Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



"Barack Obama cares nothing for the United States of America. We the People have been ignored, ridiculed, snubbed, pushed aside, and lied to for as long as this uppity, arrogant puke has been wearing a suit. HE MUST BE STOPPED. Pray with me. Pray with your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, your children, your parents. Pray for our republic and for the November election. Pray that the God who has been ignored, ridiculed, snubbed, pushed aside and lied to will hear “this portion of the country” and turn things around. I very much fear that if our cup of iniquity is indeed full, and God doesn’t hear—and why should He?—our children and grandchildren may grow up and die under an oppression so heinous, so absolute, that The United States Constitution will be just a footnote in the history books."

I won't link to the blog, but if anyone really needs to go to it, email me, and I'll send you the link.  Same with this pathetic cri di coeur below.  I think it would be a tad more effective if this blogger knew how to spell or perhaps used spell check.  Apparently, this blogger isn't smarter than a 5th grader:

"What a pathetic lier[sic] Obama is!

As I sat comfortably in my family room, sipping coffee, watching Fox and Friends, thanking God for Glenn Beck this Slime-ball cane[sic] on and interrupted my program. Same ole verbiage, same ole lies from Obama..

(The blogger thanks God for Glenn Beck, the slimeball, who "cane" on and interrupted the program?  Oh dear!)

There was nothing genuine in that speech of his, nothing but shallow words masking secret messages! I found myself answering the television back whenever I heard the old blame bush comments ..

(Shallow and masking and secrets!  Oh my!)

What a pathetic lier[sic] Obama is. This man has no conscience, no morals, no empathy and the most dangerous thing about him is that he has no brain. I was appalled at most of the speech, the parts I was not appalled at were simply the boring cliche'd[sic] pablum lifted from old greeting cards and the worst of the condescending left blogosphere. He looked like Alfred E. Neuman with the huge ears, skinny frame, and stupid look on his face.
If Iraq was Bush's war then Afghanistan is Obama's war.

Obama's leadership is nonexistent; even the fools on MSNBC, and CNN are waking up that Obama is an empty suit.
I wish someone would go back a few years and run the video of Hillary Clinton on the Senate floor condemning Saddam Hussain for concealing his weapons of mass destruction. They sounded as if they really believed the intelligence that he was planning terrorist attacks and actually had the means to do it. They believed Hussain had the weapons and planned to use them but did not believe Bush had the "colones" to do anything about it. We are now at war in Afghanistan which is Obama's War. We have already lost more men there in his eighteen months than we did during Bush's entire term yet we never hear the body count or the MSM asking when are we going to bring them home alive? And btw, for the first time in my adult life, I was ashamed of my President.

It's not fair, is it.  Really.  I won't say another word.  These are Beck's people.  That is all.


Leslie Parsley said...

It's enough to make you gag but so are some of the comments from the left, the only difference being that they can spell correctly.

Anonymous said...

Rather nice site you've got here. Thanks the author for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.

Hilary Swenson

BB-Idaho said...

..goes to show that TV isn't the only Vast Wasteland...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They're either the same person or got their posts from the same evil right wing cabal entity as Malcontent and the kook that trolls Sue's Hello Mr. President.

Their numbers are made to look larger than they are. They are like children afraid of needles. Only these right wing sheep are afraid of truth and progress. They scream out of fear that their hate and ignorance will one day soon become irrelevant.

Sue said...

hilarious and scary all at the same time. These morons are voters!! The second one HAS to be Mal, it's SOOO Mal... LOL!!

Shaw Kenawe said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

thought this was particularly whimsical, in a Mad Hatter sort of way:

"We the People have been ignored, ridiculed, snubbed, pushed aside, and lied to for as long as this uppity, arrogant puke has been wearing a suit. HE MUST BE STOPPED. Pray with me."

Yes, Lord, pray with this blogger so that the "uppity" president will be STOPPED! And forgive us our lack of intelligence.

The first blogger's definitely NOT malcontent, but now that you bring it up, I wasn't sure about the second one.

Then I went back to the blog and saw that it was started just this past July and one of the posts said this:

Friday, August 27, 2010The Imam and Leader questions about the MasqueIslamic center.
Who would believe him anyway? This Imam is about as trustworthy as his supporter in the Oval Office.

malcontent spells "mosque" as "masque" all over his blog. And yes, the spelling and rant is soooo mal. He's had many iterations of his blog under different blog names and blogger profiles.

He's one busy little beaver. LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is what malcontent under his new persona wrote about me because I defended myself against his new persona on another blog and bested him. He hates when that happens. LOL:

The one that I am addressing to from my encounter at Jo-Joe Politico's blog is a whiny, ignorant, backward, spoiled, snooty, hypocritical MORON.

Yep. Definitely. That's our irrepresible malcontent.

The J Mopper said...

I especially enjoy viewing a new blogger's profile and notice that he/she already has 30 followers and is connected to 45 other bloggers.

I suppose there is comfort in knowing that one has imaginary friends.

Anonymous said...

"...but did not believe Bush had the "colones" to do anything about it."

Hilarious. Did the person who wrote that mean Bush didn't have the colons to do anything about it? Maybe these people need to go back and take Spelling 101 so we'd better understand their angst.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You nailed it. Look at what mal left on another blog under his newest fake blogging persona:

"Am I surprised by the comments left by Shaw Kenawe? Nope, I have seen people like her before and I know how they think! It is another weak of argument that the people like her who have become pawns of the leftist government that was sucked in to their heads by communist idealism.

Her comments are outrageous! WAKE UP PEOPLE! She is praising people like Obama and Chavez, and trashing Glenn Beck because of his love for America.
Can it be any clearer to everyone that Obama is a socialist? Why can't these loony tunes get it?"


Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. I've praised Chavez? (More feverish deliria, mal, never said anything on my blog about Chavez.)

But wait! I did admire Cesar Chevez who said this:

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”

That is very Christlike, IMHO.

Sue said...

my troll lisa talks about Chavez all the time! Could lisa be Mal??? OMG, I think so!!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

If lisa is mal then he's got two new blogs going "Who's Your Daddy" and "Just Sue." LOL!

I imagine he has so little time for anything else. If you get what I mean...

Sue said...

I wonder what his wife is like, how can she stomach that buffoon??!

dmarks said...

Shaw: Maybe this would be a good day to praise CESAR Chavez, instead of the fascist dictator of Venezuela.