Saturday, August 31, 2024


1 comment:

  1. And the ads keep dropping using images captured at Arlington. Even as they said they weren't going to do it they did it. Just as everyone who was livid about the situation said they would do.

    If you can't tell you've crossed the line how do you know? By the reactions of those around you. I've read and listened to so many posts by Veterans about this topic. If you have no moral compass, check their reactions before spouting about how this isn't a big deal. It was and it still is.

    Personal note - I visited Arlington Cemetery when I was just a sprout. The air was hushed, the constant motion of the city muted to the murmuring of a distant river. Butterflies danced among the grave markers and a couple of bees chased me. Apparently they think I'm a flower. Not once did I get the feeling that it was a place to disrespect even when avoiding the bees.
