Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Are We For America -- or Trump?

“We long ago lost sight of normal, but this was a singularly immoral act,” said Brendan Buck, a longtime former Hill aide who is now a Republican operative. “The president used force against American citizens, not to protect property, but to soothe his own insecurities."

Jennifer Rubin, WaPo: "Nothing could be more representative of the dangerous narcissism of a president in over his head, resorting to threats of violence against a country he ostensibly is supposed to lead. The deliberate instigation of violence for his own photo op tells Americans how deeply twisted and deformed his character is.

His stunt was designed to play to the most rabid white evangelicals, who inexplicably have always seen themselves — not African Americans — as the true victims. The invocation of a religious institution to justify an assault on peaceful protesters was as great an abuse of religious symbols as anything Trump has done. Surely, he never heard of the “Blessed are the peacemakers” passage from the Christian bible. 

He worships not peacemakers but instruments of brute force. Moreover, any attempt to use the military against civilians in this fashion would almost certainly be illegal and unconstitutional. Even under the Insurrection Act, federal troops would have to be invited into the states to suppress an actual rebellion. For Trump, the threat of force, however unrealistic, is his go-to move when his manliness is called into question — as it was when he fled to the bunker at the White House over the weekend.

Witnesses at Trump's gassing of peaceful demonstrator at St. John's, Lafayette Square:
Friends, I am ok, but I am, frankly shaken. I was at St. John's, Lafayette Square most of the afternoon, with fellow clergy and laypeople - and clergy from some other denominations too. We were passing out water and snacks, and helping the patio area at St. John's, Lafayette square to be a place of respite and peace. All was well - with a few little tense moments - until about 6:15 or so. By then, I had connected with the Black Lives Matter medic team, which was headed by an EMT. Those people were AMAZING. They had been on the patio all day, and thankfully had not had to use much of the eyewash they had made. 

Around 6:15 or 6:30, the police started really pushing protestors off of H Street (the street between the church and Lafayette Park), and ultimately, the White House. They started using tear gas and folks were running at us for eyewashes or water or wet paper towels. At this point, Julia, one of our seminarians for next year (who is a trauma nurse) and I looked at each other in disbelief. I was coughing, her eyes were watering, and we were trying to help people as the police - in full riot gear - drove people toward us. 

Julia and her classmates left and I stayed with the BLM folks trying to help people. Suddenly, around 6:30, there was more tear gas, more concussion grenades, and I think I saw someone hit by a rubber bullet - he was grasping his stomach and there was a mark on his shirt. 

The police in their riot gear were literally walking onto the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with these metal shields, pushing people off the patio and driving them back. People were running at us as the police advanced toward us from the other side of the patio. We had to try to pick up what we could. The BLM medic folks were obviously well practiced. They picked up boxes and ran. I was so stunned I only got a few water bottles and my spray bottle of eyewash. 

We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear. We were pushed back 20 feet, and then eventually - with SO MANY concussion grenades - back to K street. By the time I got back to my car, around 7, I was getting texts from people saying that Trump was outside of St. John's, Lafayette Square. I literally COULD NOT believe it. 


More below:

 I am deeply shaken. I did not see any protestors throw anything until the tear gas and concussion grenades started, and then it was mostly water bottles. I am shaken, not so much by the taste of tear gas and the bit of a cough I still have, but by the fact that that show of force was for a PHOTO OPPORTUNITY. The patio of St. John's, Lafayette square had been HOLY GROUND today. A place of respite and laughter and water and granola bars and fruit snacks. But that man turned it into a BATTLE GROUND first, and a cheap political stunt second. I am DEEPLY OFFENDED on behalf of every protestor, every Christian, the people of St. John's, Lafayette square, every decent person there, and the BLM medics who stayed with just a single box of supplies and a backpack, even when I got too scared and had to leave. I am ok. But I am now a force to be reckoned with.

AMERICA or Trump?


Never Trumper Anonymous said...

Christian friends. Are you cool with a guy who never goes to church gassing and shooting peaceful protesters so that he could stand in front of a church and hold up a Bible? Which Jesus is this, exactly?

