Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, April 26, 2014

Krauthammer Blasts Conservatives for Their Support of Bundy

I think it's "truly appalling" that I agree with Krauthammer, but there it is:

Krauthammer Blasts Conservatives For Their Support Of Cliven Bundy

Krauthammer: It's "Truly Appalling" That Anti-Government Stances Can Make You "A Conservative Hero"

"This is a despicable statement. It's not the statement, you have to disassociate yourself entirely from the man. It's not like the words exist here and the man exists here. And why conservatives, or some conservatives end up in bed with people who, you know, he makes an anti-government statement, he takes an anti-government stand, he wears a nice big hat and he rides a horse, and all of a sudden he is a champion of democracy. This is a man who said that he doesn't recognize the authority of the United States of America. That makes him a patriot? I love this country, I love the Constitution, and it is the Constitution that established a government that all of us have to recognize. And for him to reject it was the beginning of all of this. And now what he said today is just the end of this. ...

And look, do I have the right to go in to graze sheep in Central Park? I think not. You have to have some respect for the federal government, some respect for our system. And to say you don't and you don't recognize it and that makes you a conservative hero, to me, is completely contradictory, and rather appalling. And he has now proved it."

NOTE:   Very few conservative blogs wrote anything about Bundy's rancid racism.  Now THAT's truly appalling, especially since so many of them were crowing about how Bundy was their very own anti-gummint hero.

History of US government and rebellions:

See:   Shay's Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion


Craig said...

I'm sorry, I only have contempt for Chuckles. He is now compelled to write a column scolding 'the base' for holding up a 2 bit, anarchist, ignorant scofflaw as a freedom loving hero. Krauthammer and his ilk are responsible for creating these fools. At least for creating an environment within the conservative movement where these extreme views are welcome. It was so patently obvious from the beginning that Bundy is posse comitatus. He's a dumb ass racist, too? Shocking.

Shaw, I read some of the same blogs you do. They aren't Conservatives. It's an ideology warped by fear and hate of anything they perceive as 'left'. Everything, I mean everything, is viewed through that poisonous lens. It's comical and frightening. I swear, if there were Patriots Strangling Puppies for Freedom, they'd defend them.

OK, I got that off my chest.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Even after disgracing himself, the media still treats this moronic, hypocritical, and craven deadbeat as some kind of newsworthy personality to be interviewed and quoted daily. Legitimizing whack jobs is fast turning this country into an Idiocracy.

Les Carpenter said...

Krauthammer really rocks. Is it possible the left all of a sudden sees that? Naw, likely not, this is more of an aberration than not.

Anonymous said...

Found on a conservative blog:

"Its people like you and the Progressive Idiots who keep on this stupid subject that disgust me. All you people think about is the past and Slavery! Get Over It, for heavens sake!

The Last I checked there weren’t any slaves in America. Or Slave Owners who are around these days !intelligence is Relevant, not bitching about the past. Try reading a book once in a while, it might be the best thing that ever happen to you.. Regretfully, I am skeptical that people like you will ever learn. In your mind this situation will be in your mind forever."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Krauthammer has, over the years, psychiatric diagnoses on various political personalities he has never personally examined. Those are hack jobs and in the medical profession, unethical. Do you know any ethical doctors who talk about their patients' mental or physical health in public or in print?

He's a prima donna and believes most of the claptrap he writes.

BB-Idaho said...

If Krauthammer keeps that up, he is liable to disappear into that
netherworld called RINO.

okjimm said...

Prima facia...Bundy is, a sentiment I have expressed before,basically a law breaking criminal. He does not deserve support. From anyone...conservatives or otherwise. He, this, is not a political or even socialogical issue. the guy is toast. He should be dismissed, packed,sacked, wrapped and discarded. Lindsey Lohan deserves more empathy and I accord her none.

If anything...this 'situation' is a rallying cry for all Americans to realize that, no matter what we believe personally...we can all agree on somethings...and we can all agree that this Bundy dude is a racist, idiotic piece of shit.

RN...//Krauthammer really rocks. Is it possible the left all of a sudden sees that?// and ???? suddenly the 'right' sees that not all batshit,crud spewing,racist pieces of shit like Bundy...who want to wrap themselves up in righteous patriot conservatism...are any kind of conservative...they are just batshit craZy pieces of shit.

Whoa..we all know it..both sides (???) are saying it, we are altogeher on ONE point. Good for us! All of US ..the real American USa! hmmm gotzta start somewhere,huh?

Say I gotza new plan to make the donut the offical food of All America...anyone else want in on this??

Rheticus said...

Shaw, why do the conservative on those blogs always talk about you and what's written on your blog?

Ducky's here said...

The Krautzenjammer Kid got assigned point duty on this one?

Does Grover Norquist or Karl Rove post the duty roster or do they leave it to George Will?

I don't know if the Krautzenjammer Kid played this one well although I'm sure he was just following orders.
The playbook says to start screaming for action in Ukraine until Bundy learns to shut his pie hole.
You blew it Krauthammer.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Craig, "Chuckles" and his friends are the group that calls President Obama "racist.

(O)CT(O), speaking of moronic, hypocritical, and craven deadbeats, have you seen this latest instance of what Justice Roberts referred to as the end of racism in America when his cronies ended A.A. and trashed the Voting Rights Act?

Anon @10:16 the people who write that sort of bilge are ignorant and have no understanding of that shameful part of American history.

