Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, August 27, 2021

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) is urging his party to punish every lawmaker investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol if Republicans take back the majority in 2022.

GOP Rep. Jim Banks:  "Republicans Have A ‘Duty’ To Punish Members Investigating Jan. 6 Riot If Republicans take back the majority in the House, Banks said there should be consequences for the lawmakers on the special committee."


Does anyone remember the Democrats threatening punishment to anyone who called for the investigation of BENGHAZI?

The current Trumpublicans are using tactics like old time mobsters. They threaten punishment to any of their members who act in accordance with the law.

Apparently, the Trumpublican mobsters believe there should be consequences for those who want to get to the bottom of why people were trying to hang/kill Vice President Pence and harm/kill members of Congress. 

The current Trumpublican Party is nothing more than a gang of mobsters whose allegiance to their mob boss, Donald Jobless Trump, is more important than their allegiance to America and the rule of law.

To recap what the mobsters in the current Trumpublican Party are calling for:

That’s the sort of thing criminals would say about someone investigating their crimes.


Les Carpenter said...

Ignorance breeds more ignoranance.

Revenge breeds more revenge.

And the cycle continues. Until there is nothing.

There is another path.

Are Americans (and yes we are all Americans) capapable of walking it.

Present observations are not encouraging.

Dave Miller said...

Because why would we want to understand why we even had a tourist event scheduled for the Capital on such an important day.

These guys are rich. Short sighted, historically blind back benchers who need to tend to the needs of the 30-40K people they were elected to serve and for most part, stay out of national politics.

skudrunner said...

Were there any democrat politicians who were in favor of the bengazi investigation. I seem to remember them complaining about the big -H- being investigated at all.

Infidel753 said...

It's bullying and thuggery taking the place of a governing philosophy. That's all they've got.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To skudrunner: "On May 8, 2014, the House voted 232–186 to establish the select committee, with 225 Republicans and 7 Democrats in favor."

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Also as per Wikipedia, "By some reports, supporters of Hillary Clinton — Secretary of State at the time of the attacks... urged Democrats to participate fully in the committee to better counteract possible Republican criticism of her".

The primary complaints that I remember concerned the fact that the stated purpose of the hearings (as per Kevin McCarthy) was to harm Hillary Clinton politically. Why the republicans continued to hold hearing after hearing. Even after HRC was cleared.

skudrunner said...

Thanks for the info because I didn't know there were any democrats who wanted to hold -H- responsible for this debacle.

Derv, She should have been harmed politically because she had no business holding the title of SS except obama could keep an eye on her.