Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, February 7, 2010


And this is what the ex-governor said.  (If anyone can tell me exactly what this means, I would be grateful.)

"I think, kind of tougher to, um, put our arms around, but allowing America's spirit to rise again by not being afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots as a God fearing nation where we're not afraid to say, especially in times of potential trouble in the future here, where we're not afraid to say, you know, we don't have all the answers as fallible men and women so it would be wise of us to start seeking some divine intervention again in this country, so that we can be safe and secure and prosperous again. To have people involved in government who aren't afraid to go that route, not so afraid of the political correctness that you know -- they have to be afraid of what the media said about them if they were to proclaim their alliance on our creator."

It sounds like gobbledegook to me. What did she try to say? 

Apparently, Palin needed crib notes to help her answer basic questions from her adoring fans. And it took up all of 10 minutes of her time. 

This potential presidential candidate and "movement" leader was using crib notes to answer basic questions?

This would mean:

A) That she knew the questions beforehand and the whole thing was a farce.

B) That she still couldn't answer the previously agreed-upon questions without a little extra help.

If true, this is supremely rich coming immediately after a speech in which Palin took a shot at President Obama for using a teleprompter to read his prepared speeches.

You can bet that the President wasn't reading scribbles off his extremities while he sparred with Republicans and Democrats in an unscripted format in his recent Q&As.

Palin, on the other hand, seems to need a cheat-sheet just to get through a contrived lovefest with a smitten interviewer and an adoring audience.
As one observer from Politico wrote:

"I don't remember seeing a telepromter when Obama took questions from the Republican Representatives in Baltimore. Ms. Palin can't seem to handle pre-screened and pre-selected questions from her adoring fans without a few crib notes."

h/t HuffPost

And today on FOX News (via Politico):

President Barack Obama is making "misguided decisions" that he expects the American people to "shut up and accept," Sarah Palin said Sunday.

"Many of us are not going to sit down and shut up, we're going to say 'No we do not like it," the former Republican governor, who quit in the middle of her term, of Alaska said on "Fox News Sunday."

Pressed by host Chris Wallace to explain where the president is telling Americans to sit down and shut up, Palin said: "Just kind of his general persona, I think, that he has when he's up there at, I'll call it a lectern. When he is up there and he is telling us basically 'I know best. My people in the White House know best and we are going to tell you that yes you do want this essentially nationalized health care system.' And we're saying, 'No, we don't' and the messages are not being received by Barack Obama. So I think instead of lecturing he needs to stop and he needs to listen"

(So said the ex-governor as she lectured the President of the United States.)

She also called for White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and Attorney General Eric Holder to step down because “I think these guys are giving our president wrong advice.”

She said Holder should resign “because of the way that we are treating these terrorists, allowing them our U.S constitutional protections when they do not deserve them.”

(The former governor makes a fool of herself in making statements on issues she knows nothing about.  She is uninformed on this issue.)

Palin left open the possibility of running against Obama in 2012 saying it would be “absurd” to not consider a run for president.

“I would (run) if I believe that that is the right thing to do for our country and for the Palin family,” she said.

Obama, she said, could change the political dynamic and boost his reelection odds if he “played the war card” and declared war on Iran or bolstered Israel.

(She talks in sound-bites.  Nothing more.  And says absolutely nothing. "Bolstered" Israel?  What does she mean by "bolstered?"  She never explains and flitters off into another subject, unaware of how shallow she sounds.)

And lastly, her double standard.  She scolds Rahm Emanuel for his intemperate use of the word "retarded" at a closed, private meeting with Democrats, but excuses Rush Limbaugh's use of the word to mock the Democrats.

"I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people who he did not agree with f---ing retards and we did know that Rahm Emanuel, it's been reported, did say that. There's a big difference there," said Palin, whose youngest son Trig has Down Syndrome.

Palin made the comment after Wallace asked her about this Limbaugh quote: "Our politically correct society is acting like some giant insult's taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards. ... I mean these people, these liberal activists, are kooks."