Ray Cranston said...

Hello Shaw. Peace.

It's important to understand how the MAGAts think. Here's a post from one of the MAGAest MAGAies:

"Trump just turned off a ton of Christians by going to St John’s church after gassing protesters just to get room to pass them, and holding up a Bible….the Bishop said she’d never been more outraged at a photo op and even conservatives I know are posting it and at least one has said “this is the last straw”

A LOT of good people are getting SO TURNED OFF it scares me to death……….would they vote Biden? No. But not voting might as well be a vote for Biden 😦

Trump needs to wake up………………he’s losing people and we have never needed a tough president more. Sadly, he can’t tell us right now what he knows about the threats we’re facing, but….he can’t let himself get THIS hated or mocked and survive"

Notice that this woman never says anything about Trump gassing his own citizens for a cheap photo-op. She just worried he may not get re-elected and do more damage to America!!

You can't make this stuff up. Obviously she's NOT for America, she's for the dicktator tRump. She and her pals are the reason this country is in the shitter.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Never Trumper, I'll let the Christians answer that. I can't speak for them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ray Here was the bishop said about Trump's shameful stunt:

Bishop Mariann Edgar: " The President just used a Bible...and one of the churches of my diocese without my permission as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything our churches stand for... I am outraged."

That quote from the blog you mentioned is not surprising. Cultists are always for the cult leader. I'm not surprised. She and her fellow cultists will never, never understand how destructive and unAmerican their cult leader is. Yes. He'll pay a heavy price for the chaos and destruction he's caused. And people like her and her friends and other spineless Goopers will be cast into the dust bin of history.

Les Carpenter said...

When the president of America uses tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful citizen protesters exercising their constitutional right to assemple in protest of injustice so he could stage a hypocritical photo op in front of a church holding a bible ALL OF AMERICA SHOULD KNOW THAT A VERY DANGEROUSLY DISTURBED MAN IS SITTING AT THE PINNACLE OF POWER. AND IT SHOULD SEND CHILLS THROUGH THEIR BODIES CHILLING THEM TO THEIR BONES.

We have a madman sitting in the Oval Office. And the country is crumbling before our eyes because of his incompetence, corruption, and the complete lack of leadership of a free people.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, you're correct. And yet his cultists stand by the maniac's actions -- even the so-called Christians apparently have no problem with trump holding a Bible upside down and backwards!

Can anyone imagine the trump cultists' reaction had Mr. Obama gassed his own citizens for a photo-op in front of a church that represents a religion he doesn't practice?

Anonymous said...

The Washington National Cathedral's Facebook page also posted Bishop Edgar's article. While I'd say 95% were in favor and denouncing trump, a sad 5% were appalled at the Cathedral taking a "political stance" and some were apoplectic saying this is just what the country needs -- trump "praying" for us! When people questioned the trump lovers, they just dug in their heels saying, "can you see inside his mind? How do you know he wasn't praying?" Unbelievable...I hardly got any sleep last night worrying about the state of this country.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Did you see this piece of totalitarian theater for Dear Leader? Disgusting and indicative of where trump's thinking is. "Triumphant music?" Dear Gawd!!!

The White House releases a video of President Trump walking to fire-damaged St. John's Episcopal Church set to triumphant music.

The White House released a video of President Donald Trump striding to fire-damaged St. John's Episcopal Church set to triumphant music after a speech in which he said that he would use the U.S. military to stop the riots across the country.

While Trump spoke, sirens wailed and flashbang grenades popped across the street where police backed by the National Guard stormed into a peaceful protest being held before curfew outside the White House. But the video posted by the White House on Twitter contains no images of the violence, and instead shows Trump striding — accompanied by members of his administration and the military — to the church where he held a Bible and posed for photos.

Shaw Kenawe said...


If you need something to calm your heart, I suggest you find Joe Biden's speech today somewhere on the 'net. He showed America and the world exactly how a leader behaves.

