Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, August 9, 2008


A week or so ago, I didn't bother posting that FAUX News reported that things have been going so well in Iraq that one of the provinces has opened up a KFC franchise. Except it didn't. The geniuses at FAUX didn't bother to check out the story, but the folks at MSNBC did and found that the franchise was a faux KFC, not an American franchise at all.

And just the other day FAUX was at it again. In a report on Iraq, FAUX ran a photo of the Iranian flag. Remember the Lincoln-Douglas gaffe? Reporting on possible debates between Obama and McCain, FAUX news mentioned the historic Lincoln-Douglas debates and ran a photo of Frederick Douglass!

FOX NEWS: Doing Their Best to Keep Their Viewers Stupid!

Fox News displays Iranian flag during report on Iraq.

On Fox News earlier this week, host Brett Baier reported that “Iraqi lawmakers have left for vacation without agreeing on a provincial election law.” But during his report, an onscreen graphic showed the Iranian flag. MSNBC’s Dan Abrams noted last night that “it looks like the folks at Fox are following John McCain’s lead confusing Iraq and Iran,” adding that “it can get confusing because after all, both countries do start with an ‘I.’”

Here's a partial list from Media Matters of all the mistakes, distortions, and downright lies made in just a couple of days by FAUX:


libhom said...

I'm amazed there is anyone left who is stupid enough to take what Faux News says seriously.

Anonymous said...

I have checked out the Fox Numbers lib, there really must be some silly folk left because they have 500K extra viewers compared to CNN.

Patrick M said...

Now I don't have time to pick every nit (or look at every link), so we'll go with the lead story on the flag error. This, unlike intentionally stupid comments, is obviously an error in the control room, not an attempt to stupefy people.

Maybe I should watch a week of MSNBC (which may double their ratings) and see how many typos I can find.

Maybe you should learn the difference.