Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why I'm Voting For President Obama, Part I

Because I am certain that Mr. Romney is incapable of saying anything like this:

"We believe that freedom and self-determination are not unique to one culture. These are not simply American values or Western values – they are universal values. And even as there will be huge challenges that come with a transition to democracy, I am convinced that ultimately government of the people, by the people and for the people is more likely to bring about the stability, prosperity, and individual opportunity that serve as a basis for peace in our world. "

And this:

"There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an Embassy. There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan.
More broadly, the events of the last two weeks speak to the need for all of us to address honestly the tensions between the West and an Arab World moving to democracy. Just as we cannot solve every problem in the world, the United States has not, and will not, seek to dictate the outcome of democratic transitions abroad, and we do not expect other nations to agree with us on every issue. Nor do we assume that the violence of the past weeks, or the hateful speech by some individuals, represents the views of the overwhelming majority of Muslims– any more than the views of the people who produced this video represent those of Americans.
However, I do believe that it is the obligation of all leaders, in all countries, to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism. It is time to marginalize those who – even when not resorting to violence – use hatred of America, or the West, or Israel as a central principle of politics. For that only gives cover, and sometimes makes excuses, for those who resort to violence."

And this applies here at home as well as internationally:

"A politics based only on anger – one based on dividing the world between us and them – not only sets back international cooperation, it ultimately undermines those who tolerate it. All of us have an interest in standing up to these forces. Let us remember that Muslims have suffered the most at the hands of extremism. "

President Obama speaking today at the UN.


Infidel753 said...

Nor do we assume that the violence of the past weeks, or the hateful speech by some individuals, represents the views of the overwhelming majority of Muslims

Especially since ordinary Libyans have now started attacking and destroying encampments of jihadist wingnuts in their country (link), and the Libyan government has arrested about fifty people in connection with the attack on our consulate. They are making a real effort to handle this properly and they deserve credit for it.

Paul said...

SF doing his part to spread hate for Muslims in his post today.

Reminds me of an old racist American saying, The only good (N) Muslim is a dead (N) Muslim.

Ann Coulter: "Civil Rights are for blacks."

Romney: "The poor do get care in our ER rooms."

You cannot compromise with that kind of thinking. You can only make sure (vote) they do not get power and make their loony, racist thinking, law.

All the other wing nut statements you can think of over the years, is more than enough reason to vote for Obama.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw, words like this are what really inspired me and drew me to Obama.

Sadly though, I cannot say he has lived up to the promise, particularly on the international front.

Ralph Nader has come out today with a very strong critique of President Obama and his foreign policy.

For all of our bluster against President Bush and his doctrine of pre-emption, Obama has gone even further.

As Nader points out, and I don;t see anyone denying his viewpoint, Obama has one upped President Bush in his rush to kill bad guys.

Due process? Gone. Sovereignty? Gone.

One must ask, what right do we have to enter another country and arrest, take, kill, bomb or maim another person we suspect of being a bad guy?

Would we affirm the right of other countries to act like that in the US? Of course not!

And yet, here is our supposedly left leaning liberal President doing just that.

Like you, I'll be voting for President Obama in November, because on his worst day, he will always be better than Mitt Romney. But this is not the President Obama I expected, hoped for, and on whose behalf I toiled in 2008.

Jerry Critter said...

I'm with you, Shaw. I prefer Hope and Change to Fear and Anger.

Les Carpenter said...

Just one more reason why I'm not.

S.W. Anderson said...

"It is time to marginalize those who – even when not resorting to violence – use hatred of America, or the West, or Israel as a central principle of politics."

So true. There's no telling how much better off Palestinians would be if they had awakened 20 or 30 years ago to what their futile obsession with settling the score with Israelis and driving Israelis out of Israel was costing them in lives, lost opportunities and standard of living. That obsession seems to dominate their entire culture, not just their politics. They inculcate it in their children, and generation after generation see those children grow up to become martyrs in a struggle without end.

Meanwhile, this festering abscess poisons the entire Mideast and relations with the West, to no one's benefit except maybe the most fanatical who've turned their whole lives over to the never-ending struggle.

Unfortunately, marginalizing the fanatics would barely make a dent in what has become pandemic sociopathology.

Silverfiddle said...

Notice that he's had four years, yet he talks like a candidate, saying what he's going to do, instead of what he has done, because he cannot run on his record of wreckage, debt and decline.

