Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, May 11, 2024

“I’ll take things that are true for $2,000, Alex.”

 Brooklyn Dad Defiant:

I still can't get over how the guy who had condomless sex with a woman RIGHT AFTER HE TOLD HER SHE REMINDED HIM OF HIS DAUGHTER is still a candidate.

I mean, he's the worst candidate in the history of everything. Absolute worst.

During any other period in history, he would have been politically ruined forever after his former Vice President, previous GOP House Speaker, and dozens of other party leaders spoke out AGAINST him.

He should have been ruined after his "fine people on both sides" comment at Charlottesville.

Or his "suckers and losers" comment about our fallen soldiers. Or mocking the disabled reporter.

He is routinely losing double-digit voters in primaries to Nikki Haley, who dropped out months ago. 

Joe Biden beat him BEFORE he was facing all of these legal issues, he will absolutely destroy him again.

Joe Biden got more done for America in his FIRST year than trump did in his entire presidency. 

Joe Biden REGAINED the millions of jobs that trump lost, and tacked on millions more for good measure, for a whopping total of 15 MILLION JOBS.

Joe Biden made it possible for air travelers to get automatic refunds if their flights are delayed or canceled -- with NO RED TAPE.

Joe Biden brought manufacturing jobs back to the United States. All those folks complaining about foreigners "takin' their jobs?" He brought 'em back.

Joe Biden even stood on a damn picket line with striking workers, the first President to do so, standing in solidarity with them. 

Joe Biden passed bills that are SO good, Republicans voted against them and STILL try to take credit for them.

You heard about the price of insulin being locked in so it costs no more than $35/month? Joe Biden did that. Republicans can't take credit for it, so they're actually trying to REVERSE it.

Joe Biden, a devout Catholic, is fighting for the rights of Women to have access to abortion, while his opponent is bragging that he's the one who ended it.

Joe Biden told YOUR guy to shut the hell up, then he beat him by 7 million votes, took his job, and did it 100 times better.

And still, we're scratching our heads over here like "Are you SURE that's your final answer? Mr. I Wanna Be a Dick Tater?" 

The adjudicated rapist of E. Jean Carroll.

The guy who incited an insurrection.

The guy who stole classified secrets.

The guy who lost over 2 million jobs.

The guy who lies about everything.

The guy who botched COVID.

The guy who soils his diapers.

The guy who can't stay awake.

The twice impeached buffoon.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump May Owe $100 Million From Double-Dip Tax Breaks, Audit Shows

A previously unknown focus of an I.R.S. audit is a dubious accounting maneuver that effectively meant taking the same write-offs twice on a Chicago skyscraper.

Les Carpenter said...

If and when the trump MAGA delusionists realize they were sold a bill of BS by their cult leader imagine just how foolish and ignorant they're bound to feel.

skudrunner said...

If all those things against trump were true it just shows how weak Biden is. Joeys lying and exaggeration is catching up to him and our allies know he is not one to be taken seriously or trusted because he has no spine. We will support Israel until we don't, we will support our military until we don't and if it cost votes we will throw you away.

You would think with all going against rump and the fact that he is pure sleaze he would be losing in the polls by a huge margin. Just like hilary/trump and biden/trump it is mostly a vote against not a vote for a candidate and in this case it would be a vote against biden. Pathetic as he is trump is worse but he is ahead in some polls.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skud, President Biden is against Netanyahu’s decision to bomb Rafa, he’s not Against Israel.

I was against Trump’s administration and policies, NOT America.

You DO know the difference, don’t you?

The fact that so many Americans support Trump is evidence of so many Americans’ lack of critical thinking and inability to see a conman, not because of Biden’s weakness. It’s weakness inherent in any given population. Just read about Germany pre-WWII.

Les Carpenter said...

What a completely delusional or ignorant statement skuddy. You've exposed yourself before as being confused but today's statement gets the prize for the dunbest thing you've ever said. I actually thought you were smarter than that. Oh well.

Les Carpenter said...

The Zionist government of Israel, ie: Netanyahu, is dead wrong and its genocide against the Palestinisn population of Gaza ultimately will seriously hurt Israel in the eyes of the world. Those countries with a deep sense compassion and a love for ALL humanity anyway.

I bet skuddy would have been quite happy in any authoritarian militaristic culture that othered eveyone non white that wasn't a bible thumping Christian.

Mike said...

Movie? The Never Ending List.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

For a guy that claims to despise Trump my good friend Skuds sure likes being an apologist for him. I for one am thankful Joe Biden is president in these times and quite frankly nobody else.

skudrunner said...

Joe101, I just like to look at things honestly and that means the evil one is beating china joe in many polls which is surprising. I would prefer supporting someoe competent and neither of them are. At this point even -H- could beat trump but with joey b it is not certain.

