Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Wow.  Impressive.

Willard Romney's been endorsed by the leading lights of the GOP.  Isn't that cool?

Or not.

LeRoy Newton Gingrich, who predicted HE would be the nominee, has finally pulled his hat out of the ring and thrown his weight behind former Massachusetts moderate Republican and supporter of Romneycare, Willard Romney.

Here's Newt talking about the man he will support for the highest office in the land:

Hold on there! Newt Gingrich, the once and future Moon colonizer, is supporting a man he said is a liar and who would lie to the American people as president?! We know that people say nasty things about their opponents during primary fights for the nomination, but LIAR?! When Newt called Willard a liar, did he mean it, or not? Making HIM a liar! This is all so confusing.

Next we have Rick Santorum telling people that Romney would be the worst candidate to beat Barack Obama!

So we have what two Republicans have said about Romney:  That he  is a LIAR and THE WORST CANDIDATE TO BEAT OBAMA.  And now they have come forward to endorse and support him?

They're endorsing a LIAR and a WEAK CANDIDATE? 


And here's Michele Bachmann supporting Mitt Romney, I mean Ron Paul for the nomination. Wait. She changed her mind and is now supporting Mitt after telling these people that Ron Paul is her hero?


Hey Willard!  Good luck with your endorsements.

They don't like you!  They really DON'T LIKE YOU!  Good luck, Willard, with the endorsement of people who believe you are a LIAR and the WORST CANDIDATE to go up against President Obama!

Politics IS weird and creepy!

And let's not forget this statement from the execrable A. Coulter:

She doesn't like you either!

SMARTYPANTS has a post up about how Romney's campaign uses LIES and DISTORTIONS to characterize the huge enthusiastic crowds that attend President Obama's rallies.

Great Ad by the Obama team.  h/t  Infidel753:


Infidel753 said...

Sat what you will about Gingrich, he's done a true service to his country by providing so much material for anti-Romney ads for the Obama campaign:-)

I guess he finally had to quit the race because he found out the Moon isn't holding a primary:-)

Les Carpenter said...

Well Shaw you really out did yourself on this one. Posting precisely a few of the reasons why this conservative, er classical liberal won't be pulling the lever for the republican nominee. Or supporting the big R republican statist agenda in general.

Nor will I be pulling the lever for many big D democrat statists either.

Gary Johnson is now the most principled and level headed of all those vying for the gold ring.

Just couldn't pass up the opportunity to agree with you. Well at least in part anyway.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're an anomole of the right RN. Most of them would vote for Hitler if he were the nominee simply beause he he had an "r" next to his name on the ballot.

Party loyalty is a strength the republicans enjoy far more than democrats.

Les Carpenter said...

Given current realities on the big "R"
republican statist party I shall take your comment as a compliment.

And I will most definitely be pulling the lever for Gary Johnson now that it is official.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The problem with the Gingrich and Santorum "endorsements" for Romney is that if neither of them really meant those nasty, unflattering statements about Willard, then why should we believe them now when they've done a complete 180 and now support him for the presidency?

Did Gingrich and Santorum tell the truth when they said Willard is a LIAR and THE WORST POSSIBLE candidate? Or are they telling us the truth now--that he would make a fabulous president?

The Obama campaign has a trove of videos that show how much the base and its leaders detest Romney.

How will they turn that turnip into apple pie?

Silverfiddle said...

Liars? In politics?

Mein Gott in Himmel!

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw, and there is a treasure trove of statements, video's etc. that points out the Obama inconsistencies as well. I guess it all boils down to whom you CHOOSE to believe based on your individual bias and comfort level.

Why I am pulling the lever for Gary Johnson.

Silver, indeed, indeed, indeed.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, this post is about two leaders in the GOP who have called Romney a LIAR and THE WORST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE for the GOP.

I'm not talking about inconsistencies, that's another subject.

I do notice that you feel compelled to visit here any time I put up a post about the GOP and remind us that "the Democrats do it too."

SF remarked with astonishment that politicians lie.

That's amusing.

