Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, April 29, 2021

President Biden's Address to Congress

My fb friend, Lee Arnold's take on last night:


President Biden made clear tonight the era of big government is back, and he wants the wealthiest Americans to pay for it. 

Why it matters: As he moves beyond his first 100 days, the president has to find a way to sell a more aggressive part of his agenda. He talked about expanded health care, education and tax credits, but he promised the middle class wouldn't have to pay the bill. He said the rich would pick up the tab, because the middle class is "already paying enough.” 

"Twenty million Americans lost their jobs in the pandemic — working- and middle-class Americans," Biden said. "At the same time, roughly 650 billionaires in America saw their net worth increase by more than $1 trillion." "My fellow Americans, trickle-down economics has never worked. It’s time to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out." 

Between the lines: Biden was surrounded by historic firsts. He opened by noting he was backed by Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President," he said, "no president has ever said those words from this podium. No president has ever said those words, and it's about time.” 

He added whole sections to his prepared text, a deviation from his stick-to-the-script approach to the first 100 days. 

In one noteworthy moment, he thanked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for leading the effort to name a cancer bill after the president's late son, Beau Biden. 

In another, he warned China is "deadly earnest on becoming the most significant, consequential nation in the world." 

The bottom line: Biden pitched most of his non-COVID proposals with a common refrain: jobs, jobs, jobs.


Biden has now assumed the mantle of The Great Communicator. Boy, does he know how to deliver a speech -- not with great oratorical flourishes, but in a (mostly) quiet, avuncular tone that helps communicate his message brilliantly to all Americans. 

As for the substance of the message itself, it is everything I had hoped to hear from a Democratic president. Biden touched on every issue our country desperately needs to address at this juncture (the pandemic, climate change, voting rights, creating jobs, fighting racial injustice, gun safety, immigration reform, and so much more) and talked about each of these issues in a way everyone can understand. 

And (what a relief) Biden's speech wasn't about him. Not one bit. It was about us, our needs, our abilities, our aspirations. The question is, how much misinformation and hate-filled lies can the Republicans and their 24/7 enablers at Fox and other TV and radio outlets spew to their constituents to drown out Biden's honest, candid, reasonable, and can-do message? 

 If I understand correctly, fully implementing Biden’s agenda would do nothing more than bring America up to speed with the rest of the developed world. 

The twenty-first century will belong to China because the Republicans (and some Democrats) refuse to leave the nineteenth.

Monday, April 26, 2021

What are the gobshites saying this week?

If you check out certain blogs and news sites, what you'll see is a video of a Canadian doctor, Roger Hodkinson, calling COVID-19 the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on civilization; "the most grave injustice our society has ever experienced;" and other such sweeping claims about the pandemic. 

The news sites and blogs that are posting this video are engaging in what is known as "confirmation bias." 

Confirmation bias: The tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one's existing beliefs. Existing beliefs can include one's expectations in a given situation and predictions about a particular outcome.

What we know about Dr. Roger Hodkinson:

What's True :  A man who identified himself as Dr. Roger Hodkinson, the CEO of a biotech company selling COVID-19 tests, said (erroneously) that COVID-19 was no worse than the flu during a public comment period of a city council meeting in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 

 What's False:  Dr. Hodkinson is not the Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and his public comments do not align with the consensus of the medical community.

Hodkinson's claims have faced significant pushback from health authorities and medical experts: 

The Alberta Health Ministry "respects Dr Hodkinson's credentials as a physician but disagrees with his assessment of COVID-19 and is not taking advice from him in regard to the government's response to the pandemic," Steve Buick, a spokesman for the Minister of Health, told AFP in an email. He added that the Minister and government "continue to rely on the advice of Dr Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health." Alberta Health Services, the provincial health care system, tweeted that Hodkinson "has no formal affiliation" with the health authorities and urged people to follow provincial guidelines instead. 

The Alberta Medical Association tweeted that "the Alberta Section of Laboratory Physicians does not share any of the views of the individual in question," who is a pathologist. The group added that it "endorses the use of masks, hand washing and physical distancing along with all other public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19." 

The Royal College, where Hodkinson was certified, also distanced itself from the statements of Hodkinson. "The Royal College strongly supports all public health advice given by the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, including recommendations to practice physical distancing and to wear masks to help prevent Covid-19 transmission," it said in a statement.

