Saturday, August 10, 2024



is what normal Americans are sick of: Trump's name-calling, misogyny, lies, cheating, doom and gloom, and telling us that America is a mess. 


  1. I just got my Raymond James statement yesterday. It's the highest it's EVER been. Thanks Joe and Kamala.

  2. I hope in the debate she turns to him and says, "You know Donald, I heard what you called me when you were in that golf cart. I heard in your voice. In Oakland, where I grew up, them's fighting words. Unless you say them behind someone's back like you did. Then it's just being scared to say it someone's face."

    Then she should turn to the American people and say... "America, you deserve better. We deserve better. You need someone who is going to spend their time working you, as I have all my life. You don't need someone like Donald Trump who has promised to spend his time looking for revenge, settling scores, getting retribution and more. We don't have time for his nonsense. So elect me and let's get to work. Together."

  3. How is madam president going to bring down prices. Reducing the inflation she caused is one thing but to bring down prices is another. It is like trumps eliminate tax on tips, just playing too the crowd.

    I’d rather see her have a plan to help kids make up for the lockout to appease the union action. It just shows the power of the government to control people with threats if people don’t care. All this lose liberties if trump is elected happened but under the biden era.

  4. Greed is the driver of inflation. When and if humans ever grasp that truth, and understand the underlying reasons for it, as well as the antidote to it, the issue will become a non issue. Hint, it is wrapped up in our denial of the existential threat to our very existence due to the climate crises republicans and conservatives deny.

    Cause and effect. Interconnectedness. Dependent Origination. Impermanence. Look them up. Study them. Then become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

    When Trump, Just Dumb, and the trumpublican party die the political death they deserve and compassion, wisdom, and truth again rule the day as far as the eye can see America WILL realize new heights and maybe even it's full potential.

  5. Skud... can you please explain how VP Harris caused inflation? Isn't that like saying VP Pence caused the riots at the Capitol on Jan 6, or VP Cheney caused the invasion of Iraq? Okay, Cheney did cause the invasion of Iraq, but you get my point.

    The job of a VP is to support the policies of the president. Good or bad. They don't get to make policy. Calling her personally responsible, as you did, is being purposefully dishonest.

  6. Since VP Harris assumed the nomination she is now in charge and must take responsibility for the actions of her administration. I'm not sure cheney didn't cause the invasion of iraq because he was the back room commander as barry is today. I do look forward to her plan to reduce prices.

    Mr. Carpenter, You really should take a course or read a book on economics. Give a few trillion away and put people in lock down so they can't work and you have a boost in demand and a lack of supply. The law of supply and demand decides prices. Been that way for decades and probably won't change even if you don't understand the concept.

  7. I do not need to do that. I understand the economic educational conditioning we all experienced. And I successfully applied those principles in an environment built on those principles.

    I think outside of the box now. Once I realized the game the system was playing has always been rigged to benefit foremost the top economic eshlon.

  8. Skud... what actions specifically, did Harris take that led to inflation?

    Don't even bother to respond, because you won;t have any. You're reaching for straws to make her look bad simply because your party nominated a felon.

    Speaking in generalities is your stock in trade. And the great majority of it is full of untruths and rejects the facts.

    You're as dishonest in your argumentation as Trump himself.