And Shaw, point well taken on the flag. So why then did the Obama campaign beat such a cowardly retreat?

KP said...

I taped and watched the entire speech. I was happy to hear the touching message about our deceased ambassador. As well, a mix of good messages: i.e., a lesson on our 1st amendment; that some Muslims need to delop thicker skin; that Iran will not be allowed to militarily go nuclear; that Israel will continue to exist and that Palestinians deserve an independent homeland (to name some).

@Dave and S.W. Anderson -- excellent comments.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Notice that he's had four years, yet he talks like a candidate, saying what he's going to do, instead of what he has done, because he cannot run on his record of wreckage, debt and decline." --Silverfiddle

Well he actually IS a candidate as well as president. And even though you and others keep denying it, Mr. Obama has accomplished a lot in the 3 1/2 years he's been president, despite the obstructionist Congress.

"And Shaw, point well taken on the flag. So why then did the Obama campaign beat such a cowardly retreat?" --Silverfiddle

I don't know. They don't call me on EVERY decision they make, even though I AM one of their "worshippers."

Leslie Parsley said...

Another reason to vote for Obama and the Democrats:

Allen West: My statement to the United Nations would have been, "The future does not belong to those who attack our Embassies and Consulates and kill our Ambassadors. The Angel of Death in the form of an American Bald Eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence."

Shaw Kenawe said...


Cowardly retreat?

You mean like the cowardly retreat on every principle Mr. Romney has ever stood for and then changed so that he could get the crazies on the far right to love him?

Discarding a campaign logo of a flag is hardly "cowardly." Being for universal health care for Americans and then being against it to pander to the low-information voter, that's something that affects people's lives and that's cowardly.

Scrubbing a picture of a campaign flag isn't in the same league.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I've read a number of conservatives who pat themselves on the back saying they can't be racist because they like Alan West--some even go so far as to claim he'd be a better president than Obama.

This is what has become of the GOP--they've lost all sense of proportionality and believe that by supporting a hate-monger and divider, they're absolved of a certain strain of racism that runs deep within the party.

Those disgusting emails with photos of the Obamas as apes didn't come from liberals.

There's a certain conservative commenter who frequents SF's blog and other conservative blogs who keeps sending me racist photos of Mrs. Obama.

Why he does it? Who knows. But I bet he just loves himself because he supports Alan West.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw and Leslie... re the GOP and West... some of our best friends are black...

Dave Dubya said...

Vote forward, not backwards.

For those of us who care to remember four years ago:

September 2008:

Monday, September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. The Dow dropped 504.48 points.

September 29, 2008 The Dow fell 777.68 points, the most in any single day in history.

Unemployment rate on Election Day 2008 – 6.5%

On Obama’s Inauguration Day - 7.3%
Stock Market Closing Prices – January 20, 2009

Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) Close - 7949
Nasdaq Stock Market Close - 1440
S&P 500 Close - 805

The Bush Recession was rapidly hitting the fan before Obama took office.

Soon afterwards, Obama's economic stimulus plan started to create the confidence needed to stop the panic.

On July 24, 2009, the Dow reached a higher high, closing at 9,093.24

What happened since?

October 2009: Peak Unemployment Rate – 10%

Current Unemployment Rate – 8.3%

Stock Market Closing Prices - September 25, 2012

Dow Jones Close - 13457
S&P 500 Close - 1442
NASDAQ Close - 3118

It looks like we’re better off now than four years ago, and headed in the right direction.


We don’t give it all back to the Republicans and go backwards to the same failed policies.

Dave Dubya said...

(I hope that wasn't a spoiler for your Part 2.)

Silverfiddle said...

Struck a never there, eh Shaw?

Scrubbing a picture of a campaign flag isn't in the same league.

I do give you props for your honesty, even as I take points away for naivete.

Do you really believe Mitt Romney, a man who has traveled all over the world in airplanes, wonders why they didn't roll down the windows?


Ever heard of humor? Probably not, given how you naifs unquestioningly ingest your news

Silverfiddle said...

For you humor-challenged progressives living in Left Blogistan and unquestioningly tearing the latest red propaganda off the teletype and spreading it like a virus...