The overwhelming majority of physicians, infectious disease and other medical experts, and medical researchers all agree that COVID-19 is highly infectious, that it is NOT just another flu, and that the use of masks and social distancing are effective ways of keeping infections down.

Now come the COVID-19 deniers and anti-maskers who promote the opinion of a pathologist, NOT AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE EXPERT, and confirm their biases about the way their governments have handled the pandemic.

It's interesting to note that these same American COVID-19 deniers, anti-maskers and social distancing naysayers, all have something in common: Their support of Donald J. Trump, who told Americans that the COVID-19 would be gone by the spring of 2020, and when it wasn't gone, he also suggested people inject disinfectant to fight the virus! 

500,000+ Americans died under Trump's watch. Many of those deaths are attributable to Trump's incompetence and mishandling of the virus AND TRUMP'S ANTI-MASK, AND ANTI-SOCIAL DISTANCING STANCE!

It's no surprise then that the blogs and news sites promoting Dr. Hodkinson's shocking statements are so eager to believe him and confirm their biases.


Black Lives Matter -- Part the Gazillion.

 Found on facebook:

"Ephraim Sturrup, the first black man admitted to the University of Oklahoma in 1948, was forced to sit in a corner far from his white classmates. But his name remains on the honor roll as one of the three best students of the university. 

These are his words: 'Some colleagues would look at me like I was an animal, no one would give me a word, the teachers seemed like they were not even there for me, nor did they always take my questions when I asked. But I devoted myself so much that afterwards, they began to look for me to give them explanations and to clear their questions.' 

Lesson: Forcing yourself to be accepted by people is a waste of time. Just focus and add value to yourself and people shall come seeking your help."


It is NOT a good idea to accept second class status because of other people's racism. 

It may have worked for this good man then, but it should not happen now or ever again!

Here's an example of how racists describe our African-American citizens NOW -- they refer to them as "monkeys," "primates," and "vermin." 

Mustang Says:
April 21, 2021 at 12:35 pm
0 0 Rate This
Ed, please … for your own sake, for your own health and peace of mind, try to avoid using logic when discussing any issue involving those poor oppressed black folk.
Although I do have one thought: if blacks (understandably) do not like being compared to monkeys, why do inner-city blacks act like monkeys?

Liked by 1 person

bocopro says:

Taking their cue from the magistrates, who have sanctified themselves into MAKING laws instead of interpreting those written by legislators, the Chauvin jury appointed themselves modern Solomons by offering a cop in sacrifice to the chimps and baboons as prophylaxis against the total razing of Minneapolis and other cities.

peter3nj says:
April 21, 2021 at 5:45 am
Poetic justice will be had when all whites are shipped off to Liberia leaving only the democrats to run a country with 100,000,000 Negroes, Gang Bangers and Illegals. The show will be worth the price of admission.

kidme37 says:
April 21, 2021 at 6:49 am
Waters should be put in stocks outside her vermin district somewhere with several paddles hung on the uprights to be used for teachable moments for mad max. But in truth I came to this conclusion many years ago.

Mustang says:
April 21, 2021 at 9:43 am

Now watch with Waters inciting blacks … black on white assaults are going to increase, and they are going to be bloody. Bloody as in Mogadishu with primates running around with machetes. It’s already started in Ohio. It will only get worse.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Science Blogging

 Ever hear the saying, "slippery as an eel?"  Well, are eels really slippery? 

What Would Jesus Eat?

Leonardo DaVinci's "The Last Supper" is one of the most studied paintings of all time. Recently, an art historian named John Varriano examined a cleaned-up version of the painting and identified the main course of this famous dinner party -- grilled eel and orange slices. Why eel? Varianno believes that DaVinci himself was a big fan [source: Varriano].­

"...the eel is just a regular fish -- that doesn't look like one. It has a serpentlike head and a snakelike body. And it also has a scary-looking face. If you've ever spotted one while snorkeling, you pro­bably did an about-face after you got a glimpse of its snapping jaw and sharp teeth. That frightening mouth opening and closing, though, is just the eel "breathing" -- not a sign of aggression. 

 You'll find eels in nearly every ocean and sea. The green moray eel is the most common and well-known eel, but there are more than 600 species of eels around the world... Eels are fish of the order Anguilliformes. Anguilliformes propel themselves underwater by a means known as anguilliform swimming. Unlike other fish, an eel's body is elongated and flexible from end to end. When it swims, it moves in a series of waves. These waves cause each segment of the eel's body to oscillate. This movement causes the eel to propel forward in the water. Anguilliform swimming differentiates the eel from other fish .

