Saturday, August 31, 2024

Trump reposted this filthy meme about two of America's most prominent and successful women:


I don't like to use this word about a fellow human being, but there is no other word that aptly describes a man who indulges in this sort of slander: 


This was reposted by Donald J. Trump on his "Truth Social" media platform. This was reposted by the swine who bragged about grabbing women's genitals, because he's a star.

This was reposted by the swine who was found liable for sexual assault/rape on a woman, and had to pay $83 million for defaming her.

This was reposted by the swine who called a politician from HIS OWN PARTY, Nikki Haley, "birdbrain."

This was reposted by the swine whose VP pick has denigrated women on an almost daily basis.

74 things Donald Trump has said about women


  1. Through all his lies, projection, hate, crimes, and insurrection, it has become abundantly clear who the "vermin poisoning the blood of our country" truly is.

    1. ...and what would you call the Democrat's response?

    2. Nope. Transformative.

      “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

      ― Friedrich W. Nietzsche

    3. -FJ, I'm not posting your link to your blog with Trump propaganda. There will be NO white washing of what Trump and his lackeys did at ANC. We saw his moronic "thumbs-up" gesture over the graves of fallen soldiers. Trump has no human decency or honor, and he shows this to America almost on a daily basis. Trump used the deaths of the 13 soldiers to promote himself. End of discussion.

      PS. What does a "thumbs-up" gesture mean? It means "great job!" "Looking good!" and "Approval!"

      Trump is a soulless idiot.

    4. Your inability to report the other side simply demonstrates the vapidity of your own propaganda.

    5. The link you put in the comment I did not publish was a link to your blog and a propaganda video put out by the Trump campaign. That's not telling the truth about what Trump did at Arlington National Cemetery. It's Trump promoting himself through the use of the men and women who gave their lives and the families who grieve.

      "During Trump’s presidency, which ran from January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2021, there were 45 combat deaths among U.S. service members reported in Afghanistan, as well as 18 “non-hostile” deaths, according to the Defense Casualty Analysis System."

      The Harris campaign is not using the Trump administration's combat casualties as fodder for their campaigns photo-ops.

      That would be obscene. And it is what Trump did.

    6. The truth of DJT's visit to Arlington as told by the Gold Star family members themselves is propaganda? Are all US government f*ck-ups "propaganda" without foundation? Oficialismo is an ugly and ultimately socially suicidal position....

    7. Are you being deliberately obtuse? If Trump HAD NOT BROUGHT CAMERAS TO VIDEO TAPE THE SOLEMN MOMENT AND THEN NOT USED THAT VIDEO TO PROMOTE HIS CAMPAIGN, he would not be in deep trouble and not have shocked veterans with his dishonorable conduct at the grave site, WHERE NO CAMERAS AND VIDEO TAPING IS ALLOWED!

      That’s the problem. Trump has no decency, and cares not a whit that he desecrated that hallowed ground. The video his campaign put out implied that this was a PUBLIC ceremony that Biden and Harris didn’t bother to attend. THAT IS A DISGRACEFUL LIE.

      in a saner time, Trump would have been run out of town, tarred and feathered for the outrage he committed.

      You Trumpers are too marinated in MAGAism to see what a monster Trump is. PS. Just recently Trump admitted Biden beat him in the 2020 election. I will put that video up later.

    8. He did exactly what Joe Biden did... and you had no problem with it then.

    9. To Joe Con, Either your brain is broken from being daily marinated in Trumpian lies or you’re just incapable of understanding ( another result of cultism):

      ”An Army spokesman said on Thursday that former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign had similarly not been given permission to film in a restricted area of Arlington National Cemetery during Mr. Trump’s visit on Monday — and that it could not have received such permission because it would violate federal law.”

      President BIDEN NEVER VIOLATED THAT LAW. No more of your foolish, inaccurate bothsiderisms will be published here.

    10. More evidence to show that Joe Con is WRONG AGAIN!

      ”Others Have Politicized Arlington, but Trump’s Approach Has No Precedent

      Donald J. Trump isn’t the first candidate to run afoul of the ban on partisan activity in Arlington National Cemetery. But no one else has responded as hostilely as his campaign has.”

    11. Fred Wellman:

      “Once again it doesn’t matter if the two families “authorized” Trump’s campaign photographer and videographer to be there. They don’t get to make that decision for the 400,000 Americans buried in Arlington. I appreciate their loss but Arlington belongs to all of us and there are laws to guard its sanctity. They can do all the videos they want but no single person gets to over ride the laws. He went there with campaign staff and then put out this video the next day attacking the Biden-Harris Administration. This is illegal. Period.”

