Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, August 18, 2023

The Worms Are Turning


Remember Jenna Ellis? One of Trump's lawyers who defended Trump's scheme to illegally hold onto power by promoting The Big Lie?

Remember how she defended Trump?

Now that she's been named a co-conspirator in the Georgia indictment, she has changed her tune.

She's set up a "Go Fund Me" page to pay for the millions of dollars in lawyers' fees she'll have to dish out because she was foolish enough to associate with Donald J. Trump, the liar, the cheat, the fraud, and the rapist.

Few people fought harder for Trump than Jenna. He abandoned her when she was indicted for defending him. GiveSendGo - Jenna Ellis Legal Defense Fund

Yes. Jenna Ellis fought hard to break the law: 

"Jenna Ellis, an attorney who is an advisory fellow in constitutional law and policy at the conservative Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, also faces two charges. She is accused of racketeering and asking a public official to violate their oath as part of an effort to convince Georgia officials to appoint new electors for Trump, documents state." 

 "Colorado's office of attorney regulation censured Ellis in March after she acknowledged repeatedly making false statements about the election on television."

Now, this is what Jenna Ellis thinks of Trump and his supporters:


Dave Miller said...

Ppl that helped Trump did so expecting him to support them if things went bad?

Why, based on all the information in the public sector, did they think he'd help them? Even Rudy, unable to pay his legal bills after being stiffed by Trump is starting to learn.

For years Trump has been a deadbeat employer, leaving contractors and others holding an empty bag as he employed bankruptcy strategies, flat out made people sue him to recover even a fraction of what they were owed.

Sorry Ms Ellis, but this could have all been foreseen. You however, like the great majority of Trump supporters, chose not to believe ppl like us and others who warned of Trump's history and behavior.

Mike said...

"We have narcissists?" How about "We AM narcissists!" 😆

Les Carpenter said...

If folks don't already know the degree of slime that is DJT they probably never will. Regardless how much evidence is presented. And THAT (30%-40% of the nation) is the problem. A problem not likely to go away even after tRump is long gone from politics. Because THEY actually want somebody to tell them exactly what to do and think. They are actually petrified of true freedom and liberty. They are sheeple who require someone to tell them how to lead their lives. Sad. Very sad.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

March 17, 2016? A St. Patrick's Day drunken binge 7 years ago is a "worm turning"? Really, pShaw?

Shaw Kenawe said...


Perhaps the end of my post on Ellis isn't clear.

What she Tweeted on March 17, 2016, is what she thought of Trump and his supporters. Drunk or not -- how do you know she was drunk when she wrote that? Did she tell you? And if she was drunk as you claim without evidence, alcohol often loosen one's inhibitions and makes a person tell the truth about what she REALLY thinks.

"In vino veritas." Veritas, she wrote.

What changed her mind to persuade her to become a co-conspirator in the plot to steal the 2020 election? If anything, I should think, her association over the next years with Trump and his cultists would strengthen her disdain for them all.

She owns what she wrote.

Thersites said...

Yeah, the worm turned. :)

Grung_e_Gene said...

John Car Dill Hole!

The picture that should accompany any story of Jenny Ellis is her looking over at Rudy Ghouliani as he continuously farts during their hearing.