Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, September 1, 2024




Sam said...

Good laugh, thanks.

Les Carpenter said...

Defines Trump. If America puts Trump back in the White House it then DEFINES America.

Mike said...

Isn't that the sad truth.

Shaw Kenawe said...

John McCain’s son is publicly speaking out about Trump’s appearance at Arlington, calling it a ‘violation’ that turned cemetery into campaign backdrop. In response, he is changing his voter registration to Democrat and endorsing Harris.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw, you'll notice now that Trump is saying the whole thing, despite the statement from the US Army, is made up by Kamala Harris.

Despite protestations from the -FJ crowd, who after we started asking for specific answers and proof, is now pretty scarce, all Trump has to do is produce the video his campaign said they have disproving the claims of Harris, the US Army and others.

That's all -FJ. Just. Show. Us. The. Tape. Trump. Said. He. Has.


Unless of course, he was lying. Again.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump’s cultists will believe him. Just look at how fervently Joe Con/-FJ defend him and pretend he didn’t commit an indefensible act in Section 60 of ANC.

Dave Miller said...

Now we learn that Trump's boast of an 18 month combat casualty free period in Afghanistan, a boast he made on his illegal Tik Tok video recorded at Arlington is of course, another lie.

It never happened.

There was never an 18 month period during Trump's presidency in which there were no combat deaths in Afghanistan. You've got to wonder why former President Trump is minimizing the deaths of men like Javier Jaguar Gutierrez and Antonio Rey Rodriguez, the last two soldiers who died in Feb 2020 during his admin.

Anonymous said...

Trump is trying to blame gold star families for what he did at Arlington National Cemetery. And in doing so, he is making his visit more political.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It doesn't matter that the Gold Star families invited Trump to Section 60. That did not give him and his campaign the RIGHT to film and then use the video of his visit as propaganda for his campaign. Trump broke the law. Fact. The invitation by Gold Star families does not mitigate what Trump shamefully did.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump appears to have misled Gold Star families on troop deaths in Afghanistan

Trump frequently suggests, as he did in a TikTok filmed at Arlington Cemetery, that an 18-month period without hostile-fire deaths took place entirely in his presidency. That was just a lie, but of course Trumpers repeat that endlessly because it's from the Gospel of Trump.