Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney in Israel


TEL AVIV (The Borowitz Report)—The Mitt Romney Gaffe Express pulled into a new station today, leaving its conductor’s hopes of proving himself to be a nimble statesman in tatters.
Mr. Romney’s troubles began in a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to whom he presented gifts of a HoneyBaked ham and a wheel of cheddar cheese.

After Mr. Netanyahu ordered both gifts removed from his residence and destroyed, Mr. Romney went on to address the Knesset, where he congratulated the Jewish people on building the pyramids.

“Ann and I saw them during a cruise we took to the Middle East, and they were magnificent,” he told the stunned legislators. “As accomplishments go, building the pyramids isn’t up there with saving the Olympics, but you should still feel very, very proud. Nice job.”

Sensing that his remarks were not going over as well as intended, Mr. Romney improvised: “No, really. Incredible building job you did. If any of you would like to work on our house in La Jolla, just say the word. Only thing is, you’ll have to work Saturdays.”

Mr. Romney’s day concluded with an awkward moment at the West Bank, where he attempted to deposit ten million dollars.

The above report is, of course, a parody, but what is reported below is real--and Romney continues to embarrass himself on foreign soil:

"In an attempt to criticize and attack President Obama on foreign soil, Romney ended up attacking the Religion of America's Middle-East Allies and ended up telling the world that Romney would bring back the failed Bush/Cheney Foreign Policies.

Romney told the conservative Israeli News, owned by Rightwinger Sheldon Adelson, 'Israel Hayom' that he is 'very concerned' about the 'Islamic Leaders' being elected in the Mid-East.

ROMNEY: We're disappointed in seeing Tunisia and Morocco elect Islamist governments. We're very concerned in seeing the new leader in Egypt as an Islamist leader.

Romney's Comment Disturbing on many Levels.

Romney is saying he disapproves of letting people elect their leaders and Romney is tossing out bigoted comments about the Religion of most of America's Mid-East Allies in order to fearmonger against members of one religion. By the way, who is this 'We' Romney refers to?

Also disturbing in Romeny's comment is that he is insulting America's Mid-East Allies as most of America's Mid-East Allies have Islamic Leaders and some of those Allies are even Islamic Republics.

U.S. Allies in the Mid-East with Islamic Leaders:

 Saudi Arabia: Islamic Absolute Monarch
Jordan: Islamic Leader, King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein
Turkey: Islamic Leader, President Abdullah Gül
Egypt: Islamic Leaders for decades. current Islamic Leader: Mohamed Morsi Isa al-Ayyat
Pakistan: Islamic Republic
Qatar: Islamic Leader, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
Algeria: Islamic Leader, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
Afghanistan: Islamic Republic put in place by Bush/Cheney
Iraq: Islamic Leader, Jalal Talabani under Bush/Cheney's watch
Kuwait: Islamic Leader, Sabah IV Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

How can any of America's Mid-East Allies trust Mitt Romney when he fearmongers and tosses out the boogie-man words like, 'We're very concerned' about the Religion of American's Mid-East Allies? Um -- also, is Romney a bigot against one religion?"
h/t dailykos


Silverfiddle said...

I don't know how anybody who voted for Barack Obumbles and Gaffmaster Joe can write stuff like this. It's rich!

Shaw Kenawe said...

It's not throwing mud, SF, it's reporting exactly what Romney did.

Remember, Romney was going to show off his foreign policy skills, and instead, showed off his foreign policy ineptitude.

And he did that all on his own.

The British people admire Mr. Obama, no matter how painful that is for you to accept. And they think Mitt's a shambling twit.

Coming here and calling Mr. Obama "bumbles" is par for the course for you and your friends. You believe by doing so it turns the mess Romney made of himself into a "Obama Does It TOO!!!! discussion.

Nope. Doesn't.

Even conservatives Krauthammer and Kristol are astounded at how awful he was at what should have been a slam-dunk foreign policy tour.

But it is sort of adorable to see how hard you try to cover up and blame others for Romney's disasters.

Les Carpenter said...

No fan of Romney and he sure did manage to mess things up all on his own, yet the piece by The Daily Kosstastrophy is just what it is, a pile of dung journalism.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Meaningless opinion, RN, since you back up your charge against the daily kos with absolutely nothing.

It's easy to go to a blog and call something a pile of poo-poo and then give no evidence for why the report is poo-poo.

IOW, you offer no evidence whatsoever to refute what daily kos reported.

