Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, December 23, 2024

This was stunning news this morning:


"A report by the House Ethics Committee accused former Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, of regularly paying for sex and using illegal drugs, and of having sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl in 2017." --NYTimes 

I don't believe for a second that Trump didn't know this. 

And it may be the reason he actually wanted Gaetz.

How easy it would be to control you AG, knowing this information.

But it was too much for Gaetz's enemies in the House, and now we know the truth about this low-life.

Never forget that Trump wanted this pedophile and illicit drug user to be America's Attorney General.


Speaker Johnson wanted to bury the report.

Congratulations to Mike Johnson for trying to pressure the House Ethics Committee into burying a report that found the then-nominee for attorney general had engaged in sexual activity with a minor. Party of Family Values, am I right?


Les Carpenter said...

Low lifes congregate together, mutually living the unethical life.

Behind the scenes president Musk is another low life but of a different shade.

2025, the year the lying cons fundamentally change America into an authoritarian oligarchy.

Dave Miller said...

This is stunning news. How could Speaker Johnson, reportedly devout in his faith, support a man of such immorality to head up the US Dept of Justice. How could any politician? How could a president elect nominate such a person?

Finally, how could all the folks who decried the morals of Bill Clinton, a serial philanderer, now simply look the other way when their standard bearer nominates a rapist, a child molester and drug user?

And how could the Republican Party try to keep the information quiet?

Shaw Kenawe said...

IMO, Johnson's "faith" is power, not Christianity. Gaetz obviously broke the law and committed some pretty awful sexual crimes.

Trump had to know, and we know Johnson knew.

We are watching the disintegration of our country because of people like Johnson who honor power over morality and principle, and a very dishonorable man, Trump, over all else.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Republicans are all about "whataboutism" . Anyone complaining about Trump will be met with well what about Gaetz? It seems to win them elections.

Dave Miller said...

I was following a discussion on X earlier today. The point of the Gaetz apologists was what about Kennedy, Clinton, Hunter Biden, etc. I'll give the GOP credit, they do know immoral philanderers when they see them.

But that's not the point. The Dems have never claimed to be the party of good personal morals or God. Just good policy. The GOP however, in addition to claiming their own good policies, also claimed the mantle of morality and to be the party of God. In fact, they've had more than a few candidates who ran specifically on a "Christian" platform based on their understand of that religion's morals. Think Huckabee, Pat Robertson, Ted Cruz and more.

Never let them forget their words during the Clinton era... "Private immorality disqualifies someone from public leadership".

Anonymous said...

Apparently, for Republicans…

Sexual abuse is ok.
Statutory rape is ok.
Sex trafficking is ok.

But don’t you dare try to forgive college loan debt.

Now THAT’S a red line.

skudrunner said...

Anon, Your statement is ridiculous when you support someone who said hate crimes are OK and commuted 37 rapist, killers and child abusers death sentences. He has a problem with the death sentence for evil people but not abortion, seems to be contradictory. It is the current administration who approved sex trafficking by opening the border to the cartels.

There is no forgiveness of debt for college debt there is just a transfer of responsibility from the student who agreed to pay back the loan to the taxpayer who didn't.

Dave Miller said...

It's all Kabuki theater.

As Clinton twisted over his lies during his scandal with Monica, the GOP was a bunch of moralistic scolds. As usual, they went too far and coined not just the phrase I highlighted above, but a cottage industry of books along the lines of Education Secretary Bill Bennett's "The Death of Outrage" [towards immorality].

Now of course, the GOP is silent on any moral failings because it serves their cause.

Then you have the Skud like folks, standing up for some tax payers not to pay taxes that go to others. But isn't that exactly what happens when we cut taxes for the rich? The government expenses don't go away, we simply starve programs that serve the less fortunate because we're taking in less money, a plan Skud supports.

But flip the switch and essentially give that tax cut, through loan forgiveness to poor and middle class people, and suddenly, the policy is sinister. Why should rich people pay more so poor folks can get more?

It's the same with abortion.

Our conservative friends want to consider an abortion before fetal viability murder. Fine. That's their choice. But when confronted with the reality of what they are saying, they backtrack. If in fact it is murder, as these mostly men believe, why are we not trying those women and their doctors for murder? And then, why not put them to death for that pre meditated murder?

Trump is a great example of the problem. He's stated there needs to be punishment for the woman getting an abortion. He's on tape saying so. But he's also on tape saying it's okay for a state to have legal abortions. Can anyone square that?

The bottom line?

The current Skuds and MAGA folks have no through lines on policy, ideas or government programs. It's just what pops into their minds, sounds good on video, or looks good on paper in the moment.

Because actually thinking about the hard realities of governing in a multicultural pluralistic society and creating a "more perfect union" for all Americans is too hard and doesn't fit into the nice, neat, angry boxes they inhabit.

Les Carpenter said...

No skud, anon is spot on. You be the ridiculous one that supports a felon, a sexual assaulter, and a party of zero morals that is as unethical as any criminal organization.

skudrunner said...

Rev, Since the top 1% pay 40% of taxes who should get a break. Maybe we should give the bottom 40% a tax break from FIT. Oh wait that won't work because they don't pay FIT. Why not transfer personal obligations to all tax payers instead of the one who signed to take responsibility after all personal responsibility is passe.

I happen to support the right of a women to make her own decisions on abortion since she will have to live with it. What I think is very hypercritical is joey b and his stance on capital punishment that he thinks is immoral and his stance on abortion that he thinks is moral.

Les, Anon was correct with one change and that is the title to democrats because they and their incompetent leader opened the border to all of the groups listed. Biden just said he will make the decision on punishment not the courts. Of course his decision that a person who committed a felony should be pardoned sets the tone.

Dave Dubya said...

So Skud admits he agrees with Biden that abortion is moral. Oh, Skud DIDN'T say that? But that's what he said Biden thinks.
MAYBE Biden thinks abortion isn't the damn government's business?
Does Skud think capital punishment is "moral" when innocent people are executed?
I fail to see how any pathological liar has standing to lecture anyone on what's moral, including Skud.