"Should Rush Limbaugh apologize," Wallace asked.

Palin responded, "They are kooks so I agree with Rush Limbaugh."

She's a slippery little hypocrite and not too bright.  But we already knew that.

And finally, Sarah vs. Sarah.  She railed against the bailout at the tea party convention this weekend--the same bailout she supported while running for vice president less than a year and a half ago [she and McCain have that in common--flip-flopping.]  Just listen to her lack of understanding of the issues as she fumble-talks to Katie Couric while using meaningless blather to cover up her ignorance of what the bailout is:


libhom said...

Palin's attacks on Obama for using a teleprompter are truly giggle worthy.

)O( said...

Remember that when Obama is evicted from OUR White House.
Even libs are seeing the writing on the wall. It is not just Sarah that is getting huge support, it’s the Conservative message. We are going to win this war and in 2010, we will kick the bums right out of office. But first things first, DEFEAT DEATHCARE, we have a country to save..let’s do everything we can to save it. When even liberals admit that Sarah is more popular then Obama, you know that isn’t good news for Obama. The more she talks, the more people understand her message and agree with her. This country is on the wrong path, it is up to us to change it for the better.

TAO said...

Who admitted that Palin was more popular than Obama?

In a race against each other Obama would win hands down....

8 said...

People understand Palin's message? What message? We're going to lower taxes and raise spending and balance the budget?

Shaw Kenawe said...

To )O(

The American people voted in the last election to put Mr. Obama in OUR White House. You seem to be confused about how our government works.

Sarah is popular with a minority of the American people. JUst because FAUX News gave the quitter a job and she gets a lot of face time, it doesn't mean the country is enthralled with her. She has NEVER taken a question from the media unscripted. NEVER. Let her take questions from the Democrats, unscripted for an hour and a half on domestic and foreign policy. She wouldn't last 3 minutes and everyone knows that is the truth.

And I absolutely WANT SARAH TO KEEP TALKING. The more she talks, the better for the Democrats.

Shaw Kenawe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...


I have asked Palin supporters to provide me with indepth policy positions from her on health care, and other domestic issues, and to give me examples of her indepth positions on foreign policy.

No one has EVER done so. Ever. Boiler plate platitudes and sound-bites are NOT policy positions.

She talks in circles and never says anything of substance.

Her foolish pronouncement on the US according people Constitutional rights when arrested here shows her appalling ignorance of the Constitution. Imagine this ex-beauty queen/sports reporter lecturing President Obama--who taught Constitutional law at a university, and Eric Holder the Attorney General, on Constitutional law. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'll let Glenn Greenwald, a Constitutional litigator explain it to Sarah Palin, who doesn't know what she's talking about:

" of the most pervasive myths in our political discourse: namely, that the U.S. Constitution protects only American citizens, and not any dreaded foreigners.

Focusing on the DOJ's decision to charge the alleged attempted Christmas Day bomber with crimes, Mirandize him and provide him with counsel, Sen. Susan Collins railed: "Once afforded the protection our Constitution guarantees American citizens, this foreign terrorist 'lawyered up' and stopped talking".

This notion that the protections of the Bill of Rights specifically and the Constitution generally apply only to the Government's treatment of American citizens is blatantly, undeniably false -- for multiple reasons -- yet this myth is growing, as a result of being centrally featured in "War on Terror" propaganda.

First, the U.S. Supreme Court, in 2008, issued a highly publicized opinion, in Boumediene v. Bush, which, by itself, makes clear how false is the claim that the Constitution applies only to Americans. The Boumediene Court held that it was unconstitutional for the Military Commissions Act to deny habeas corpus rights to Guantanamo detainees, none of whom was an American citizen (indeed, the detainees were all foreign nationals outside of the U.S.). If the Constitution applied only to U.S. citizens, that decision would obviously be impossible. What's more, although the decision was 5-4, none of the 9 Justices -- and, indeed, not even the Bush administration -- argued that the Constitution applies only to American citizens. That is such an inane, false, discredited proposition that no responsible person would ever make that claim.

