Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, September 13, 2024

Old racist playbook:

Your women and girls are being raped by Black men, and the White Savior will fix it. (Trump is the actual adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist.)

From a Trump supporter's blog:


Springfield Ohio has grown by about one third;  Haitians, legal because of a TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS bunch of rubbish. (the ‘bunch of rubbish’ addition is my addition, not the actual title!  But it should be)

SO, FOX interviewed the Ohio Governor DeWine (who probably is drinking more de wine lately) and he is BUSY!  Is he working to get Haitians OUT of this city so those born and raised there can survive as they had?  NO!   Among other things he has to come up with getting Highway Patrol in to cover for all the cops reacting to the huge amount of car accidents, thefts, etc, because they are COVERED bythe TPS!




Shaw Kenawe said...

I brought this comment by Dave Miller over to this post’s comment section:

September 13, 2024 at 11:27 AM
Dave Miller
While the MAGA extremists, and make no mistake, that is what so many of Trump's supporters are, spew their hate, here's what later today will be celebrated by some folks as a well reasoned, smart, intelligent solution to the problems that bunch or intellectually challenged folks see...

"The only solution I see is to carpet bomb Por-au-Prince, take over Haiti, send all Haitians back, include all other illegals, blockade the harbors, secure the border with the Dominican Republic, and let them sort it out."

September 13, 2024 at 11:54 AM

Shaw Kenawe said...

That’s from one of the Mother Ship’s ardent bigots. The Captain and her sailors are Trump supporters, and I’m sure they approve of his disgusting race-baiting rants against Haitians.

What sad little frightened people they are. Like the bigot Trump they support.

Chief Squirrel said...

The same playbook used since the 1870-s. Irish, chinese, germans...

- for dinner, cat
Attorney: Do you have the motion drafted?
Associate: I have concepts of the motion.
We’d like to announce that while we are not a hotel, we are a concept of a hotel.
Woman: cats are getting eaten except for mine?
I can’t believe “they’re eating the dogs” was an actual REBUTTAL to “You say weird stuff at your rallies”.
I don't have a specific recipe for cat, i just have more of a concept of a recipe.
After what she did to Trump last night, she should be tried for Elder abuse.
If Trump were your granddad, you'd take his car keys away.

Dave Miller said...

Okay, since the topic is Springfield, Ohio, let's look at a few actual, as opposed to the alternative or false facts some MAGA lovers use.

1. According to Ohio Demographics by Cubit, the 2024 population of Springfield, Ohio is 53,082 people. That's a drop of about 800 people since 2016, when Trump was elected.

2. According to US Census Data, Springfield, Ohio in 2016, the year Trump was elected, had an ethnic makeup of approx 74% white/Caucasion people, 17% black/African American or non hispanic black people [potentially Haitians]. In 2022/2023, the numbers are virtually unchanged at 71% and 17% respectively.

3. The other major ethnic group is Latinos, representing 5% in 2016 and 6% in 2022/2023.

4. The City Manager of Springfield, Ohio denies the "struggles" with pets some, including JD Vance and Fmr President Trump have alleged.

5. The person cited as "ground zero" of the salacious charge has stated she heard about it from a friend, who heard it from a friend of another friend. For those counting, that is 4 degrees of separation.

You can all draw your own conclusions, but here's mine...

The Trump Campaign got all caught up in story that seemed to confirm their biases, never checked it, and is now running around with no clothes and in inability to admit they are wrong or made a mistake.

Regardless, "They're eating Dogs" is the quote of the current presidential race and if Trump loses, will be cited in debate teaching and histories of this campaign for years.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I wonder if the bigot who wrote that somehow got the telephone numbers of certain Springfield, Ohio, offices?

Former President Trump's rhetoric about Haitian immigrants in an Ohio town "has to stop," President Biden said on Friday, as Republican-driven pet-eating conspiracy theories have led to security threats for residents of the community.

”The big picture: Springfield's mayor asked for support with immigration transitional resources as multiple buildings, including schools and City Hall, have been evacuated because of threats identified by law enforcement.”

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I see you have new heroes... Dick Cheney, and now Karl Rove! It's doing wonders for your "brand"! :)

Shaw Kenawe said...

There’s nothing on my blog about Cheney. Not one damn mention. So you’re hallucinating again. And I published Karl Rove’s exquisite insult about Trump because it was glorious. There’s nothing else on my blog about him.

So you’re wrong again! You’re batting a thousand! 🤣🤣🤣

Shaw Kenawe said...

