Visit any TeaPublican news site or blog and all you'll read is that the U.S. under President Obama has been destroyed, that America has seen its best days, and that a reality show entertainer or a retired surgeon, who shilled for a discredited vitamin company and who believes Evolution is the work of the Devil, will make America great again. The people who read and write such nonsense believe it, and who's surprised? They're the same people who believe global warming is a hoax and that President Obama is a secret Muslim who's going to confiscate their guns and imprison them in FEMA death camps.
The report below will create in theTeaPublicans what is known as "cognitive dissonance," because it challenges all the "false facts" they've repeated to each other over the past 7 years. One shouldn't be angry with these people; one should pity them. They truly believe that Americans see our country through their dung-colored glasses.
Bill Maher on how stupendously WRONG the TeaPublicans are -- AGAIN:
Everyone knows that under President Obama the nation has suffered a horrendous setback. Meanwhile, other nations are laughing at us. They don’t respect us. That’s why we need to restore this country and become the leaders of the world that we used to be. …
That’s the refrain we hear from the Republican candidates, and one that is believed by the Republican Party. That’s why they say we need to vote a Republican into office, so we can put in place some pro-growth policies that get this country back on top again.
Well, the World Economic Forum just released their world competitive ranking, which measures a host of economic data and determines which countries are the most economically competitive. And among countries with populations of 10 million or more the United States was, oh, #1.
Among all countries, we’re #3 behind Switzerland and Singapore. Yes, we’re beating China and Japan all the time.
NOTE: Donald Trump in his stump speeches has asked "When did we beat Japan at anything?" That stupid statement alone should have disqualified the empty-headed blowhard, because it is proof that he's nothing more than a history moron and a bloviating demagogue. Apparently he and his followers forgot about that World War II thingy. But facts don't matter to his followers. Bluster and show-business antics are what they crave, and Donnie feeds them to his supporters by the pantload.
From the report:
Accelerating a Robust Recovery to Create Productive Jobs and Support Inclusive Growth
World Economic Forum
This new edition of The Global Competitiveness Report is launched at a time when the world seems to be finally emerging from the worst financial and economic crisis of the past 80 years and returning to a pre-crisis situation: large interest rate spreads for public debt in hard-hit countries are falling; banking systems seem more robust, even if financial reform has not yet been completed; and access to credit, while still limited, is slowly recovering.
Overall, growth prospects in advanced economies are better than they have been in recent years, albeit very unevenly distributed. The recovery in the United States seems to be comfortably grounded with strong output and employment figures.