Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, November 5, 2010


Well not EXACTLY!

But, hey! if Hannity feels comfortable with spreading lies about the president, I guess he won't mind others spreading lies about him.  Fair is fair.

Here are the FAUX News jackals barking their disinformation to their gullible audience:

But wait!  There's more.  The business reporter on FAUX News, a liar named Bolling, contributes to spreading the lie that neither he nor Hannity bother to fact check.


"The information from that Indian article was quickly picked up and reported as fact by a number of media outlets in the U.S. and elsewhere, but its veracity is highly questionable. Any presidential trip abroad involves considerable expense to transport and house security officials and presidential aides and staffers, and those costs will likely be on the higher side for this trip since President Obama will be attending the G20 Summit in Seoul, South Korea, along with other world leaders (which requires the presence of additional numbers of U.S. government officials as well as heightened security). However, citing a cost figure of $200 million per day stretches credulity to the breaking point: That number would entail a total outlay of $400 million for the two-day visit (a whopping $2 billion if the cost were applied across the entire ten-day trip), and even if President Obama were accompanied by a prodigious 3,000-person entourage, with the U.S. government picking up the entire tab for all of them, the U.S. would have to be spending the unbelievable sum of $66,000 per person per day to reach that figure. Moreover, the only source for that dollar amount is a single foreign news report which quotes an anonymous Indian official (who likely is not privy to all the cost and security details of the president’s Asian trip). "

If you don't think that a good deal of the problems we're having isn't attributable to the propaganda arm of the GOP--FAUX News, then you're naive and have been taken for a fool.  And you know the old saying, don't you?  I'll let "The Decider" explain:

FAUX NOOZ is not a source for news--it's a wildly partisan hack operation filled with asshats and liars, and it is the most popular cable news station in this country.

Shame on the US for this.


Leslie Parsley said...

Oh hell. I was hoping it was true.

Pamela Zydel said...

Shaw: This is exactly why I check and double check everything.

I did listen to Beck that day and I did think “wow, that’s a lot of money.” But I didn’t have time to research it. I didn’t know Rush was talking about it, or Savage for that matter. Although, I heard Hannity say something about a fleet of Navy Ships and I thought that was really odd. I mean why would Navy ships follow the President to India?

But we all know that the far Right HATES Obama, so no matter what he does, it’s WRONG. Heck, he could fix the economy and unemployment could drop to 1% and he’d still be the devil incarnate! I’d much rather debate the issues than fly off the handle about how he combs his hair or puts on his shoes, but the loons won’t let us do that.

I wonder though if Hannity will apologize for giving “incorrect” information. He’s always saying that the Left never does and how they should. Let’s see if he’s going to practice what he preaches!

Dave Miller said...

Pam, you are assuming that Hannity will ever admit the information was wrong.

The extreme right continues in their views of the world inspite of all evidence to the contrary.

Have any birthers ever stepped forward to say they were wrong?

I was commenting on another site recently about this and referred them to , which is frequently cited by both the GOP and the Dems in arguments against each other, about this issue.

One of the comments was that they have a problem with fact check.

This was from someone who said on their now defunct blog that they use a mixture of both true and false facts.

Truth and reality is in short supply lately from the extreme right, just as it was from the extreme left a few years back.

Shaw, I have to admit your headline got me all excited for moment. My leg was all tingly!

And thanks for the reminder of the humor GW Bush brought to our daily lives.

Here's another, on Tribal Sovereignty...

Pamela Zydel said...

Dave: Yes, I was assuming Hannity would admit to being wrong considering he was-- where was MY head! Guess this silly cold has zapped my brain cells.

What's wrong with fact check? Oh, geez, is that a Left-wing ONLY site? **rolls eyes**

How does someone use true and false facts? What the heck is a "false" fact? Wouldn't that make it wrong then; therefore NOT a fact at all? Don't confuse me today, Dave, I'm sick, and yes in the head, no not mentally, but sick as in head cold! lol!

The Birthers! Now YOU'RE assuming they grew brains! There's no way they'd ever admit they were wrong. People like that just need a conspiracy theory to be happy. If it wasn't Obama's birth certificate, it would be his marriage license, or the parentage of one of his daughters. Heck, I'm surprised no one came up with those already!

libhom said...

I wonder if Faux News really is the most popular cable network, in terms of the total number of viewers. When Murdoch's house of hate established it's initial ratings lead, more people watched CNN.

The Faux News viewers tended to watch that nutwork for hours, while CNN viewers watched for reasonable amounts of time.

TAO said...

News flash...

Rupert Murdoch suspended by Fox News for ethics violations for making contributions to the republican party.

kid said...

They suspended Keith Olbermann for donating to three campaigns. Meanwhile at Fox...

In the words of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, "no not God Bless America but..."

Not in Kansas anymore said...

i read that the Indian newspaper that ran the unsourced story reported the amount of money that would be spent as $2 million rupees and the idiots on the right ran with it as US dollars.

We are being bested by functioning morons. How sad is that.

good news though, today Peggy Noonan called Sarah Palin a nincompoop.