  2. It's funny because I have used that term for trump since 2016. To summarize a line from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: He is a P.I.G. Hog!

  3. Trump is a former president and a candidate for POTUS again, so I did hesitated to place that label on him. But…Trump is a man who disrespects women, including all of his wives, and even his mistress, Karen McDougall, whom he cheated on with Stormy, while cheating on Melania.

    Trump bragged about grabbing women by their genitals, called Nikki Haley a “ birdbrain,” and in an interview, once said he’d date Ivanka, if she wasn’t his daughter, and asked if it was wrong to have sexual feelings about her!!! His own daughter! So, yes, Trump deserves to be called that name.

  4. From The Seattle Times: "While president, Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka in front of his employees that were so lewd and disturbing that he was rebuked by his one-time chief of staff John Kelly, a former Trump official writes in a new book.

    “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, in his new book, according to Newsweek.

    Taylor is the official who penned the blistering 2018 New York Times Op-Ed about the former president under the pen name “Anonymous.” In his new book, “Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump,” Taylor uses Trump’s alleged comments about his beloved oldest daughter, who worked as his senior presidential adviser, to illustrate the almost daily instances of “naked sexism” in the Trump White House, Newsweek reported.

    The sexism was so bad that one senior female official told Taylor: “This is not a healthy workplace for women.”

  5. Playing -FJ's deflection game, let's ask what his response is to these words from his beloved Tangerine Tyrant:

    We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
    They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
    Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
    Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
    Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
    Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
    I think they want the white guy.
    Hitler did a lot of good things.

    - Donald Trump

  6. -FJ has shown clearly by his many coments that he is neo-Nazi at heart and is pining for conservative authoritarianism.

  7. Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche FJ should try Kierkegaard

  8. Friedrich Nietzsche's statement about the abyss makes a few assumptions, specifically that the monster in the abyss is a separate entity. Our troll with the many names makes the same assumption. Those who have traveled the abyss and come out the other side understand it's the monster within one sees, not a separate being. Changes the meaning of the whole phrase - stare at yourself long enough and you will find your monster.

    MAGA is triggered, so pressurized by the manipulations of the DonOld (saw his name printed that way and adopted it - giggle) that they don't know which way is up anymore.

    I can say by the response of the public neither DonOld nor the main stream press understood the magnitude of outrage felt by citizens, veterans, and active service members alike. When the only thing you value is money then you can't understand the concept of sacred spaces without the imposition and dogma of religion.

    That will be their downfall and the base knows it in their heart. It would be why on a subconscious level they are antsy as kernels of corn in the popper. At some point something will have to give, and it will be the cultists, and they will pop. When that happens (when, not if) may all my friends here have the awareness to tell when things are about to go pear shaped and cover their six.

    Sacred is sacred, no faith required. Once that line has been crossed there is no turning back. Our honored dead deserve respect, something they did not get with the former president. This is deeper than anyone knows - well I do but then I'm me. Stay frosty folks.

  9. Shaw, your fencing with the troll with many names is a master class of how to treat a troll. Every day I come here and every day my life is lighter because of all you do. Thank you.

    also - i get to live through your experiences. Trust me, for a spoonie who used to be able to do stuff this is beyond... and for once I don't have the words, just emotions. I hope you mean what I know.

  10. Joe Con keeps showing us how an authoritarian personality functions.
    Defending a vile man of no character requires no character. Only defense attorneys and sociopaths defend a sociopath.

  11. @Dave

    As opposed to an anti-authoritarian authoritarian personality? LOL! You're such an operational thinker...

    Technological rationality and operational thinking are part of the broader phenomenon that Marcuse calls one dimensional thought which is the opposite of dialectical and multidimensional forms of thought. Dialectical thought acknowledges that social reality has more dimensions and layers than simply the immediacy of the factual state of affairs. Dialectical thinking recognizes that truth, concepts, things, and identities are all contradictory. And this mode of thinking seeks to know reality through its contradictions. By grappling with these contradictions. Not pretending that they don't exist.

    Ideology is what obfuscates contradiction. Man's institutions are split, expressing contradictions that must be worked through. History is science. This is the essence of the dialectic.

  12. Joe Con,
    An "operational thinker"? I suppose that's one way for you to call me a commie, amirite?

    It beats a good faith response to my request for an appraisal of your Dear Leader's fascist rhetoric. That might require dialectical thinking. Or just an abandonment of reason entirely by evading any critical thinking about your authoritarian leader.

    But we get it.

    Your operant conditioning rewards your trolling to "own the libs" and defending a criminal insurrectionist. Whatever triggers your authoritarian-sized amygdala and gives you a shot of endorphins adds a meager and shallow sense of meaning and purpose you crave in your lives.