LOL! Very good observations.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It’s pretty obvious the Trump campaign is desperate, and they know VPHarris has the momentum.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump has picked the perfect trashy bigot to advise him, and apparently to replace Melania, if you know what I mean. Let’s hope he continues to be advised by that creepy weirdo.

Dave Miller said...

Let's remember as it relates to the "concepts" he has... he promised us a plan within weeks about 6347 times, starting at his first press conference after he won the 2016 election.

Was he lying then -FJ?

Of course he was. And he has no concept now. Trump is the biggest wannabe, biggest fabulist, biggest danger we've ever let anywhere near 1600 PA Ave.

A daily threat to America because he only cares about himself and staying out of jail.

Health care? Believe it when you see it.

Craig said...

From comments at the Mutha ship,

Joe Conservative says:
September 13, 2024 at 2:05 pm


You’ve attracted quite a following over at “Progressive Eruptions”. Shamefully, only about 1 in 5 of my retorts ever gets through the censorship industrial complex. 😦

Are you being ironic or obtuse. Mz. Z has banned all opposing views from her blog, which is why she gets highlighted here occasionally. Many of us used to comment directly to her before we were barred.

I think Shaw is being very generous publishing 1 in 5 from a serial commentor (the one thing you're truly good at, driving up the comment count). It just takes one to get the gist. The rest, I'm sure, are you going off topic, whatabouting, or hiding behind philosophers and internet cranks. Show some gratitude.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative, like his idol, Trump, thinks that anything that courses through his mind is worthy of our admiration and must be published tout suite because of its brilliance.

JC is shocked that most of us do not share that estimation of his dazzling insights.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ and Joe Con get considerably more space here than any of us at the Mothership. In fact, Joe will get every one of his comments posted here if he brings some real evidence.

However, if it's racist claptrap, probably not.

Is that not fair?

Shaw Kenawe said...

”geeez2014 says:
September 13, 2024 at 6:01 pm
Joe; she is FIXATED on my blog! And I was surprised so few commented……Dave Miller is “Same ol’ same ol’,”, isn’t he.

Ya, poor thing; she very often prints my blogs, or quotes me…I hope she doesn’t mind that, had you not linked her here, I’d have probably never found her blog….I just don’t LOOK. She’s so stupid far left it’s comedy to me and there is MUCH better comedy than her! Thanks.”

The Captain of the Mother Ship claims she doesn’t “ look” at my blog but miraculously she KNOWS it’s “…stupid far left…”.

It’s like Trump who claims he’s never seen Project 2025, but said “…there’s good and bad things in it.” LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Fixated on that blog? Nah. But it is an excellent study of what Trumpism has done to normally sane people. Fortunately, they represent the past, not the future of this country.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump: “We will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio. Large deportations. We're going to get these people out. We’re bringing them back to Venezuela.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

Frank Luntz: ”For decades, Springfield had been another shrinking Midwestern town with an uncertain future.

By most accounts, the Haitians have helped revitalize Springfield.

They are assembling car engines at Honda, running vegetable-packing machines at Dole and loading boxes at distribution centers. They are paying taxes on their wages and spending money at Walmart..”

BB-Idaho said...

I'm banned from there as well. But I still post and watch it automatically fly to
the cloud. The z-banned part if the cloud is approaching Taylor Swifts part.

BB-Idaho said...

It seems clear that like Trump, his ardent followers are great at dishing it out,
but can't take it. Wimpy Trumpolytes.

Dave Dubya said...

Cheney and Rove are "traitors" to "Whiter-than-thou" Joe's race, no doubt.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The posts with evidence are the one's you delete.

Dave Miller said...

I'm sure Frank Luntz, a respected conservative pollster for decades, will now be called a hack, a Rino, in the tank, over the hill and useless by the MAGA extremist crowd.

Notice Shaw that no one has refuted any of the real facts about Springfield...

Shaw Kenawe said...

- FJ, I deleted a comment by your other persona, Joe Consevative in which he linked to one of his blogs that featured a meme calling VP Harris a prostitute.

Not all of your or your other personas’s comments contain “ evidence.” Most of them contain conspiracies, rumors, lies about the 2020 election and links to YouTube videos no one cares about.

Your friend, the Mother Ship Captain, bans all who don’t agree with her politics. No wonder most of her posts are nothing more than propaganda from FAUX NOOZ or NEWSMAX. Or exposure of her and her various commenters’ appalling racism and bigotry.