The Eel's Slime Layer 

This movement causes the eel to propel forward in the water. Anguilliform swimming differentiates the eel from other fish -- the eel swims All fish have slime covering their body, which makes them very difficult to catch by hand. Produced from glands beneath the scales, this mucous gives the fish protection from a variety of dangers. It serves three main purposes: Osmoregulation: 

Just like us, fish are mostly made of water. Fish constantly pump water in and out of their gills in order to keep an optimum biochemical balance in their bodies. We call this process osmoregulation. The slime level on the fish's body affects how much water the fish can take in and out -- a thinner slime layer allows more water in and out, and a thicker slime layer allows less. 

Some scientists believe this coating also allows the eel to move from ocean to freshwater -- and vice versa -- without trauma. Physical protection: The slime layer physically protects the fish by making it slippery. The slimy surface helps to suffocate pathogens or parasites trying to enter through the fish's scales. The mucous also protects any open wounds from further external damage and lets the fish slip through barriers like coral or your hands with relative ease. Aerodynamics: 

The slick layer of slime allows a fish to propel itself faster through the water. It fills up the tiny spaces between the scales to make the fish more streamlined -- much like the way competitive swimmers shave their bodies in order to reduce drag. The slime on an eel can contain alga­e. This is why the common moray eel appears green, even though its skin is actually dark blue. Also, the scales of an eel are quite small compared to other fish. 

In addition to its long snake like shape, scale size might be a reason why eels are so much more slippery to the touch than other fish. Removing the slime layer will kill the eel. Many commercial fishermen sprinkle salt on their caught eels in order to more quickly remove the slime and kill the fish. Also, eel blood is quite toxic. Although eel is a delicacy in many cultures, you should always cook it first in order to remove the toxic protein [source: Animal Planet].


I remember when I was a girl my southern Italian family included eel as part of the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve. I was about 6 or 7 years old when my family coaxed me into eating a piece of eel that had been fried and served as part of the dinner.

I didn't want any of it and the thought of eating it made me gag, but my family insisted. I took a bite, chewed it, then promptly threw up on the table, spoiling everyone's dinner!  

I've eaten eel as an adult in Japanese cuisine and Italian as well. It's delicious.  Tastes like chicken! 

Eel recipes

Saturday, April 24, 2021


This is stunning.

 Lil Buck and Yo Yo Ma

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Night Funnies


This is an oldie, but it still makes me laugh:

Talking animals with Scottish accents:


 Another oldie, but I still laugh every time I watch it:


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Chauvin Found Guilty 
of Murdering George Floyd

Guilty of involuntary manslaughter
Guilty of second degree murder
Guilty of third degree murder



This is what Trump and FAUX NOOZ lies and disinformation brought us:


Sedition against the United States of America!

(This is disgusting White Privilege. Imagine if POC had done this!)

60 Minutes:  "The FBI calls the Oath Keepers an anti-government militia with current and former law enforcement and military members among its members. 

60 Minutes profiles the group, which has become a central focus in the ongoing investigation of the January 6 attack on the Capitol."


Monday, April 19, 2021

What the Hell is Wrong with This Country's LEOs?


Loveland police officer on leave after arrest video of 73-year-old woman with dementia 

 According to the lawsuit, Walmart employees asked Garner to return to the store when they saw her leave without paying and took the items back — a soda, a candy bar, a T-shirt, and wipe refills — denying her request to pay for the items.

(NOTE: The woman returned the items, offered to pay for them, and the store refused. The store then called the police, and THAT escalated an incident that was harmless and nothing more than a dementia-related health problem. --S.K.) 

Someone from Walmart then called police to report Garner and the direction she walking but said the store had not suffered a loss, the lawsuit said. 

The charges against Garner were dismissed after prosecutors wrote in a motion that she “appears to be incapable of understanding her surroundings or her actions.” 


This is a 80 pound woman suffering from dementia who was slammed to the ground and had her shoulder dislocated by the Loveland police who, IMO, demonstrated a total lack of self-restraint on an unarmed, feeble woman. They acted like thugs, and I hope the woman and her family sue the crap out of these officers who apparently haven't got an ounce of common sense or compassion in them. 

(NOTE: Walmart did NOT suffer a loss! The items were returned, Walmart REFUSED to take payment for them when the woman offered. AND THEN THEY CALLED THE POLICE ON HER! None of this would have happened but for Walmart's idiocy in calling the police.)