    Authoritarians have a herd instinct to follow a leader. They LOVE rallies to revel in their shared hate for others.

    Authoritarians trust and believe their authoritarian leaders without question and find a gleeful cruelty in imposing control over those they hate.

    How pathetic it is that so many of your ilk need to find pleasure in the misfortunes and suffering in those you hate.

    So, what are other difference between you authoritarians and us anti-authoritarians?

    Authoritarians can't MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS. They whine about "big government" but want THEIR big government in our bedrooms and doctors' offices. They'd rather see the sick and poor suffer than have universal health insurance. (Just what Republican Jesus preaches)

    Authoritarians are all about "law and order", except when it applies to them, for God is, and has always been, on their side. Just ask one. They are truly special.

    They howl "Liberty" as they press for the privilege to discriminate against those they hate or don't understand. They whine about "freedom" as they do everything they can to obstruct minority voting rights and fair representation.

    Authoritarians have no use for democracy, decency, honesty and good faith. All that does is get in the way of their pathological need to dominate others. The ends justify the means. Always. After all, they are the “real Americans”, the “real patriots”, and ARE the “true” authority…in their minds.

    And authoritarians invariably BELIEVE they know more about who we are and what we think than we do ourselves.

    Well, here’s a clue:

    “It’s much harder to be a liberal that a conservative. Why? Because it’s easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.” – Mike Royko

  13. Our many named troll conflates their opinion with verifiable facts. Guess they never played the "One of these things is not like the other" game back in the day.

    They also take inches of space to say, well, nothing. I've looked for a point, honestly I've tried but when so many words add up to nothing it makes my brain buzz and gives me a headache. I guess they need all that buzzing because if they said what they meant polite society would show them the door.

    Housekeeping notes: I'm the Anon above. Not sure why but there you go. And second, somewhere I chastised skud for crossing a line, they responded they didn't see no stinking line (or words to that effect) but I can't find my original comment. I was going to add a note for skud - learn how to read the room. Empathy helps, meaning you honor the pain others are feeling. Honor the fact that each of us come to this space at some time in our life. Step lightly so you don't make a painful time worse.

  14. Awww Joe. Once again, plucking a buzz phrase from an actual thinker and slapping it on anyone you disagree with. I don't think the quote you posted means what you think it means.

    "And this mode of thinking seeks to know reality through its contradictions. By grappling with these contradictions. Not pretending that they don't exist."

    You come here and try to hijack the comments with your philosophy quotes and videos that you clearly don't understand. It may work at the Mothership but we're on to you. You see no contradiction in supporting an ignorant, malignant narcissistic, felonious, sexual predator who's incapable of speaking without lying. A man who sells his own reality (and golden shoes, bibles, NFTs, useless baubles) to rubes and power hungry sociopaths who know he's a fraud. A man who says, "I alone can fix it". And, you bought it, NQA.

    You're not grappling with us, the fight is with yourself.

    1. JoCon/-FJ will NOT let this go. They keep posting in my comments trying to pretend what happened didn't happen, and trying to make it a bothsiderism issue. No other POTUS did what Trump and his lackeys did at Section 60. Period.

      JoeCon/-FJ and all the other MAGA who worship the convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, friend of pedophiles, Epstein and Maxwell, and pussy grabber -- all of them refuse to see the wreck of a human being that Trump is, even when Trump himself keeps showing them what he is.

      They're cultists.

  15. Does anyone else feel as though the hamster wheel is getting a real workout?

    Absolute truth or relative truth. They are NOT equivalent and MAGA in particular are enamored with the relative truth. They are ALWAYS manipulating it so as to conform to their fictional narative.

    1. Yes. That's why JoeCon/-FJ do not accept the truth that Donald Trump broke the law when he filmed his visit at Section 60, then used it for his campaign. Joe Biden never did that, even if JC/-FJ pretends he did.

      They cannot/will not accept that their hero is a despicable human wreckage of a being.

    2. they cannot/will not accept that their hero is a despicable human wreckage of a being.

      ...and you believe yourselves and your candidates to NOT be despicable wreckages of human beings. And therein lies ALL the difference. *tsk-tsk*

    3. Come up with evidence that Kamala Harris or Tim Walz are wreckages of human beings. Show us evidence of moral turpitude that matches Trump's. Show us evidence of their urging an armed mob to HANG a Constitutional officer of the United States. Show us evidence of their being convicted of 34 felonies, of being adjudicated sexual assaulters, tax cheats! Of facing more felony indictments!

      I could go on and on and one about what a crook the man you support is.

  16. -FJ, would you be proud if your children grew up with the same character flaws so egregiously on display with Trump?
