workers comprise the remaining 55 percent. Nearly half of the working class is women, and 8 percent have disabilities. Apr 6, 2023.

    By roughly three-to-one (75% positive to 23% negative), Democrats have a positive view of labor unions. Republicans are about half as likely as Democrats to view unions positively; 35% of Republicans say unions are having a positive impact, compared with 61% who view unions negatively. Feb 1, 2024

  16. Waiting for Joe the Conman to enlighten us all with his excerpt from the Constitution that states President's have absolute immunity from criminal acts.

    What's taking so long Joe Con. You lose your "special" copy? Cause i, like Dave, can't seem to find it in my official copy.

  17. Hey Lisa, you should thank the court. Why? Because the Supremes just gave our Outstanding President Biden the keys to protecting our democracy and republic from the neo-Nazi Trump. Acting in his official capacity as President in preserving and protecting the Constitution of these United States of America.

    The Supremes perhaps wanted the President to do their jobs for them?

    Maybe so, eh Lisa?

  18. I'm against the "Big's".

    Big Corporations. Big Unions. And Big Governments.

    That makes me a RADICAL PROGRESSIVE, who unlike Teddy Roosevelt never compromised the Progressive cause or believed that BIG Unions were a cure for BIG Corporations.

    as for what part of the Constitution says it (L'Etat ce'st moi):

    Article II Section I - §1 The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.

    Yep, you read that right. His "person" is ALL State Executive Power. L'Etat c'est moi! You want to convict him of violating State secrets? He IS the State and "secrets" are the words he tells you NOT to reveal.

    The poor, but much feared SEAL TEAM VI group of personal political assassins, however, follow his orders, but alas are not sworn to loyalty to him directly. They are sworn to the Constitution, which means that they must also follow the "lawful" laws and judgements of the other two branches In other words, his orders must be lawful if they are to be followed by other Executive Branch appointees. It's called "separation of powers".

    ...and you must have fallen asleep in Civics Class if you didn't know all this. And btw - It's not called "Executive Priviledge" for NO REASONS>

  19. Article II of the Constitution contains the vesting clause, which states: "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."

    This has historically been interpreted to mean that the President is the head of the Executive Branch, but is still subject to limits within that Branch.

    The Constitution itself never grants the President authority to either authorize private violations of the law (issue individualized dispensations) or nullify laws (suspend their operation).

  20. It's quaint -Fj thinks a president's orders must be lawful if they are to be followed by other Executive Branch appointees. Trump's red hatted In-Justices decreed his illegal orders under immunity ARE virtually legal by their ruling.

    They finally wrote the "Nixon Law". If the president does it that means it is not illegal.

    If there ARE historians in our future, this will mark this court for the termination of our Constitutional republic.

  21. It used to be called the Unitary Executive Theory. With the recent SCotUS decision, it's no longer "theory", it's "case law" with the power of stare decisis. We have a unitary executive.

  22. ...if you don't like what a president does, you can impeach him. THAT is your ONLY Constitutional recourse.

  23. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said..."...if you don't like what a president does, you can impeach him. THAT is your ONLY Constitutional recourse."

    We impeached the criminal, Trump, twice, but his spineless lackeys in the Senate did not convict. And we voted the crook out in 2020, but the malignant narcissist, convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster and serial adulterer wouldn't leave and sent his armed mobs to disrupt a constitutional procedure.

    Trump is a pox on our democracy and his followers are complicit in the damage he has done to our democracy.

    1. Because they don't want outsiders be it Trump or any other non politician that will disrupt their apple cart

  24. In the interest of retaining sanity, integrity, and a proper balance the time has come to shut off the TV, the radio, cancel news subscriptions, stop going to church, synagogue, mosque, and go deeo within. Where all the knowledge and wisdom anyone needs can best be found.

    The current toxic insanity is NOT going to go away by itself. Until truth, sanity, common sense, decency, respect for ALL of humanity, and yes, even love for your neighbor regardless of beliefs takes the top spot.

    The chances of that happening in our current environment? Zilch, zero, nada.

  25. So does that mean a president who orders bombing an aspirin factory because he got caught diddeling with an intern or a president paying ransom for the return of a prisoner is not to held responsible. That's right they were not held accountable so it does seem precedent has been established. Guess that means the decision of SCOTUS has little meaning.

    I always thought the president could not be held accountable for official actions.

  26. So, skud, if Joe Biden doesn't like how the 2024 election turns out, if he doesn't win, then he can incite an armed mob to attack the Capitol and stop the electoral vote count and use every means at his disposal to keep him in power and call the election RIGGED?!

    What's to stop him from doing that now?

    Or DELIBERATELY taking top secret documents and selling them to the highest bidder?

    Biden, like Trump, can do all of that in an official capacity and there nothing anyone can do about it?

    Is that where we are now?

  27. Lisa, Trump cannot be labeled a "non-politician." He's been in politics for 9 years now. He's just like any other politician, in it for himself.

  28. Ms. Shaw, You and I agree on "He's just like any other politician, in it for himself." but I am surprised you feel that way. Maybe we should just cancel the election and hire a company to manage the country. Get rid off all politicians and the corruption they surround themselves with.

    That is about as possible as the elected elite voting term limits.

  29. Skud,
    Hire a company to manage the country? Would this company have an unelected CEO?

    Which company or chief executive do you believe would be ethical and responsible to the public instead of only its bottom line?

    Trump is the head executive of a company. The Bushes were business executives. How'd that work out?

    Why is an informed public with media under a fairness doctrine, with non-gerrymandered districts, fair elections with unsuppressed voting rights, and fair representation not your preference?

    Is it better to just ditch democracy altogether?