But you're good at finding silly names to make a pointless point.

Anonymous said...

Is Mitt a Wimp?

It's beginning to look like the label will attach itself to him.

"foreign policy adviser Dan Senor previewed Romney’s “foreign policy” speech slated for today, saying that Romney would “respect” Israel in a decision to use military force against Iran, and hours later Romney walks those comments back saying he’s using his own words, but unintentionally quoting President Obama’s stance.

Adding to the clusterf that is Romney trying to prove he can be a good leader is the desperate attempt to block the press from his fundraiser, announced yesterday. And guess what? Today he backtracked on that, as well. When will Romney learn that this is not Nixon’s age, and he can’t run from the press all of the time, and that blocking the press because he’s afraid of them is only making things worse.

Has he learned nothing from Sarah Palin’s 2008 epic disaster?"

woah. not. good. mittens.

Paul said...

A good laugh, Romney giving a Honey Baked Ham to Jewish leaders!

It's not far off, for an elitist multimillionaire.

He never does say the right thing around other (normal) people.

Like the time he complained about the cookies being made at 7/11, instead of being homemade. They were actually especially made for him by the best bakery in town.

What a surprise, Arab leaders for an Arab country. Romney (other Americans) will have to get used to other countries electing leaders they want, no matter what America wants, and it's past time we stop trying to put leaders we want in charge of foreign nations.

After the stuff SF makes up and posts as fact on his blog, it's rich he thinks this is so out of line.

I wonder what Mitt would have said if the British PM had come to America and insulted the Salt Lake games, and those games were in a mess.

Like America is the only country that can do something right. There's that elitist, snobbish attitude again.

And after what America has been through, Mitt is beating the drums of war against Iran.

As the saying goes, don't buy a pig in a poke.

Romney would have Americans vote for him, even though he has given no specifics on his plan for America.

He says he would cut 4 trillion, but won't say how. That would leave America in the same position as Europe, ravaged by austerity, and making things worse, not better.

Republiscums answer to that is austerity has not hurt Europe, and we should follow them, even though Republiscums big complaint about Obama is he wants America to be just like socialist Europe.

Go figure.

When Republiscums make up their mind what kind of America they want, maybe Americans will listen, but Americans know Republiscums just want to do what they have been doing for over 30 years, add more debt to the 16 trillion they have already given America.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm pretty much discouraged with everything.

One of SF's frequent commenters, Free Thinke has his own blog and in his 7/28 blog post, he calls President Obama "half-man, half savage."

As I wrote in a heading over my current blog post, calling African Americans "savage" or "half-savage" is as old as the slave trade, and it is used to dehumanize human beings with dark skin.

Not one commenter on FT's blog was repulsed by that description of our American president.

And those same cowards get angry when we rightfully call them out on their sickening racism. And calling a bi-racial person "half savage" is blatant racism.

"Half savage" has absolutely NOTHING to do with Mr. Obama's politics or policies. That label is meant to demean and dehumanize the man. And it disgusts me.

Not one of those people who pound their chests out-Americaning each other in their love of this country said anything about that slander.

Not one.

FT is, of course, a classic coward. I'd like to see him call President Obama or any African American a "half savage" to their face.

There really is no hope. And those particular--not all, mind you--but those particular participants on that thread who didn't have the courage to say NO! to that racism are not the sort of people anyone would want to interact with--or admire.

Paul said...

I totally understand your frustration.
As I said yesterday, I don't have the virtue Mrs. Obama does of ignoring. those who spew hate, racism, lies, insults, and the meanest crap I've ever seen written, or heard uttered.
Describing her as the "First Wookie" is really sick.
Currently, I'm having my fun with SF, Z, and the rest of the troglodytes. At some point I have to have fun with them because their thinking is so vile, their denial of facts so absurd, their hate so deep, their lies so obvious, their racism so sick, there is no serious discussion to be had.
You have more patience than I, and you, rightfully, deleted a comment of mine.
They love it. Their comment count goes up (they all run ads and ask for donations more interested in money than principles) and they revel in their nasty attacks against me. That's ok and I'm not feeding anything that wasn't already ingrained in their troglodyte minds about liberals.
If people look at what they say, it's their mistake if they want to follow such hate.
The negativity against Obama, is racist driven, and the birthers are running national ads now, to have Obama removed from ballots all over the country, for being "illegitimate" for running for President.
Like I said before: It's the last gasp of a political culture, white supremacy. And they won't go quietly into the night.
I'd love to come back 100 years from now, and see how the white minority are fairing under non-white majority rule. I can say for sure, they will be treated better than they treated minorities for the last 400 years in America.
I hope you are not expecting to change the minds of these troglodytes, that would cause frustration.
I see RN gave his regular "I won't be back" notice yesterday. He's like Barney always giving Andy his resignation.
They can't stay away, they won't stay away, and when they go back to their troglodyte crowd, they will continue to spew nastiness about you.
You are great at communicating? with them, and you probably should continue to post their comments. Let their idiotic words speak for themselves.
Keep your civil tone. I will try to keep mine, but get the delete button ready. I can't stand them, and I don't see addressing them nicely, while they address me with lies and their sharpened vileness.