"The Los Angeles Times story that relayed Romney's airplane remark to the world was based off a pool report written by the New York Times's Ashley Parker. When we asked Parker this morning whether it seemed as if Romney made the mark in jest, she left no doubt. "Romney was joking," she e-mailed. Parker told us that while the pool report didn't explicitly indicate that Romney was joking, it was self-evident that he was. "The pool report provided the full transcript of his comments on Ann's plane scare," she said, "and it was clear from the context that he was not being serious."

-- New York Magazine

Do you investigate anything at all before you run with it?

This explains why in the face of all the destruction he's caused, Obama is still a serious candidate for reelection.

People who believe stuff like this will believe anything.

Silverfiddle said...

It looks like we’re better off now than four years ago, and headed in the right direction.

Great attempt at humor,Dave!

Median income is down, gas prices almost doubled, food prices up, More people out of work than when Obama came into office, and we're $5 trillion more in debt, GITMO not closed and out troops are still dying in Afghanistan, not to mention Obama's extra-judicial killing making Bush look like Mother Teresa.

Sure, the fat cats are happy about Wall Street, while people on Main Street beg for scraps.

In no material way are we better off now.

If paying more for life's basics while making less money is your idea of better off, the I can understand why you're voting for The Worst President Since Jimmy Carter.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I do give you props for your honesty, even as I take points away for naivete.

Do you really believe Mitt Romney, a man who has traveled all over the world in airplanes, wonders why they didn't roll down the windows?


Ever heard of humor? Probably not, given how you naifs unquestioningly ingest your news." --Silverfiddle

You appear to be on the edge of hysteria. And we do sympathize with your sense of panic.

I never spoke a word about Mittens and the airplane. You've been reduced to hysterics and hallucinating.

Get hold of yourself, dude.

Silverfiddle's overlords have given him his marching orders:

"Go forth and troll all liberal blogs that support Mr. Obama and fill them with wild imaginings and malcontented ravings! Romney's numbers are tanking! Do your part, O Teapublicans! to distract, distort, and dissemble!"

Dave Dubya said...

Median income is down, gas prices almost doubled, food prices up, More people out of work than when Obama came into office,

Notice the pattern here. All of these are due to decisions made by your heroes, the corporate Mammonites and Big Money boys.

We are not in the depression we could have fallen into thanks to Obama.

That's how things are better than the alternative for everyone.

Sure, the fat cats are happy about Wall Street, while people on Main Street beg for scraps.

So much for those jobs and fabulous "trickle down" benefits promised by advocates for tax cuts for the rich.

And where were you when Cheney said, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"?

Obama's extra-judicial killing making Bush look like Mother Teresa.

Right. Iraq was just a picnic and walk in the park, wasn't it?

You are quite the bitter, humorless, authoritarian "true believer" aren't you?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Silverfiddle will probably come here and tell us this is all made up, or it's the MSM telling lies, or that Obama is a Commie, or we're all doing horrible, blah, blah, blah:

Bloomberg News

Factory Job Gains Under Obama Best Since Clinton: BGOV Barometer

In an election focused on jobs, President Barack Obama can boast of crossing one milestone: the longest stretch of employment gains in manufacturing in almost two decades.

The BGOV Barometer shows U.S. factory positions have grown since early 2010, arresting a slide that began toward the end of the 1990s. It’s the best showing since the era of Bill Clinton, the only president in the last 30 years to leave office with more factory jobs than when he began.

“The gain in manufacturing jobs is certainly helpful, it is one way to show we’re moving forward,” said Terry Madonna, a political science professor and director of the Franklin & Marshall College poll in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. “President Obama has to create a psychology all over the country that things are getting better. This is a piece explaining that idea.”

This is what Silverfiddle and his cronies call a failure!

Paul said...

That's what SF's post was about today.
How the media is lying about the polls just to suppress the Republican vote. You know, Romney is losing by so much, no need for Republicans to come out and vote.
Quite a delusion, on top of the fact that Republicans are trying to suppress the vote of 100's of thousands of legal voters.
They even claim FOX is in on the con (FOX has Obama winning).
SF is bitter. It's not just that his candidate is losing, it's all the lies he has been telling, that will haunt him for years after Obama wins, or maybe we won't hear from SF after Obama wins. One can hope.

Les Carpenter said...

The 2012 election is boiling down to who will win the popularity contest. Frik or Frak. IOW, who has "star quality."

