Tuesday, November 30, 2021
The Auschwitz Memorial Just Defined The Current Republican Pary
Monday, November 29, 2021
This woman was elected to Congress by Trumpublicans...
and they can't get enough of her. Here's a report on their "rising star" -- a rising star in the political party that values "Law and Order." LOL!
Congressional candidate Lauren Boebert has a history of minor arrests, court no-shows
Sunday, November 28, 2021
"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." --George Orwell
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
To All My P.E. Friends:
Have a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving.
We're off to New York to spend the holiday with my son and his family.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
What are the gobshites saying?
When you read this sort of nonsense, you have to ask yourself if Trumpers are actually living in the same country as the rest of us:
Monday, November 22, 2021
The Closing Arguments in the Ahmaud Arbery Murder Trial
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Rittenhouse is the vigilantes of the Right’s O.J. Simpson.
Jeff Tiedrich on Twitter:
“It’s lucky for Kyle Rittenhouse that he was just a bloodthirsty white teenager crossing state lines to literally commit murder, and not, for example, a black man selling loose cigarettes on a street corner, because there are serious consequences for that.”
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
House votes to censure GOP Rep. Paul Gosar over video depicting killing of AOC
Welcome to Dave Miller, Progressive Eruption's guest poster.
I've invited Dave to post here from time to time and give us his point of view on various subjects that interest him and us:
A Question for Conservatives and Trump Supporters
Back in 2014, syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts wrote a provocative piece on race and Barack Obama.
To set the stage, Obama had been elected president in 2012, defeating Sen. John McCain. As the first African American man elected to our highest office, many believe then candidate Obama was subject to frequent racist attacks from conservatives, members of the GOP, and even the media.
Many influencers and thought leaders on the right held their ground, refusing to concede that any of the animus President Barack Obama was receiving was related to race at all. Almost all commentary on the right, from FOX News, independent blogs and other politically sided sites said it was all simply political speech. Good clean fun we were told. At worst, some of the offending material was classified as nothing more than poor attempts at humor. People were told to not take it seriously or personally. Because there was no way it was racist.
Enter Leonard Pitts with a question. A graduate of USC at age 19, a writer for over 40 years and a Pulitzer Prize winner, Pitts has been called by some one of the most insightful writers of our times.
His question for all the deniers of racism was simple. Taking at their word, Pitts posed a simple question… “You say race has played no role in the treatment of President Obama? Fine. What would it look like if it did?”
I mean, wrote Pitts, we’re talking about a president who was called “uppity” by one GOP lawmaker, “boy” by another and “subhuman” by a GOP activist; who was depicted as a bone-through-the-nose witch doctor by opponents of his health-care reform bill, as a pair of cartoon spook-eyes against a black backdrop by an aide to a GOP lawmaker, and as an ape by various opponents; who has been dogged by a “tea party” movement whose earliest and most enthusiastic supporters included the Council of Conservative Citizens, infamous for declaring the children of interracial unions “a slimy brown glop”; who was called a liar by an obscure GOP lawmaker during a speech before a joint session of Congress; who has had to contend with a years-long campaign of people pretending there is some mystery about where he was born.
We’re still waiting for conservatives or anyone on the right to answer that searing question Pitts posed -- essentially, “What would it have looked like if it was racist or racism?”
Which brings us to present day America.
We’ve seen people beating police officers with American flags; threatening to hang the vice president of the United States; and invading and defacing the US Capitol building. We’ve seen more love for the Confederate Flag, the flag of defeated traitors bent on the destruction of the Union, than at any time since the Civil War. We’ve seen people calling followers of Islam, "Moslem Vermin." We’ve seen conservatives call former President Obama a “Halfrican.” We’ve seen chants of “Let’s go Brandon” [Code for F#@K You Biden] in evangelical churches. We’ve watched as senators and congressmen and women have deemed our elections fraudulent, with little or no proven evidence. And we’ve watched as conservatives of all stripes have deemed anyone who dare call these behaviors extremist, UnAmerican enemies of the Constitution, bent on the destruction of our democracy.
In the spirit of the column by Pitts, I’d like to ask a question or two of my own to my friends and Trump followers on the right.
Given that so few of you define the examples of behavior above that I’ve cited as extremist, could you give me any examples of what extremism on the right would look like?
I’ll admit the left has their problems. Over the years people of the far left have embraced the Code Pink folks, called for violence in our cities, protested for defunding the police, and said President Bush wanted black people to die in Hurricane Katrina.
I’ve often cited all of those examples and more, as have almost all elected national leaders with the Democratic Party, as extremist. Additionally, President Biden, his administration, and the leaders of the Democratic Party are all on record opposing violence as a way to settle problems and differences.
Sadly, no conservative I am aware of has ever answered the question from Pitts.
And sadly, I doubt anyone will ever answer mine either, because to do so will indict the great majority of what has become conservative America today.
Indeed, to answer honestly, most conservatives would have to indict themselves.
And no followers of former President Trump and the current GOP seem capable of that level of self reflection or criticism.
--Dave Miller
Monday, November 15, 2021
Michael Flynn is nuts! Steve Bannon arrested!
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
The Trumpublican Party's Romance with Book Burning
Book burning in Berlin. Germany, May 10, 1933.
Wide World Photo
Book burning in Berlin. Germany, May 10, 1933.
Wide World Photo
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Trump's Gift to America
Donald Trump became lick-spittle angry with Mitch McConnell after President Biden passed the infrastructure legislation. He called every Republican who voted in favor of the legislation a RINO. Why? Because Trump failed to pass an infrastructure bill as he had promised; and according to Trump, McConnell didn't help him!
(In 2019, Trump walked out on a meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer, who was minority leader at that time, because he was angry that the Democrats were investigating his administration. So Trump walked out of the meeting and nothing got done.)
But that little temper tantrum didn't stop Trump from blaming McConnell for his failure to do anything about infrastructure.
Below, take a look at a Trump cultist's rage over a Republican House member, Fred Upton's, vote to support President Biden's infrastructure legislation.
This is what Trump brought on America. When non-cultist Republicans support legislation that improves the lives of ALL Americans, they get threatening calls from Trump's cultists. I can't help but think that this neo-fascist thug isn't the only one reacting like a deranged maniac. This person's rage is over a piece of legislation, passed by a bipartisan vote and that a huge majority of Americans support.
I don't recognize my country anymore.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
We interrupt this week for some good news!
Happy Wednesday!
A cotton-candy lobster caught in Casco Bay, Portland, Maine, will not be sold or eaten. The lobsterman who captured this one in a hundred million crustaceans will find a home for it to live out its rare and beautiful life.
Lobsters can come in a variety of colors: pink, yellow, blue, red, and spotted, but they all turn red once they've been cooked.
Monday, November 8, 2021
The Current Trumpublican Party
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) tweeted a photoshopped, animated video that depicts him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and swinging two swords at President Biden, prompting condemnation and calls for his Twitter account to be suspended.