Mr. Shaw Kenawe suffered from a severe form of dementia (Lewy Body Dementia), and sometimes when I took him with me shopping, without my knowing, he would grab some item and hold it in his hand or put it in his pocket. At the check-out, if I didn't notice the item in his hand or pocket, the employees would just tell me what they saw, and I'd take the item and return it to the store. 

The employees never called the police, and Mr. Shaw Kenawe was never slammed to the ground for his unintentional taking of an item he didn't pay for. This is how a civilized people deal with those who are weak and ill and certainly suffering from an age-related mental disease. 

Somehow certain police forces in this country are too stupid and too eager for violence to understand how to deal with non-violent, non-criminal, confused elderly citizens suffering from this awful disease.

Mr. Shaw Kenawe and I were fortunate that we lived in a place where people had more compassion and awareness about dementia patients, and no police would have ever assaulted and harmed an ill and helpless citizen.

Loveland needs to severely discipline or fire the LEOs involved in this shameful incident. And we need to ask ourselves what kind of a country would tolerate this sort of assault on a citizen.


Sunday, April 18, 2021



“It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.” - Benjamin Britten


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

For Your Consideration


From David Gray: 

"I have to drive my two-year-old to daycare tomorrow morning. 

To ensure we arrive alive, we won't take public transit (Oscar Grant)

I removed all air fresheners from the vehicle and double-checked my registration status (Daunte Wright), and ensured my license plates were visible (Lt. Caron Nazario)

I will be careful to follow all traffic rules (Philando Castille), signal every turn (Sandra Bland), keep the radio volume low (Jordan Davis), and won't stop at a fast food chain for a meal (Rayshard Brooks)

I'm too afraid to pray (Rev. Clementa C. Pickney) so I just hope the car won't break down (Corey Jones). When my wife picks him up at the end of the day, I'll remind her not to dance (Elijah McClain), stop to play in a park (Tamir Rice), patronize the local convenience store for snacks (Trayvon Martin), or walk around the neighborhood (Mike Brown.) 

Once they are home, we won't stand in our backyard (Stephon Clark), eat ice cream on the couch (Botham Jean), or play any video games (Atatiana Jefferson)

 After my wife and I tuck him into bed around 7:30pm, neither of us will leave the house to go to Walmart (John Crawford) or to the gym (Tshyrand Oates) or on a jog (Ahmaud Arbery). We won't even walk to see the birds (Christian Cooper). We'll just sit and try not to breathe (George Floyd) and not to sleep (Breonna Taylor)." 

 These are things white people simply do not have to think about."

Artist unknown

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What are the gobshites* talking about?


*gobshite (plural gobshites) (Ireland, slang, moderately offensive) One who engages in nonsensical chatter or unwanted conversation. What's that gobshite talking about now? (Ireland, slang, moderately offensive) A person of very poor judgment and unpleasant character.

Here's what they're talking about:

Yes, the folks who admire and support the guy who cried "I Love You! You're special." to the mobs that incited an insurrection against his own government; who incited armed mobs to "HANG PENCE!" his own vice president; who incited armed mobs to harm the Speaker of the House; and who sought to interfere with the certification of the electoral college votes and overturn a free and fair election -- THOSE FOLKS -- are promoting the false and conspiratorial idea that Democrats are Marxist?!

Now why do you suppose that they post absurd ideas like that instead of facing what they are and who they support?

Shame? Ignorance? Confusion? Self-loathing? Ignorance? 

We all saw with our eyes what happened on January 6th, yet the MAGAts pretend it was just a "A Tiny Bit of Rowdiness" that caused the deaths of seven people, including a Capitol policeman, and was the first attack on the United States Capitol since the War of 1812.

But Democrats are "Marxists?"

Jennifer Rubin:  "Americans should be deeply alarmed that the Republican Party still remains faithful to the instigator of that violence (who sent his “love” to the rioters during the attack). A political party that cannot repudiate the person who inspired insurrections and still brags about it (and to boot, spreads the lie that the insurrectionists were left-wing extremists) must be held accountable for their part in the normalization of these groups."


