Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, October 9, 2024



The Captain of the Mother Ship, who is a prime example of a Trump cultist, apparently gets her news ONLY from Trump-friendly media, because she asks these questions without a jot of irony. 

She and her Trump cultists are willfully ignorant about what Trump says (almost on a daily basis) about his admiration for anti-democracy strongmen, autocrats, and bloody dictators. Trump admires these murderous and anti-democracy thugs, and aspires to be one for the US!

Americans like her and her fellow cultists never look at other sources of information to see what a despicable, liar, cheat, and fraud they admire.


Captain of the M.S. quoting VP Harris: “He admires strong men, and he gets played by them because he thinks that they’re his friends,” Harris said. “They are manipulating him full time and manipulating him by flattery and with favor.” Kamala during the Howard Stern interview. 

Captain of the M.S.:  "I’ve been right… Democrats are mind readers. “He admires strong men” How’s Kamala know what Trump admires? “He thinks they’re his friends!” Did she ASK TRUMP that?

I ask my readers:  How can someone who claims to be a patriotic American be so willfully ignorant and post something so amazingly naive and foolish and, IMO, stupid! when there is proof all over the internet and other media that what VP Harris said about Trump is ABOLUTELY THE TRUTH!

It's not just the Captain of the Mother Ship and its sailors who are so miserably and willfully uninformed and blind, but millions of Trump cultists all over this country who are like this. And that's why we are in danger of having this malignant narcissist and convicted felon in the WH again. 

Trump Says Kim Jong Un Wants Him to Win: 'I Think He Misses Me'

CNN: "President Donald Trump on Friday defended his warm praise of Kim Jong Un, saying his newfound affinity for the North Korean dictator was making Americans safer. 

 At the same time, Trump expressed esteem for the forced deference North Koreans show for their leader and joked he wished “my people” would do the same."

Trump calls Putin ‘genius’ and ‘savvy’ for Ukraine invasionThe former president’s praise for Putin comes at a perilous geopolitical moment in Europe.

Trump says he's pleased by Putin's praise: 'I like that he said that' 


 “He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things,’” the retired marine general John Kelly told Jim Sciutto of CNN in an interview for a new book. “I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.’ 

But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing. I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.” 

 Kelly, a retired US Marine Corps general, was homeland security secretary in the Trump administration before becoming Trump’s second chief of staff. Resigning at the end of 2018, he eventually became a public opponent of his former boss.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's another bit of proof that Trump loves dictators and is easily flattered by them. Also, Trump cultists like the Captain of the M.S. and its sailors will never read this:

"Former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull: “When you see Trump with Putin, as I have on a few occasions, he’s like the 12-year-old boy that goes to high school and meets the captain of the football team. ‘My hero!’ It’s really creepy…the creepiness was palpable”

Dave Miller said...

It just never stops with Trump... now in addition to sending Covid - 19 tests to a foreign leader who is an enemy of the US, since confirmed by Putin himself, we return to the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

Local leaders in hard hit states are, at the last minute, changing the voting rules, so as to make it easier for ppl unexpectedly hit by a disaster to be able to vote. These changes include letting voters vote from any precinct in their county, making it easier for displaced voters to vote absentee, and waiving residency requirements for poll workers.

All of those sound reasonable to me, just as the changes made during the 2020 election season in the middle of a deadly pandemic seemed reasonable.

The MAGA people however felt that changing those rules, without Constitutional review was itself fraud. In fact, -FJ and his various alter egos have argued that very point here and at the Mother Ship over the years.

So where are those howling voices of fraud now? Where are those defenders of democracy today as even citizenship rules are being waived? What about all those "illegal immigrants" who supposedly are sucking up all the FEMA money in the south? Isn't waiving those citizenship tests opening us up to widespread across the south where Harris just needs to gain a few percentage points in say, NC, to won the presidency?

These folks live in a bubble. They remember not what they say, what they write, are not intellectually curious about views different from theirs and show it in almost every comment they make.

It's a fascinating group.

BTW... Jomala 101... you okay? Or just working hard to swing the election?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I guess there are no such things as "worthy adversaries". There's only "good" and "evil" ones. So much for Isaiah Berlin's theory of incommensurable values.

Everything in Progressivane-ia is simple and filmed in black & white.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Notice you say nothing about how the Mother Ship's Captain has no idea what she's whining about when she says she wonders how VP Harris know who Trump admires, and the evidence for Harris's statement is all over the internet and other media.

Geeez is a blind Trump cultist who willfully will not see what Trump is. It is she and millions more like her who admire this lying liar, convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and pu**y grabber. Ignorance may be blissful to them, but it is harming our country.

The people who populate the Mother Ship are not my adversaries; they are misguided, willfully blind cultists. We pity them.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ... there is plenty of room for worthy adversaries. But are people who call people like me, Shaw, Gray, Les and others "America hating scum" worthy adversaries? Are ppl who say and believe "Leftists who hate America" worth adversaries? Are the people who call mixed race people like my son "Halfricans" worthy adversaries?

You tell me?

I sat the other day with a good friend, a Trump supporter, and yes, I have many Trump supporting friends. He told me that no matter who wins the election next month, one thing is sure... 50 percent of the country will be depressed and 50 percent will be happy.

But I told him I disagree. I said if Trump wins, yes, 50% will be happy and 50% will be depressed. But eh depressed 50% will get over it, resolve to do better, register more voters, get better candidates, etc. We will be working from Day 1 to win the next election.

But if Trump loses, based on what we've already seen, that's not what we will see from the MAGA crowd. More likely, we will see violence, like we did on Jan 6.

He did not disagree.

We're all in for worthy adversaries, people who have different solutions to the common problems we all face, folks who are serious. Mitt Romney, John McCain types. Folks like Liz Cheney.

Dems don't agree with many of the policies of those folks, but those folks are and were THEY "worthy adversaries".

None of the people who made and continue to make the types of statements I quoted above are "worthy adversaries". Not at all. They're angry, unworthy adversaries, unable to hold different ideas in tension, as Martin Luther did with grace and work, and function in a pluralistic society.

Mike said...

At the end of his 4 years tRUMPs lie count was 30,573. I saw somewhere a while ago that it was over 47,000. I can't find a current count. I did find...
This has a lot of 2024 BS he's spewing.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Don't ask me, I'm just a deplorable.

Les Carpenter said...

As the Trumptonian Hamster Wheel of lies, ignorance, delusion, and chaos keeps the America populace divided and othering. What could be more American?


Dave Miller said...

A typical non response from -FJ. No one here has called you a deplorable. You come here and are argumentative, but only throw your bombs and leave.

Why not stay and enter into the conversation, interacting with actual questions, as opposed to just posting links to your various sites?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

People suffering from TDS are worried about cultists? Or just people not part of their cult?