Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Earlier this month the gigantic jellyfish, known as Nomura jellyfish, sank a fishing vessel off the coast of Japan.  Sarah Palin's book, "Going Rogue, An American Life," made its debut this week.  Both these events are facts-- events that occurred in November 2009.  One year ago this month, Mr. Obama was elected president of the United States by the American people; therefore, because he is the president, Mr. Obama is to blame for the jellyfish disaster and the Palin book debut.  I make this observation based on more than a few of my commenters who believe that stating a simple fact means that one is assessing blame on the president of the United States.

Now back to the jellyfish [and shame on Mr. Obama for being negligent and allowing nightmarish creatures to terrorize Japanese fishermen]:

"The trawler, the Diasan Shinsho-maru, capsized off Chiba`as its three-man crew was trying to haul in a net containing dozens of huge Nomura's jellyfish.

Each of the jellyfish can weigh up to 200 kg and waters around Japan have been inundated with the creatures this year. Experts believe weather and water conditions in the breeding grounds, off the coast of China, have been ideal for the jellyfish in recent months.

One of the largest jellyfish in the world, the species can grow up to 2 meters in diameter. The last time Japan was invaded on a similar scale, in the summer of 2005, the jellyfish damaged nets, rendered fish inedible with their toxic stings and even caused injuries to fishermen.

Relatively little is known about Nomura's jellyfish, such as why some years see thousands of the creatures floating across the Sea of Japan on the Tsushima Current, but last year there were virtually no sightings. In 2007, there were 15,500 reports of damage to fishing equipment caused by the creatures.

Experts believe that one contributing factor to the jellyfish becoming more frequent visitors to Japanese waters may be a decline in the number of predators, which include sea turtles and certain species of fish."

I don't know which factual event is worse:  The attack of the giant jellyfish or the publication of Sarah Palin's book.

The jellyfish is awesome; Sarah Palin, not so much.

But both, according to some rightwingers, are Mr. Obama's  fault!


Jim said...

Glad to get this off to fine argument! ;-)

If you can recall, during the W's time in office all kinds of things were blamed on him. Like Hurricane Katrina. Not just the response to it but the actual hurricane itself!

So, just to be fair and balanced, if I get cold this season, it's Mr. Obama's fault. If I fall off my trailer, yep, it's Mr. O's fault.

This can be fun. Thanks for showing us all how it's done libs.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You've missed the point.

I showed photos on the post below of Mr. Bush kissing and holding hands with a Saudi Muslim. This behavior is customary between Muslim men. Mr. Bush accommodated and showed respect to his guest when he engaged in it.

Mr. Obama, while visiting Japan, gave the customary greeting to the Emperor. A bow.

The wingnuts went ballistic.

Then some of them came here and said I was blaming Bush, because I pointed out the fact that Mr. Bush, [and many other GOP presidents] respected the greeting customs of visiting heads of state.

Apparently, rightwingers are okay with a US president kissing a Saudi head of state on the lips--but not bowing?

You realize they're crazy don't you?

Ruth said...

November of 2008, Barack Obama was elected president. Since November of 2008, wingnuts have grown increasingly crazy.

Pres. O is to blame for the wingnuts being crazy. Q.E.D.

The Malcontent said...

I guess you missed this story, as I didn't see any mention of it on you so fair and balanced blog.

Top Obama donor and fundraiser Jodie Evans met with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a recent trip there, according to a report by Jane Fonda of a discussion she had with Evans last month. The meeting with the Taliban took place just weeks before Evans was videotaped directly handing to President Barack Obama a package of information about her trip to Afghanistan at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco.

TAO said...

Whew, tha malcontent...

Good thing I go back and read the stuff on the links you post...

So, where is the proof that Evans is a major Obama contributor?

She also met with Karzai's brother, who is on the payroll of the CIA...

Of course you miss all that don't you?

Hey, if this sets you off I can only imagine how you felt when Cheney was having all those private meetings with oil company executives...

That must have really drove you and the boys at the big government blog NUTS!

The Malcontent said...

TAO said...

Hey, if this sets you off I can only imagine how you felt when Cheney was having all those private meetings with oil company executives.

Hey braindead, don't you have any other BS to trow around except.
"So what about Cheney"? "So what about Bush"? "So what about Nixon"?

Hey schmuck, Obama is the president now, not Clinton, not Carter, and not the most over-rated ex-president ever Kennedy.
So stop the diarrhea from pouring out of your mouth. And Wipe off the can or bottle before offering it to anyone else.

TAO said...

As much as you would like to believe the world as we know it didn't begin with the election of Obama...

Of course we both know that you and your ilk want everyone to believe this because then that makes you so brillant!

Newsflash buckwheat!!!

There is a long glorious history of presidents bowing to world leaders and special interests meeting with our elected leaders...

Besides, in 2016 when you get your President you will spend his/her first term blaming everything on Obama...

Thats the trouble with folks like you...nothing is ever your fault!

