Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, July 8, 2011


Since the Republicans took control of the House 185 days ago, they have not passed one jobs creation bill.  Not one.

Here is a list of the bills they have blocked.

Republicans said if they took control of the House of Representatives they would start creating jobs. This is a list of some of the things they’ve done, instead of creating jobs. Click on each example to find a link to an article regarding that issue.
  1. Symbolically read the constitution, skipped parts of it, and also read part of the Declaration of Independence, while still claiming to be reading the constitution.
  2. 2 Congressman swore themselves in by watching the swearing-in ceremony on TV, without actually attending. They later had to be sworn in again, and 2 of their votes were deemed invalid since they had not been properly sworn in.
  3. “Symbolically” voted to repeal the healthcare bill. Spent hours debating it beforehand, even though they knew it was purely symbolic and would not become law.
  4. Attempting to de-fund Global Warming research.
  5. Attempting to defund healthcare, which is also mostly symbolic.
  6. Proposed a budget that would cut billions of dollars in aid to the poor, the homeless, and women and children.
  7. Extended the Patriot Act.
  8. Attempted to cut all funding for Planned Parenthood and PBS.
  9. Attempted to redefine rape to no longer include statutory rape, incest rape, or drugged rape.
  10. Cut Pell Grants
  11. Attempting to cut 1 billion dollars from Head Start. This would mean that over 200,000 kids would lose their spots in preschool.
  12. Working on adding guidelines to delay implementation of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, despite overwhelming support for its repeal.
  13. Proposed a bill that would let a hospitalized pregnant woman die instead of having a life saving abortion, if she needed it.
  14. Holding hearings into “radicalization” in the American Muslim community.
  15. Attempted to cut money to Veterans.
  16. 1 married Republican congressman was found to be looking for women on craigslist.
  17. Refused to compromise on a budget and are threatening a Government shutdown, which will put thousands of people out of work.
  18. Made 2 responses to President Obama’s State of the Union Address. Neither of them offered any real solutions to create jobs.
  19. Currently considering privatizing Medicare.
  20. Voted to fund chemical contraception for wild horses, but voted to cut funding for contraception for human women.
  21. Voted to continue spending millions of tax payer dollars to sponsor a NASCAR racecar.
  22. Michelle Bachmann stated she believes Glenn Beck is qualified to solve the budget deficit.
  23. John Boehner has decided to use the Congress to defend DOMA in court, since the Justice Department will no longer defend it.
  24. Voted against letting the last surviving, American, World War 1 veteran be honored in the Capitol building’s rotunda, after he passed away.
  25. John Boehner has said himself that if jobs are lost because of his proposed cuts to the budget “so be it”.
  26. John Boehner has cried excessively over his own personal history, but has not cried once for the millions of Americans who lost their jobs thanks to policies he supported while Bush was President. Policies he still supports.
 h/t  Matthew Desmond

Remember this?

John Boehner: If GOP Cuts Cause Federal Job Losses, 'So Be It'

More jobs were lost in the public sector than in the private.




Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - Considerable work bringing all this to one site. I comment the effort. Even while finding some of the sources questionable.

That pesky Patriot Act, why can't lawmakers recognize the parts that actually increase our security and dump those that really do infringe on each law abiding citizens rights?

Sue said...

now, can the righties please put that list side by side with Obama's accomplishment list?? I think not, they would embarrass themselves.

Hideous America destroying party = GOP

Les Carpenter said...

Thanks for that thought Sue. I certainly will try to find that allusive list of accomplishments. ;)

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, to set the record right, I gave a hat tip to Matthew Desmond who did the work. I merely reported it.


I really p.o'd "Mr. A.I." again. He apparently reads my blog faithfully, the dear old thing.

Next to President Obama, I think he writes about me the most.

What ticked him off was the fact that the GOP has not introduced one piece of job creating legislation.

IOW, he's p.o.'d about the truth.


Jerry Critter said...

Let me save you the trouble. Here is a list of Obama accomplishments.

