Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Spartan Is Coming! The Spartan Is Coming!

A wise person once said that the best way to annoy your opponents is to ridicule them.  But how can we top the TeaBaggers when they do such an impressive job of ridiculing themselves?

If they're not flopping around the internet pretending to be someone else and depositing stupid boiler plate diatribes from obscure internet sites, they're making fools of themselves by dressing in silly costumes and pretending to be heroes!   That's Tea Party in all its hilarity and nincompoopery. 

It's better, I suppose, than watching them stick forks in their eyes.

Or maybe not.

Thanks to Infidel753 and The Immoral Minority for the tip on this special example of Tea Party awesomeness:


Jerry Critter said...

If that was me, I would hide my face too. In fact, I'd hide my whole body.

Springe MOP said...

ZOMG! It's Radical Redneck! And it's just like I pictured him!

I have a training bra left over from grade school that can help him with those Moobs!


Shaw Kenawe said...

But...but...Jerry, it's Leonidas! Can you imagine if Xerxes had to face HIM?

S-MOP, it may be R.R., but he shape-shifts so often, it's difficult to tell.

Dave Miller said...

Whoever he is, he is certainly Malcontented, isn't he Shaw?

Ducky's here said...

Sweet Jesus and Mary.

He's going to be a big hit knocking on doors canvassing for Cruz.

Ducky's here said...

Damn you, Shaw, I can't stop laughing.

The stupid, it burns.

Les Carpenter said...

Some kids never grow up.

Jerry, you're looking at over 30% of adult Americans. Definitely the Dude visits fast food outlets. Often.

Infidel753 said...

As Leonidas is said to have declared before the great battle, "Tonight we dine in Hell!" Apparently they've been super-sizing the portions down there all this time.

Ducky: If the guy's act catches on, maybe he'll be Cruz's running mate in 2016? After Palin, anything's possible.

Such a back-ache that poor horse must have had.....

Jerry Critter said...

That's a scary thought, RN.

Ducky's here said...

I think he's an outside pick for VP, Infidel, but it would be nifty if he and his militia buddies packed the Republican presidential debate, audience question format.

Jerry Critter said...

If I was a Michigan State fan, I would really be insulted.

Ducky's here said...

@Dave miller --- Whoever he is, he is certainly Malcontented, isn't he Shaw?
Well, he certainly isn't malnourished.

KanaW said...

Pity they didn't film him trying to re-mount the horse at the end - it must have taken a crane to get him into the saddle...

Speaking of saddles, didn't the Spartans ride bareback? (Double-entendre not intended :D )

BB-Idaho said...

A military state built on slavery, admired by some, despised by others. No wonder the helots of Sparta were always ready to revolt.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

What an incredible stupid fool the "Spartan" is. He says we mustn't bow to a dictator while admiring a king, Leonidas. He hates government while riding a horse on a public road.

It wasn't till the end of the video that I think I figured out where this shithead was going. (To the woods to relieve himself obviously)
And sadly for the sum IQ of our Nation, this kook no doubt thought his video and dressing like a fat Spartan was a good idea.

Unless this was a satire of the typical tea bagger. Then it was funny.