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Malcontent,

If you want to come here and continue to post your comments, stop insulting my commenters.

TAO didn't engage in name-calling, but that seems to be your fallback when someone disagrees with or presents contrary evidence to what you post.

And if you read the name of my blog correctly and understood it, you would know that I would have a progressive slant. It's right up there in great big letters. Can you say "Progressive?"

I've seen that your blog is filled with hysterical rantings against Mr. Obama. Good for your.

Everyone needs a hobby.

I don't visit your blog and tell you what to blog about, don't do it here, okay?

You have your own blog where you can show off your intellectual limitations.

Thank you. And have a nice day.

The Malcontent said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
The Malcontent,
If you want to come here and continue to post your comments, stop insulting my commenters.

Why didn't you say that to YOUR commenters on your previous posts when they insulted me by the droves?

And by the way, if you visited my blog, how come you didn't put your picture in the "Following" section? I would love to have you there.

teresamerica said...


Eric Holder, President Obama, and all the officials in the Obama administration decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other terrorists in a New York courtroom is unconscionable!!!!! This is pure political malice. But, do any of these bastards have a conscience? It seems NOT. Obama, Eric Holder, and the members of the Obama administration only want to create a show trial against the Bush administration. It is clearer to me than ever that ALL of these people HATE AMERICA!!

The Obama administration is treating these terrorists as if they are merely common criminals that were taken off the streets of in the United States. These terrorists were not picked up off of any of our streets but rather captured overseas in the midst of a WAR. These killers are terrorists. These terrorists are co-conspirators in the 9/11 attacks and declared war upon us. We have vowed to "Never Forget" 9/11. It seems as though that this current administration has forgotten about 9/11- One of the greatest tragedies in our nation's history. Our brave military men and women captured these terrorists while fighting a war overseas. We are still at War. Or, has this administration forgotten that? Maybe, since Obama and his cronies continue to dither while our heroes keep on waiting for an answer to General McCrhystal's request for additional troops. This adminstration continues to undermine the war effort, as they did during the Bush presidency. Obama, Eric Holder, and officials in the Obama administration are so anti-military, its unbelievable. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the four other terrorists need to be tried properly - in front of a military tribunal. All of these leftist, progressive, commies undermined the Bush administration's efforts to enact justice on these terrorists. But, the terrorists even want to plead guilty in front of a military commision. So, why are you going to make this into a circus freak show and complicate matters when there is a very simple solution. Mr. President, if you cared about this country at all, you would let the terrorists plead guilty in front of a military commission, and then have them executed in a timely manner instead of dragging this process on for years.

I am pissed... So, outraged.... This commander-in-chief makes me utterly sick.... This decision to hold trials in NY for the mastermind of 9/11 and four other terrorists is outrageous!! And, one more time, I will say that this decision is unconscionable!!! We need to stop this tragedy from happening. Protest, protest, protest. Let these America haters hear us loud and clear! We will not let you disparage and disgrace this country. And all you can write about is Sarah Palin? This only goes to show how frighten you are of Sarah Palin! It’s been more than a year after the presidential election in which Sarah Palin, was running as the GOP nominee for VP, and she campaigned for only about 3 months. BUT she is still being pilloried by the left. Afraid of her, you betcha.

Jim said...

OK SK, I guess I did miss the point. I thought it was a different subject instead of continuing the one from yesterday. Sorry. My mistake. BTW - I was never good at charades either! ;-)

Back to the point, I think, I failed to verify the picture of Bush actually kissing the prince directly on the lips. Bad camera angle? W did do the cheek kiss thing that is done over there. That's customary but it ain't bowing to a monarch. For whatever that's worth, I'm sick of this topic.

I think the jellyfish, Sarah Palin, and Barack Obama can be blamed on man made global warming, don't you?

TAO said...

Tresa, you say everything that Obama is doing is to get back at the Bush Administration...

Which means you totally disagree with the Malcontent who claims that Bush is irrelevant because he is no longer President...

Tha Malcontent is desperate for followers and readers so why don't you run over to his blog and become a follower and then the two of you can discuss why it is when someone wants to point a finger at at Bush then that is wrong because he is no longer president...but when you want to blame Obama for something it is just fine to use Bush...

That should be worth coming to your respective blogs and reading...

TAO said...


Lets start another one and have a poll:

Question 1: Who is going or has bought Palin's book...

Question 2: Of those who have bought and or are going to buy Palin's book how many pages will you read...

Oh, and to beat everyone to the draw I have neither bought nor read any of Obama's books...

But I will buy Bush's memiors and read them just like I did Clinton's

Jim said...

OK Mr. T, I'm up for that. As for me I will read Mrs. Palin's book but only after I can get it at the library. I rarely buy books any more as I want to support the one government program I can contribute to from my own initiative. Support your local library today! ;-)

Barnes and Noble and Amazon rate her book a best seller. Somebody is buying her book.

dmarks said...