Neither has the chutzpah or wisdom to be President in my never humble opinion.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Neither has the be President in my never humble opinion." --RN US

You obviously don't know what "chutzpah" means.

Hint: "The Audacity of Hope"

Mr. Obama has it. And IMHO wisdom as well.

Republican Racism said...

Obama IS president and on his way to a second term.
The last few months proves Romney has neither the intelligence, or chutzpah to be president.

Silverfiddle said...

Dave W and Shaw: Go tell it to the millions who can't find a job.

More people are out of work now than during the dreaded Bush years.

Woulda, shoulda, coulda, prevented a depression, bla bla bla, is all conjecture, but Obama blowing through a record amount of money and adding an unprecedented $5 Trillion in debt in only four years is a fact.

And how's that new tone working out in the ME?

Only the delusional can look at this disaster of a president and see any accomplishments.

Shaw Kenawe said...

NG, Silverfiddle. A majority of people don't see it your way.

You're coming off as a desperately bitter person who is furious that the American people don't look at President Obama through your skewed rightwing biases.

If President Obama were as awful as you've claimed he is, he would have no chance at another term. No chance whatsoever.

In fact, he has a damn good chance of a second term. The American people will make the ultimate choice. Then you can re-examine the reasons for your bitterness.

Shaw Kenawe said...

In fact, SF, take a look at this and try to live in the real world. Often we learn that the truth is painful, but instructive:

Erick Erickson points his finger at "elitists":

There are a lot of elitist Republicans who have spent several years telling us Mitt Romney was the only electable Republican. Because the opinion makers and news media these elitists hang out with have concluded Romney will not win, the elitists are in full on panic mode. They conspired to shut out others, tear down others, and prop up Romney with the electability argument. He is now not winning against the second coming of Jimmy Carter.

Friedersdorf notes Erickson's amnesia:

Whether considered judgment or dishonest hackery explained their 2007 praise for Romney, it is that very praise that won him considerable support in the rank-and-file and next-in-line status in the GOP. It isn't surprising that some of these figures are trying to assign blame elsewhere as the possibility of a Romney loss sends waves of fear through the right, but they're as responsible for putting Romney in this position as anyone, and certainly more responsible than the center-right pundits on whom they try to blame everything that goes wrong in the Republican Party.

Larison makes related points. Douthat's view:

[I]t’s not the fault of the "DC-Manhattan elite" that the Tea Party rallied briefly around wannabe cable-news personalities Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain, or that Rick Perry made Pawlenty look like Cicero, or that the voters of South Carolina decided to give Newt Gingrich an extra two weeks in the spotlight instead of rallying around the strongest remaining not-Romney candidate. Indeed, given how lukewarm the pundits and donors were to Romney’s candidacy all along, perhaps Republican populists need to look in the mirror, and recognize that the lackluster performance of all the Tea Party candidates in what was supposed to be the Tea Party’s year might say more about that movement’s limitations than about the machinations of its enemies.

Silverfiddle said...

No Shaw, I'm not angry, just amazed at the progressive lack of ability to face objective facts.

This bandwagon fallacy reveals your mindset:

"If President Obama were as awful as you've claimed he is, he would have no chance at another term. No chance whatsoever."

I've brought you damning facts, but you're impervious to them.

Obama improved nothing, not even relations with people in the Middle East, as shown by the latest Global Opinion Survey.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw, I certainly do know what chutzpah means.


He is the cupcake man, spreading feel good unicorns and rainbows for anyone willing to smoke the Hope and Change Hopium as the nation moves "FORWARD" under his sponge cake leadership.

As always in my ever humble opinion. Born of 45 years of the REAL world experiences he andhis hopium smokers never had.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Obama improved nothing, not even relations with people in the Middle East, as shown by the latest Global Opinion Survey."--SF

This is so hopelessly blindly biased and hopelessly wrong.

Facts are just above your comment, and you stubbornly ignore them.

What a sad revelation of your mindset

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's more good news that SF and RN will claim is nothing more than msm bias and lies--just like the polls [everyone's against them, doncha know!]:

NBC News:
New U.S. single-family home sales eased in August but held near two-year highs and prices vaulted to their highest level in more than five years, adding to signs of a broadening housing market recovery.

Silverfiddle said...

So the DOW's up (not really good news if you understand why, but I give it to you), and there is an increase in the rate of growth of factory jobs (which is indeed good news and attributable to a falling dollar), the damning facts I presented still stand.

