Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Nikki Haley is just another pol...


who wouldn't answer an easy, simple question because she's fearful of losing the MAGA cultist votes!

Haley was the governor of the first state to secede from the Union over slavery!


skudrunner said...

For most people who are not totally consumed with hating conservatives they would find that most issues are multifaceted. Was slavery part of the equation, yes it was but so was fighting for states rights. Democrats see the world through myopic vision. The mayor of NYC sees sending illegals to NYC horrible and it is Abbott who is cruel, granted winter in NY, Chicago, DC is cruel but it the cities that create this. I will admit sending illegals to NYC, Chicago, DC is cruel but why blame Abbott. Is it OK for millions to cross the border into Texas and Arizona and have those states carry the burden. Share the bounty and provide equal opportunity to all isn't that the American way.

BTW the civil war was a long time ago followed by the democrat created jim crowe law and the democrat lead resistance to civil rights act. New day except for the liberal media who is doing the work for the DNC by trying to embarrass a republican candidate. Let joey b have a debate and have Ben Shaprio ask the questions.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Nikki Haley was the governor of the first state to secede from the Union, and she couldn't answer a simple question. She's well aware of the bigots in MAGA that she MUST pander to for their votes. Slavery is the reason South Carolina seceded. It says so in their state manifesto for leaving the Union.

Why couldn't she state the truth and say it? Oh. We know why.

PS. I would LOVE to have been able to ask if she agrees with Trump when he stated that her parents "poisoned the blood of our country." They are Sikhs from Punjab in India. According to Trump, Nikki Haley's parents and others from that region are "poisoning the blood of our country."

Nothing else matters -- not even the border -- in this moment in our history, unless we understand the danger that Trump is right now.

PS Why didn't Trump pass immigration legislation while he was in control of the three branches of government?

skud, you never bring that up, content only to place the immigration problems solely on the Democrats.

PPS. The people who were Democrats and passed Jim Crowe laws and lynched Black Americans left the Democratic Party long ago and are now Republicans. But they ALWAYS were Southerners.

Dave Dubya said...

Does Skud realize he parrots the radical Right? If not, then why not? Is because it's easier than thinking and reading?

Does Skud realize he is parroting racist Southerners?

"Was slavery part of the equation, yes it was but so was fighting for states rights."

Yes, states rights for WHITE PEOPLE TO OWN BLACK SLAVES!!!

I'll be generous here. If Skud is exhibiting the average intelligence of Americans, just imagine how IGNORANT most of this country really is.

We are WELCOMING a Trump dictatorship with rampant racism and fascism ending our republic. Skud will blame Biden and the Democrats. Does he understand neo-Nazis agree with him?

Here is his "democrat lead resistance to civil rights act" signed into law by a DEMOCRAT.


Y 295 - N 132

Y: D – 155, R- 139

N: D – 95, R – 37

As we know, Dixiecrats were not liberals, and switched parties en mass after the Voting Rights Act. The divide was not on party lines, but regional lines. Guess which region hated the Voting Rights Act?

Northern House Democrats voted “yea” 145–9 (94%–6%)
Northern Senate Democrats voted 45–1 (98%–2%)
Northern House Republicans: 138–24 (85%–15%)
Northern Senate Republicans: 27–5 (84%–16%)

So who’s whistling “Dixie”?

Southern House Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
Southern Senate Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
Southern House Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)
Southern Senate Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)

You're welcome, Skud. Acknowledgment NOT expected. I KNOW you will IGNORE ALL THE FACTS.

Dave Miller said...

Skud opined on the causes of the Civil War...

"Was slavery part of the equation, yes it was but so was fighting for states rights."

100% accurate. Because those that wanted to tear apart the United States, dare I say traitors, wanted to preserve a states right to, wait for it, hold and own slaves.

Haley's response should have been like this... "The cause of the Civil War? Slavery. Period. Southerners wanted the right to own people as slaves. Northerners did not believe they had that right. It was horrible, it was wrong and it cost our country dearly."

The fact that Haley struggled shows how sensitive the issue still is in the region where people still call the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression" and deflect, as Skud did, to any reason other than slavery to justify that war.

Infidel753 said...

The Civil War was not "multifaceted". It was entirely about slavery. The Confederate leaders at the time were quite clear on this. See the declarations of secession of the various Southern states, and the notorious "cornerstone speech" by Alexander Stephens, the vice president of the Confederacy and the real brains of the operation. As a former governor of the first state to secede, Haley must surely be aware of this. She was too cowardly to simply affirm one of the central truths of US history, because it would offend the carefully-nurtured lies which are so dear to many modern sympathizers with the treason of 1861-1865.

Dave Miller said...

Lest anyone be confused, here are the words of the first "President" of the Confederacy upon their founding as a new nation, separate from the US...

The “cornerstone” of the new Southern nation he said “upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”

There should be no doubt why the Confederacy was formed, what their founding morals included and how they felt about slavery, black people and life.

And we should not elect any politician who is afraid to publicly say that slavery was the reason for the Civil War, that the leaders of the Confederacy were traitors and insurrectionists to the Constitution and the very idea of a United States and that the US does not honor or revere the southern losers who tried to destroy our country.

