Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, February 20, 2009


A new AP/GFK poll taken during the final days of the fight over the stimulus bill shows that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Republican efforts to block Obama’s plan:

Congress’ approval is only 31%-59%, but additional questions show a much more complicated picture. The number for Congressional Democrats is at 49%-45%, while Republicans are at 33%-59%. The Republicans appear to be cramping Congress’ style.

Only 30% say Obama hasn’t done enough to cooperate with Republicans in Congress — the GOP base vote, basically — while 62% say he’s doing the right amount and 6% say it’s been too much.

Flipping it around, only 27% say Republicans have done enough to cooperate with Obama, with 64% saying not enough and 5% saying too much.

Meanwhile, people are increasingly confident that Obama is leading the country in the right direction.

Since Obama’s election, there’s been a 23 percent rise in those saying the country is headed in the right direction.

In October, only 17 percent of Americans felt that way, while 78 percent thought the country was headed in the wrong direction.

h/t Think Progress


Ruth said...

Yet all the headlines this a.m. are about Rick Santelli's rant in Chicago about Obama letting those slackers who are behind on mortgage payments get a break. Will have a post about this in an hour and a half.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought it strange that Santelli could rant about something he hadn't read yet. No doubt he got his talking points from Rush or some other right wing gasbag.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Santelli incident illustrates the disconnect between the conservative leaning media and reality.

The reality is that the American people support President Obama and his stimpak, and they reject the losing conservative strategies of tax cuts and spending of the Bush years.

The American people said NO! to conservatives and their ideas TWICE!

When will the conservative media catch up with the will of the American people?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that as much as politicians vote against their constituents desires, they get reelected anyways.

Seems only people who have a job, or some ability to pay will get a rewrite, a cut in the principle of the value of their home, or any help.

This plan does seem skewed to the people who bought a home they could not afford. Why cut the value of a home, just make the payments more affordable.

A 2 month moratorium on evictions won't help much if there are no jobs, or it takes 6 months to a year to get a new job.

Arthurstone said...

While those who know me well may disagree but I swear that every time I switch on the television I get the teensiest bit more stupid. They can't imagine that possibility. 8)

Watching the video of this Santelli character rant about 'losers' underscores just how mindless, insipid, & factually challenged most of the 'news' actually is. Simple demagoguery posing as commentary and reporting.

Filling the endless electronic cornucopia 24/7 has gotten us to the point where absolutely anything at all will is allowed to fill the endless appetites of a remarkably plaint and uncritical audience.

'Content' doesn't begin to describe the level of dreck we're subjected to. A steady diet of this nonsense makes a person stupider, or, a right wing serial blogger.

Turns out Newton Minnow was an optimist.

dmarks said...

Santelli sure has his 15 minutes of fame. I'd never heard of him before a few days ago, and had to make sure I was not mis-hearing Rick Santorum.

Shaw said: "Congress’ approval is only 31%-59%, but additional questions show a much more complicated picture. The number for Congressional Democrats is at 49%-45%, while Republicans are at 33%-59%. The Republicans appear to be cramping Congress’ style."

There is a curious contradiction there, as Congress itself is less popular than its two halves. Not that I doubt these numbers.

As for "The Republicans appear to be cramping Congress’ style.", one can also spin it instead to say that the Democrats also bear the weight of the low 31% approval rating, since they are the majority face of Congress now.

You might also be interested in this link which gives more specifics:

Obama: 67 / 29
Pelosi: 39 / 37
Reid: 33 / 41
McConnell: 29 / 46
Boehner: 21 / 47


Boehner's the pits, isn't he? But it also shows that the Democratic Congressional leaders might be much less popular than "Congressional Democrats" as a whole.