Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston
Friday, July 31, 2015
No Olympics 2024, and Bostonians Celebrate!
I live in one of the most historic parts of the city of Boston and know first-hand how congested and overrun with millions of tourists this small section, The North End, can be during all seasons of the year, yes, even in the winter. That's why my neighbors and I let out a collective sigh of relief when we heard there would be no Boston 2024 Olympics.
Boston's Mayor Walsh is overwhelmingly supported by the people who would have been affected the most by the influx of millions of visitors to our city for the Olympics and by the taxes that would be levied on us by the inevitable cost overruns. Boston's not the only city to say no to what historically turns out to be financial obligations and logistical nightmares to cities that host these games. Denver, Colorado, Oslo, Norway, and Munich, Germany, to name a few, have, in the recent past, said no -- an intelligent decision to what has become a financial burden to the cities that say yes.
Since colonial times, Boston has had the reputation of being a city where education is highly valued. This decision reflects the will of a majority of citizens and businesses -- an intelligent decision.
Boston Strong!
From the Boston Globe:
After months of working as unpaid volunteers, they were celebrating their victory over Boston Olympic bid organizers Boston 2024 with a room full of about 30 colleagues, supporters, and friends. Earlier that day, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and bidding group Boston 2024 made the mutual decision to pull the plug on the city’s bid, following a growing lack of public support and the loss of Mayor Marty Walsh’s full backing.
The bar event, attended by venture capitalists, state senators, and environmental activists, was as much a celebration as a moment to exhale. “It’s just a big sense of relief,” Michael Femia, who works at Wentworth Institute of Technology and lives in Somerville, said. “We’re here because a lot of people fought really hard. It’s nice that this isn’t going to be hanging over our heads for the next nine years.” Femia echoed the complaints of many Boston-area residents, or at least of those ten people on Twitter who have opposed the city’s bid.
Many feared the burden Olympic games would place on taxpayers, the MBTA, and the environment. “I was against it from the getgo,” Charles Lax, a venture capitalist of Wellesley said. He came out to celebrate No Boston Olympics’ efforts on Monday night after donating money to the cause, thinking that writing a check now would be proactive, saving him from shelling out extra taxes in the coming years to cover the games’ costs.
“David kicked Goliath’s butt to wake up extremely intelligent Boston to the fact that these games are a disaster,” he said.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
What are cuckservatives? The National Review explains:
While reading Infidel753's excellent analysis of the Donald Trump phenomenon in the GOP, I found a link to an article in the New Republic by one of Infidel753's commenters.
I'd not heard of the term "cuckservatives," nor did I know that the Trumpistas use the term to define the non-Trumpistas and any GOOPer whom they think is not a true believer or whom they think is a RINO.
The article in TNR explains the term:
"The neologism cuckservative isn’t quite onomatopoeic, but it is a fine example of how the sound of a word can reinforce its meaning: abrasive on the ears, cuckservative appropriately enough has an ugly origin and meaning. The term has emerged out of the white supremacist movement as a term of abuse for white conservatives deemed race traitors unwilling to forthrightly defend the interests of white America. Borrowing shadings from porn (“cuck” is a genre where husbands, often white, watch their wives have sex with other men, often African-Americans) and geek culture (“cuck” is a much-deployed sneer..., cuckservative used to be a fringe bit of jargon but is,... on conservative blogs and Twitter, having its moment."
That's not surprising, since their rage and their expressed feelings of impotence after the 2014 elections have been all over Tea Party blogs and chat boards, where they laughably insist President Obama is destroying America, and where one can read their predictions of the imminent collapse of American society and all that the TPers believe is their birthright: Imposing their particular brand of Christianity, their anti-gay, anti-women, anti-Muslim, and anti-science biases on all Americans.
The term "cuckservative" and TNR's analysis explains why someone as politically and personally repulsive as Donald Trump has so many Tea Party followers cheering him on, believing he will lead them out of their self-inflicted misery and onto electoral victory in 2016.
"The far rightists who find it natural to throw around the term cuckservative feels[sic] that the mainstream GOP has betrayed them, so it’s not surprising that they see Donald Trump, who is willing to hurl manly insults at his rivals as well as denigrate undocumented Mexican immigrants, as a savior."
Donald Trump Is Appealing to "Racist" Voters, Says Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson cuckservative to the rescue!