I see the link to the above left to a Hitchens article. Is Christopher Hitchens now a respected source here?

Even on his well-reasoned arguments for the necessity to strike back against terrorists, even in Iraq?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

In keeping with my well deserved reputation for being fair and balanced, I shall list the successes of President Bush to placate our friends on the right.

His economic and regulation policies led to a, um, er, let's move on.

Bush presided over the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq leading to a renewal of feelings of goodwill towards America. Democracy taking hold and spreading in the Arab World. Extremist Islamics embracing respect for women's rights. Bin Laden and the rest of the thugs captured and. Oops. None of that happened either? Damn that Obama.

Brownie did a heck of a job?

I'll find something Bush did right eventually.

Arthurstone said...


Here's an interesting quote:

Is Christopher Hitchens now a respected source here?

I'm surprised Shaw didn't run this past you. Personally I don't know why Shaw added the link to Hitchens, My guess is she finds him interesting. Respected? That's a bit slippery.

But you can never go wrong with interesting. Hitchens is a great writer and brilliant (in my opinion) with whom I only occasionally agree. But I am always interested in what he has to say.

Various points of view and such? It's kind of fun really.

Arthurstone said...

Truth101 typed:

'I'll find something Bush did right eventually.'

He was the most physically fit President in the entire history of the United States.

TOM said...

The jellyfish is a freak of nature.
Palin is a freak of politics.
These right wing extremists are diluted freaks of their own minds.
When their arguments are shown to be false, irrational, and lies; they resort to name calling.
No one blamed Bush for a hurricane. They blamed Bush for not helping Americans, that suffered and died in a sports arena. They got mad at Bush for making stupid comments like "You are doing a great job Brownie."
It's useless to try to have a discussion with irrational, mentally challenged paranoids.
I'd feel sorry for their lack of critical thinking, but they are so nasty, that's all they deserve in return.

dmarks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TAO said...

OMG! Jim hates capitalism and the concept of an ownership society!

Libraries are where socialists hang out and talk about "communities' like in communes and like group sex!

Jim is a socialist!

Jim said...

Hey tom, what happened to Daffy? I like Daffy. O well, guess Rockwell will do as well. I like Norman R. too. I also like Led Zepp. I see you do as well. See, we do have things in common. ;-)

Once in this blog I was told to label an opinion as IMHO or MHO. Jellyfish ain't freaks. They've been a part of Nature for millions of years. They may be freaky to us humans but we shouldn't judge now should we. So, it's just your opinion they are freaks, right?

Same goes for Sarah. She is no freak in politics, not even American politics. Unless, of course, Mrs. Ferraro in 1984, the first woman candidate for vice president by a major political party, was the freak. IYO correct? There have been many woman on the world stage of politics, Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir to name two. I doubt that you mean women are freaks in politics. IMHO it's Mr. Obama that's the freak in American politics. Not that I personally would use freak but that is your definition.

Well Tom, you do have a valid point in that it is hard to have a conversation with one that is so irrational in thought. So dazed and confused.

Jim said...

Mr. T don't have a fit there. Watch your heart. Catch your breath.

I never said I was against all government. And the library system is on the local level and therefore more user friendly. BTW - if it weren't for a certain robber baron (Carnegie) there would be many small communities without one!

dmarks said...

I look around for snow monkeys.

TOM said...


So the TARP bill was Democratic? Forget that President Bush (leader of the Republican party) went on national TV to tell Americans we had to have TARP, or we would have a financial disaster.
Forget that President Bush (leader of the Republican party) told Republican Congressional leaders to support and lobby for TARP.
Forget that the Republican Secretary of the Treasury and Bush's Republican financial advisers all backed the TARP proposal.
Forget that all conservative economists supported TARP.
Because the Republican President could not get ALL Republicans to vote for TARP, it was a Democratic bill, even though Republican Congressional leaders wrote the bill.

The anger from the American people towards President Bush over Katrina, was all about his refusal to act on global warming?
What about the American peoples anger over the incompetence of FEMA and its Republican leader?
What about the American peoples anger, that people in the sports arena waiting for help from the Republican led government, died waiting for help that did not come?
What about the American peoples anger over their Republican President not being concerned enough to show up at the sight, or go back to sleep when he was told of the damage?
What about the American peoples anger over the thousands of trailers at FEMA's disposal, that were refused by the Republican led government to immediately use them to house the homeless from Katrina?

TARP was the Democrats idea, and anger over Katrina was only due to global warming. Seems your memory is the one that needs a jolt, because you are wrong.

TOM said...

Jellyfish that size are not normal. Women in politics are not as stupid as Palin, she is a freak. Even McCain is calling her memories of the events strange and not true. The American people think she is a freak, by 70%.

Jim said...

"No one blamed Bush for a hurricane."

Actually the environmental extremists did exactly that by connecting Mr. Bush's stand against man-made global warming and Hurricane Katrina itself. They claimed that it was a direct cause for the hurricane.