BB-Idaho, I was surprised to see Krauthammer wander so far off his talking points.

okjimm, Bundy is toast and the people who championed him look foolish.

Rheticus, I have no idea, but they must never miss a post or my comment section. I guess they're very faithful readers of this blog.

Titan-ur-Anus said...

wowza, likes da liberuls aint got no talkin points an reservasion.

okjimm said...

Rheticus said...
Shaw, why do the conservative on those blogs always talk about you and what's written on your blog?

ohohoh...that is like, a quiz!!!
hmmm...multiple choice?
they cannot talk of their non existent sex life

William F. Buckley is dead

Jesus won't talk to them anymore

They can never solve 'Wheel of Fortune' clues

they have to do something while waiting for the ice cream truck

they cannot blame Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the ballroom

they want ot be part of the problem rather than the solution

The Teaparty has them on anal probes

they forgot how to dance

too many Twinkies ingested...perpetual sugar buzz

ohohoh...I feel the mirth!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

What “rocks” is the rock pile in Krauthammer’s head - hurled like thunderbolts from his Mt. Olympus ego:

I know what it is to be a Jew. There’s a difference between being nominally Jewish or sentimentally Jewish and being grounded in Jewish learning” (source).

In other words, some Jews are more equal than others, and the Kraut regards himself as the most definitive Jew of all. Of course, your intrepid Octopus will never meet such standards because “nominal” and “sentimental” can never rise to the level of “true blue.” How foolish of me to think paisans stick together (and I thought the word ‘Jew’ rhymes with the word ‘glue’).

In Krauthammer’s book, ‘true blue’ actually means “purebred red” because, if anything, Krauthammer is the most unrelenting dog whistle in the land; so partisan, in fact, he has not criticized members of his own party for anti-Semitic remarks:

Such as these comments posted on the RNC FaceBook Page: "Al Qaeda is 100% state sponsored by Zionist Jews” and “Israel is responsible for 9/11.

Thus, Krauthammer is more “purebred red” than “true blue Jew” when turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism within his own party.

It is not the ‘J’ in the word Jew that concerns me but the ‘J’ in the word judgmental, because the Kraut will say anything to inflate himself (usually at someone's expense):

“Dr. Krauthammer also worries about Obama’s psychology. He’s called Obama a “narcissist,” and he tells me that matters …”

As a trained psychiatrist, Krauthammer knows - more than anyone else - about the ethics of engaging in pop psychology on a public stage. It is patently unethical and offensive to abuse the ethics of a profession – using referent authority to take a cheap partisan potshot. Here is the rest of Krauthammer’s quote:

“He’s the least experienced, least-known president probably in the history of the United States. ... If you’re coming in as a novice, you ought to have some humility in deciding where you want to go and take the country.”

Please note: There is nothing in this statement that even comes close to meeting the criteria for “narcissism” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM):

People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, grandiose, patronizing or judgmental attitudes. For example, a narcissist may … condemn a person with a condescending medical evaluation by asserting that such an opinion is authoritative.

As you can read for yourself, if anyone comes close to meeting these criteria, it is Krauthammer himself.

Of course, none of our conservative associates have seen this side of Krauthammer – primarily because they live inside echo chambers of right-wing propaganda. Anything that disturbs those precious misconceptions disturbs the hive and makes them go buzz, buzz, buzz in a frenzy.

Les Carpenter said...

Echo chambers eh. So noted.

Afterthought question, is there more than one brand of ehco chambers?

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Funny … this preoccupation of yours with respect to “mirrors and echo chambers.” Your friends on the left defend you against predators and stalkers from others on the left. Then you abandon those selfsame friends and “gang pluck” with the verbal abusers on the right with whom you self-identify. I don’t need any insinuations from you about “mirrors and echo chambers.”

As you are so fond of saying, “IIWII - it is what it is!”

Les Carpenter said...

You brought up echo chambers in your prior comment, not I.

I do occasionally reference mirrors, when I believe it appropriate.

Verbal abusers? I'll just let than lay. It deserves nothing more.

Nor do I need your inaccurate characterizations.

Sorry, but if friendship is about 100% agreement with ANY political group count me out. As I say (a phrase I picked up from a leftist)... It is what it is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Actually, the phrase "It is what it is," was first uttered by an Austrian poet, Erich Fried, according to what I googled.

Before him, Socrates said:

"The city is what it is because its citizens are what they are."

Les Carpenter said...

"Actually, the phrase "It is what it is," was first uttered by an Austrian poet, Erich Fried, according to what I googled."

Thanks Shaw, I did not know that. I guess I'm in good company than. :-)

okjimm said...

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

"it ain't no deal" - okjimm

okjimm said...

RN said,
"Sorry, but if friendship is about 100% agreement "

I usually settle for 58% agreement with my friends...especially the ones that tell me I am 125% wrong all the time.

Les Carpenter said...

Mark Twain was a pretty smart fella.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

RN: “if friendship is about 100% agreement with ANY political group count me out

Your meme, not mine. There is no sense of good will, even-handedness, mutuality or reciprocity when your definition of friendship must always be steeped in knee-jerk partisanship with an incessant and gratuitous knocking of heads. You miss cues, disabuse other viewpoints, dodge honest questions with evasive answers, and pretend to want more than petty partisanship - yet fail to rise above it.

You don’t facilitate discussions; you sabotage them.

Les Carpenter said...

As you wish.