Jerry Critter said...

How about a list of accomplishments that the republicans have since they took control of the House? I bet it is pretty short.

Sue said...

LOL, what a piece of shit he is!!

Sue said...

RN, thats pretty ridiculous! We've all seen the list and it is impressive, sorry!

Sue said...

Hmm, I really had not read his lame ass post before I just published mine on the reason why our unemployment numbers are high...

Those Righties have to keep trying to convince themselves and their blind sheeple that Obama can produce jobs, and if he can't pull those jobs outta his hat then he does not deserve another term! Their wet dream come true, bad economy = one term prez. way to go GOP!!!

If I didn't believe a republiSCUM president would totally sink our country into oblivion then I would say have at it GOP, show us how you would turn around the economy!! But NO, I can not do that to my fellow libs...

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - You are of course right Just ask anyone who agrees with you.

No disrespect meant, but obviously you, nor your fellow progressives have bothered to read my recent posts, or my comments on your site or here with any degree of clarity.

And please, do not bother to do so now. I am not looking for traffic. I was looking, and hoping for possibly finding common ground. How foolish of me.

There is a reason why conservatives shun progressives. One, they are 50% of the problem, 2) progressives are the other 50% of the problem.

Having said that I will now return home to the right, attempt to move the extreme more to the center, and leave all you hard core lefties to your emotional irrational designs.

Sue said...

RN did you misread my comment? I was referring to Mal and his stupid ass post, not you. I was talking to Shaw, she asked me if I saw that post by him...

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - My comment was in efference to yours below...

"If I didn't believe a republiSCUM president would totally sink our country into oblivion then I would say have at it GOP, show us how you would turn around the economy!! But NO, I can not do that to my fellow libs...If I didn't believe a republiSCUM president would totally sink our country into oblivion then I would say have at it GOP, show us how you would turn around the economy!! But NO, I can not do that to my fellow libs..."

Sorry for the confusion.

Sue said...

oh, ok.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's in the republicans best interests to kill jobs. At least decent jobs.

I've said this a thousand times and it comes from years of working get out the vote campaigns.

Folks: as a group, the poor don;t vote. The more poor, as in Rick Perry's Texas that he helped make, the better it is for the GOP. The upper classes vote. Creating more poor people out of middle class people is sound republican election strategy. Obsfucation and lies are the republicans best weapons. They exploit the lazy and stupid.

Les Carpenter said...

Truth - Good to see ya. I too wish republicans would see past the end of there noses like real conservatives at one time did.

You know, like President Eisenhower, Senator Goldwater, William F. Buckley...

I suppose though, being the 21'st century, and the age of entitlements, America, the one time self sufficient nation, is too far gone. At least judging by what we see today.

Or maybe I'm just and old fart that don't know shit from shine-ola, You know the kind that worked his ass off for what he has and wonders why today so many have more without putting out half the effort. Not all mind you, just more than there should be.

But at least I can be proud, and after all I ain't gonna have to deal with the BS as long as you all do.

keep on oping to take your nation to the lowest common denominator if you like. I'm just hoping I'll begone when you bet the nation here.

And by the way, I reserve the same comment for the neo-cons and the RINO'S.

Have a good day now ya hear?

freedom loving hippychick said...

absolutely awesome post! thank you!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ike understood the difference between investment and just throwing money at stuff and hoping something good happens.

And Les my friend. You have quality, gaurenteed Massachusettes health care. You'll outlive all of us.

Continue to speak for the right. More often than not I think you piss them off.

dmarks said...

All references I find point to Chinese workers making several times more than 12 cents an hour. That's a big error. Of course, facts don't matter in these things, do they.

Shaw Kenawe said...


According to this chart in Wired magazine, the average wage for workers in 2004 was a little over 50 cents an hour, but average wages have risen to about $1.25+.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I forgot to add to my comment that I've read many, many times on rightwing blogs that Mr. Obama has done nothing while in office.

Facts don't seem to matter there.