Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, June 24, 2024



ALL were anti-Trumpers until they decided to go against their OWN judgement of the con artist and embrace their overwhelming lust for power:


Anonymous said...

The Rise of the Authoritarians.

Orwell's 1984 potentially a reality in 2024 and beyond.

A republic if you can keep it.

The ties that bind growing weaker as the ignorance grows in America.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Rubio, Vance, and Burgum all did a 180 on their opinion of Trump. They all said Trump should not be trusted, and that he should never be president because he’s a con artist.

Then they decided that a liar, cheat, fraud, and now convicted felon and rapist would be a great POTUS.

All three men are spineless cowards who put their ambition above their country.

A pox on the 3 of them. They have no honor; therefore, they would be perfect running mates for the scoundrel, Trump.

Dave Miller said...

All of a sudden, talk of Ben Carson has come up again.

I guess we'll know closer to the convention. That's how it always used to be.

Sam said...

You go where the power is and now Trump has the power. Dam what they said months or years ago.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They think they see blood in the water. What better way to become president than be the veep for a 78 year old guy. Perhaps this works both ways but heck, beats going through a primary and having Chris Christi flog you on a national stage. Yeah I'll say it. Marco Rubio is a pansy.

Thersites said...

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds" - Emerson

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The quote my good friend Thersites used must be the the one he used on his latest selfie.

Howard Brazee said...

Did Trump corrupt the Republican party, or did he expose it?

Shaw Kenawe said...


Trump gave far right fringes to fly their freak flags. Sane Republicans no longer exist in the GOP.

Grey One talks sass said...

Howard, I believe the origin of the change occurred when Ronald Reagan did his best to smash an opening through the First Amendment and the Johnson Amendment. At that time those possessing the honor and integrity of Republican values (i.e. fiscal responsibility - remember, this was way back when) were discarded.

All it takes to commandeer a group is to study the dynamic, find out if everyone has their authority and duties with any challenges solved with reason and logic or if it's is one human who controls all the power with their favorites as the managers of everyone else. The managers have no power on their own, only what is granted by the one, dear leader. Either way all it takes is the correct or incorrect as the case may be word uttered into the wind and dissension will be sowed. It takes a huge amount of self awareness to govern where everyone knows their job, knows the command structure, knows they can be called to command so, yeah, be prepared. It is woke I guess but it's also science, logic, and mental health. It's finding solutions to the issues facing us now. As real as Reavers (I know fictional story but it tells the truth. Just because someone said something was a myth doesn't mean that something doesn't exist).

Anyway - that's my view Howard. Not sure I clarified anything but had to say something. You sounded so sad.

Plus - no matter the label sometimes it comes down to a binary decision - do I want to be a good person today or not? No labels. Just be kind. It works for me.

Dave Miller said...

Howard... that's the 64K question, isn't it?

I go back to the 1968 election when Nixon campaign manager Pat Buchanan was upset with the candidacy of George Wallace. Not over policy per se, but as Buchanan himself put it, the racists who supported Wallace he said were "Our voters", meaning Nixon backers.

The question should never be whether or not Nixon, Buchanan, Trump or any other current GOP politician is racist, or corrupt. The question should be why the racists, neo Nazi's, white supremacy folks and more, feel at home and welcomed in the GOP.

I guess I would lean to "he exposed it."

Dave Dubya said...

I would add to Dave's historical point. Yes, Trump the corrupt convicted felon is the product of a corrupt party, and he took them exactly where they wanted to go.

How corrupt, criminal, cruel and greedy can a political party get? 21 years ago the US invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 and EVERYTHING to do with OIL.

While Cheney and his Big Oil cronies plotted dividing up Iraqi oil production, the Republicans LIED incessantly about non-existent "stockpiles" of WMDs, "nucular" aluminum tubes, active bio-and chemical weapons programs and fictitious ties to al-Qaeda, etc.

"You're either with us or the terrorists" was their response to rational dissent.

They got just enough support from spineless Democrats to launch an illegal war of aggression. Putin knows the hypocrisy of the US leaves us little moral standing that can counter his aggression. No wonder Putin is a Republican supporter.

Our republic will fall if this party continues to get its way. We are already on the brink.

BB-Idaho said...

Thanks for recalling the Nixon era Dave M.
Along with Buchanan was staffer Kevin Phillips and the Nixon strategy to
use race hate "the Southern Strategy", which turned the south deep red to this day.
An elated Phillips authored "The Emerging Republican Majority", but soon turned sour.
He detested Reagan and Bush and his books changed 180 degrees-
"Wealth and Democracy", "American Theocracy" and "Bad Money" were harbingers of
things to come. These volumes sit next to Susan Jacoby's "The Age of American Unreason"
in my personal library. Would they taught in schools.

Dave Miller said...

Thanks BB...

Dave, you'e brought something interesting up. As it relates to WMD and Iraq, we are left with this...

Given that no WMDs were ever found to be in Iraq, we have a choice. Either the Bush Admin, the president himself and all of his aides lied to us, or on the most consequencial decisions of their presidency, and at a cost of thousands of American lives, they were wrong.

I choose to go with wrong. I don;t want to believe they willfully lied to us.

But it cannot be both. Choose your poison... liars or terribly wrong.

The Republican Party

BB-Idaho said...

I recall Colin Powell with the data and photos during a TV briefing.
He later claimed it was the worst mistake of his life, pretty much goaded into
it by Darth & Co. Having served as an Army chemical officer at Dugway, I knew
what a place that makes nerve gas or bio bacteria looks like. So as a good citizen
I wrote my Senators and given a polite brush off. AFter Eisenhower came the era of GOP
dirty tricks starting with Joe McCarthy and the deluge of sleaze. If you drain the swamp
you get a toxic landfill.

Dave Dubya said...


It's generous of you to give Bush/Cheney and the neocons the benefit of the doubt.

Liars are wrong. Why were they wrong? They rejected good faith dissent and contrary evidence.

I didn't want to believe they would lie us into a war of aggression, but that's what they did.

They WANTED that war so badly they twisted and cherry-picked the intel to support it and REJECTED ALL EVIDENCE that didn't comport with their war-mongering. Such blatant confirmation bias, to put it kindly, resulted in mass deception. That was their intent.

They LIED so much about Saddam being in cahoots with al-Qaeda that MOST of the country BELEIVED he was involved in 9-11.

And it didn't take a lot of searching to find dissent among intel agencies. Serious experts on al-Qaeda KNEW they were lying about ties to Saddam.

Corporate media were all in for the profits. They became an unquestioning echo chamber for the war mongers.

Post 9-11 war fever was so intense MSNBC canceled Phil Donohue's show, despite high ratings, for having guests who challenged the propaganda.

They assumed the US military would be greeted as liberators and it would be a quick victory with more oil for Bush/Cheney cronies. Nobody would question why we invaded with such a convenient and instant outcome.

But it didn't happen that way. There should have been an investigation into the entire mess, but as with the Great Bush Recession, almost nobody was held accountable.

After Bush v. Gore and the unaccountable criminal war of aggression the rule was set.

Republicans, and their Wall Street backers, would dominate the judicial branch and decide they were above the rule of law.