Monday, July 22, 2024

JD Vance


There will be a lot of this sort of misogyny from weak, frightened little men:

JD Vance says that Kamala Harris is a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable” with her life because she didn’t have children, and that not having children means that she doesn’t have “a direct stake” in America. 

"Miserable" with her life? She's one of the most well-known women in the world who is admired by millions and adored by her husband and step-children.

Vance probably doesn't know that George Washington himself never had any biological children, yet I can't imagine Vance saying a stupid thing like he did above about our first and most revered POTUS.

Remember, a you-know-what load of this sort of angry, frightened, dehumanizing language about Harris will be heard over the months leading up to the 2024 election. And it will be said by insecure little men and by women who disrespect themselves as well as their own sex.

Ignore it. And understand where it is coming from:

A political party that is supporting a man who is a serial adulterer who not only cheated on all his wives, but even cheated on his playmate mistress with a porn star; and his VP choice , who believes women should stay in abusive marriages; who is against no-fault divorce; and is for state-forced pregnancies, even for 10-year old girls who've been raped by a relative.



  1. The neo-Nazis are threatening civil war if they lose the election.

    Ohio state Sen. George Lang at JD Vance’s rally: “I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country.”

    How many of these fanatic fascists are willing to kill for Trump? J/6 proved they would do it.

    Will -FJ condemn them as murderous traitors, or join them?

  2. It's a resort to infantile and pathetic clichés and stereotypes from a bygone era, but I'm quite happy to let Vance and Trump get on with it. All they'll do is infuriate women voters (and male voters who respect women) and drive even more of them into the Democratic camp.

    And the same goes for the kind of clueless trolls who post comments here trying to justify or minimize such drivel.

  3. Well, like with most totally ignorant people the intelligent AND wise see right through the BS of the small, frightened, misogynistic male mind.

    The frightened rightwing cry babies have nothing of substance to attack Kamala with. So, we are seeing once again the Trump MO now deeply entrenched with the GOP/MAGA.

  4. Shamala, let's not forget the racism also emanating from the GOP clowns. Just last weekend after Sheila Jackson Lee, a 30 year elected rep of her district in Texas passed away.

    As I said before, the head of the RNC, Laura Loomer, mocked her death and called her a "Ghetto Bitch". She perfectly fits with the "Grab them by the pu##y" crowd.

    And to think, people like Loomer, Vance, Trump, the sailors on the Mothership and the rest of the extreme MAGAverse want to be taken seriously.

    Sorry. Can't do it.

    Unless and until we see some public distance and repudiation from the extremists, misogynists and racists among them.

  5. Dave M.,

    Those words by the representative of the current Republican Party are forever in the public domain and can NEVER be taken back. Loomer will live with those egregious slurs for the rest of her life.

    However, it is my guess that people like her have no decency or honor, so what she said will never weigh heavily on her conscience. It is up to others to remind the GOP of what they are.

  6. My favorite JD Vance schtick is how he constantly speaks poorly of working mothers and advocates for women to stay at home with their kids, when his wife is a corporate lawyer at a prestigious law firm, clerked for Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh, and earned degrees from Yale and Cambridge.

    It's the old "look at what I say; not at what I do."

  7. Ron Filipkowski:

    "The reason why I didn’t think Trump would pick Vance is because he lost the election by getting crushed in the suburban woman demo, and Vance was the worst possible pick to help with that problem. But I should’ve known that we are talking about the worst personnel guy in history."

  8. Tristan Snell

    BREAKING: Kamala Harris CLINCHES Democratic nomination.

    It only took her about 31 hours — while raising $231 million.

    This was like a political D-Day — we’ve never seen anything like this.

  9. It gives Hope for America and her true VALUES.

  10. i did a bit of historical research this morning and it turns out no President in American history, not a one, has given birth to a child. hmmm....

  11. JD Vance, does JD stand for Just Dumb?

    It certainly fits his political and world view.