Mr. Bush was also blamed for the fate of that poor man dragged behind the pickup in Vidor TX.

Mr. Bush was also blamed for the 9/11 attacks themselves. He had them planned!

So, if there are such diluted freaks of their own minds you will find them on the extreme left.

Jim said...

Hey Tom, you have a poll that can back up this claim? The American people think she is a freak, by 70%.

Jim said...

Getting back to the stated point of this thread by SK, Hurricane Katrina was a fact, 9/11 happened, climate change was a fact during Mr. Bush's term and he was blamed personally for each of those and so much more.

Fact. Mr. Bush is no longer President. Hasn't been for almost a year. Fact. Mr. Obama is President. Has been for almost a year. When are you going to blame Mr. Obama for his administration's mistakes?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I still think Teddy Roosevelt would have kicked Bush's ass in a fight Arthurstone.

Jim: lease list the people of substance that blamed Bush for dragging the poor old man to his death. Or said Bush planned the 911 attacks.

We can expose the blatherings of Limbaugh because he is the leader of the republican party whether Michael Steele and others want to admit it or not. Name a party leader like a Clinton or someone like that that said the stuff you quote.

TOM said...

Since you are an irrational person, it does not surprise me that you listen to and believe irrational people.

Actually ALL the polls show the same %, pick one.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sorry. You psoted your other comment while I was typing a query to a previous one of yours Jim.

On to President Obama. Open your eyes Jim. We on the left are mad as hell at President Obama for not getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet. I've been as vocal as anyone with my problems with President Obama. Iv'e posted several times about my anger at the pandering to right wing tea baggers and trying to be "bipartisan" with republicans that only want to obstruct and protect the profits and government largess of their corporate benefactors. I've ripped on Democrats that do the same thing. So has Shaw. So has TAO.

And if you don't learn from history it is bound to repeat itself. How can we forget about the disaster that was the Bush presidency and hope to never repeat those mistakes again?

I'm sorry you're tired of hearing about Bush's mistakes. But we can't afford not to be reminded so they are not repeated.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Can someone, anyone, please explain to me how teresamerica arrived at this statement?

Life on this planet started as a form of bacteria, and eventually, through changes over time, diversified into jellyfish and Sarah Palin? Is that what teresamerica is suggesting?

All of these leftist, progressive, commies undermined the Bush administration's efforts to enact justice on these terrorists.--teresamerica

The Bush administration's efforts to enact justice? Do you mean torture justice? You can't be serious.

But thanks for the comedy. I needed a good laugh today.

To "The Malcontent." I do not approve of ad hominem attacks on anyone. Pamela Hart and I have tried to stop this behavior, but it appears more of your kind continue throwing name-calling bombs.

I've asked my fellow bloggers not to engage in that behavior.

Sometimes we slip up.

If you can get your point across with incisive humor [see Arthurstone], you're welcome. If all you can do is call people names, I'm not interested.

dmarks said...

"We on the left are mad as hell at President Obama for not getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan yet."

I think it's a matter of President Obama now sitting where he can get all the facts, and a rash and quick retreat (surrender?), which many have, wanted him to do just isn't feasable and is far from the best course of action. Even though it is easy for armchair generals to sit back and demand it.

Mean Mr. Mustard said...

Sarah Palin is really a gigantic killer jellyfish?

Who knew?

dmarks said...

Who knew? McCain knew, but he kept the secret under wraps until the election was over.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Surrender to what Dmarks? Surrender to the bastards that got us into this mess in Afghanistan and Iraq? Leaving would be a victory for common sense and a triumph over the scum that sold our Nation on these ventures.

dmarks said...

Shaw said: "Life on this planet started as a form of bacteria, and eventually, through changes over time, diversified into jellyfish and Sarah Palin? "

I think you have just recited us the theme for the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory".

Truth asked:

"Surrender to the bastards that got us into this mess in Afghanistan and Iraq? "

Those bastards being the Taliban, Al Queda, and various allied groups. It makes no sense at all to surrender to them.

Goody Glover said...

@ the lying conservative email:

why are you and Swash Zone surprised?

most of these people swallow anything sent around in emails and never look into whether it is bogus or not, hence their adoration of Palin.

i remember the insane uproar over Obama's pastor Wright, but Palin got a pass on her pastor who believes in witchcraft and asks Jesus to protect Palin from it.

"Muthee and his wife returned home to Kenya from Scotland, where he had finished his graduate studies, in 1988. They soon felt that they were "called by God to Kiambu" and after six months of prayer, research, and "spiritual mapping," they came to believe that a woman known as "Mama Jane" was a witch, and thereby caused traffic fatalities, traffic accidents, crime, and spiritual oppression in the area. Muthee alleged that "top government and business leaders [were] afraid to do anything without her approval," that at least one person per month would die in a car accident in front of her "divination house" and that she weekly "went to Thomas' church site, performed magic, and cast her spells and curses."[5] Muthee publicly declared, “Mama Jane either gets saved and serves the Lord, or she leaves town! There is no longer room in Kiambu for both of us!"[5] Soon after his followers began to pray that God would either save or oust Mama Jane, three young people died in another apparent accident in front of Mama Jane's house, according to Muthee's account. Angry townsfolk wanted to stone Mama Jane in retaliation for the traffic accidents. When the police entered Mama Jane's home to intervene, they were allegedly startled by what they believed to be a demon and shot her pet python to death. Mama Jane was then questioned by police, after which she left town, according to some accounts.