If someone in the GOP stepped up with that type of statement, they'd be swept into office in a heart beat. But they're too afraid to do it for fear of angering the base.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, the ignornce on display in one particular party in America, hint, it be the red one, is damn near legendary. If not atually that.

Anonymous said...

Having said the above... perhaps the initial union of states right from the very beginning, 1787, should have had a process for states that later change their minds (once) to peacefully disolve their union with the larger body.

Perhaps that should be added as an amendment to the Constitution going forward. Because if Trump and the rethuglican party get full control of the federal government tyranny and bigotry will become the law of the land. I for one would fully support my state succeding from the union of bigots and racists.

skudrunner said...

The hard core democrats AKA progressives should show support for trump. If he is not allowed to run biden is an automatic loss. With thrump being the nominee it is a toss up so it is in the progressives best interest to keep him on the ballot. The polls show biden has a very low approval rating and is not even below kruella which is amazing. He cannot win unless he is against trump which the left is trying to get off the ballot. As anon points out this is ignorant.

Dave Miller said...

Believe me Skud, I've thought about that issue as it relates to Trump. Be that as it may, if the Constitution says it, we've got to follow it.

Now the SCOTUS will have to interpret what it says.

What they will decide? Who knows. There are very smart people, from both parties, on both sides of this.

My thoughts?

The laymen who mock people for missing Lawfare 101 and think they are smarter than most of the lawyers working on this are just that, laymen with no real knowledge of what they speak.

Americans will read about this coming decision for decades.

Anonymous said...

Intellectually and morally deficient should be Haley's epitaph.


Curious that 2 of Indian subcontinent heritage and presidential aspirants should have generally similar political/historical views unhelpful to our country going forward with Haley actually assisting a repugnant recent president and his views while in office.

Paula said...

Nikki Haley is a weathervane caught in a low pressure system that is spinning ever faster causing her to swing wildly back and forth.

She's on the loser's side on just about everything, including stating she's ready to issue a pardon for the criminal's potential convictions should she make it to the Oval (which she won't). Her only lament about his presidency is her supposed distain for his propensity for non-stop chaos. Not his criminality, his narcissism, his grift, his lies, his attempts to stay in power even though he clearly lost the election, his nepotism, his misogyny, his racism and his distain for the Constitution.

The loser's chaos was nothing but a continuation of his love for disruption and servitude by those he hired to prop him up. Haley is and was one of those props.

Infidel753 said...

Don't forget that Kamala Harris is also "of Indian subcontinent heritage" and was a "presidential aspirant" in 2020. It's not about ethnicity.

Peter said...

Here comes Nikki Haley!
She is now ahead of Ron DeSantis everyone else now according to a new Wall Street journal poll.
No wonder the Progressives are attacking her yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley is a RINO, only liked by the establishment RINOs in the GOP. Independents who see her for what she has turned into despise her and don't want her in office.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Running for president may be the longest job Nikki will actually hold. She reminds me a bit of Sarah Palin although she seems better spoken and not nearly as intellectually bereft. And why would Nikki be exempt from attacks? If anything, Trump people should be attacking her for sitting next to Trump after her one year sting as UN Ambassador claiming that she would be working for "this guy" (pointing at Trump while saying this). But I guess dishonesty is considered an asset by republican voters so it's all good.

skudrunner said...

Nikki is the daughter of immigrants who is smart, experienced and very capable in domestic and international relations. It is no wonder the left is all up in arms about her. They have proven for decades that democrats are racist, original founders of jim crowe and anti women's rights. It is not that they have changed by attacking Nikki just shows their true self. I have heard that the democrats who passed jim crowe changed to republicans but unlike male athletes competing as women to win something you just can't hide.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley is a chameleon. Changes views, and answers to questions, predicated on her perceptions of who she is talking with. IE she cannot be trusted any more than the insurrectionist and rapist Trump...

In fact there is NO conservative it rethuglican who can be trusted. Do your due diligence.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skud, the reason Haley was criticized was because of her cowardice, not her abilities; we know she’s smart and capable. But now we know that she would pander to the bigots and racists in the GOP because she was too afraid of hurting their delicate feelings by stating the truth about why the Civil War was fought. She knew better, and understood she made a major mistake by evading that question with her argle bargle answer. She was the governor of South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union and a state that SPECIFICALLY said it was seceding from the Union BECAUSE IT WANTED TO KEEP ITS SLAVES. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

PS. We all know that the Southern Democrats were pro slavery and Jim Crow southerners. You tell us that almost every time you post here. But you never concede that those Jim Crow southerners left the Democratic Party once the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act was passed BY A DEMOCRATIC president and party.

Happy New Year.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe “Truth 101”Kelly,

Welcome back! Where have you been? It’s been years. I love your insights on the political mess this country is facing because of the felony-indicted exPresident, and the POTUS wannabe, Haley. I hope you return soon.



JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Plan on being a regular. Got more time on my hands. I'll try to behave myself big sister/

Dave Miller said...

Truth! Good to see you here. I hope all is well.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

All good Dave. Happy to be welcomed