As much as the press is trying to bolster bidens horrible record people know better. His handlers need to convince him to acknowledge that he has not done a good job but to give him another chance because he is old and incompetent, maybe try the senior abuse angle. Even the lie about manufacturing jobs joey b has created. According to BLS 2019 15,065,000 2023 14,922,000. Hardly a win. Inflation December 2020 1.54% now 3.4% with a cumulative rate of 20.75%. Even the BLS is having a hard time making biden look good so his chances are not looking great.

We can do better but we need to hurry

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Politico:

American economic pessimism has been bafflingly persistent despite major indicators showing that the economy is actually strong. Unemployment is low, inflation is significantly down from its 2022 peak (if sticky and ticking up in the last month), wages are up, the stock market is hitting new all-time highs, and it looks like the Federal Reserve might be able to keep the US out of a recession.

Surveys are beginning to capture growing consumer confidence — but for President Joe Biden, the question is whether it’s rising quickly enough for him to avoid being penalized in the 2024 election.

He had no control over the pandemic-rattled economy he inherited, but voters may nevertheless blame him for it, as they have (rightly or wrongly) blamed their presidents for the country’s economic troubles in the past.

Voters have mentioned economic issues (think: inflation, jobs, and more) as their greatest concern since 2022 in a long-running and ongoing Gallup survey. Another February Morning Consult/Bloomberg survey of voters in swing states also found that the economy is the most important issue — and could therefore decide the outcome of the election.

Recent polls show Trump with an 11- to 20-point edge over Biden on which candidate would better handle the economy. In some ways, this isn’t a surprise: The economy was generally good under Trump, except for the Covid-induced recession; under Biden, high inflation has been the biggest economic story. If Biden is to turn his fortunes around, he’ll have to convince the American public that the economy is in fact better than it feels and will continue to improve — and that it’s better than they remember under Trump.

“The fundamental problem for Biden and the Democrats is that while the rate of inflation is down, it’s not going backwards,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres said. “It’s hard to persuade people that things are better.”

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Just as I said. my good friend Skuds continues to be an apologist for Trump with unfounded attacks on President Biden. Unless he thinks calling him old and incompetent aren't to some degree an attack. I don't like inflation any more than the next guy but the only thing we have to fight it is with interest rates. You want lower rates or off the charts inflation Skuds? The fact is all the right has to work with are lies and perverting data. if they were concerned with age then why aren't they asking if the 78 year old Trump is competent. He slurs words and loses his place on the teleprompter many times a speech. Not to mention he's fat. Yeah, I had to get that in there. Sorry we can't all age as well as Shaw or Helen Mirren Skudsy.

Dave Dubya said...

Corpo-media is doing its best to make a close horserace of the election. The irony is that tactic is what really is making them the "enemy of the people" by downplaying Trump's coup and crimes while obsessing with Biden's age and ignoring his accomplishments.

The other problem is the classic poor messaging by Democrats. While some good adds are being shown in swing states, they are drops in the bucket compared to the flood of misinformation and negligence in showing us the facts uncovered by the House Jan. 6 Committee for just one example.

Americans will forget and minimize the horror of that day as time passes. It needs to be the top story every day until the election.

Trump's indictments and charges need to be displayed regularly, and his sycophantic partisan judges need to be exposed for their willingness to delay his trials, allowing him virtual immunity and giving him a clear run to the White House.

The partisan corruption of the Trump-appointed Aileen Cannon the Red Hats on the Supreme Court needs way more coverage. No criminal defendant in American history has enjoyed as many judicial delays and obstruction of the process of justice.

Also the Dems should relentlessly hammer the message that we had a bipartisan border deal worked out and it was killed by Trump when he demanded that his minions vote it down.

Headlines should read, "Trump DEMANDS Open Borders!"

EVERY DAY these messages need to be repeated so the public will have no excuse to not consider what is happening to our country.

But the Right plays them like a fiddle, getting them to focus on their manufactured culture war and endless whining, resentments and bigotry.

Just imagine how many Americans have heard of Hunter's laptop, while knowing NOTHING about the kleptocratic grifting of Ivanka and Jared. They know nothing of the surge in killings of intelligence operatives after Trump demanded a list of them. How many even know about Trump brandishing secret documents at Mar-a-Lago? Damn few, as if this isn't a dire national security crisis manufactured by Trump.

Instead we get, "Biden is too old", and "People look back fondly at the Trump years".

Dave Miller said...

Shaw shared...

"American economic pessimism has been bafflingly persistent despite major indicators showing that the economy is actually strong."

Is this today's version of the "fundamentals of the economy" are strong, ala John McCain?

Look, that pessimism we see I believe is stubbornly strong because when Mom and Dad go to the market, prices continue to rise. Choose your item, eggs, milk, bread, etc. Day after day, week after week. Add in gas prices currently in my state, a swing state no less, of $4.50 a gallon, and people feel like things are not getting better for the average Joe.

Time is running out for Biden to get it turned around. The recent inflation numbers ticking up mean no interest cuts anytime soon, higher home prices, credit card rates, etc.

It's not looking good for Biden.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Can anyone tell me how the POTUS can lower prices at the grocery store and gas pump?