There's a photo going around the 'net showing Trump with Bible in hand next to one just like it only it's Hitler with Bible in hand. Do any of his aides bother to research what they think is a great photo op or are they trying to glorify Hitler and Nazis and hope people connect them with Trump?


Dave Miller said...

Our president ordered peaceful Americans, exercising their 1st Amendment right to assemble, to be gassed and dispersed. Not for public safety, not because of business disruptions, and not because of any violent acts. He ordered them dispersed for a photo op, and a Trump as Resolute Campaign Video.

And yet, not one word from conservatives in Congress.


Pres Johnson left office after one full term, rather than extend America's nightmare that was Vietnam under his watch. Pres Nixon resigned his office rather than put the country through the pain and divisiveness of impeaching a president. Pres Ford sealed his own presidential doom when he pardoned Nixon after Watergate. Candidate Al Gore gracefully exited the stage in 2000 rather than continue to fight for his election after the Florida debacle. In doing so, he gave perhaps his greatest speech saying continuing the fight would divide America.

All of these men, with their own flaws, saw the office of the presidency as bigger than them, a sacred place that America allows leaders to sit for a time. And in that understanding, those men gave up their own personal hopes and dreams for the good of the America, even when it hurt. Even when their supporters urged them to continue the fight.

Donald Trump will never understand that, or the humility that used to come with the job of the presidency.

Yesterday was a sad day for America. By ending peaceful protests, which our president said he 100% supported 10 minutes before he unleashed the horses, tear gas and flash bombs, he denied the Constitution.

And the conservatives blame us liberals for the coarsening of democracy. Unbelievable.

Clearwater, Florida said...

I have to admit, I kind of lost it as I watched the President of the United States fail to offer any words of solace, unity, understanding, or consolation from the Rose Garden. In fact, his use of martial language and threats continue to intentionally divide, even as peaceful protesters were gassed to clear a path for a stroll. The photo op with the bible - not to pray, not to read aloud, just to wave it around, sickened me.

Dave Miller said...

Never Trumper...

You asked "Are you cool with a guy who never goes to church gassing and shooting peaceful protesters so that he could stand in front of a church and hold up a Bible? Which Jesus is this, exactly?"

How can I work through your question? I can tell you this, the answer is very complicated for many believers.

The primarily white, evangelical church overwhelmingly supports President Trump, not for his morals, his lifestyle or his personality. But for his policies. Overwhelmingly this group supports limits on legal immigration, and end to all illegal immigration, strong curbs and/or bans on abortion, and an end to gay marriage and recognition of the LGBTQ agenda and specific rights for these people. This group would count the Southern Baptist Denomination, fundamentalist churches and a great many of the mega churches people see dotting the landscape around the country.

On the other side, we have the African American Church and the primarily white mainstream Christian churches. Think Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ and the old Northern [anti slavery] Baptists as examples.

All I can say is this. I'm a believer. I've helped found two churches here in the states and renew another. I've studied religion and philosophy for years. I manage a religious non profit NGO that works in Church and Community Development in Mexico. In short, I'm a missionary, Jesus loving guy.

I don't shove Jesus, or my bible in peoples faces in my work there. When my group hosts medical clinics in Mexico, we don't evangelize, and I don't allow our host churches to do so during our clinics. We just serve. 100's of people at each clinic.

We provide free water filters to people all across the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca without regard to their family situation, their faith, sexual preference or anything.

We just serve.

There are many believers like me. You can be sure we will be voting against President Trump and each and every one of his supporters, or enablers as George Will calls them.

Because we believe it is vital for our country to defeat them. All of them.

Johnny B. Goode said...

Rev, you're on an island by yourself. Evangelicals are solidly behind Trump.But we welcome your comments.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry JBG, not ALL Evangelicals are for Trump by any means.

You need to look at sources other than FAUX NOOZ and Breitbart.

Meet the evangelicals pushing back against Trump
Activists are trying to convince fellow believers that President Donald Trump is unworthy of their adulation.


Meet The Evangelicals Who Are Anti-Trump

Evangelicals are NOT "solidly" behind that thing in the WH.