Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Science Blog: The Sea Pig


Les Carpenter said...

Cool!!! Now I know.

FreeThinke said...

Fascinating video, but the bizarre, supercilious tone and off-color content of the narration intended to pass for humor diminishes its value. The attempts to render vulgarity acceptable by portraying it as "cutesy" in an affected upper-class accent doesn't go over very well with me. I hope this doesn't mark the start of a new trend in "education."

Leo T. Lyon said...

Very funny.

F.T. sounds like a sour old man.

okjimm said...

'attempts to render vulgarity acceptable by portraying it as "cutesy" in an affected upper-class accent doesn't go over very well with me'

Attempts to write with an affected upper class superiority smacks of a snobbery that seems to go with most comments your offer.

Robert D. said...

The narrator in the video has done a series of these on various other creatures. They're informative and entertaining, and I look forward to watching more of them. F.T. sounds like he dislikes anything that isn't like what he knew as a young man. Good thing the rest of the world doesn't think like that, or we'd be stuck in the 1930s forever. Humankind moves forward with good and not so good advancements. To denigrate everything because you don't understand it or because it isn't like the good old day is to want to keep humankind static and not moving forward.

Thanks for posting this. Entertaining and informative. And funny.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anon @9:26, he out Freemans Morgan Freeman. Hilarious!