Ema Nymton said...


Shaw Kenawe,

Do not get discouraged. Yours is the voice of thoughtful reason. A vast majority of people in USA are not RW RepublicanT Party haters and do respect Mr Obama as a man and as President.

OMitt Rmoney is going to be the object of scorn because he is making it so. It is his actions that have created the situation.

It only seems the RW haters are numerous. The RepublicanT Party is lost, losing, frightened and making a lot of noise.

Stay focused and believe the people of USA are winning.

Ema Nymton

Shaw Kenawe said...

Steve and Ema, thank you both.

Reading that awful post that labeled Mr. Obama a "half savage," made me understand that the people who participated in the comments have no core values. Not one person saw that as offensive and deeply unAmerican slur against our duly elected president. They accepted that racist labeling.

I can understand a person having strong disagreements with a president's policies and how he or she governs. But calling our first bi-racial president a "half-savage" is beyond the pale.

I didn't like George W. Bush's policies nor how he governed as president, and I was strong in my opinions about them. But I never, never demeaned his humanity. Nor did I ever attack his wife. Why do these people do that to Mr. Obama? And his wife? Why?

There is a sick depravity that is at work in this sort of debasement of the president. Maybe they're just so frightened, as you say, Steve, about the changes in our culture--changes in all aspects of our lives--that it is easier to dehumanize Mr. Obama than to understand what makes them so fearful.

I find them all cowardly for letting that racist labeling go unchallenged.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is a blog post from one of SF's regular contributors.


And we're not supposed to notice their racism, are we.

skudrunner said...

There goes all those British votes.
The British press thinks Mitt is a shambling twit. So does the liberal MSM and Bryan Williams has now done cutie Katie's job, Liberal ambush journalism. They are just trying to put points on the board for Obama. It is the people who really count and I know few British citizens who will vote in the election.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Ms. Shaw who said... "Meaningless opinion, RN, since you back up your charge against the daily kos with absolutely nothing.

It's easy to go to a blog and call something a pile of poo-poo and then give no evidence for why the report is poo-poo.

IOW, you offer no evidence whatsoever to refute what daily kos reported.

But you're good at finding silly names to make a pointless point."


And then there is thi9s:

Enjoy your evening Ms. Shaw.

Paul said...

Williams interview with Romney was ambush journalism?
Please state the questions you thought were out of line, or devious by Williams?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Liberal ambush journalism."

This is what some conservatives call reporting what the candidates say.

It was called "ambush journalism" when Sarah Palin couldn't name one newspaper she read. The question was a no-brainer; Palin couldn't think on her feet, so they blame the questioner!

Romney's bad publicity was his own doing. As two conservative pundits observed, he only had to nod, smile, and say almost nothing for his visit to England to be a success.

Instead of acknowledging that he blew it, skudrunner blames the media for reporting on it.


Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, your post on Romney's visit to Israel is curious. Romney says, if he is the next president, he would support Israel if it bombed Iran--IOW, be drawn into another war. Israel is our ally.

You've claimed more than once in comments that you don't trust nor support neocons, yet on your blog you have a post by Daniel Pipes, a neocon, who also is in favor of war with Iran.

"Your Guy" as you like to call him, Gary Johnson, does NOT support a war with Iran.

Is there a reason you embrace Pipe's and Romney's war mongering and not your guy's, Johnson?

Les Carpenter said...

@ Shaw who said... "This is a blog post from one of SF's regular contributors.


And we're not supposed to notice their racism, are we."

I must admit that is not so "Debonaire."

But don't assume all who are conservative or libertarian subscribe to the BS as posted in the link you provided. For if you generalize too much you are also wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, you also commented on Free Thinke's blog where he called the first bi-racial president a "half savage," and nary a word of protest on that racial slur from you or any other person on that thread.