Food inflation, gas prices, unemployment, value of a dollar, federal debt, world opinion...

All worse than when Bush was president.

And Dave W: I just now caught your comment calling me an authoritarian. Please go look that word up in a dictionary. I am for a smaller, constitutionally-based libertarian government; you progressives want Big Daddy Government to keep growing, and you cheer its every further encroachment into our personal lives. So who's the authoritarian?

Silverfiddle said...

Ping Pong!

Sluggish economic growth

Durable Goods Orders Shrink

I suppose this is all George Bush and the GOP's fault...

You're putting lipstick on a pig, Shaw. For the middle class and working class, this economy sucks.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...exceptionally tragic anger junkies who don't read to inform themselves, but rather to fortify their own rage, so they can spew their bile into comment sections because nobody in their bleak lives listens to them otherwise."

Jerry Critter said...

What you continually gloss over, SF, is that the economy was in free fall when Obama took over. He immediately started turning things around. You get an entirely different picture if you look at the trends over the last 3 1/2 years rather than when he started and now only.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"You get an entirely different picture if you look at the trends over the last 3 1/2 years rather than when he started and now only." --JC

But that's the sort of dishonesty people like SF use to promote their agenda.

The jobs chart on my most recent blogpost shows that Mr. Obama stopped the bleeding of jobs and job creation has gone up.

That's not good enough for the wingers. He'll still be in a job deficit, they say, not taking into account how disasterous the job losses were before they bottomed out and started an upward trend.

They'd like everyone to believe jobs could be created by just snapping fingers and saying Voila!

Their dishonesty comes into play when they claim, without any evidence whatsoever, that things could have been better.

Yeah. And Sarah Palin would have beaten Mr. Obama had she been the GOP nominee! That's their magical thinking for you.

Dave Dubya said...

am for a smaller, constitutionally-based libertarian government;

Then why do you sound just like a right wing Republican?

you progressives want Big Daddy Government to keep growing, and you cheer its every further encroachment into our personal lives.

We want constitutional safety nets for the general welfare, as do most Americans. We oppose the Republican-written Patriot Act’s abuses of our Bill of Rights. We oppose a police/surveillance/militarist corporate state.

So who's the authoritarian?

Authoritarians lust for the latter. They suppress democracy. They refuse to compromise, wanting one party rule.

You Righties are amusing. The Bush administration allowed the Big Money/Right to shatter our economy, and now whines that Obama can’t fix it fast enough.

Crybabies, bullies and spoiled brats also display authoritarian personalities; uncompromising, intolerant and inconsiderate of others, loyal only to their authoritarian leaders.

Their attitude always amounts to, “I got mine. I want more. You’re on your own.”

Some of these greedheads even claim to be Christians, as they serve their Mammonite masters.

“Conservatism” is whatever the richest elites want. Deluded Bible thumping authoritarians believe that’s what is best for the country.

They revere wealth and the wealthy to the point of unquestioning obedience and conformity.

Those are the authoritarians.

Paul said...

SF's post today claims Obama has had a disastrous foreign policy.
Funny how SF describes everything Obama has done as disastrous.
Let's see; ended one war, on the way to end the second war. Killed Bin Laden and wiped out his organization. The list of Obama's accomplishments is long.
Of course listing Obama's credits means nothing to SF and RN, they do not think in reality of facts, only in Republiscums talking points.
RN claims to be neutral, but bashes Obama, not Romney. He claims Johnson is his political messiah, like one person has all the answers. Typical delusional thinking.
Ryan is RN's political hero. An Ayn Rand cultist just like RN. RN will vote for his heroes (Rand) champion. This garbage about Johnson, is just that.
Both (SF & RN) refuse to answer questions about their convictions and always change the subject.
RN always insults. Never debates what is written.
RN claims age makes him wise. I have no doubt he has been an idiot since birth. He proves it every time he posts.
Like Romney/Ryan, RN's supposed mistakes enlighten us on his true thinking.
Romney gets caught saying he doesn't care about 47% of Americans, then tries to tell us he didn't mean that.
RN gets caught writing his Jew hate and then tells us he didn't mean that.
Both reveal their true thinking.
SF tells us he hasn't watched a news, or political show in over six years; as if we needed him to tell us that. It is clear from reading his lies, he has no clue.
SF talks about issues he knows nothing about. RN talks about issues in a manner that hides his true thinking.
These are the 2 clowns that come here and claim liberals are idiots.
RN is in complete agreement with SF, just read their comments on each others blogs.
They are both stereotypes of Republiscum thinking.
At least SF stands behind his stupidity.
RN would have us think he disagrees with Republiscum stupidity, yet, posts nothing but Republiscum stupidity. Just yesterday RN wrote a post about how great Rep. (commie counting) West is. RN wrote about how great Palin and Bachmann are. Now we are supposed to believe RN (in a month) no longer believes the garbage he has been writing for years, BS.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Les Carpenter said...