What divided the Boumediene Court was the question of whether foreigners held by the U.S. military outside of the U.S. (as opposed to inside the U.S.) enjoy Constitutional protections. They debated how Guantanamo should be viewed in that regard (as foreign soil or something else). But not even the 4 dissenting judges believed -- as Susan Collins and other claim -- that Constitutional rights only extend to Americans. To the contrary, Justice Scalia, in his scathing dissent, approvingly quoted Justice Jackson in conceding that foreigners detained inside the U.S. are protected by the Constitution."

Anonymous said...

Shaw, Shaw, you will need to dumb that last comment WAY down if you want the nutbags to understand it.

Go Saints! said...

How much did they pay Palin to speak? $150,000? And she put crib notes on her palm like a junior high school teenager? I have never heard of a professional speaker doing something as unprofessional and rank as this.

Unbelievable--especially since she dissed the president for using a teleprompter.


dmarks said...

Shaw quoted: " of the most pervasive myths in our political discourse: namely, that the U.S. Constitution protects only American citizens, and not any dreaded foreigners."

There go some of the arguments against the recent Supreme Court ruling that I've heard (that foreign speech should not be allowed into the country).

Anonymous said...

Palin needed to write notes on her hand to remind her of her core beliefs? And to answer pre=approved questions from a friendly adoring audience?

She wants to play politics with the grown-ups? I agree with David Brooks who called her a joke.

The WhoDat Nation said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
The American people voted in the last election to put Mr. Obama in OUR White House. You seem to be confused about how our government works.

well thats not going to be the case the next time around

Anonymous said...

She has a full set of notes also, what's the difference between having your speech written down on note cards or a teleprompter? These people are so unbelievably hypocritical it's mind boggling. This woman is such a clusterf#*k of contradictions and mish-mosh. And I agree that she should KEEP TALKING, every time she opens her mouth, she sticks her foot in it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Mike Lupica of the NYDaily News nails it:

It's now official that she can fit her entire political philosophy in the palm of her hand.

She thinks she is some kind of dream candidate for her party when the truth is that Palin is only a dream candidate for the other party.

All her friends on the right, the ones who treat her like a hot version of Margaret Thatcher, are afraid to say that. Or call her out for being the lightweight that she is, same as she was afraid to call out Limbaugh. So they all deserve one another.

Here is something else Sarah Palin said about her future presidential ambitions.

"I won't close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future," Palin said.

She will discover - Democrats sure hope it is later rather than sooner - that the only door to worry about is the one that will hit her on her way out.

Pamela Zydel said...

Shaw: Let me address the crib notes first, since that’s the first part of your post. I don’t think it’s a “big deal”. She scrawled a few words on her hand to “remind” herself of the main points she wanted to make. If I were giving a speech, it wouldn’t be “my” way of going about “remembering”, but hey, to each her own. People take jabs at Obama for his teleprompter, I’ve done it a few times, but in all honesty, it’s HIS way of oration. Some use note cards—like me, for example. Truthfully, it’s getting really old and I’m way past the teleprompter “jokes” and wish we’d talk about something more important.

The “retarded” comment that Emanual made, in my opinion, wasn’t done maliciously. Rahm isn’t known for his decorum, as we know, but I don’t believe he said it to malign Down’s syndrome people or especially Palin’s son and I most definitely don’t think he should be fired over it. I think you know that I’ve been pretty fair with my analysis of Limbaugh in the past therefore I believe you’ll take this as honest too. Rush’s “rant” wasn’t meant as slander to Down’s syndrome people either as he was trying to smear Emanuel. Not that I like or think what he said was right. But Palin should take offense to what Limbaugh said too. Retarded is as retarded does, as far as I'm concerned, and the double standard just doesn’t cut it with me.

metprof said...

Go Saints! said...

How much did they pay Palin to speak? $150,000? And she put crib notes on her palm like a junior high school teenager? I have never heard of a professional speaker doing something as unprofessional and rank as this.

