Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, October 31, 2024




The most apt image for what he and his campaign are!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024



And TRUMP leads them all:

The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln · 2h 

“It’s the people that surround her, they’re scum and they want to take down our country. 

They are absolute garbage.” - Donald Trump, 9/7/24






Nikki Haley: "They also need to look at how they're talking about women ... You've got affiliated PACs that are doing commercials about calling Kamala the C-word. Or you had speakers at MSG referring to her and her pimps. That is not the way to win women"



He's calling me "The enemy within."

More dangerous than Communist China, North Korea, and Russia.

When has any American heard a presidential candidate speak such divisive, hateful and dangerous words?

Trump: “I always say, we have two enemies. We have the outside enemy, and then we have the enemy from within, and the enemy from within, in my opinion, is more dangerous than China, Russia and all these countries.”

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

75,000 at the Ellipse hear Vice President Harris's closing speech!


"Harris later in her speech said that patriots throughout history 'did not struggle, sacrifice, and lay down their lives, only to see us cede our fundamental freedoms, only to see us submit to the will of another petty tyrant.

 'The United States of America is not a vessel for the schemes of wannabe dictators. The United States of America is the greatest idea humanity ever devised,' the vice president said."


“Americans died as a result of that attack; 140 law enforcement officers were injured. And while Donald Trump sat in the White House watching, as the violence unfolded on television, he was told by staff that the mob wanted to kill his own vice president. Donald Trump responded with two words: ‘So what?’” she said. “That’s who Donald Trump is.” --The Hill


My dad spent his first 6 years in Cuba before coming to the US in the 1930s. He volunteered at 17 1/2 in 1944; Grandma had to sign his papers. Joining his unit in Jan 45, only 14 there then made it to VE Day unscathed. Flossenburg haunted him until he passed last year.

Trump is mentally unstable:


He's say the opposition/Liberals wants "...trans gender operations for almost everybody in the world."

If I heard that from a member of my family, I'd insist on a test to see if he was suffering from dementia.

Brian Krassenstein:

 BREAKING: Trump insiders are allegedly pissed off that Trump refuses to speak out against the Rally comments about Latinos and Puerto Ricans, and instead is just telling people he has no idea who Tony Hinchcliffe is. One insider, Peter Navarro stated: "Tony Hinchcliffe must be the biggest, stupidest a$$hole that ever came down the comedy pike." This was Trump's only response: "I don't know him, someone put him up there. I don't know who he is." If Trump can't manage his own campaign at 78-years-old then why do you think he can manage America?



The woman quoted below believes she's a real "patriot" who loves God and country. Yet she exposes her support and love of a proto-fascist with this, her statement:


With that statement, she admits she believes Trump would PUNISH the LATimes for endorsing VP Harris:  "...hedging bets so he doesn't turn on them when elected."

She is all in with the idea of a newspaper being intimidated by Trump, who would punish them for supporting his opponent.

It's right there in her statement, and she's asking God to let that be true.

I don't believe she actually understands what the implication of her words means. (I've never thought she actually thinks about the meaning of what she writes.)

But there it is. She hopes the LATimes was intimidated by an American politician with a promise of, what? Being shut down? Violence by Trump's MAGA thugs? What could she be hoping for when she say "Please God?

I think I know.

And it sickens me to see my fellow Americans so eager to turn this country over to a fascist wannabe thug like Trump.

Charlie Savage:

"Donald Trump says he’d deploy the U.S. military on domestic soil, including to suppress protests he deems riots, patrol Democratic-run cities he deems crime dens and hunt for undocumented immigrants. The strongman tactics would carry profound implications for individual rights and constraints on federal power."

Monday, October 28, 2024


"Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden began in the early afternoon. The hateful performances of the early participants set the tone for the rally. Early on, comedian Tony Hinchcliffe, who goes by Kill Tony, delivered a steamingly racist set. He said, for example: “There’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.

He went on: “And these Latinos, they love making babies too. Just know that. They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside. Just like they did to our country.” Hinchcliffe also talked about Black people carving watermelons instead of pumpkins. The speakers who followed Hinchcliffe called Vice President Kamala Harris “the Antichrist” and “the devil.” They called former secretary of state Hillary Clinton “a sick son of a b*tch,” and they railed against “f*cking illegals.” They insulted Latinos generally, Black Americans, Palestinians and Jews. Trump advisor Stephen Miller’s claim that “America is for Americans and Americans only” directly echoed the statement of Adolf Hitler that "Germany is for Germans and Germans only.” 