Silence means assent. That's not a generalization, it's a comment, IMO, on the character of the people you cozy up to, as well as yourself.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Holy crap! RN's reply to my comment that American Jews overwhelmingly support President Obama:

RN-USA: "American Jews are the offspring of the pacifists that willing were led to the gas chambers in Hitlers Holocaust."

Tonight I read on one conservative blog that President Obama is "half man, half savage" and on RN's conservative blog that American Jews are the offspring of pacifists who WILLINGLY were led to the gas chamber in Hitlers Holocaust!"

Dear Gawd, they have all lost whatever was left of their minds.

That last one by RN is even more unforgivable and stupid than what the FT blog wrote about Mr. Obama.

Who would want to associate with these people????

Les Carpenter said...

Ms. Shaw, your obvious attempt to misrepresent anyone who disagrees with your is both unbecoming and transparent.

However, it is not surprising coming from the extreme ideological left that you represent.

Have a marvelous evening Ms. Shaw.

Shaw Kenawe said...


How in the hell am I "misrepresenting" anything, when I copied and pasted your horrid comment?

It's yours; you own it.

I misrepresented nothing.

In fact, to prove that, I will post my comment and your ENTIRE answer to me.

Shaw Kenawe said...

My comment from RN's blog:

Shaw KenaweSun Jul 29, 09:34:00 PM EDT

"I believe his support is sincere and that Romney certainly places the importance of Israeli - U,S. relations far above that demonstrated by President BHO."

Then explain why American Jews, who also care deeply about Israel's security, overwhelmingly support Mr. Obama.

Daniel Pipes? A neocon? So now you're in agreement with people who want a war in Iran?

Really? Does Mr. Johnson agree with bombing Iran?

Nevermind. I found his position on that on the internet:

From Google: "Meanwhile, Gary Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran...."

Apparently you agree with the neocon Pipes and disagree with Johnson.


Shaw Kenawe said...


Rational Nation USASun Jul 29, 10:03:00 PM EDT

Twisting, spinning, and turning in your perverse desire to be foolish are ya s. Shaw?

American Jews are the offspring of the pacifists that willing were led to the gas chambers in Hitlers Holocaust.

Your naivete is so transparent it is amusing Ms. Shaw.

If Iran acts out it's puppet Presidents declared intent to "wipe Israel off the face of the Earth" I hope so.

I agree with Johnson completely, in so long as Iran acts in a aggressive manner towards our ally Israel.

Do not confuse self defense with aggression Ms.Shaw nor underestimate the ties between ourselves and the only true democracy (republic) in the Mid East.

Unfortunately your apparent hatred form anything non democratic party related (their leftist ideology) or Obama and company colors your ability to think logically.

ut of course this is of little surprise as it affects thinking ability in both the extreme right as well as the extreme left.

Have a wonderful evening Ms. Shaw, and thanks for stopping by.

Les Carpenter said...

My dear naive Ms Shaw, do read a bit of history before making your wonderfully naive and sheltered comments.

As to unforgivable and stupid, I guess you have unilaterally appointed yourself the judge and jury as to acceptable thought.

Do revel in your extreme leftist and elitist ideology. You were the robes of "The Cause" well. Irrespective of how hide bound and restrictive they may be.

Enjoy your evening Ms. Shaw.

Les Carpenter said...

These damn smart phones, I simply must stop using them to respond to comments. More darned typos than one likes.

Love your fixation on me Ms. Shaw. Must be doing something right if I'm getting to ya!

Republican Racist said...

RN likes to use Hitler comparisons. I remember the last one.

Les Carpenter said...

Indeed Ms. Shaw, Holy Crap. How dare one express a different view than that which the hide bound extreme leftist ideologues ordain as historically "factual." How dare one question the correct interpretation of the leftist dogma?

Yikes folks, so much for free and independent thought and interpretation.

Rainbows and Unicorns.

Les Carpenter said...

Hut 2,3,4. as all the good leftist goose steppers fall on line.

Les Carpenter said...

@ RR, Yawning...

Paul said...

RN said,

"American Jews are the offspring of the pacifists that willing were led to the gas chambers in Hitlers Holocaust."

Yes, just let their words speak for themselves.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw
I never said Romney didn't blow it in London I just said it will blow over soon. It will take longer for this to vanish than Obama's Polish death camp statement but the media wanted to quiet that one because it made his wonderfullness look bad.

