Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, September 27, 2024



President Biden approved $1B in Emergency relief funds to Florida on THE DAY the Hurricane hit. 

And THAT is this difference between Democrats and Trumpublicans. Between a REAL President and a vengeful little brat.


Les Carpenter said...

The life the nation can look forward to if Trump steals the election. The stench of Trump and MAGA is thick and it's growig ever more odious daily.

Mike said...

"vengeful little brat" Don't be so nice to that rotten bastard. 😆

Dave Miller said...

This is a great, easily provable point Shaw. There was no hesitation, no snarky language, no hedging. President Biden just quietly did the right thing. He took care of the American people, empowering local leaders to better serve and help their citizens.

Period. Full Stop.

Anyone who disagrees is an idiot, dolt or a willful contrarian.

Thank goodness for GOP President Calvin Coolidge, and his pledge after the Great Flood of of 1927 to make sure Americans never again would needlessly suffer after a natural disaster if the federal gov't could help.

And history has mostly showed the apolitical quiet efficiency and effectiveness of FEMA over the years. Sure, there have been some hiccups, but by and large, America, and her people have been well served.

President Biden understands that, as has every modern day president, with the exception of Donald Trump.

Sam said...

We need someone in the Oval office who will look out for the people. That is not Trump.

BB-Idaho said...

A typical Trump modus operandi with Federal Aid. A few years back, the little WA town of Malden was destroyed along with thousands of acres. The WA governor asked for FEMA aid. Trump refused because "he had a feud with the governor. From Sep 2020 until the end of the Trump administration in January 2021, they were homeless, hungry and desperate. Biden quickly approved the request, but the damage had been done. A formerly GOP area became Democrats. Unique, a president elected by a minority, and a president ONLY for that minority. (Sec 3 Trump University) Too hard to
concentrate when one is busy selling Bibles, wristwatches and red hats to
the faithful, I guess.

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah, trumpty dumpty is more interested in gold sneakers, "Constitutional" bibles, gold watches, and the money he might aquire from their sale than he is policy or America.

A greedy ass ignorant narcissist with delusions of greatness.