Trump and his cultist supporters own all of this.

Let's hope that decent Americans reject this cesspool of hate, racism, misogyny and vulgarity on November 5.

Elon Musk's PAC is running this political ad:

Sunday, October 27, 2024



Today's Evangelical Trump Christians:

Reminder:  Trump is the hero of many (not all) Evangelical Christians. Trump cheated on all three wives and even cheated on his mistress, Karen McDougal, with porn star, Stormy Daniels while his 3rd wife, Melania, was home with his 5th child, Barron.

Evangelical Christians believe Trump can be trusted, and we all should just ignore the fact that he easily broke all of his "Christian" marriage vows!

Friday, October 25, 2024



Draft dodger Trump calls John Kelly, a respected four-star general who lost his son while serving in Afghanistan, a "total degenerate," "Lowlife," and a "bad general." 

Donald Trump called men and women who served their country and were maimed or died, "suckers and losers."

There is a sickness in the very soul of this country when a pathological liar, serial adulterer cheat, and convicted felon is supported and adored by so many Americans.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Here's the guy who admires Hitler's generals telling his cultists that journalists who don't treat him nice are "enemies of the people." 

The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term vrag naroda (Russian: враг народа), literally meaning enemy of the people. The term was first used in a speech by Felix Dzerzhinsky, the first chairman of the Cheka, after the October Revolution. 

The Cheka was the first secret police organization in the Soviet Union, established in 1917 by the Bolshevik party to combat enemies during the Russian Civil War. Trump is using a term the Bolsheviks, who ultimately became the Communists of the Soviet Union, against American journalists.



Click on this image to make it larger:

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

VP Harris's remarks on Trump's affinity for Hitler and fascists.



Trump cultists love Trump's horrifying authoritarian/fascist character:

As Election Nears, Kelly Warns Trump Would Rule Like a Dictator 

John Kelly, the Trump White House’s longest-serving chief of staff, said that he believed that Donald Trump met the definition of a fascist.

"Few top officials spent more time behind closed doors in the White House with President Donald J. Trump than John F. Kelly, the former Marine general who was his longest-serving chief of staff. With Election Day looming, Mr. Kelly — deeply bothered by Mr. Trump’s recent comments about employing the military against his domestic opponents — agreed to three on-the-record, recorded discussions with a reporter for The New York Times about the former president, providing some of his most wide-ranging comments yet about Mr. Trump’s fitness and character. 

Mr. Kelly was homeland security secretary under Mr. Trump before moving to the White House in July 2017. He worked to carry out Mr. Trump’s agenda for nearly a year and a half. It was a tumultuous period in which he drew internal criticism over his own performance and grew disenchanted and distressed by conduct on the part of the president that he considered at times to be inappropriate and reflecting no understanding of the Constitution. 

In the interviews, Mr. Kelly expanded on his previously expressed concerns and stressed that voters, in his view, should consider fitness and character when selecting a president, even more than a candidate’s stances on the issues." 


"He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."


"He discussed and confirmed previous reports that Mr. Trump had made admiring statements about Hitler, had expressed contempt for disabled veterans and had characterized those who died on the battlefield for the United States as 'losers' and 'suckers' — comments first reported in 2020 by The Atlantic." 


 "At Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day 2017, Mr. Trump toured the section where recently killed service members are buried, including Mr. Kelly’s son Robert, a Marine who was killed in 2010 while fighting in Afghanistan. 

While walking through the cemetery, Mr. Kelly recounted, Mr. Trump asked what had been in it for those who had given their lives. 'And I thought he was asking one of these rhetorical kind of, you know, questions,' Mr. Kelly said. 'But I didn’t realize he was serious — he just didn’t see what the point was. As I got to know him, again, this selflessness is something he just didn’t understand. What’s in it for them?' ” 


 "Mr. Kelly had nothing good to say about Mr. Trump 

 Mr. Kelly was asked whether Mr. Trump had any empathy. 'No,' Mr. Kelly said."

