Donald Trump Hits Back At San Juan’s ‘Nasty’ Mayor Over Maria Response Criticism
The problem is Trump wanted credit faster than it was deserved, and then wanted the Puerto Rican problem to go away. He didn't understand. He still doesn’t.
It is exactly for that reason we said he was unqualified to be president. And we were right.
The general in charge of the PR recovery disagrees with #45:
via DailyKos:
The general in charge of the PR recovery disagrees with #45:
via DailyKos:
The general in charge disagrees with Trump, who just makes sh*t up to feed his base.
Trump slams Puerto Rico: ‘They want everything to be done for them’
When people have no homes, no transportation, no power, no food, no clean water, no money, no medical supplies, no communication ability, yes, they do need things to be done for them.
Trump is a failure of a president and a disgusting bigot.
PS. He golfed last weekend and is golfing this weekend while telling Puerto Ricans to stop being so lazy!