Shaw, I congratulate you for allowing the delusional and obviously disturbed rant of one Steve to stand.

It is indeed unfortunate, sad actually, that individuals like Steve are part of the idiocy that represents liberalism today.

Only a profound hate for those who think differently from him can explain it. Being magnanimous one can only feel very sorry for his tortured soul.

Again I humbly congratulate you for allowing his tortured soul to express itself here at PE.

S.W. Anderson said...

A couple of observations on things said above and on what this thread has become, predictably.

Obama administration foreign policy has been consistently solid and sound. The past three-plus years have brought surprise situations in the most volatile and dangerous part of the world. New, different, sometimes previously unknown groups and leaders have come to the fore. Unstable situations are still evolving. Some outcomes remain uncertain.

These developments aren't the sort a mature nation and its diplomatic machinery expect to deal with in large batches. The Arab spring uprisings and their aftermath have put plenty of stress on, and continue to pose, challenges for intel gatherers and analysts. It's been especially challenging for diplomats. Overall, our president, secretary of state, CIA director and those who work for them have done a good job.

Anyone carping from the sidelines would do better to go back and review international relations and situation handling during the dark passage known as the George W. Bush administration, starting with the 2001 Hainan Island incident and then check out Many nations offer material aid to hurricane victims; Bush refuses to accept.

Based on a pretty good memory and wealth of information, I think it fair to say that a third-level undersecretary of whatever at the State Dept. could've been picked at random to make decisions for Bush, and the handling and outcomes would have been consistently and dramatically better. Hell, even one of these would've done a better job — cheaper too.

FreeThinke said...

No one says what needs to be said about the current state of American politics better than Alan Jay Lerner, and partisanship aint got nuttin' to do with it:

Words, words, words,
I'm so sick of words
I get words all day through
First from him, now from you;
Is that all you blighters can do?

Don't talk of stars burning above,
If you're in love SHOW ME.
Tell me no dreams filled with desire,
If you're on fire SHOW ME.

Here we are together in the middle of the night
Don't talk of spring, just hold me tight
Anyone who's ever been in love'll tell you that
This is no time for a chat.

Haven't your lips longed for my touch?
Don't say how much, SHOW ME, SHOW ME.

Don't talk of love lasting through time.
Make me no undying vow.

Sing me no song, read me no rhyme.
Don't waste my time, SHOW ME.

Don't talk of June, don't talk of fall
Don't talk at all, SHOW ME.

Never do I ever want to hear another word
There isn't ONE I haven't heard.
Here we are together in what ought to be a dream
Say one more word and I'll scream.

Haven't your arms hungered for mine
Please don't "expl'ine", SHOW ME, SHOW ME.
Don't wait until wrinkles and lines
Pop out all over my brow.

Quoted lovingly and bemusedly by,

~ FreeThinke


Shaw Kenawe said...


It is a truth universally acknowledged that when I post something that riles up the conservs, they come here and relentlessly attack the president. I must have hit a raw nerve with this one, since even PE's resident idiot troll, who is routinely deleted every week, found it necessary to come here and present his usual moronic gibberish.

Silverfiddle and RN, but especially SF, is particularly active and angry this week.

It may be because what the polls are presenting is beginning to sink in. SF has relentlessly stomped his foot telling us what a horrid, very bad, awful president Mr. Obama is, but the American people are, so far, telling him he's mistaken. And it looks like Mr. Obama may have his second term, if things continue as they are.

What they're going through is classic cognitive dissonance.


My Fair Lady is one of my favorite Lerner and Loewe musicals. Although I would have enjoyed seeing Julie Anderson play the role of Eliza, I thought Audrey Hepburn did a smashing job acting and lip syncing.

Thanks for the musical interlude.