Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hey Ann! Why the long face?

Depend on Ann Coulter to set herself up for major blow-back and humiliation when she mocked people who held signs saying "Bring Back Our Girls" in response to the kidnapping of 200+ Nigerian young women.

Good for the people who took her predictably nasty reaction and turned it around to bite her in her repulsive, bony ass.   

The results?


This is her original mockery on the kidnapped young women:

The blow-back fun begins!

This one is pretty damn good for its truth telling:

More truth-telling:

Ding! Ding! Ding!  And the winnah is...

Not nice?  No it isn't, but it's a natural reaction to a woman who wasted her top-shelf education and intellect and decided to make money pandering to the lowliest of the lowly, feeding them bile and inanity for profit and notoriety.  

You made your bed, Ann, now sleaze in it.

More HERE from Gawker.  NSFW.


Infidel753 said...

The Coultergeist always fishes for attention by out-tastelessing everybody else. That's her whole schtick. It's about time she got a dose of her own medicine.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

You can’t shame a malicious person who trades on maliciousness, especially when the worst invective you can possibly hurl at such a person is worn proudly like some fiendish badge of honor. Ignoring such people to the point of irrelevance is the most you can ever hope to accomplish.

Ducky's here said...

Have to second (O)CT(O)PUS.

She's been marginalized for some time and needs the publicity from these stunts to animate the Teabags that still follow her.
Notice that extreme bad taste is the primary activator.

skudrunner said...

Tweeting will save the world, what a waste of time for the self indulgent.

I did hear that Kim K joined Michelle and the hollywood crowd tweeting about the girls in Nigeria. No sense doing something meaningful.

FreeThinke said...

To quote Queen Victoria's famous response to one of Gilbert & Sullivan's satirical operettas:

"We are not amused."

Alas! the quality of reparté and invective has declined to abysmal levels since the Advent of Rock 'n Roll. I doubt very much that could be mere coincidence.

Ronald Greenberg said...

Oh c'mon Annie! Stop horsin' around!

Papa Francesco said...

skudrunner said...
"Tweeting will save the world, what a waste of time for the self indulgent."

È parlante a me?

Les Carpenter said...

It is most definitely certain you don't approve of Rock'n'Roll.

Oh well...

Craig said...

the quality of reparté and invective has declined...

Since we removed prayer from schools or was it when women started showing their ankles?

Anne who?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ann who?

The Anne Coulter of white privilege who couldn't resist the opportunity to mock people who care about what happened to kidnapped children in Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama is the US president's wife not an activist. Who is she asking to bring the girls home? Sounds weak to me

Unknown said...

Some good responses, but Coulter is hate on steroids and her mentality is "it's their own fault they were kidnapped; had they been conservative libertarians, "God" would have protected them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anon: "Michelle Obama is the US president's wife not an activist. Who is she asking to bring the girls home? Sounds weak to me."

OFFS! You also forgot that Mrs. Obama breathes! And that's what really pisses the TeaBaggers off, not for showing concern for 200+ kidnapped children.

Shaw Kenawe said...

boomer, like so many other Baggers, Ann Coulter is a professional hater, with emphasis on hating the FLOTUS.

Coulter thought she was being clever, instead she got poop all over herself.