The anti-cuckservative hero:
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Found via Infidel753 |
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Found via Infidel753 |
OT: More multiple personalities. Link to "Beverly Hightower's" name:
- Lisa, your blog is spot on. It is good to see someone who sees them for what they really are. These people have taken the American people on a ride with the BS they constantly spit out. It is too bad the public bought into all the Obama-ism’s ( they are called lies people). The damage of the 2 terms served by the presidents careless, selfish, and reckless policies will be felt for decades. He may go down in history as the president that destroyed A
Honoring Muslims and Ramadam -- a Tradition Started by a Conservative, Born-Again Christian President
Written by a TeaBagger about Muslims and Islam:
"SORRY! Doesn't BEGIN to go far enough. We MUST outlaw ISLAM in ALL its forms, an[sic] DEPORT all Muslims, and those who SPPORT[sic] and DEFEND them. PERIOD!"
Thanks to a commenter here at P.E., I thought it would be instructive for people to watch this video:
The rabid Tea Party folks, like the one quoted above in bold, went berserk when President Obama recently wished Muslims well after Ramadam. They apparently are ignorant of the fact that one of their own, Conservate/Republican President George W. Bush, started the tradition of wishing Muslims "a blessed Ramadam" during his administration.
In the video, President Bush praises and honors Islam, calling it "a noble faith." But the TPers' limited knowledge allows them to ridicule only President Obama when the fact is a leader of the GOP and a Born-Again Christian supported and honored Muslims during the end of Ramadam.
I wonder where the rabid Republican who wrote the bolded rant thinks George W. Bush should live when he's deported?
Monday, July 27, 2015
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God Bless President Obama and God Bless Obamacare. President Obama is the only President in the history of this Great Nation who has felt in his heart, the need of affordable healthcare for the Common American, who can be taken as the middle and lower class American. Please, Hear me out, Now is the time for these Common Americans to show their Respect and Support to the President of the United States in return for this heartfelt thoughtfulness and protest against this lawsuit being filed on the President of this Great Country.
They never learn and they're determined to trot out another clueless pol who thinks he has a chance to win the presidency? What a joke.
Don't cha just love sarah’s sense of humor? Sarah, You go girl, it don't matter if you have an IQ of 99, and that you go fishing and hunting for all of your meals, You go girl, I love a woman who speaks her mind, whenever she finds it. keep up the good work . So you go Sarah your our hero! You keep on telling it like it is.
And in your own plain and stupid manor.
It's gotten to the point where conservatives don't even know what the truth is anymore.
Now that the Girl Scouts are basically part of Planned Parenthood, all those little Darlings can be knocked up before they are 16 and people will be happy to get rid of their problems, for a fee, of course! Teaching them right, is the LEFTIST way of doing things!
I guess that this the future American Progressives!
Isn't it funny, I could have sworn Obama said he is a Christian!
And later adding that,“in our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.” I guess he forgot that slavery ended in America in 1865 but that slavery is ongoing throughout today's Muslim world...and guess he also forgets that the Jim Crow segregation laws were championed by the DEMOCRATS and that it was the REPUBLI
I just laugh at the righties outrage over President Obama’s interview with the YouTube Star Sensation GloZell
Hear all that chattering and pearl clutching going on in certain areas of the intertubz? Yeah. Lots of clueless folks don't understand why President Obama agreed to being interviewed by GloZell Green. I guess those people think Mr. Obama shouldn't reach out to people they know nothing about or people who represent popular culture they don't understand.
And for God’s sake, even the "Super Star Queen of YouTube" can get a little tongue-tied.
During her interview the "Super Star Queen of YouTube" made one little hilarious,
Back in the 2008 primary season, after President Obama trounced the sour puss Mittens Romney in the election and guys like Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, the lunatic Ron Paul, made utter fools of themselves. And this time around, they have much of the same clowns around for another Comendy Central act. Only they’ll add Chris Christie to the act, that is if his strained heart can continue to carry about his 400 plus pounds than much longer! Even Fox Noozz seems lukewarm about that phony fat bastard?
The Racist Conservitives/Repubs have zero respect for our President or the office of the Presidency. But nothing but friendship, pride, and kinship toward white supremacist groups.This is not surprising coming from the political party that routinely insulted and still insults our first bi-racial president and his family, starting with their non-stop demands to see President Obama's birth certificate, something no other president has had to endure. While they piously claim to not hold any racial prejudices (it's only President Obama's policies they're against, you see), they continue to get caught sharing filthy racist photo shopped images of Mr. and Mrs. Obama,
After reading a progressives blog about the use of the word “Thug” and their getting all pissed over using the word “Thug” to describe a Black guy who was acting like a PUNK, I thought to myself, what’s wrong with calling a Spade a Spade? Nothing! So why not call a Thug a Thug? No, "thug" is not a racist term, but the Blacks and the libs want to made it one. Well then so is"black" and soo...
They seem very interested in free speech when they are deceptively accusing their opponents of hypocrisy for the very laws that they enacted.
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Sandy Berger Clinton’s National Security Adviser 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Nancy Pelosi 1998