Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, June 8, 2024

This week we celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day…


Never forget what Trump has said about the men and women who honorably and bravely served their country, and who gave America “their last full measure of devotion.”



Les Carpenter said...

Once a scum, always a scum.

It evil exists, Trump is the personification of it.

possumlady said...

Another great Letter to the Editor in the Washington Post. This time on D-Day:

The men who died storming the beaches of Normandy died for other democracies as well as their own. And they fought at the time when the highest earners paid income tax at a rate of 94 percent. They also voted without having to show any photo ID and yet somehow believed in the legitimacy of their elections. Then, they were heroes. We rightly celebrate these men as heroes today, and yet too many contemporary Americans would consider such men chumps for sacrificing themselves for such a political regime.

Many who question the value and validity of our government today might have found common cause back then with those disseminating fascist propaganda denouncing our elections as fraudulent, insisting that our culture was being undermined by foreigners and proclaiming that our policies should always be “America First.” They would have ridiculed the feebleness of President Franklin D. Roosevelt for using a wheelchair and undermined his decision-making during his final illness even as he was checking tyrants and opposing appeasement. They would have decried the “socialist” New Deal programs of his administration. They would have kept their lights on during government-ordered blackouts, prioritizing their individual freedom. And they would have relished it when the air raid precautions and other government efforts proved to be unwarranted, finding their deviance somehow patriotic, despite the risk they brought to others.

Those who have contempt for our government today would have despised our government during the Roosevelt years. They would have been undermining it at every turn, and they sure wouldn’t have been storming the beaches of Normandy with those other “suckers” on June 6.

The political context in which our grandfathers made their sacrifices matters if we are to fully appreciate the values for which they fought and the collective contributions Americans made toward their success, even as we take pride in their memory.

Keith St. Clair, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Grey One talks sass said...

I've been doing a lot of reading, watching, and honestly, crying over this years D-Day celebrations.

Outstanding moment - the old veteran and President Zelensky. I tried to find the old guys name but no, that's not what he wanted. He was serious that the fight goes to the next generation, that it's not about him but the fight for what is correct. I am humbled by him.

Next moment is when Biden apologized to Zelensky for the delay in aid. Powerful moment in my opinion.

Funniest MAGA take - Joe Biden will eliminate funding for veterans by the next ten year anniversary. Um, MAGA hats? By the 90th anniversary I'm not sure there will be any WWII vets left alive. That would be why no funding is needed, not that Biden is cutting it from the budget but yeah, you do you.

With so much cult talk going on in the comments my own experiences have been bobbing to the surface. Not always a good thing as I view these memories as turds in the punchbowl but Mental Health 101 demands I address them as they are my past and if I want to continue to be healthy they can't just be swept away.

Y'all have asked almost the same questions on so many posts, specifically how someone in the cult can support a convicted felon like Trump and how normal humans who supposedly are kind in their home life become such monsters when appearing in public events in support of their god-king.

Well, you are looking at your fellow humans as if they are still normal. That view is incorrect. As I see the MAGA cultists their entire head is covered in the fog of the cult. They breathe, eat, talk, poop the cult. Whatever the cult says is good, whatever is outside the cult is evil and will try to destroy them.

And immersion isn't a deep dive but instead a slow seduction of what appears to be like minded ideals which morphs slowly into more extreme beliefs. They find what you hate and amplify it, showing you example after example of how you, personally are being attacked by the outside world and how only they, they cult, understand and love you, who have your back unlike your former friends who just want to question your cognitive skills for believing what they, the cult who loves you, believes.

Once totally in one has to approach them as if they are an addict. Until completely free from it's influence they can't be trusted with a paper towel.

Why can't they just leave? Well, once a belief in ensconced in the brain that's not so easy. And there is the cult enforcement system. All questions of any belief is a direct attack on the dear leader, and if they continue with the questions the internal punishments are swift in delivery and cruel in implementation. I've talked about my experiences and the beatings which caused me to make my escape. What I've not said is I still live with the complications. As I mentioned, swift, severe, cruel.

When I meditate I focus on the fringes of the MAGA cult, those not totally lost. I send energy to their being tossed free during the many purity purges taking place. The cult doesn't tolerate fence sitters, fringes, those not 'all in'. May the cult continue to spread the seeds of their own demise.

Hope this helps clarify exactly what We The People face this election. I know so many want something different. To paraphrase Stonekettle, if you want a better country be a better citizen.

Les Carpenter said...