Muthee has frequently referred to the Mama Jane event as an example of successful “spiritual mapping," which includes locating specific witches by research and prayer, and spiritual warfare, claiming that crime and traffic accidents were reduced as a result of chasing Mama Jane out of town. Others have referred to the event as an example of the power of prayer. The event was depicted in two videos by George Otis, Jr., in which Muthee claimed that the crime and traffic accident rate in Kiambu dropped drastically after Mama Jane left, and that he is responsible for positive social change in the town.

Workgroup "Back to the Bible," headed by Pastor Rien van de Kraats of Kamperland, Netherlands, found no police reports or any other sources that backed up Muthee’s claims.[13] Investigators have asserted that "Mama Jane" is Jane Njenga, a local pastor who never left Kiambu." --Wikipedia

If Palin becomes the US president, we can rest assured that she will rid America of all its witches!

I ToldJah So said...

Obviously this old shtick is getting boring.... lets get back to blaming Bush again.
or maybe we should attack Dan Quayle, we haven't done that for a long time.

I ToldJah So said...

The Libs might do us a favor and free us from OBAMA?

Because Obama just can't seem to stop making a fool out of himself.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Explain why occupying countries that were no threat is an effective strategy against Al Queda to me Dmarks. Explain to me why spending 100 billion dollars a month, and far more importantly, losing the lives of those that volunteered to serve our Nation in a ccupation of countries that don't want us there. And will not suddenly embrace democracy and freedom not matter what we do, is a good idea.

You make a mistake, you correct it. You don't compound it

I appreciate loyalty as much as anyone buddy. But your blind loyalty to the creeps that goaded us into these invasions is troubling.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Brother Toldjuh. Did the Right is Right lady send you here to make an idiot of yourself pal?

Or are you freelancing this one?
If so, I respect your courage for defying Helga.

Shaw Kenawe said...

IToldja So,

An old saying goes something like this:

"If you have nothing intelligent to say, it's best you keep silent."

Another one you may want to memorize is this:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Shaw Kenawe said...


I just visited and read "I Toldja So's" blog.

I urge the commenters here to visit it as well.

This particular comment was especially droll:

"Anyway, my questions for today is.................
Who’s uglier, and who's ass is bigger... Mama Obama or Oprah? Is Nancy Pelosi really a man?
Why do people feel the need to voice their opinions when it comes to my own personal matters?
And of course the classic, which never fails to crack me up- if a man talks in the woods and there isn’t a woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

Fell free to leave your answers in the comment section."

Comedy gold.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

According to the handbook distributed by Helga, the Right is Right lady, as long as the man is saying what she told him to say, he is fine. (I got the "Heil Helga" thing from TAO)

I felt bad for Brother Toldjuh when I visited so I left a comment for he and his pals to rip.
I'm too kind and gentle to let somebody be lonely.

dmarks said...

Truth asked: "Explain why occupying countries that were no threat is an effective strategy against Al Queda to me Dmarks."

9/11 taught us the folly of letting terrorist aggression go unchecked. "No threat" to the US did not apply to Iraq.

"Explain to me why spending 100 billion dollars a month"

Why should I explain that to you? What world did THIS take place in?

Let's see: 100 billion a month is 1.2 trillion a year, which would make the cost of the war over $8 trillion so far. I don't know what budget math you are using, but in the real world the cost of both wars has been under $1 trillion.

"and far more importantly, losing the lives of those that volunteered to serve our Nation in a cccupation of countries that don't want us there."

That happened at the end of WW2 also, you know. It happens: sometimes attacks from other countries force us as a last resort to occupy those other countries.

"But your blind loyalty to the creeps that goaded us into these invasions is troubling."

The only thing creepy would have been to sit back after 9/11 and NOT strike back at the terrorists.


On to the other side, I read Todd Soldiah's blog and I too was completely flabbergasted.

Arthurstone said...

I loved the photo at IToldJah So.

From what I can gather it was taken at one of the editorial board meetings.

It's always a treat to stumble on a new example of terrific visuals coupled with crisp, intelligent writing.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Oh. I forgot about all the terrorists in Iraq and how Saddam and Bin Laden loved each other Dmarks. Oh wait. They didn't.

Afghanistan is a lost cause in regards to nation building. Eight years since 911 and still no Bin Laden. Still no functioning, pro western values democracy in the two countries we invaded and occupied.