Unbelievable--especially since she dissed the president for using a teleprompter.


And what do they pay Bill Clinton! 100 time more than that or perhaps twice that!
Honestly, the left is pathetic.

I guess when your Messiah Obama is failing at everything he does you have to distract yourself with something else.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The term "retarded" has come to mean the same as "idiot" and "moron," which were once, unfortunately, terms for mentally challenged people.

I don't believe it was used maliciously either, but it seems hypocritical of Palin to scold Emanuel and even call for his resignation over it, and excuse Rush for using the same term. Mrs. Palin was upset that the word "retarded" was used in any context--so she wasn't consistent in this instant. But where is there consistency in politics anyway?

All presidents use teleprompters. I've never understood where the mocking comes from as it concerns Mr. Obama's use of the teleprompter.

Notes are perfectly acceptable for people giving speeches. What was amazing to us on the left was that Mrs. Palin even needed them to be reminded of her core beliefs, and also the need for them in a non-confrontatinal environment, that is, where the questions asked of her would not be difficult or antagonistic.

Thanks for your input and comments.

You always prove that opposing opinions can be stated with class and without rancor.

metprof said...

Pamela D. Hart said...
The “retarded” comment that Emanual made, in my opinion, wasn’t done maliciously. Rahm isn’t known for his decorum, as we know, but I don’t believe he said it to malign Down’s syndrome people or especially Palin’s son and I most definitely don’t think he should be fired over it. I think you know that I’ve been pretty fair with my analysis of Limbaugh in the past therefore I believe you’ll take this as honest too. Rush’s “rant” wasn’t meant as slander to Down’s syndrome people either as he was trying to smear Emanuel. Not that I like or think what he said was right. But Palin should take offense to what Limbaugh said too. Retarded is as retarded does, as far as I'm concerned, and the double standard just doesn’t cut it with me.

Ah Pamala, but Shaw would NEVER blog about that nor would she even admit that it happened.
This is in the D&A of Liberals. Especially Liberal HYPOCRITES like Shaw is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

metprof completely missed the point, which was that when an organization pays someone $150,000 to give a speech, one would expect that person to know his or her subject matter without having to resort to notes written on his or her palm.

You may not like Mr. Clinton, but I can assure you the man never had to resort to crib notes to remind him of his core beliefs.

Shaw Kenawe said...

metprof wrote:

"Ah Pamala, but Shaw would NEVER blog about that nor would she even admit that it happened.
This is in the D&A of Liberals. Especially Liberal HYPOCRITES like Shaw is."

YOu are confused again. Really.

Pam's comment that you put in quotes is about Limbaugh's use of the word "retarded" to smear Emanuel, and Palin's giving him a pass on it.

I actually DID blog about it, contrary to your confused comment.

You're too fast to come here and label me a hypocrite for doing exactly what you said I would not do.

You need to read more carefully--because you got this wrong.

Pamela Zydel said...

Metprof: I don’t particularly care for Clinton but the truth of the matter is the man is one hell of an orator. He can speak with or without notes or a teleprompter. He can run circles around Obama. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone with the ability to speak like Clinton, as much as I hate to admit it.

Anonymous said...

I on a rare occasion go to Ariannas Huffiepoo's blog to read the commentary on any issue. The libtards who frequent it and comment are seriously out of touch with reality. The gnashing of teeth is quite humorous at times.

Sarah Palin frightens the crap out of these people and I dont even think they bother to wonder why they feel such animus. Perhaps its because she represents so many qualities they lack. Sarah is going to continue to give liberals hives so long as she chooses to stay involved in politics.

Go Sarah! Your detractors continue to impload, especially this one.

And by the way Shaw, your blog is no longer relevant,it's not the place to be at Pam's is the "in" place now.
So bye, bye...

The Wordsmith said...

