Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Dear P.E. friends, I’ve been ill this past week with a terrible cough, sinus infection, low- grade fever, sore throat, and overall misery that comes with all of that.

I’m on all sorts of drugs to control whatever this is, and am slowly, very slowly, feeling better.  

Alan was sick with this three weeks ago, and his illness was bit different from what I’m dealing with 

Neither of us is up for celebrating Christmas, so we will be home and quiet over the next few days instead of traveling to New York to be with my son and his family. 

I wish you all safe travels and good health over the holiday and a Happy Christmas to all.  


Infidel753 said...

I hope you feel much better very soon.

skudrunner said...

There is a lot of junk floating around that seems to take a lot of rest and time to recover. Good luck and it looks like a good time to stay in doors in the East.

Dave Dubya said...

Sorry to hear about your illness. It sounds a lot like the RSV symptoms my brother had a while ago. He said it was worse than covid.
Take care and recover soon.

Les Carpenter said...

Taking care of yourself with guiet loving kindness is so so important.

Rest while the body regenerates.


Dave Miller said...

Stay safe, stay well and get better. We're missing you! And have whatever level of Merry Christmas you can, all sinus things considered.

Mike said...

Get well soon!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thanks for your well wishes everyone. I’m feeling a bit better today. Dave Dubya, I got the RSV shot last year, and the nurse practitioner did not hear any wheezing in my lungs.

But I did have a very mild COVID 2 years ago, and this is much, much worse! Two other friends of mine have it as well.

Be careful out there and keep well.

Grey One talks sass said...

You've been on my mind, glad to read you are feeling better. Continuing to keep you in my thoughts. Just because. Doing my best to stay upright but some days flat is where it's at. :)