Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris!!!!

More later.   I’m out with my neighbors dancing in the streets!!!!


Anonymous said...

I was brushing my teeth when I heard people in my neighborhood whooping, clapping, whistling and cars honking. I joined neighbors (we all have front porches) on my porch in the celebration. I feel I can finally breath again...


Ray said...

Hahahaha! Sleepy Joe beat “The Chosen One” and now Trump is a REAL LOSER!!!!

Anonymous said...



Infidel753 said...

Yes! Gloating underway. Fuck your feelings, Trumpanzees.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I don’t remember ever seeing people dancing in the streets after an election. We didn’t defeat a Republican, we toppled a dictator.

Anonymous said...

I saw this on a friend’s Facebook page: Yah, no hard feelings, let's move forward and become one united nation again. I'll hug their elephant 🐘 and they can kiss my ass.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dotard has definitely LOST. Even so, he says he will continue to fight. Other republicans, knowing that won't work (Biden WILL be president) are now working to delegitimize the incoming Biden administration. The narrative will be that the election was stolen and republicans should refuse to work with a fraudulently elected president.

Not Fed Up Anymore said...

It’s like the world is wrapping us in it’s arms. Personally, I feel like we are among the living again. We have a wounded country to heal.

Dave Miller said...

I'll just leave it at this... I'm currently in Mexico and people have been high fiving me, saying thank you and congratulating us. It's so nice to walk in the country I love without feeling like I have to apologize for being an American.

Les Carpenter said...

Keep your fingers crossed that the dems win the Georgia senate run off elections. Thus giving Harris the tie breaking vote in the Senate.

Then the trumptatd rethuglicans can go pound sand.

Anonymous said... last.

Shaw, I am of the mind that there should be no attention
given to any republicans in the senate chamber, should Democrats retake it.
Each of them, there, right now, enabled Donald Trump to do as he did.
Each of them is wholly complicit in the destruction that was done.
Each of them there has NO moral standing, NO courage, and certainly, NO ethics. At All.
As a wise lady once said to me, "When the big turd is gone, get all the other little turdlings as well."

I think Biden will go over 300 in the EC vote count.