I have no problem getting terrorists. I'm probably as hawkish against real terrorists as any right winger you want to name.
I also like smart policies that get them as well as getting my money's worth. The money we have and will spend on Iraq is wasted. India is our ally and hates Pakistan. If we need a base I don't think India will have a problem with us staying there.

Why you think staying in Afghanistan so we can keep on playing bribe the tribal elders with the Taliban is sensible is beyond me Dmarks.

Does this Nation even have anything resembling a real general anymore?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As long as we're on the subject of occupations Dmarks; are you willing to pay the higher taxes necessary to successfully transform and nation build Iraq and Afghanistan into functioning democracies? Are you willing to do what it takes as far as total takeover and administration of these two countries until such time their people and governments are capable?

I highly doubt it.

I ToldJah So said...

Blogger TRUTH 101 said...

Hey Brother Toldjuh. Did the Right is Right lady send you here to make an idiot of yourself pal?

Or are you freelancing this one?
If so, I respect your courage for defying Helg


Arthurstone said...

Truth101 wondered:

"Does this Nation even have anything resembling a real general anymore?"

Nope. But then the nation contains only about three real Democrats anymore as well.

Here's one of them:

Last night KUOW ran an interview with Frank here in Seattle recorded during a recent visit and this guy is terrific.

Afghanistan has ALWAYS been the Graveyard of Empires.

Even fictional characters know that:

dmarks said...

Truth said: "Oh. I forgot about all the terrorists in Iraq"

Yes, people do often forget them. But the numerous terrorist groups were well documented in the years prior to 2003, and prior to the Bush administration.

"Why you think staying in Afghanistan so we can keep on playing bribe the tribal elders with the Taliban is sensible is beyond me Dmarks."

I look forward to seeing what Obama's new strategy is. The Bush administration ran on autopilot for years there (foolishly) and Obama has been doing the same thing for 10 months (also foolishly).

Jim said...

Tom, try to define what you are wanting to quantify. The list of unfavorable in the following list of polls don't come near the 70 number you state.

Are Mrs. Palin's poll numbers low? Yes. Is it due to her lack of experience? Certainly. No argument there. It is much to early to worry over poll numbers at this point. But by all means let the numbers today console you.

TOM said...

It's not a matter of experience.
The American people have elected many Governors, with no federal elected office experience (FDR, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, etc.)
It's a matter of the American peoples judgment of her intellectual capacity to be Vice President, or President.
The American people have judged (correctly) that she does not have the intellectual capacity to hold such a high office.
Her case is easy to judge. Her words and actions speak for her, or against her.
When McCain nominated her to be his VP pick, he showed me that he cared more for his own grasp for power, than the welfare of the future of the American people.
Sen. McCain is a senior citizen with many well documented physical ailments, and he was willing to gamble Palin as President in case something happened to him. That shows McCain's poor judgment.
You are wrong if you read her LOW poll numbers as simply lacking experience.
In fact I would argue that picking Palin cost him most of the vote percentage he lost by.
One the right's complaints about Sen. Obama, is that he lacked experience to be President, but he showed Americans that he had the intellectual capacity to do the job.

dmarks said...

"but he showed Americans that he had the intellectual capacity to do the job."

"Show" had everything to do with it, not "intellectual capacity". Obama quite simply looked a lot better on TV than McCain did. McCain was past his prime, and it showed. There's a good chance the younger McCain of 8 years before probably would have beaten Obama. A very good chance.

TOM said...

Please demarks,

Looks only? Some of our best Presidents have been homely as hell.

Eight years ago McCain could not even beat Bush. If it was Bush vs Obama, Obama would have won by a larger vote than he beat McCain by.

I guess college grad, law school review editor, professor of Constitutional law, community organizer, State rep. U.S. Senator, means nothing. Right, Obama is just an idiot. Typical right wing blah, blah, blah.

He certainly beats Palin whose resume includes beauty contest winner, cheer leader, hockey mom, moose killer. Oh yes, Mayor of Wasilla(sp) Alaska. How many people live in that town? And of course Gov. of Alaska. She was under investigation for ethical misconduct less that half way through her term, and of course she quit the job. That's presidential material? Your standards are to low demarks.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

When you demand that taxes be raised to pay for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan I will start being nice to you Dmarks.

Till such time your credibility is zero.

As far as I'm concerned, we leave both places and our military can be put to use protecting our borders and ports. Resources used up in these quagmires can be used here at home rebuilding New Orleans and updating our system of locks and levees so this doesn't happen again.

Good to see Helga hasn't found out you were here yet Brother Toldjuh.

dmarks said...

"When you demand that taxes be raised to pay for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan I will start being nice to you Dmarks"

Might as well also demand that we start kicking puppies in the streets too. Why not? It's as unnecessary as the punitive tax increases. After all, we already have enough money coming in to pay for national defense.

Tom said:
"I guess college grad, law school review editor, professor of Constitutional law, community organizer, State rep. U.S. Senator, means nothing.

What a thin resume it is indeed, if you have to list as qualifications for President that someone graduated from college!