Shaw Kenawe is STILL whining and detached from reality These dip shit libs will harp on the smallest of things when shown the big picture. Face it libtards you have just been put on notice. 2010 will be a tough year for all you socialist pigs. Scuzzy-face Nancy Pelosi lies and Obama and Reid swears to it.
Obama promises us transparency and yet he surrounds himself with a non-vetted socialist shadow government. His czars report to him and him alone. Just like the dictators do.
He claims to want bipartisan cooperation while he and Dems have shut out Republicans in the closed door meetings.. His arrogance of power is disturbing to say the least.. And yet Shaw Kenawe blogs about Sarah Palin’s reading off of the palm of her hand.
Give the spin-doctors time. They'll think of a way to pin it on George Bush, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, or Sarah Palin

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sarah G,

I'm sure Sarah Palin is ever so grateful to you for running all over the blogsphere and defending her latest goobledegook. You must be a very busy person.

And as for your observation on blog popularity, I made a little visit to yours and found this:

SarahG's blog:

Feb. 3, 2010,Posted by SarahG at 9:09 AM 0 comments

Jan. 2, 2010, Posted by SarahG at 1:00 PM 2 comments

Nov. 14, 2009, Posted by SarahG at 10:06 AM 0 comments

Nov. 1, 2009, Posted by SarahG at 2:53 PM 0 comments

Oct. 27, 2009, Posted by SarahG at 2:49 PM 0 comments

Perhaps if you spent more time and effort on your little blog rather than breathlessly reporting on who's more popular than whom in the blogsphere, perhaps 2 or 3 people would be interested in what you have to say.

But we understand how much easier it is to flit around the blogsphere, dropping nyah-nyah comments in comment sections than it is to actually write about something that's, er, relevant.

Thank you so much for your concern about the popularity of my blog.

Anonymous said...

Shaw so profoundly said"
Perhaps if you spent more time and effort on your little blog rather than breathlessly reporting on who's more popular than whom in the blogsphere, perhaps 2 or 3 people would be interested in what you have to say.

Perhaps I have other MORE important things to do but blog about Sarah Palin every time she blinks her eyes or says a word.
And you think that you are so clever, I laugh all the time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear Wordsmith,

If the best you can do is come here to my blog and call me a "dipshit," "socialist pig," and "libtard" then you have much to lament.

Start with your utter lack of manners or anything sensible or interesting to say and end with the fact that you are a perfect example of the sort of stunted intellect that admire people like Palin, Limbaugh, and Beck.

How often do I read comments on conservative blogs that accuse liberals of using vile language and name-calling, and then this sad, frightened little Wordsmith [what an oxymoron], with no imagination or information arrives here and offers nothing but tired accusations, backed up by absolutely no facts or evidence, and peppered with infantile name-calling.

Wordsmith, you prove the Liberals' estimation of tea baggers most beautifully by coming here and acting like a witless buffoon, incapable of rational thought.

You truly are a Palin supporter.

Thank you for showing us the sort of people who admire her.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"And you think that you are so clever, I laugh all the time."--SarahG

Why thank you SarahG. I do my best to bring a ray of sunshine into people's lives.

The Wordsmith said...

Not that I have to explain or apologize for anything I said or wrote, but the phrase “Face it libtards and socialist pigs” was meant to describe Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and company... not you

Sue said...

)O( ,I am sitting here reading in utter shock and awe. Liberals admit Palin is more popular than Obama? What planet do you live on? The more she talks the more we find her to be the most pathetic excuse for a human being on earth. Harsh? Yeah I guess that's harsh but you my friend are living in a dream world if you think Palin is going anywhere but DOWN in the next few years. The woman and those who worship her and believe she could be president are DELUSIONAL! She says NOTHING of interest or value. Republicans, sane ones, hate her and wish she would disappear. what does that tell you?

The Wordsmith said...

Sue siad;;;
" who believe she could be president are DELUSIONAL! She says NOTHING of interest or value. Republicans, sane ones, hate her and wish she would disappear. what does that tell you?"

It tells me that you are speaking about Barack Obama

Pamela Zydel said...

