Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, September 14, 2012

If you're wondering why...

it's impossible to have a rational conversation with some conservatives on anything, just read these wacky statements on rightwing blogs and the findings from a poll recently taken in Ohio.

This is from Jim Hoft of some rightwing blog whose name I refuse to repeat here and who has been given the distinguished title of "The Stupidest Man on the Internet:"

The dishonesty surrounding that statement is not so much outrageous as comical, since no one with any functioning brain cells would believe such slander.  President Obama called Libyan President Mohammed Magarief to “thank him for the cooperation the U.S. has received from the Libyan government in responding to the attacks on the U.S. Consulate.”  In fact, Libyan authorities have already arrested some suspects.  But leave it to the idiot Hoft to twist, deceive, and lie about the truth.  This tactic should not surprise anyone, because lots of people on the right employ it as a way to hit back against a reality they cannot bear to face.

Very few readers of the idiot Hoft's blog will bother to check to see if what he wrote has any relationship to the truth--his fans, afterall, are the low-information sect of the far right. 

Just recently a poll was taken in Ohio asking Republicans whom do they believe was responsible for the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden:

"According to a PPP poll of likely Ohio voters, 15 percent of Republicans in Ohio think Romney is “more responsible” for bin Laden’s death than Obama, while 47 percent of Republicans are “not sure” whether Obama or Romney deserves more of the credit.

Six percent of the overall respondents gave Romney credit where credit is not at all due. Thirty-one percent of them weren’t sure whether the president or the candidate deserves more credit."  --Salon

And it's a good bet their ignorance comes from listening to Rush Limbaugh, FAUX NOOZ, or reading idiot bloggers like Jim Hoft and accepting the rot they promote day after day.

When the US embassy was attacked and Americans killed, the first reaction of the man who is the GOP's presidential nominee was to slander the president of the United States by giving false statements about the president and the events, the second reaction on some rightwing blogs was to double down on those false statements and fail to see what is in front of their noses--Willard Romney is a bumbling neophyte when it comes to foreign policy, and he is a shameless pandering pol who'll say anything anywhere for anyone's vote--with a smirk on his face.

And finally, here in the "Silly Season" comes a Romney spokesperson who claims that had Romney been president, the Arab world would have had more respect for the United States and would have NEVER attacked our embassies:

"A top foreign policy aide to Mitt Romney suggested Thursday that the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens would never have happened if Romney were president. There wouldn’t even be anti-American protests in the Middle East if Romney were in charge, the aide said.
'There’s a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you’d be in a different situation,' Romney adviser Richard Williamson told the Washington Post...

'In Egypt and Libya and Yemen, again demonstrations — the respect for America has gone down, there’s not a sense of American resolve and we can’t even protect sovereign American property,' he said. " --TalkingPointsMemo

I wouldn't go there if I were you, Mr. Top Foreign Policy Aide, lest Americans think about the "respect" shown to America on September 11, 2001, who was president of the United States and which party he belonged to.

This just in:

Claims that President Obama disarmed embassy Marines turns out to be another cowardly wingnut lie


Infidel753 said...

.....a poll was taken in Ohio asking Republicans whom do they believe was responsible for the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden

I'm baffled that the poll would even ask if Romney was responsible (the poll question actually names Romney alongside Obama as options to choose from). Perhaps the question was meant to get a sense of what percentage of respondents were retards.

Paul said...

Mr. Carney said the reports that Obama had intelligence reports that the embassy was going to be attacked, are false.
You would not understand that watching FOX news. Just another sick lie.
Sick, disgusting people.
Enemies of America.

Dave Miller said...

Speaking of lies...

Nice Mitt, way to elevate the discourse...

okjimm said...

now now now.... be nice to poor old Mitt.... he was born with a silver shoe in his move and he still likes to chew it.

Infidel753 said...

Okjimm: He only takes his feet out of his mouth to shoot himself in them.

Ema Nymton said...

"The dishonesty surrounding that statement is not so much outrageous as comical, since no one with any functioning brain cells would believe such slander."

No lie is too great to make-up if it can be used to bring down the enemy, Mr Obama. This is the fundamental principle motivating the RW Hate Machine.

Knowing one is passing-on a totally made-up bogus lie does not faze people without conscience. Many RW bloggers justify their support for the RW blatant outright mendacity; it does not matter what the truth is, knowingly spread the lie.

BTW - As time runs out as the election day approaches, the lies will become bigger and more vicious.

Ema Nymton

Shaw Kenawe said...


The desperation is evident.

Some rightwing blog is attacking the FLOTUS! Mrs. Obama is overwhelmingly popular and well-liked by the American people, but that doesn't stop these angry folks from slandering her, hoping to do what? What does that sort of malicious trash accomplish other than reinforce their ignorance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

@Dave's link: "Mitt Romney: Barack Obama may lie in debates"

Dave, I think Mitt actually meant to say "Barack Obama may tell the truth about me in the debates."

