Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Why do these sorts of people feel comfortable in the current Republican Party????

PS.  Usha Vance's parents were born in India!


  1. "The reason MAGA believes you shouldn't vote for Kamala Harris because she likes to laugh?

    Not once in 8 years have you seen Trump laugh. Ever."

    And what a kick it is to see laughter and joy in her. Remember how Americans loved to see that in Ronald Reagan? I do.

    Does anyone who's watched Trump since he descended the escalator in 2015 seen him EVER laugh with joy? IMO, there is no joy in him unless he's hurting someone he dislikes.

    He's laughed when ridiculing the handicapped, women, and minorities. So there's that.

    Keep laughing, Kamala Harris. This country hasn't felt much joy lately.

  2. Of course videos of Harris will be used to diminish and shame her, her character, her ethnic background and ability to govern while those that extol the rhythmic joy of DJT will be celebrated and seen as "proof" of his vitality.

  3. Found this on Twitter:

    "34 felony convictions - not disqualifying
    Liable for sexual assault - not disqualifying
    Proven fraud - not disqualifying
    Trying to change election results - not disqualifying
    Fake elector scheme - not disqualifying
    Insurrectionist coup attempt - not disqualifying
    Stealing national security secrets - not disqualifying
    Dictatorial aspirations - not disqualifying
    Desire to terminate the Constitution - not disqualifying

    Smiling and laughing - the downfall of our democracy!

    Republicans' big complaint against Kamala Harris is that she... laughs?

    What's funny is how they complain about something so normal while excusing away every horrible thing that Trump says and does."

  4. I love it when Democrats nominate the children of Slave Owners for high offices!


  5. Our most revered PRESIDENTS were actual slave owners HERE IN THIS COUNTRY.

    You have to go back to Kamala Harris's WHITE FOURTH PATERNAL GREAT GRANDFATHER to make that relevant. Therefore it isn't.

    It is unimportant and meaningless. But I was pretty sure I could count on you to bring it up.

  6. Guess we'll just have to forgive both the apparent ignorance and absolute hypocrisy.

  7. I love it when Republicans nominate the child of a Nazi for high offices!