Sarah G said: And by the way Shaw, your blog is no longer relevant,it's not the place to be at Pam's is the "in" place now.

Sarah: In all honesty, I’m not looking to be #1. I truly just want a peaceful blog where we can discuss issues without hostility. I really do believe we can accomplish this even though we don’t agree on all issues and I displayed this with my recent comment right here on Shaw’s blog and Shaw countered with a courteous reply, if you care to take a look at them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Shaw Kenawe is STILL whining and detached from reality These dip shit libs will harp on the smallest of things when shown the big picture. Face it libtards you have just been put on notice. 2010 will be a tough year for all you socialist pigs."--Wordsmith

Wordsmith, in addition to mannerless boor, must I add equivocating weasle to describe your behavior?

Nowhere in that paragraph do you mention Pelosi or Reid. You refer to Liberals as "socialist pigs," and "libtards." (Oh my! Is that a variation on the word "retard?" Mr. Wordsmith?)

In addition to calling you out on your execrable behavior, I believe I'll have to report you to the word policewoman, Sarah Palin.

I think she would be quite disappointed in your choice of words--"libtard," which indirectly slanders her youngest child.


The Wordsmith said...

Whatever you say Shaw, it’s your Playground” I’m not going to prolong this foolishness. I stand by what I said. I have no need to retract any of it.
But as you would say, “You seem to be struggling with poor reading comprehension”

And by the way, I also agree that Pam's blog is the place to be.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Wordsmith, if you and SarahG believe it injures my vanity by saying Pam's blog is the place to be, I have news for you. It doesn't.

In fact, I whole heartedly support what Pam is trying to do at her blog, and the more exposure her efforts get, the better. I encourage people every chance I get to read her blog.

Pam and I differ politically, but we respect each other's right to hold those beliefs without resorting to imprecations--the way you did here.

To what purpose did you do so?

Try calling someone a "dipshit," "libtard," or "socialsit pig" over at her blog and see how fast she'll delete it.

I've left your comment up so that others who come here can understand that people like you who lambaste liberals are the first to use defamation against them, and then slink away when called on it.

Your blognym is "Wordsmith." And the best you can do to express yourself is call me a dipshit, libtard and socialist pig?

Man. What a misnomer that is.

Arthurstone said...

Ouch. Poor you Shaw.

Judging by your collection of comments from 'conservatives' I'd have to agree with SarahG that Palin "... represents so many qualities they lack."


None too bright, mean-spirited and profoundly incurious . To name but three.

The wildly misnamed Wordsmith is a particular favorite. It's always a pleasure to read remarks from such a talent.

Keep up the good work!

The J Mopper said...

Poor Sarah...the more she opens her mouth the smaller her chances get at occupying OUR White House.

I'd love to see Sarah struggle in more debates. The problem is, her followers would crown her the victor even after hearing Sarah repeat those ambiguous analogies and that sense she is quite poetic: her "words" are open to interpretation.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They didn't show what was written on Sarah Palin's other hand:

Pull up skirt.

Pull down underwear.

Check that seat is down.

Make sure lid is up.


The rest was covered by her sleeve but I'm sure everyone of normal intelligence could figure it out.

Alaskan salmon said...

Palin says Obama should invade Iran if he wants to be re-elected?

What serious presidential candidate proposes starting a war to get elected?

She's crazier than a shithouse rat.

Thank goodness only a minority of this country--a teeny minority--supports her.

Keep writing your ideas on your palm, Sara, that's about where they'll fit.

Arthurstone said...

'Policy' in the Palin universe?

Divine intervention.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Shaw, here is an FYI. That Wordsmith character is a Freeper troll. Some geek buddies exposed him about a year ago. Not worth wasting your time.

The Wordsmith said...

Octopüß said...
Shaw, here is an FYI. That Wordsmith character is a Freeper troll. Some geek buddies exposed him about a year ago. Not worth wasting your time

Octpopus, I may not be worth wasting your time, BUT, FYI, I am not nor was I ever as you call it, a Freeper troll. I don't even know where Freeper is or how to get there, I have heard of it on blogs, but sorry to disappoint you.., wrong person. But wy call me that anyway?
Just because I don't agree with you folks?
Humm, so just brush the guy off and call im whatever.
Who cares, if you don't want me here I can take a hint.. I'll just go.