We've never had so many millions and millions of Americans who were so easily bamboozled by a con man, liar, cheat, fraud, convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist. They succumbed to his lies, grifts, criminality, and empty promises and aligned themselves with his paranoia and hatreds against their fellow Americans.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


He was once known as "America's Mayor."

He's now lost his reputation and his fortune, and will live out the rest of his life in the ignominy he so richly deserves.

#ETTD! (Everything Trump Touches Dies)

"Rudy Giuliani has been court-ordered to surrender his Manhattan penthouse, luxury watches, a signed Joe DiMaggio jersey, a 1980 Mercedes, and other valuable items to election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss after a court found he had defamed them." 

"Tuesday, Judge Lewis Liman of the federal court in Manhattan made his ruling, and it’s a huge loss for Giuliani. He ordered Donald Trump’s former attorney to put most of his personal property into a receivership controlled by Freeman and Moss within seven days, along with cash and various luxury items. This includes his New York apartment, many watches, sports memorabilia, furniture, and even his television. Giuliani’s team had argued that the legal fees Trump and his campaign allegedly owe their client for his efforts to overturn the election should be off-limits until after the election, but that money must go to the election workers too. 

Giuliani tried to declare bankruptcy earlier this year to avoid paying the damages. He was already in major financial trouble before the 2023 defamation verdict, and he said he could not afford to pay the colossal sum a jury awarded Freeman and Moss. But the former mayor’s bankruptcy case was dismissed in July and since then the mother and daughter have been attempting to make Giuliani turn over the money they are owed, asking a federal judge in New York to make him turn over various assets."--Intelligencer

"The arc of moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." --MLK

(Take heed, Donald J. Trump)

Trump cntinues to tell a really unbelievably stupid lie while campaigning.


Why does he do this when parents of public school children know that public schools cannot give a student even an aspirin without the parents' permission.

Trump is saying, again, that children go to school as a male or female; the school then performs complicated surgery on them without the parents knowing; and those children return home days later as a different sex! 

(Has this been reported by any American parent of public school children? Anyone?)

No one listening to Trump's ludicrous lie bursts out laughing at such an imbecilic idea -- DEMENTED idea. For surely, these are the twisted ravings of a deteriorating mind. And yet MAGA listen to this maniac as though he were a sane person. Trump clearly is not.


Trump knows that his cultists are so gullible and stupid that they will believe his impossibly asinine story and vote for him anyway, because they are as mentally unwell as he is?

How do we reckon with a man, Trump, who hopes to be POTUS telling his people this? And no one challenges him on the absurdity of what he's saying?

Do his cultists think that he's suffering with early stages of dementia, and they don't want to laugh in his face? 

I don't know the dynamics in this: Trump is feeding his gullibles stupid stories, and they sit there and pretend (or not?) to believe him? What's going on?

What country am I living in that is seriously considering this crackpot for the presidency, and what country has the sort of people living in it who think this clearly mentally unstable weirdo would be a great POTUS?



Monday, October 21, 2024

Lewd, vulgar, brutish Trump at his rallies:


Trump used vulgarity in the video below to describe our sitting VPOTUS at a rally, and his cultists cheered and applauded his nasty and brutish name-calling, because they're as low and brutish as he is, IMO.

This is who the folks on the Mother Ship, and others who should know better, think is the best man to lead America! Think about what being in a cult does to people's brains:

Here Trump implies that Arnold Palmer has an impressive penis -- which is something one would never hear at a campaign for the presidency rally or at ANY political rally! EVER! And yet this vulgar, low, and gross man, Trump, is at his rally saying such things. And his vulgar, low, and gross cultists cheer him on! What does the size of Arnold Palmer's penis have to do with the presidency and how Trump will govern? Does anyone know?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Did anyone ever image hearing these un-American words from an ex-POTUS and candidate?


Trump is the only politician in my lifetime who ever uttered such unconstitutional and, IMO, treasonous words.

This country, especially the MAGAs and the media, has become numb to the avalanche of the unspeakably perverse, fascistic sentiments Trump spews on Twitter and at his rallies.

PS. Where's our friend, skudrunner? Has he seen this?

Trump brags about wanting to raise taxes on the middle class: “We are going to [create] a system of taxes. We call it positive taxation… Nobody's ever seen what we're doing. A combination of taxes and tariffs”