But this post is about the people who unreservedly trashed Mitt Romney in the most degrading way, and now turn around and tell us that he has their support.

How can we believe any of this? Either they--Gingrich, Santorum, and Coulter (there are many others) lied when they denigrated Romney, or they're lying now.

To be so cynical and accept this sort of chicanery shows how bankrupt we've become and how we've settled for the lowest, most base tactics in the political process.

As for Gary Johnson, he believes that a "market-based approach should be the foundation of any solution to health care issues. A health care insurance system that is privately owned and managed is the best approach to solving our health care problems."

What planet does he live on? Privately owned and managed insurance companies have made this country one of the worst in the world in staggering health care delivery costs, and the private insurance companies are brutal when they, not doctors, make decisions on indiviuals' health care choices.

He's dead wrong, IMO, on that.

"He favors tort reform and control of frivolous lawsuits as means of cutting costs of health care."

This has been studied and shown to be a miniscule savings, if at all. That idea will NOT solve our problem.

"Johnson does not believe health care is 'a right.' "

IMO he's wrong, since the Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

While I don't believe in the "creator" business stated there, I do understand, as should Johnson, that without good health care, no one in this world can enjoy the inalienable rights of life, liberty or pursue happiness.

Why so many Americans, like Johnson, don't get that is a mystery. Maybe it's not so much a mystery as maybe just the result of really, really good corporate spending on the part of insurance companies and their lobbyists to guarantee that profits will always be placed above people's inalienable rights.

That is disgraceful, and, unAmerican.

Malcolm said...

These endorsements are the equivalent of the "dead fish" handshake. As for Michele Bachmann, let's also remember she said Romney couldn't beat President Obama:

Les Carpenter said...

As you wish, I have no further comment. Let me know what posts you might like me to comment on. If any.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, you've misinterpreted me again.

I did not say I want to choose which posts you can comment on, I merely asked, as most bloggers do, that people who comment here stick to the subject as much as possible. I believe you ask that your visitors do the same.

You introduced something about Mr. Obama's inconsistencies. I don't see what that has to do with Mitt Romney's endorsements--I said nothing about Romney being inconsistent.

I don't believe I was closing down anyone's discussion on the subject matter.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it cool that Mittens got the endorsements of two guys who think he's 1) a liar, and 2) the worst candidate?

With friends like these...

Les Carpenter said...

Perhaps Shaw it is you who misinterpreted. Or chose to. At any rate consider it a dead issue.

skudrunner said...

We will see if Romney has the same approach as BHO. If they criticize and you can't fire them, hire them. After all he did hire the seniors, Biden and Hilary.

Not being a Romney fan, anyone can do a better job of running the country that Obama. At least Mitt will not make working Americans his enemy and attack them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Not being a Romney fan, anyone can do a better job of running the country that Obama. At least Mitt will not make working Americans his enemy and attack them."

Either link to where the president has attacked working Americans, or please stop depositing this sort of bullshit here in my comments.

You have absolutely no proof, nor will you find it, for that statement.

In fact, it is a lie.

If you can't do any better than coming here and lying, then I suggest you take your comments to other blogs.

Here's some evidence to back my statement that you lie:

"President Obama cut taxes for working families and small businesses to help boost our economy.

President Obama cut taxes for all working Americans, providing relief in a time of need and putting $1,000 back in the pocket of the typical working family.

Small businesses are the engine of job creation, responsible for two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. That’s why President Obama has passed 18 small business tax cuts, encouraging hiring and job-creating investments in machinery and equipment.

Through new and expanded tax credits, enhancements of unemployment insurance, and an expansion of benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the administration lifted consumers’ incomes and purchases and kept nearly 7 million Americans out of poverty in 2010.

The U.S. has now seen 23 consecutive months of private-sector job growth.

The private sector added nearly 3.7 million jobs over those 23 months.

For the first time since 1997, the manufacturing sector has seen annual job growth in each of the last two years."

People like you, skudrunner, give conservatism a very bad name, since you apparently run off at the mouth without any factual evidence to back up your claims.