Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

TODAY'S REPUBLICAN PARTY: "Economically Illiterate and Disgracefully Cynical"

Conservative publication, "The Economist," attacks the reckless Republicans.

"The Economist, it must be noted, is a pro-private-sector, anti-big-government publication. For more than a century, the paper has extolled the virtues of free enterprise and free-market capitalism and railed against government bureaucracy, fiscal irresponsibility, and stifling regulation.

The Economist should be the Republican Party's closest ally when it comes to getting the US back on track. And yet, thanks to the Republicans' extreme stance with respect to tax increases and their recklessness and self-interest with respect to the debt-ceiling, the paper has turned against them."

More here on the story:

"The Economist points out that the Republicans original strong stance on the debt-ceiling did force President Obama to do something he should have done a long time ago: Acknowledge America's debt-and-deficit crisis and put forth a long-term plan to address it.

In response to the Republicans' resistance, the President floated a plan that might save $2 trillion over the next decade. And he has since floated one that might save $4 trillion.

Assuming the economy continues to recover, these savings would be a strong start in getting the country back on track--and the Republicans deserve credit and plaudits for forcing the President to propose them.

But far from declaring victory and then doing the right thing for the country, the Republicans are continuing to behave like dogmatic lunatics -- insisting that, no matter what, no deficit reduction plan include any tax increases.

This, the Economist rightly observes, is "economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical."

We've been observing for a long, long time that the above characterization by "The Economist" exactly describes the modern GOP and its lunatic base, The Tea Party.

More here:

Finally, Someone Is Talking Sense On Our Huge Debt And Deficit Problem -- President Obama
"Finally, someone in Washington DC is taking a sensible approach to the US's massive debt and deficit crisis:

President Obama.

The Republicans continue to stick to their ludicrous plan to fix our problems by slashing spending immediately and raising no additional revenue. Over the long haul, spending does need to be cut, but slashing it suddenly will deliver a hammer blow to an already frail economy. The country will plunge back into recession, unemployment will soar, and--importantly from a budget perspective--government revenues will drop. The latter outcome, which we're seeing in Greece, the UK, and other countries that have tried "austerity" as a solution, will defeat the whole purpose of trying to balance the budget by cutting spending. (Translation: It sounds sensible and prudent, but it won't work.)"

Standard & Poors Tells GOP To Grow Up And Accept Obama’s Offer

Has the GOP gotten the message yet?  It doesn't appear so. Let's try again.  Message to GOP:

YOU'VE LOST THE DEBATE!  America sees the GOP as a party of reckless pols who put ideology before country.

President Obama is still The Only Adult in the Room.

You've lost, GOP.  The country does NOT trust you.  You're too cynical and economically illiterate to be trusted with governing.


Les Carpenter said...

"...thanks to the Republicans' extreme stance with respect to tax increases and their recklessness and self-interest...."

Shaw, I find myself unable to disagree. Primarily because the republicans are not acting in their (and the nation's)Rational self interest.

There is a distinct difference.

Leslie Parsley said...

I bow to RN. And don't let's forget the global economy. Shared.