I kind of like it at Pam's anyway. But don't say things that aren't true. Like I'm a freeper troll.
It's very simple, he defends Sarah Palin, he must be a troll.
OK, you go and think that. Who cares!

Shaw Kenawe said...


(O)CT(O) must have read your initial comment here in which you labeled me a "dipshit lib," a "libtard," and a "socialist pig."

You never apologized to me for your rude comments; and instead, tried to pass them off as referring to Pelosi and Reid.

I have news for you, Wordsmith, Pam will not tolerate your nasty name-calling over at her blog either.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I wondered why no one picked up on Palin's strange idea of this country's need to seek "divine intervention."

That just fell, trippingly, off of her tongue, and no one questioned what the hell it meant.

Exactly what sort of "divine intervention" would she hope for.


I'm going to guess that she would hope her lord god would wipe out half of this country, y'know, the way the vengeful god of the O.T. did to his enemies.

I could just imagine her audience rising to its feet, in unison, applauding this divine intervention for their cause.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think we've relied on god more than enough already. Divine intervention? God? Hello? Where art thou?

The J Mopper said...

Why is it that every time I hear Sarah speak I'm reminded of Chauncy Gardner from "Being There"?

Shaw Kenawe said...

To The J Mopper:

Maybe because, like Chauncy Gardner, she's vacuous. And in that movie, the more Gardner spoke meaningless blather, the more the crowds adored him.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Shaw, the comment thread where Wordsmith was "outed" as a Freeper Troll took place over a year ago, When WS was outed, he/she flew into a tirade ... every expletive in the lexicon and beyond. Here is what Wordsmith now says (above):

"I don't even know where Freeper is or how to get there, I have heard of it on blogs, but sorry to disappoint you...."

Feigning dumbness, the denial is disingenuous and false. Wordsmith is a Freeper troll (and I will inform Pam via private email).

tha malcontent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tha malcontent said...

I also support Sarah Palin and what she stands for.
Just to compare Sarah and Barack, one would find that Sarah comes out ahead. More experience in government; able to speak without being fully scripted; she believes in life for all; she doesn't want the government to take over our lives; she can speak to and understand real people; she can listen to the American public; and she is NOT a narcissist. The Republicans had the wrong person run against Obama.

Shaw Kenawe said...

If Sarah "comes out ahead," how come Barack Hussein Obama is the President of the United States of America and the Commander in Chief, and Sarah is someone who was on the losing ticket and isnow someone who speaks at conventions where 600 people show up?

Also, she's a quitter. "Quitters never win; and winners never quit."

She doesn't "come out ahead" on that either.

More experience in government?

You think so?

Mr. Obama has been the president for over a year, and she's a quitter with 1/2 of a governorship under her belt. Mr. Obama is light years ahead of her on experience--and your spinning it any other way can't change that.

And Ms. Sarah has used teleprompters in public speaking, and even had to write her core beliefs on her hand.

I'd love to see her attempt speaking to the House Democrats for an hour and a half (without notes) on domestic and foreign policy.

Anyone with half a brain knows she is totally incapable of doing anything approaching that.

She's a good draw for the far right for their conventions and can sign her books that other people write very well.

Arthurstone said...

I hate to break it to you mal but the election is over and you guys lost.

You get another whack at it in 2012.

My feeling is Palin or not the guns, saving 'babies', unfettered free market, 'pro-marriage' planks in the GOP platform plays to an increasingly smaller population and face it, the country is changing.

Besides. Selecting the leader of the free world based on their suitability as a coffee companion ("she's just like us!!!") is, shall say, unwise.

Also. I for one am not ready for 'divine intervention'. Especially as channeled by a right-wing (not that there's any other these days) republican.