The dirt, muck, and slime covering the diamond that is present in the minds of all sentient beings, including the MAGA cult, is nothing more than the obscurations, delusions (reified beliefs) and attachments that the MAGA cult clings to. Ignorance and fear, they go hand in hand, are 2 primary drivers of MAGA.

skudrunner said...

"Y'all have asked almost the same questions on so many posts, specifically how someone in the cult can support a convicted felon like Trump"

Simple answer is that with all his faults the alternative is worse. What you should ask is how is a leader who the media is all behind be in a close race with a convicted felon. That answer is simple as well, the current regime doesn't represent the interests of We The People and has done far more harm than good. His approach to only serve the special interest is not working well. Close race and still a long way to the election so maybe the media can make him look capable because he can't.

Joe Conservative said...

Didn't Russia defeat the Nazi's and capture Berlin?

Dave Dubya said...

The sacrifice of every American life defending democracy is now being obliterated by the party of Trump.

We are up against a lying, multiple-indicted, convicted felon with lock-step support from the most immoral, dishonest, racist, white supremacist, Christian nationalist, theocratic, neo-Nazi-infected political party in American history.

The fanatical authoritarian followers LOVE their malevolent mendacious messiah who echoes Adolf Hitler.

We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
I think they want the white guy.
Hitler did a lot of good things.

- Donald Trump

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

Anonymous said...

Greetings Shaw...
My Father fought in WWII. He served in the Airforce. He was a bombardier on a Liberator and flew many missions in Europe which probably included bombing support on D Day. Trump supporters typically call me deranged and don't want to deal with truth which includes the fact that Mr Trump called those who served and lost their lives on D Day losers and suckers. General Kelly confirmed this and yet, Trump supporters call the thing partisan, made up and fake here we are. I get some people don't like Biden and will claim he made poor decisions...fine. Just don't tell me Trump deserves another term...especially after this insult to the greatest generation. Thanks for listening.

Les Carpenter said...

Tell Putin to screw himself when ya next see your buddy Putin, Joe Con.

Dave Miller said...

Skud, when answering the question of why someone would support Trump, states...

"Simple answer is that with all his faults the alternative is worse."

Skud, we all know you believe this. So tell us, in what ways is Trump better than Biden? Enlighten us. teach us. Inform us.

Don't tell us all the bad about Biden, because every lib or progressive here can one up you on that. We don't need help.

Where we struggle is the idea that somehow, at any level, Trump is better, as you've stated.

Again, in what ways? How will our country be better with Trump? Can you make an affirmative case for Trump, as opposed for the case against Biden?

Sam said...

My father fought in WWII. He was a Marine assigned to guard a fuel depot. The Nazis bombed it. He was blown fifty yards away and could not walk for a year. He never talked about the war, but we all knew what happened. He and his buddies got together on the 4th of July and went off by themselves and talked about the war and other things. He lived a great life, had seven children. He was a decorated hero. We buried him with a full military honor funeral. Thanks to him I have lived a great life. Thanks to him (and millions of others) America thrived. Now what? Trump?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor Skudsy still trying to hide his cowardice by playing both sides. That he still derides Biden, who is doing a good job and we're fortunate he is president now, as somehow a lesser choice than Trump only shows the lengths he will go to protect his ignorance. While Biden praises those who lost there lives on DDay, the only thing I can think of as Trump's foreign policy regarding France, without whose help the Revolution would have been a lost cause, was him telling Macron's wife how good she looked. That's your choice for president Skuds and the other deluded magats? If ignorance were truly bliss you and your crowd must be the happiest people on earth.

Shaw Kenawe said...

es, Possumlady, Grey One talks sass, Skudrunner, Joe Conservative, Dave Dubya, Anonymous, Dave Miller, and Sam

Please excuse me for not answering you all and for not posting my ususal weekend dancing and Zen posts.

I've been having function issues with my PC, and was able to solve them only today.

Things seem to be working fine at the moment. Let's hop they'll stay that way.

Thank you all for your comments and continuing the discussion, even if the blog hostess was not here very often.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Let's HOPE, not "hop." That was my error, not the PC's.

Grey One talks sass said...

As I understood the situation the blog hostess was not at home visiting family. The Lawz o' Murphy demand absolute chaos so your absence was in a way, situation normal. Glad you were able to get the PC back in working order. Sometimes..... grins.

It is me who feels gratitude every day to be amongst both the brightest and most ignorant minds I've ever encountered (y'all should know where you land on the spectrum). I read a lot as I'm limited in energy output so I follow many communities but only comment in, well, two or three. As I said, gratitude for a space where I feel correct.

Hope your time with family was as amazing as can be. I'm betting your goats missed you, they do have a way with ones heart.