Williams set Mitt up and he succeeded because Mitt should have known the MSM will do whatever they can to make him look bad and everything they can to make their leader look good. Mitt blew it and lost the Liberal British vote.

"Then explain why American Jews, who also care deeply about Israel's security, overwhelmingly support Mr. Obama."
They do not support Obama, they are overwhelmingly Democrat. Has nothing to do with Obama. Jews, like unions, vote democrat because they always have, called the non-thinking vote.

Ema Nymton said...


"Has nothing to do with Obama. Jews, like unions, vote democrat because they always have, called the non-thinking vote."

The non-thinking vote belongs to all people who say 'ANY ONE BUT OBAMA'!!

The working poor, unions, and people of color, along with many others, are smart enough and fully capable to think for themselves. Voting for the Democratic Party is an act of best-self interest.

OMitt's actions are his. Blaming the media, lame? His looking bad has nothing to do with the media.

As for it being forgotten in USA? Even Murdoch Media/Fox Network are giving up on OMitt.

Ema Nymton

skudrunner said...


We agree "Voting for the Democratic Party is an act of best-self interest."
Called more free stuff.

Agreed Romney blew it with his honest answer. The British press had a field day and Sharpton blew a gasket. It is just interesting to watch how the MSM handles blunders by Romney vs Obama.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN: "How dare one express a different view than that which the hide bound extreme leftist ideologues ordain as historically "factual."

You wrote, in response to my factual statement that American Jews overwhelmingly support Mr. Obama, that "American Jews are the offspring of the pacifists that willing were led to the gas chambers in Hitlers Holocaust."

That's NOT a "different view" that's an egregious LIE and a reprehensible slur on any Jewish person who favors a Democrat.

That you are blind to how stupid and callous that remark is and that you blithely dismiss my astonishment at it shows YOU don't know what you're talking about.

RN: "How dare one question the correct interpretation of the leftist dogma?"

Stating that American Jews overwhelmingly prefer Mr. Obama is not "dogma," it is FACT. And if you don't know this, you're uninformed.

RN: "Yikes folks, so much for free and independent thought and interpretation."

Again, you are deliberately misdirecting here. Your bigoted and slanderous statement about American Jews has nothing to do with independent thought or interpretation. Your statement has to do with your own personal bigotry against American Jews who favor Mr. Obama.

RN: "Rainbows and Unicorns."

You need to either apologize for that outrageous slander on American Jews, or find another place to spread your lies and hatred.

I'm a bit touchy on this subject, since two of my grandsons have a Jewish father whose European relatives were slaughtered in WWII.

Oh, and both he and his parents vote Democratic. I'd like to see you tell them to their faces that their relatives were pacifists who "willing" were led to the gas chambers.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "They do not support Obama, they are overwhelmingly Democrat. Has nothing to do with Obama. Jews, like unions, vote democrat because they always have, called the non-thinking vote."

Another bigot who can't accept the idea that African Americans and Jewish voters overwhelmingly support President Obama, so he calls them the "non-thinking vote."

He calls millions and millions and millions of American citizens who don't vote they way HE wishes they would "non-thinking?" And skudrunner comes to my blog almost everyday whining about how awful liberals are?


skudrunner said...


You hide behind the black president thing as the reason I don't care for Obama's policy of dividing the country and attacking success. I know I shouldn't complain because I was lucky enough to put my house and everything I won at stake and work 50-60 hours a week when I started a business because as the leader says "If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

There is a saying of Yellow dog Democrat. I had an aunt who was one and as she explained to me, if the democrats ran a yellow dog, I would vote for him. Unions and Jews vote democrat without thinking about who the candidate is. That is fact no fiction so the idea that they are overwhelmingly in favor of Obama is not because he has done such an exceptional job as the ruler, it is because they support democrats.

Shaw Kenawe said...


So I guess you voted for any Republican candidate just because of his/her party affiliation?

Your analysis of why Jewish or African Americans vote for Democrats is claptrap nonsense.

It makes your small universe feel more secure so long as you comfort yourself with the idea that millions and millions and millions of Americans vote the way they do without thinking.

It's an absurd premise.

Explain to us all, now: why do the millions and millions of southern state voters vote consistently for Republicans, when once it was a solidly Democratic voting bloc.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This piece by David Maraniss, biographer, speaks to both RN's and skudrunner's inane comments:

"In the introduction to my book, I took note of a sick political culture where “facts are so easily twisted for political purposes and where strange armies of ideological pseudo-historians roam the biographical fields in search of stray ammunition.” That sentence is now cited on right-wing Web sites as evidence that I hold them in contempt.

