Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, December 13, 2024



Bring back horrible diseases.

Because when you're desperately sick, you seek advice from lawyers and even a crazy politician who was a heroine addict for 15 years and who cheated on his wife with 37+ women, and kept a descriptive diary of all his assignations!

That's who!

RFK Jr.’s lawyer has asked the FDA to revoke approval of the polio vaccine 


Shaw Kenawe said...

Letter from the NYTimes:

"I am a Pediatrician.

I already feel 100% alone in the massive, exhausting, and crucial effort to keep America safe from outbreaks of deadly and debilitating diseases like polio. It has been a grueling psycho-social experiment to endure through this antivax era.

The childhood vaccines are safe and effective. The environmental lawyer, RFK Jr, doesn't know that. This other lawyer, Siri, doesn't know that. Why would they? They are uneducated in medicine like I am in law. But unlike me, they suffer from the Dunning Kruger Effect (they don't know what they don't know). But I know that. And the thousands upon thousands of pediatricians, internists, immunologists, hospitals, medical centers, and scientists across the country know that. The AMA, the CDC, the NIH, the WHO, and on and on and on...all know that.

Worldwide, since 1974, vaccines have saved an estimated 101,000,000 *infants'* lives alone. Their success has us spoiled and ungrateful. But the high vaccine rates we take for granted are like a dam. It can handle a few cracks...but a few more and the thing explodes. MMR needs to be in the mid 90% range nationwide or it spreads, and fast. It has dipped from 95% to 93% in the last few years thanks to this Dunning Kruger epidemic. Dip a bit more and EVERYONE will find out what I know...that these wrongfully maligned and mistrusted vaccines, recklessly misunderstood by unqualified loudmouths like RFK and his "Google MD" followers...are preventing chaos."

Grey One talks sass said...

Looking for reasons as to why MAGA is so anti vaccination, especially polio for heavens sake, is as futile as looking for a specific piece of hay in a haystack. My only supposition is maybe they think that because cases of polio are so rare is because MMR doesn't exist anymore? I mean they are hugely wrong to the power of ignorant but what else? They want a population crippled and dependent on the iron lung? They want a population hobbled so they can't work? I mean, there are easier ways to kill citizens. This just seems to be abnormally cruel.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I mean, there are easier ways to kill citizens."

Yes. "Deny, Defend, and Depose." Is a very popular way with insurance companies for killing Americans.

Shaw Kenawe said...

27.1 Million in 2024, died of lack of coverage.

Ray Cranston said...

We cannot let a person who has a nematode in his brain, who was addicted to heroin for 15 years, and who drove his wife to take her own life, who has sexual assault allegations against him, and a fetish with dead animals – to make *any* kind of health decisions for *anyone*.

Grey One talks sass said...

As much as I love you and your site Shaw, some days I wish you weren't as good as you are at what you do. Dear stars above. 27 million? That's a lot of grandparents, parents, kids.... I'm going to go hug my mom and stay off the interwebz for the rest of the day. I'm just... 27 million souls are buzzing about my head and I just need a mom break. Loves to you. Always.

Dave Miller said...

My mom survived polio. It's not fun. Thank God for that vaccine, it has changed, for the better, the world. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who advocates for ending the current widespread use of that vaccine should never be in a position of leadership within our health status.

If you don't want your kid vaccinated for polio, fine. Your kid, your choice.

Then you educate him or her, you keep him or her in your house, etc, away from the rest of us and our young kids and the immunocompromised people in our lives.


We've defeated this disease already. Why should we have to fight this war again?

I get it when ppl say you're vaccinated, so whether my kid is, or not, has no bearing on your kid. Except when your kid gets sick and you can't pay your massive medical bills to save his or her life, I'm pretty sure you're not going to say "oh well junior, I guess you're gonna die." Instead, you're going to expect the rest of us to pay, through our taxes, to chip in.

Well, news flash, we've already paid for your kid NOT to get polio. Once. I sure as heck don't want to pay to cure that kid because you're too stubborn or stupid to get that vaccine.

Les Carpenter said...

And yet You Know Who, the nut America elected to lead the nation agai after his last fiasco, values his advice? Thinks he the guy to help MAGA by bringing back deadly diseases?

If course. It all makes perfect sense now. The ignorant leading the ignorant to the edge of the abyss.

Shaw Kenawe said...

OMG! Wrong stat! That was 27 million who don't have insurance coverage! What a stupid mistake! Sorry. Thanks for your catch!

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is the correct number:

"Harvard did a study and found 45000 people per year die due to NOT having insurance in the US. (New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage) We are the only first world country that does not have it and currently all estimates point to US citizens paying 2 to 3 times as much for the similar or worse care than these other countries because we are paying a middle man who is making millions off healthy people and being very restrictive about what they cover for sick people."

Dave Miller said...

Jonas Salk, who created the polio vaccine that saved more than 20 million people from death and paralysis is rolling over in his grave.

Unless and until the worry warts can show definite, provable cause and effect between each and every vaccine they are calling into question, they need to stuff it.

They're so sure of that connection, they're so sure of their evidence, this should not be a heavy lift. Just show it to us.

And honestly most of us don't want to hear any of the typical of late, Rudy Giuliani we still need to investigate BS. You've had 75 years in this case to establish your case.

Now you just want chaos.

BB-Idaho said...

We all have a complex immune system, perfected over eons of evolution.
You breathe in some dangerous virus, you quickly create antibodies, willingly or not. These alert phage cells which destroy the intruder virus. Before vaccines, 'herd immunity' was the defense. And so some species disappeared. 'Killed virus' creates the same response safely. If anti-vaxxers
prevail, they will prove this by winning the Darwin Award and joining the deceased herd. You can't make this stuff up. *sigh*

Grey One talks sass said...

No worries on the error, it happens. And this is why I love this blog. It's not knowing what you know; for me it's when data posted is not accurate taking the extra step to double check sources and notes and correcting the post. It's positively scientific in it's methodology and I'm here for it.