Can people NOT see that screwing over the American consumer by big oil and corporations will make people angry and blame the incumbent POTUS, ensuring that their bottom lines will continue to increase if Trump is re-elected?

Every economist has deemed that the economy is recovering and unemployment is at an all-time low. We are doing better economically than all the other advanced countries post COVID.

Big pharma, corporations, big oil, all thrive when they gouge the American people, and hate anyPOTUS who holds them to account for their greed.

Trump is their choice, because, like them, all he cares about is $$$$.

We are, essentially, a Banana Republican country in that way.

Les Carpenter said...

It's not looking good for Biden

True. And because of that it is looking horribly dismal, and in fact horrific for the country and the world.

If trump and his sycophantic worshipers get control of the levers of power we'll all watch the lights dim, flicker, and then go out.

Oh well...

Les Carpenter said...

Truth is he can't.

Further, the truth is high prices are caused by greed. The desire for more, more, bigger, bigger, better, better. Enough, is never enough. For individuals or corporations.

That includes wages and benefits. Corporations it's price increases.

Freeze prices and wages worldwide and watch inflation die.

If humans could actually ditch desire and the attachments that result, as well as nixing aversions and develop a balanced middle way approach our struggles and sufferings would be significantly reduced.

Rather than thinking through the likely results of a trump 2'nd term his suporters simply swoon and pull the lever. While others who may be a bit uncomfortable will pull the trigger for trump because they're unhappy, don't really understand why and so vote for their perceived lesser of two evils.

And so, if trump wins, our problems will simply be compounded and increase exponentially. trump is fully unqualified and mentally unstable. Many qualified experts have so noted. And yet, here we are.

skudrunner said...

There are some who just won't vote or write in their selection. The idea of voting for a totally disgusting person or voting for a serial lying incompetent person to be president is just to much of a sell out. Why not have a choice of competent people who can lead.

Les Carpenter said...

There is NO one stopping intelligent fully competent people from running for president skud. Perhaps the fully qualified competent individuals want no part of the present insanity rampant in American politics today. trump entering politics as it turns out insured the incompetents would come out of the woodwork all across the Fruited Plains.

I for one agree with JoeBama. Right now i'd rather have Biden, who is qualified, over anybody else. Even given his weak areas. He's better than any of the rest IMNHO.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... of course no pres can lower those prices, especially from the gas companies. But, and we all know this to be true...

whoever is in office gets the credit when prices are low and the blame when they are high. It's how we are as Americans. And we have short memories too.


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your side gave us Bush and Trump Skudrunner. You have no right to complain about electoral choices.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Prices and availability are the direct result of the government pouring billions into the economy and giving away billions because that is what they do. Lock down the country, keeps kids out of school, sell oil reserves and put massive restrictions on commerce. They were and are more interested in looking diverse than being competent. Do nothing to punish criminals who steal from stores and cause those evil businesses to close and raise prices. Give shelter and money to people who enter the country illegally while ignore veterans needs. Fund illegals shelters and take that money from police who protect us.

No Ms Shaw the government is directly responsible for high prices because if you look at overall profit margins they have remained stable while businesses are closing because of high costs, increased regulations and crime.

Joe 101, I don't have a side unless you consider being a taxpayer is a side. Both sides have their embarrassments, trump, carter, biden are some recent examples

Dave Miller said...

Skud... I'll give you that the perception of Carter is as you presented it, an embarrassment.

But I'd argue reality is more mixed. High unemployment and inflation on the down side. The Middle East peace accords between Israel and Egypt, deregulation of the airline industry, oil, trucking and railroad industries too on the good side.

Add in the best, and this is not even debatable, post presidency ever in our history. So while it was not the greatest 4 years in America, it was by any objective view, no embarrassment.

Les Carpenter said...

It's the greed skud. Ignorance and greed.

Les Carpenter said...

When was the last time you voted for a non con or republican skud? We'll patiently wait for your reply skud.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As usual my friend Skudrunner offers nothing but meaningless talking points. We have more people incarcerated than any other nation. You whine of high prices yet complain about the oil reserves being tapped to help keep gas prices down. Would you have the tired poor and huddled masses that our Statue of Liberty welcomes stay outside and starve while politicians can use them as talking points? Where is your decency man?

Dave Miller said...

JoeBama... don't expect even an attempt at a solution from Skud. He's either unable, or unwilling to enter into a real back and forth.

It's easier to complain than to really do the hard work of investigation, reading facts and trying to understand very difficult issues. It's also much easier to lean on "common sense", carp about things and spout little nicknames.

All because entering into real dialogue and defending your view with real facts is not the coin of the conservative realm these days.

Dave Dubya said...

"All because entering into real dialogue and defending your view with real facts is not the coin of the conservative realm these days."

Dave M. hits the nail on the head. Their minds are wrapped in BELIEFS that deny reality and "alternative facts" that pervert reality.

And here we are, trying vainly to show them 2+2=4 when Trump tells them 2+2=(Whatever he says it is).

Good faith dialogue is impossible with a cult.