True enough, one of the few accurate things that I’ve read from them.

I do hold some of them in contempt, not because of their politics, nor because of their dislike of Obama. Political debate and disagreement are the lifeblood of American democracy.

No, I hold them in contempt for the way they disregard facts and common sense and undermine the role of serious history as they concoct conspiracy theories that portray the president as dangerous, alien and less than American.What drives them? Some of it can be attributed to the give-and-take of today’s harsh ideological divide. Some of it can be explained by the way misinformation spreads virally to millions of like-minded people, reinforcing preconceptions. And some of it, I believe, arises out of fears of demographic changes in this country, and out of racism."

skudrunner said...

"Your analysis of why Jewish or African Americans vote for Democrats is claptrap nonsense."

Where did I mention African Americans?
Are you really saying that the vast majority of Jews and Unions don't vote democrat? Obama knows both groups are locked in votes, He paid off the unions and feels so sure of the Jewish vote he has never visited their country.

I try and vote for the candidate but if both are bad, I will vote conservative.

Supported Kennedy and have voted democrat in some state and city races. Obama is a divider and not a leader. His whole approach is to tax the rich and that will solve all of the problems, sorry but that is not leading.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"He paid off the unions and feels so sure of the Jewish vote he has never visited their country."

Wrong. Mr. Obama has made visits to many, many parts of America. Israel is NOT American Jewish people's "country." The USA is.

But your inadvertent slip says it all.

Paul said...

RN's reading of History tells him that Jews willingly (he couldn't spell it) went to slaughter.

Hey RN, does you reading of History tell you the Bataan death marchers, went willingly?

How about the estimated 40 million killed in WW II, did they all die willingly?

I'll bet SF flies the slave nation flag and RN flies the Nazi flag.

Yesterday, SF's troglodytes said the unemployed during the great depression refused to work, and preferred to take welfare. They were celebrating Woody's 100th birthday.

I got news for you SF, Woody would be the first to tell your hate filled troglodytes, that your kind is what he was singing against. Bigotry, racism, hate, and the disregard for human life.

Now that they have made complete fools of themselves, maybe they won't be back. Don't count on it.

Thanks for not answering my question skud. It proves you have no evidence that Williams interview with Romney was attack journalism, just you showing your complete ignorance.

Love the David Maraniss quote. So true!

Shaw Kenawe said...

To be fair about SF, he was all praise for Woody Guthrie and what he sang about. It was his other commenters who denigrated Guthrie and his songs. SF's not responsible for their remarks.

RN's crazy remark about the Holocaust was jaw-droppingly horrid!

He accused ME of spinning when I told him the FACT that American Jewish voters overwhelmingly support President Obama.

And his slur against the victims of Hitler's slaughter was his explanation of why this is so.

Between RN's slander, and Free Thinke calling President Obama a "half man, half savage," I'm beginning to believe that they truly have lost all reason and have gone over the Crazy Cliff.

skudrunner said...

"Wrong. Mr. Obama has made visits to many, many parts of America. Israel is NOT American Jewish people's "country." The USA is."

That is really weak support of his mightiness not visiting Israel. Using taxpayers money to give a car company to the union is bribery. You just can't slice it any other way. After the election Biden told the union leaders that he and Obama owed them big time, they paid their debt.

dmarks said...

"Remember, Romney was going to show off his foreign policy skills, and instead, showed off his foreign policy ineptitude."

He has a good point. The new President of Egypt is indeed a monstrous man, a leader of a major terrorist group who promises to launch a war of extermination against the Israelis, and also wants one of the World Trade Center terrorists released.

"We're very concerned in seeing the new leader in Egypt as an Islamist leader."

Remember, "Islamist" is not the same as Islam. "Islamist" is used to described the terrorist wing that wants to force Islam on everyone against their will.

Romney was dead on target concerning the new little Hitler who now runs Egypt.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Shaw - After a great deal of thought over my ill advised, over the top, and unnecessarily defensive comment I have determined it appropriate to offer my appology to all who were rightfully offended by said comment.

Should I comment here in the future I shall refrain from such over the top rhetoric. Or as the President might say, I have considered this unfortunate circumstance " a teachable moment."

Do enjoy the rest of your dau

Les Carpenter said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Apology accepted.

No more talk of it.