"Republicans have tried to absolve themselves of blame for the rise in right-wing violence by noting that they have denounced violence. But they cannot escape responsibility for helping to spread the ideology underlying white supremacy or giving the ideology of extremist groups the patina of respectability. When they constantly propagate the notion that the United States is facing an existential threat from immigrants or that their followers’ way of life hangs in the balance, Republicans and their right-wing media mouthpieces cannot be surprised when some Americans take them seriously and spring into action" 

The bloggers who promote the idea that Democrats are Marxists are no better than the thugs who wrongly attacked the United States. Why? Because they perpetuate Trump's Big Lie, promote conspiracies and anti-democracy narratives, and refuse to accept Joe Biden's overwhelming victory over Trump.

But more than that are Republican and right wing media lies: That the election was stolen, that honest journalism is fake news, and that Obama is a Muslim. -- the list goes on. 

And the biggest lie, the true “Big Lie” that has been going on the longest, is that Democrats are evil; that they are socialists, godless, baby killers,  who want to make your kids gay and turn America into Venezuela. 

Their mantra has always been that Democrats hate America, Democrats are Marxists; and if “you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country anymore.”These lies, all underpinned by the ubiquitous “Democrats are evil”, have had the inevitable affect. **

If you believe the lies then “Democrats” ARE evil, and those fighting Democrats, including those who violently stormed the capital, are the true patriots. This is why we must clearly see Republican lies for the threat they are, and clearly assign responsibility for the damage they cause. 

 A good start is to recognize their and Trump's statements that the election was stolen for what they are:  Acts of criminal sedition intended to overthrow our government.

Monday, April 12, 2021

America, the country where it’s more dangerous to be a black motorist than it is to be a white insurrectionist.

By now most people have read of or heard about the Windsor, Virginia, police stopping Black/Latino Army Lieutenant, Caron Nazario, and pepper spraying and threatening execution after pulling him over for a supposed motor vehicle violation. He was driving his new SUV with temporary plates in view on the back of his new vehicle.

Lt Nazario, who is Black and Latino, was in uniform and driving with a temporary paper license plate on his back window on 5 December, when he was told to pull over in the town of Windsor. 

He then stopped at a petrol station and kept his hands outside the window, while asking the policemen why he was being stopped. 

"To unbuckle his seatbelt, to do anything, any misstep - he was afraid that they were going to kill him," Mr Arthur told CBS. 

The suit filed by Lt Nazario says that Mr Gutierrez acknowledged why the army officer had waited to pull over in a lighted area. "I get it, the media spewing race relations between law enforcement and minorities. I get it," the policeman said, according to the suit.

The complaint alleges that the officers' behavior is "consistent with a disgusting nationwide trend of law enforcement officers, who, believing they can operate with complete impunity, engage in unprofessional, discourteous, racially biased, dangerous, and sometimes deadly abuses of authority." "What's going on?" Nazario, dressed in uniform, repeatedly asked. 

Windsor Police Department officer Joe Gutierrez responded: "What's going on is you're fixing to ride the lightning, son." 

 "Fixing to ride the lightning," is a murder threat, the complaint that was filed against the Windsor, VA, police, claims.

It is a colloquial expression for execution that refers to death by electric chair. 


Metallica used the phrase for the name of their 1984 album, Ride the Lightning. 

Ride is the second studio album from the heavy metal band, released 1984. 

 The eponymous track includes the following lyrics: “Death in the air / Strapped in the electric chair / This can’t be happening to me”.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Saturday Night Dancing


One of the greatest dance scenes in moviedom!

America! From West Side Story.



This is a pink underwing moth caterpillar. 

Unless you're planning on a trip to NSW Australia, you'll probably never encounter a critter like this. And even if you are lucky enough to take that trip, you probably won't see one of these guys, because they're endangered:

Friday, April 9, 2021

Who's surprised? NO ONE


When child procurer, rapist, pedophile, and Trump friend, Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested, the then-POTUS, Donald Trump, wished her well.

Now this:

Trump reportedly had to be talked out of defending Matt Gaetz because the allegations against him were so serious

"Former President Donald Trump had to be talked out of defending Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz after reports surfaced that the Justice Department was investigating whether Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a minor and broke federal sex-trafficking laws. 

 That's according to The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, who on Thursday told CNN's "New Day" that Trump had really wanted to defend the GOP lawmaker, but that he was told to stand down because the allegations against Gaetz were so serious. 

 "His first impulse was that he wanted to defend Gaetz, you know, 'He's one of our people,'" Haberman said. "Several of his advisors had told him that's a very bad idea, that the nature of what Gaetz is being investigated for is so serious that this is not something that former President Trump should be out there on a limb" for. 

