June 30, 2017, 8:20 AM: What was just revealed on Morning Joe about Trump and his people intimidating and threatening both Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough is truly frightening. The president and his people blackmailed both MSNBC hosts and threatened to run an unflattering story about them through Trump's pal who owns The National Inquirer unless they personally groveled to Trump and apologized for their coverage of his presidency. (Thankfully, both MSNBC hosts ignored Trump.)
This is unacceptable. I believe Brzezenski and Scarborough, because Donald Trump is not just a liar and obsessive crank who stooped to a form of black mail in order to get people to kiss his ass, but a man who has no personal morals or boundaries and is a dangerously thin-skinned, vengeful coward.
Read about what I just heard. It is more than disturbing to hear this about a POTUS. We have a sick, sick vengeful crank in the White House.
John Cassidy, The New Yorker:
Where America, until recently, had at its helm a Commander-in-Chief whom other countries acknowledged as a global leader and a figure of stature even if they didn't like his policies, it now has something very different: an oafish Troll-in-Chief who sullies his office daily.
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Ugly is as ugly does |
Instead of talking about the GOP's miserable non-health care bill, today all the news is about the vile and classless man in the White House and his bitchy, mean girlie tweets about MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough.
Unless you're living under a rock, you all know what the man-child tweeted, and you've all heard the condemnations from both liberals and conservatives.
For me, it was just another piece of evidence that shows Donald Trump to be a low-class piece of trash who happens to be rich. Wealth does not necessarily bring good breeding and dignity with it, and that's a fact where Donald Trump is concerned. I've seen people with more dignity in a trailer park than I've seen exhibited by the man who constantly brags about what a quality person he is.
Trump is a sad little man with a very serious personality disorder, and I wonder about the mental health of the people who still support him.
It's hard to believe, but here's what the occupant of the Oval Office spends his time tweeting:
A malignant narcissist and all around jerk.
And 30% of the voting public still thinks he's swell.
Not all conservatives find Trump charming. Many principled conservatives see him for the bag of fetid offal that he is:
William Kristol of The Weekly Standard (via Digby):
The right wingers bellyache all the time about the fact that Trump gets no respect. Today's episode of disgusting and inappropriate tweets by a POTUS is a rank illustration of why Trump is mocked so mercilessly by 60% of the American people and the rest of the world --except Russia!