Yes, state rep and US senator are good to have on the list. But can you name anything he actually did while on them? (I'm sure you can, after you scramble on Google... after this question leaves you dumbfounded). A big contrast to someone like, say, Hillary... whom, whatever you think of her ideology, was a very busy and active senator.

"and of course she quit the job. That's presidential material? Your standards are to low demarks."

You are new here. I've already mentioned that quitting the governorship is quite troubling. If she has no guts to fake entirely false ethics charges in the governorship, how can she put up with the similar (and far worse) crap that will face her in the Presidency? The type of stuff any President faces?

The favorable comparison of Palin to OBama was best last year, before she quit. When their resumes were rather close.

"Right, Obama is just an idiot. Typical right wing blah, blah, blah."

You are careless and sloppy. It seems most of the other conservatives here insult the President, but not me. You are careless to assume I am one of those. Kind of similar to claiming that the right supported Bush's bailout (when a quick fact-check shows that the support was far more on the Left).

TOM said...

dmark said,

"Show" had everything to do with it, not "intellectual capacity". Obama quite simply looked a lot better on TV than McCain did.

I don't know anyway to interpret that but, that Obama has no intellectual capacity (stupid) and only won because of his looks.

That is an insult to the President, and just wrong.

We will have to disagree.

I don't think graduating at the top of his class, being the law review editor and a Constitutional law professor, not to mention a U.S. Senator is (as you describe) a "thin resume."

I'm not here to educate you about President Obama's achievements, you Google him. Obviously you would not believe what I tell you, anyways.

But thanks for the insulting me and proving just what you are.

The fact and point was, TARP was a Republican bill. You said it was not.

If President Bush had trouble getting Republicans to vote for it, that's his lack of being able to lead his own party.

It was president Bush's TARP bill. His party wrote it, lobbied for it, and won its passage.

You get a little testy when shown to be wrong, don't you demarks. Calm down. I'm sure it's not the first time you have been shown to be wrong, and it won't be the last.

dmarks said...

"I don't think graduating at the top of his class, being the law review editor and a Constitutional law professor, not to mention a U.S. Senator is (as you describe) a "thin resume."

By any stretch of the imagination, it is, when you are talking about the highest office in the land. The only thing that amounts to anything is "US senator" (and even there, he did little, compared to experienced accomplished senators like McCain and Dodd, or even new ones such as Hillary. Edited a magazine, and graduated and taught at college? Come on, really.

He had the thinnest resume of any of the real Presidential candidates that ran last year.

"It was president Bush's TARP bill. His party wrote it, lobbied for it, and won its passage."

Actually, check into it. The Dems voted for it (mostly) and the Republicans voted against it (mostly). It is misleading spin to try to cast this as a problem of the Right.

"You get a little testy when shown to be wrong, don't you demarks"

Go back and look at the actual vote counts. I did earlier, and linked to it. You will find out that you are wrong.

dmarks said...

"I don't know anyway to interpret that but, that Obama has no intellectual capacity (stupid) and only won because of his looks."

Well, "don't know" is right. You are using pure imagination to make something up. Pointing out the fact of Obama's superior "telegenetics" and its great influence in the election is not the same as saying "he's stupid". You are either lying, or too dumb to read.

dmarks said...

Tom asked: "So the TARP bill was Democratic?"

Later you state, perhaps sarcastically:

"TARP was the Democrats idea,"

You also state as fact (no sarcasm): "Bushes TARP bailout was OK for the right, but President Obama's second bailout bill was not."

And the real truth? The House vote on the bailout was 263-171, with "Most Democrats were in favor (172 yeas to 63 nays), while a slighter majority of Republicans voted against (91 yeas to 108 nays)" according to The New York Times’s David Herszenhorn.

Well, the answer to your first question appears to be "yes", your sarcastic statement turns out to be true, and your last statement is actually the opposite of how it was.

Earlier your stated: "If President Bush had trouble getting Republicans to vote for it, that's his lack of being able to lead his own party."

Of course. And why? Because his party opposed it, and the Democrats supported it.


The problems of Obama's thin resume were well known throughout the campaign, and it is hardly a subjective judgment that he lacked experience, and everyone saw how Obama campaigned on his capability and promises, and not on his accomplishments. Here is one interesting link, and this one this one lays out the cold hard facts (Gallup poll: of those who thought experience was important in the election, only 2% of Obama supporters said experience was important, compared to 27% for McCain. Clearly, the idea of someone including "Hey, he graduated from college!" in any sort of list of experience necessary for President is nothing more than scraping the bottom of the barrel and trying to pad a thin resume with real basics.)

Shaw Kenawe said...


You and every other conservative who argue over Obama's resume ALL LEAVE OUT the fact that he was a state senator:

The Illinois Senate career of Barack Obama stretched from 1996 to 2004, when Barack Obama was elected to the United States Senate. Starting in 1993 and throughout his state senate career, Obama also taught constitutional law part-time at the University of Chicago Law School, as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996 and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996-2004, when he was elected to the U.S. Senate.