I’m not obligated to post ANY of your comments, but I’m more welcoming to other opinions than is the Geeez blogger.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe’s dishonesty comes through in his comment to me about Cheney. There is absolutely nothing on my blog about him. I guess jumping to conclusions is the only exercise his brain gets.

Grey One talks sass said...

I know the topic is Springfield, and what they are going through is reprehensible. The lady who started it all is having some regrets. Guess she didn't anticipate her "little comment" would blow up like it did. Silly human, they forgot to measure three times before posting.

The memes reading Vance and Trump for filth are priceless. Although there is a wild hair in my brain that says if Vance wanted Trump to flame out so that Vance could run for president ala Harris/Walz, the Springfield hoax would be just the ticket to achieve his goals.

OT a bit - Shaw said "JC is shocked that most of us do not share that estimation of his dazzling insights".

LOL So true Shaw. Dazzling insights indeed. Six paragraphs with links and arrows that say absolutely nothing about the topic at hand. If you can't persuade a human with facts you can dazzle them with crap. Apparently our multi named troll chose crap. I've followed a couple of their links and it never ends well. Circular logic makes my head spin - not good.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump and Vance spread hatred about Haitians who are in a town legally, a town that welcomed them, and are conjuring up chaos and now there have been bomb threats in elementary schools We must work much harder to keep them from office. From Heather Cox Richarson: "Hunter Walker and Josh Kovensky of Talking Points Memo today explained where the lie had come from and how it had spread. More than two months ago, they wrote, Ohio senator J.D. Vance, who is Trump’s vice presidential running mate, began to speak about Springfield at a Senate Banking Committee hearing, trying to tie rising housing prices to immigrants. The next day, at the National Conservatism conference, Vance accused “illegals” of overwhelming the city. On August 10, about a dozen neo-Nazis of the “Blood Tribe” organization showed up in Springfield, where one of their leaders said the city had been taken over by “degenerate third worlders” and blamed the Jews for the influx of migrants."

The Captain of the Mother Ship parroted the lies she heard and cemented the fact that her blog is a disgraceful racist one.

Shaw Kenawe said...

She banned YOU? Your comments are always intelligent and on point, which is why you've been banned from that echo chamber. If only you had written something trashy and false about people of color, immigrants, Democrats, and Barack Obama! You'd have been deemed one of her best commenters! LOL!

PS. These comments from that typical MAGA blog will, I predict, define and shame their movement for eternity:



Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Walsh

“If I have to create stories…”

The essence of Trumpism is to lie.👇

Sam Stein

JD Vance acknowledges the cat and dog stories are urban legends and then rationalizes it (via CNN): “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do."

skudrunner said...

Rev, I know you are for illegals being allowed into the country but can you answer why the government spent 66 billion dollars in 2023 and only 3 billion on our veterans. Does that make any sense to you?

Dave Miller said...

All... the entire Springfield kerfuffle is a made up event designed to push the agenda of the MAGA extremists. They can show no population increase since 2016 in Springfield when Trump first took office. Through data from 2023, there has been no real change in the ethnic/demographic makeup of the city.

The City Manager says there have been no reported incidents of people stealing and eating dogs, cats and pets. The Mayor agrees. The Police department went back through all their 911 calls for a year and found nothing. The Governor of the state said the entire story is not true.

How can you debunk a story the MAGA crowd has decided, without proof, is true?

As is normal with the Trump crew, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they continue to hold on to their beliefs, publicly claim they are correct and instead, all the elected conservative mostly Republican government leaders in Ohio are lying, supposedly to help Harris.

And now we hear both Trump and Vance are headed to Springfield this week.


To support the minorities who live there, legally we should add? To tell those minorities and POC that if elected the Trump team will find and prosecute the ppl who have called bomb threats into schools and city hall in that city, scaring children and families?

To apologize for how their lies have made the legal immigrant community of Springfield, a community business leaders love because they are hard working ppl, targets of MAGA ire and danger?

Of course not. They are going there to use the city and immigrants as nothing more than props, exposing them to even more danger, and furthering the desire of the Trump team to divide America.

Just like Harney County, Oregon. Just like Aurora, Colorado and just like the next smallish town the Trump Campaign targets.

One blogger wrote after admitting herself that Trump and Vance are apparently lying, "I’m starting to think you’d have to be a moron TO vote for him..."

Why yes, you would.

Dave Miller said...

On Friday, Fmr Pres Trump was asked at his CA press conference, if he would denounce the bomb threats and the ppl making them in Springfield, Ohio, simply chose to not answer the question.

Why would he do that?