This, I imagine, is really his biggest fear.

Anonymous said...

I don't wonder why they lie. I wonder why anyone believes them.

Jerry Critter said...

Who is worse, the person who tells the obvious lie, or the one who repeats it, or the one who believes it?

Les Carpenter said...

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit. Why not post the link to his full commentary?

Is there more than meets the censoring and indoctrinating eye of the left?

Should not the site (in this case PE) taking issue with a short hand picked statement from the entire article direct readership to the article that let to this post thus allowing for informed opinion?

So I ask, where is the difference between the left and the right?

I don't anticipate this will get posted. That is to be expected from the left and the right. Those of us who carry no water for the 20/20 fringe simply desire to read, analyze, and form our own opinion, absent the super heated platitudes, hyperbole, and finger pointing so prevalent in American politics...


Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, you run a blog and presumably know your way around a computer and know how to look something like this up. I did it. So I'm sure you can as well.

I chose not to link to garbage.

Your choice of words is strange. Where in my post is there any "censoring" or "indoctrination?"

To censor what Jim Hoft wrote is to supress it. I did no such thing. Anyone who knows anything about the internet can find the full text of what Hoft wrote. I have no idea what you're talking about regarding "indoctrination." No one is being held captive and forced to read and accept anything I write here.

And speaking of super heated platitudes? [how on earth can a platitude be "super heated" since a platitude is banal, trite and prosaic!] and hyperbole, one could say this bit of text could qualify as hyperbolic partisan speak:

The government's march towards statism (democratic fascism/democratic socialism)

and this:

that President Barrack Obama has failed to cut the debt in half as promised and his penchant for creating class warfare and divisiveness.

You don't back that up with any examples, so it qualifies as partisan hackery.

Anyway, I posted your comment, but I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw, what I am trying to say is the game of politics, and it's a game as you and I both know is frighteningly unconscionable in that the water carriers on the left and the water carriers on the right engage in super heated hyperbole and the reference to superheated platitudes means super heated danality, a twist on words if you will.

Thank you for selectively postings a cherry picked phrase or two. I am sure you know that I have the same disdain for the rEpublican and dEmocrat goosestepping BS equally. I know that is hard for you to understand perhaps but it is true.

Now, once I again I doubt this will be posted as it doesn't fit the discerning censoring lefts propensity to dictate and control dialogue just as it is with the right.

Have a nice Sunday and as always... Toddles.

Republican Racism said...

Few ever know what RN is talking about, including himself.

S.W. Anderson said...

Ohio, after all, is the state where a majority of voters decided to replace a good governor, Ted Strickland, with Wall Street millionaire, trickle-down political hack and ex-Fox Noise talker John Kasich. He's the one who publicly maligned a state trooper who had the temerity to do his job the way he was supposed to do it, even if the person he pulled over was what passes for the state's governor. That incident provided a clear indication of the trooper's integrity and of Kasich's lack of same. So, those poll results aren't that surprising.

I'm not familiar with Holt, but from your excerpt he seems cast out of the mold. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's on the Kochs' payroll, or some other right-wing fat cat's payroll. I think a bunch of them are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN: "Thank you for selectively postings a cherry picked phrase or two."

The highlighted "phrase" I posted by the idiot Hoft is EXACTLY his headline. It's not a selection of his headline.

RN: "I am sure you know that I have the same disdain for the rEpublican and dEmocrat goosestepping BS equally. I know that is hard for you to understand perhaps but it is true."

I understand that you yourself "goosestep" to the candidate you support.

RN: "Now, once I again I doubt this will be posted as it doesn't fit the discerning censoring lefts propensity to dictate and control dialogue just as it is with the right."

Your pre-emptive attempt to paint me as a censor won't work. I've posted your first diatribe and here's your second. The only people who re deleted are trolls, like Therisites, who continues with his need to come here and make a supreme ass of himself and anyone who uses my blog to promote his or her hatred of the president.

You've been known to delete offensive comments yourself.

I still don't understand why you feel the need to come here and describe my support for a political candidate as "carrying water." Do you consider yourself a "water carrier" for Johnson? I notice you go from blog to blog telling people to vote for him.

Shaw Kenawe said...


At one point in 2011, Kaisch was the least popular governor in America. That's going pretty low when one thinks about the disaster that's in the governorship in Florida.

It's interesting to note that in both those states that were taken over in 2010 by GOP governors, Mr. Obama is currently leading Mr. Romney.

Republican Racism said...

RN is know to delete anything that questions his principles, it need not be nasty, negative, or trolling, just a question about what he spews.

Les Carpenter said...

RR, how would you know. Yoi never post as RR, so I've neverhad the pleasure to delete your what would sure to be lies or slander.


Republican Racism said...


Stop drinking

Les Carpenter said...

Fat finger.