How many presidential candidates has the US had that actually TAUGHT Constitutional law? Y'know, actually taught the laws on which this country is based. That, to me and many others, as well as the fact that he actually served in a legislature in a large state seems not to matter to conservatives, since they leave his career as a legislator out every time this subject comes up.

Therefore, I believe your and other conservative arguments about his "thin" resume is strictly partisan.

BTW, Mr. Obama's resume is "thicker" than the other guy from Illinois who became president--Abraham Lincoln.

TOM said...


Thanks for the personal insults, calling me stupid etc. I guess that's the way you treat people and won't mind if I treat you the same way.

By your thinking if President Obama's Health Care Bill passes because a couple of Republicans vote for it, then it becomes the Republicans Health Care Bill. Now that's spin.

I will call it the Republican Health Care Bill, but only when talking with you, because anyone else would think I'm nuts.

Only a partisan party hack like you would call President Obama's resume "thin." In your thinking, only an ex-Gov. can be President?

Palin the moose killer, Reagan the movie star, Carter the peanut farmer, all ex-Gov's, but no academic credentials.

That of course leaves out Presidents like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Jackson, Lincoln, Kennedy etc.

Going by your thinking the best Presidents were Taft, McKinley, Nixon, etc.

Yours is the only imagination (mind) that is stretched. You really should watch more news and less Star trek.

Right, a college degree is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I guess beauty contest winner is your idea of intellectual might.

Given your own lack of intellectual capacity, I am starting to understand your idiot thinking.

Your kind of thinking is all to common today, and really sad.

TOM said...

I'm sorry President Carter. You were actually one of the smartest Presidents, being a nuclear engineer and all.

Of course Bush was the only President to have an MBA and look at the stellar financial situation he left us.

dmarks said...

Tom: You were indeed wrong to make the false accusation that pointing out the fact of Obama looking better on TV was "an insult to the President, and just wrong." And you claimed that I called Obama stupid, when I never said that or implied it, and don't even believe it.

Perhaps I should not have used the word "stupid". Poor reading comprehension is more like it.

"By your thinking if President Obama's Health Care Bill passes because a couple of Republicans vote for it,"

That is not my thinking. Again, you did not think things through before you typed. You might be making some sort of comparison to TARP.... if so, you are wildly off. Not only did a few Democrats push TARP over the edge, it was actually significantly more popular among the Dems in the House than it was among the Republicans. It wasn't a "couple" of Democrats. It was a significant majority of them.

"Only a partisan party hack like you would call President Obama's resume "thin."

A partisaan hack, huh? How about most Democrats. They thought this way too. Check here, and also this account that refers to something major Democratic leader Hillary Clinton said: "Hillary Clinton told reporters that both she and the presumtive Republican nominee John McCain offer the experience to be ready to tackle any crisis facing the country under their watch, but Barack Obama simply offers more rhetoric. “I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say,” she said. “He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002.” Clinton was referring to Obama’s anti-war speech he delivered in Chicago before entering the United States Senate."

Also, anyone who takes an objective look at Obama's pre-election resume and stacks it up to elder statesmen such as Dodd, Biden, McCain, or even Romney, would find it lacking.

"Right, a college degree is scraping the bottom of the barrel."

No, but actually touting it as a major part of a Presidential resume in this modern era only proves that there's not much else there. It's like someone applying to be a manager at a chain store and mentioning during the interview that they ran a lemonade stand when they were 8 years old.

"I'm sorry President Carter. You were actually one of the smartest Presidents, being a nuclear engineer and all."

I don't think Carter was nearly as bad as other claim he is.

dmarks said...

Shaw: I knew he was a state senator. No surprise to me. And yes, he TAUGHT. Sure makes him a fairly good candidate for an assistant dean's position at a major law school doesn't it?

"BTW, Mr. Obama's resume is "thicker" than the other guy from Illinois who became president--Abraham Lincoln."

Which is pretty much admitting that Obama didn't have much in his resume, and that's ok.

That's actually an acceptable argument: that experience does not matter much. Obama campaigned on it, and won. The campaign chose to emphasize other strengths. This is hardly unknown, or controversial.

dmarks said...

Tom said: "Looks only? Some of our best Presidents have been homely as hell."

You are underestimating the effect of someone merely looking good on television. Pointing out that some people are a lot better at this than others is not calling them stupid. Not by a long shot.

The most famous and clear example of this is the well-studied Kennedy-Nixon debates.

This factor was also in play last year. Obama always looked so smooth in the debates (and no there is not anything wrong with that, and it does not mean Obama is "stupid"), while McCain did things like that weird robot run on the stage.

TOM said...

Hey demarks,

Is Luke Skywalker a real person, or a fictional character? How about Cat. Kirk?

dmarks said...

I've never heard of Cat Kirk. He's probably like this.

Luke Skyywalker is a real man.