 Indeed, the silence from Trumpworld was deafening in the days following The Times' revelation about the Gaetz sex probe."

Meanwhile, the far right Trump bloggers are in a tizzy over what they believe is a loss of our American values. 

Here's what they actually say about this "loss." (Keep in mind that Joe Biden has been the president for less than four months, and Trump was their "Christian Values President" for FOUR YEARS! And keep in mind that not ONCE in those four Trumpian years did they moan the loss of their Christian values, knowing what a cheat, liar, adulterer, and fraud their hero is.)

Here is their cri de coeur:

"This post queries national values. The term “values” suggest widely accepted moral concepts or orientations toward achieving generally accepted social attitudes, preferences, sentiments, and behaviors. 

Since we no longer live in a moral society, which seems somewhat evident when members of society fire a good president because he did mean-tweeting, when all of our institutions have been corrupted, when no one serving at the highest levels of government is ever held accountable (except for mean-tweeting), when the divorce rate is at 50% (suggesting that vows of commitment mean nothing for half of our nation’s 328.2 million people), [NOTE: Their hero, DJT, was divorced THREE TIMES, AND CHEATED ON ALL HIS WIVES, AND EVEN HIS MISTRESSES -- What the hell is this guy smoking?] and when half the nation thinks that the other half are a bunch of racists for crap that happened more than 200 years ago, [NOTE: The lynching of Michael Donald in Mobile, Alabama, on March 21, 1981, was one of the last reported lynchings in the United States. Several Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members beat and killed Michael Donald, a 19-year-old African-American, and hung his body from a tree. ] then I have to ask for some clarification: what “national” values are you talking about?"

Indeed. What "national values" are they crying about? Trump crapped all over them with his lying, cheating, and treachery for four shameful, harrowing years. 

The problem is that these people are too blind to see what's in front of their sad, Trumpian noses.

Thursday, April 8, 2021





April 8, 2020, TRUMP: "If we can stay substantially under 100,000 [American deaths] -- which was the original projection -- I think we did a very good job."

REMINDER:  Over 500,000 Americans died on his incompetent watch, and there are idiots in this country who say they miss him.



January 6, 2021

7 people killed 

1 cop murdered 

2 cops committed suicide 

140 cops were injured 

1 cop has brain trauma 

1 cop crushed cervical disc 

1 cop lost 3 fingers 

1 cop stabbed with metal spike 

1 cop lost an eye. 

500,000+ Covid Deaths

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Georgia Voter Suppression Laws

GOOD NEWS:  April 7, 2021:

New Gallup Poll finds largest increase in Democratic party identification in a decade.

It is data like this, showing people leaving the GQP and joining the Democratic Party, that makes it hard to understand the reasons the Republican Party keeps sucking up to Trump and embracing Trumpism. 

People leaving the GQP do not support conspiracies, coups, racism, corruption, and misogyny. 


As expected,Trumpublicans are upset because people of good will are protesting the voter suppression laws recently passed in Georgia.

And, as expected, the Trumpublicans are spreading lies about those recently passed voter suppression laws. For example:

Myth 1: The Georgia election law discourages voting/suppresses votes 

FACT: The bill actually preserves or expands ballot access in several important ways: It requires that large precincts with lines more than an hour long take steps like adding voting machines and election personnel for the next election to reduce wait times. It does not change the number of total early voting days, and actually increases the mandatory days of early weekend voting. Compared to 2020, 134 of 159 counties will offer more early voting hours in future elections under the new law. It codifies election drop boxes, which did not exist prior to 2020. Voters can continue to vote absentee with no excuse(unlike states like Delaware, New York, and Connecticut, which require an excuse to vote absentee).

From Max Boot, a Republican: (NOTE: He is NOT a Trumpublican, there is a huge difference! Unlike a Trumpublican, a Republican is NOT a cultist. The above italicized text in orange was taken from a Trumpublican cultist's blog.) 

As in any war, truth is the first casualty in this conflict. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) claims that criticism of the legislation is misplaced because it actually “expands” voting access. It’s true that the act does contain some provisions that expand access primarily in rural, heavily Republican areas. But a meticulous New York Times examination found that these provisions are far outweighed by 16 measures that restrict voting access — especially in urban areas where minority voters are concentrated.

In the core of metropolitan Atlanta, the number of drop boxes for absentee ballots will be reduced from 94 to no more than 23. 

The amount of time to request an absentee ballot before an election will be cut from 180 days to 78. 

Provisional ballots cast by voters who mistakenly go to the wrong polling place may no longer be counted. 

Election officials will be banned from sending absentee ballots to all voters. 

Mobile voting centers will essentially be discontinued. 

New ID requirements will be instituted. 

Outside groups will be prohibited from offering food or water to voters waiting in long lines even on hot and humid days. (Long lines are one of the leading reasons cited for not voting.)

Some of the act’s most worrisome provisions give the Republican-controlled legislature more control over disputed results. The legislature can now suspend county election officials. Replacements will be named by the State Election Board — whose chair will now be appointed by the legislature. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had previously chaired the board. But he angered Trump by resisting entreaties to overturn the election results, so now the secretary of state has been booted off the election board altogether.

President Biden may have exaggerated in describing this as “Jim Crow in the 21st century.” It’s not as egregious as restrictions on voting during the segregation era (but that’s not saying much). He was definitely wrong to claim that the law ends voting at 5 p.m.; polls will still be open until 7 p.m. And it’s true, as Kemp argues, that some blue states have restrictive voting laws of their own. Georgia, for example, offers a minimum of 17 days of early voting compared with nine in New York. But New York isn’t moving to restrict voting. Georgia is. 

Why is that? Republicans can’t answer that basic question with a straight face because an honest response would expose their authoritarianism and racism.

The blog site that posted the misinformation (above in italicized orange font) pretends to be posting factual information. It's does not.

That blog and many other Trumpublican sites like it cannot be trusted to tell the truth. 

They. Are. Cultists.

Monday, April 5, 2021

I guess you heard about how the Trump campaign scammed money from its donors.


Once a grifter; always a grifter, and Trump is a genius at it. Yet his cultists still support him and his corrupt enterprises. 

It's what cultists do. They can never admit to themselves that they've been duped by a con man.

Is there still any doubt that he is a con man deeply in debt? How could anyone run three gambling casinos into bankruptcy? No wonder he cried so much after losing the election, despite his clever fund raising. 

Trump lost in the polls, he lost in money raising, he lost the popular vote both in 2020 and 2016! Does this make sense? Most of all, when will we get the answer to why so many of his followers remain loyal even after being fleeced? 

Some organization should conduct a survey to discover whether his loyalists believe or even know that he cheated on three wives, countless students at Trump U. and donors to Trump charities, as well as cheating contractors, lawyers, banks, the IRS, and donors out of money owed, AND failed in nearly every business from steaks, airlines, neckties, bottled water, to the Plaza Hotel. 

What, exactly, is wrong with Trump cultists? It would be interesting to find out how so many could be conned so easily. 

How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations

So how do Trump cultists feel about being scammed by a self-identified "billionaire?"

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Saturday Night Safety Dancing


Good News!

ECONOMY   Jobs report blows past expectations as payrolls boom by 916,000 in March 

Via Democratic Underground: 

 “White House senior adviser Anita Dunn is making the case that Democrats can’t lose by rallying around President Biden’s infrastructure plan because its individual components poll even higher than the $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus passed last month,” Axios reports. 

“Dunn cites public polling showing between 74% and 87% support among Americans for seven elements: new job training for coal miners, highway and bridge work, increasing affordable childcare, expanding broadband access, expanding family and medical leave, upgrading public transportation, and investing in clean energy.” 

Business Insider:  "A Morning Consult/Politico poll found that over half of voters support paying for President Joe Biden's infrastructure package with tax hikes. Of the 2,043 voters polled, 54% said they supported infrastructure improvements with tax increases on corporations and Americans making over $400,000, and just 27% of voters supported infrastructure investments without tax hikes. 57% said they would be more likely to support a $3 trillion plan funded by tax increases on Americans making over $400,000; 17% said they were less likely to support it." 

Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin: “The media, it seems, are caught in a Republican framing of policy that does not match reality. There is not a hue and cry over a mammoth infrastructure bill. To the contrary, it is super popular. And Republicans might want to stop harping on the tax increases: Those make the bill even more popular.”


During the last Republican presidency, the Republican POTUS tried to overthrow a free and fair election; incited an attack against his own government; incited an armed mob to "Hang Pence!;" incited that same mob to find the Speaker of the House and harm her; incited an armed mob that was responsible for the deaths and injuries to Capitol policemen; incited the armed mob to desecrate and damage the Capitol Building of the USA.