Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, July 5, 2024



jess says:

Leftist/liberals/fascists/communists are parasites. When they’re treated as such, many problems will go away.

We've all heard and read about Trump calling Liberals "vermin." But like a good little mindless mimic, the person above goes Trump one better, implying that Leftists/liberals should be treated like parasites, which is code for killing them. After all, that's what is done to parasites.

Before the convicted felon, Trump, I NEVER heard this sort of hatred from our fellow Americans.

Trump poisons everything he touches. And, unfortunately, weak-minded individuals, like the above-quoted commenter, don't see how manipulated he/she is by the master con man and criminal.

The mindless repetition of threatening to harm one's fellow Americans, just because you disagree with them politically, is a symptom of a sick and declining nation.

But, if you think that MAGA's comment is dumb, HOLD MY BEER:

"I agree with Z — this problem started in 2014, on Obama’s watch.  But this is not a shocker.  Who started World War I?  A Democrat.  Who started World War II?  A Democrat.  Who started the Korean War?  A Democrat.  Who started the Vietnam War?  A Democrat.  Who created Benghazi?  A Democrat.  Who started the Middle East Wars?  A Democrat wannabe named Bush." 

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary on June 28, 1914, by a Serbian nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand is considered the immediate cause of World War I. 

The start of World War II was September 1, 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland without a formal declaration of war. In response, France and Great Britain issued ultimatums to Hitler, demanding that German forces withdraw from Poland immediately, and declared war on Germany two days later. 

After five years of simmering tensions on the Korean peninsula, the Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when the Northern Korean People's Army invaded South Korea in a coordinated general attack at several strategic points along the 38th parallel, the line dividing communist North Korea from the non-communist Republic 

Following the murder of President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson took the United States step by step, via the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Operation Rolling Thunder, and finally the July 1965 decision to deploy a large number of combat troops in South Vietnam, into a full-scale land war in Southeast Asia.  President Richard M. Nixon assumed responsibility for the Vietnam War as he swore the oath of office on January 20, 1969. 

Mustafa Al-Imam was sentenced to More than 19 years in prison for September 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. 

U.S. President George W. Bush argued for launching a military attack on Iraq. On March 17, 2003, Bush declared an end to diplomacy and issued an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, giving the Iraqi president 48 hours to leave Iraq. Saddam refused, and the U.S. attacked on March 20. 

George W. Bush is a Republican, not a "wannabe Democrat," as the seriously uninformed person quoted-above wrote.


Les Carpenter said...

Looking at human presence on our planet and its effect on everything honestly, the only conclusion another intelligent life form (or an honest human) could draw from such observation is that humans are the biggest parasite on the planet earth.

So, honestly, Jess would be correct were she to have identified all of humanity as parasites. Because, that is exactly what the human race is. Parasitic.

Jess however, in true dualistic good/bad thinking, has created a separation. Essentially dividing humanity into good parasites (conservative MAGA) bad parasites (progressives, liberals & rinos). Of course in parasite jess's mind all the bad parasites must be exterminated so all the problems go away.

The mind of an authoritarian fascist in a nutshell. The mind of DJT. The ideology of the GOP, The juice behind Project 2025.

Our nation is being ripped apart by DJT and MAGA conservatism and the hate it generates against all who aren't part of the group.

Sick... sick... sick...

Grey One talks sass said...

Who started World Wars I & II??? Really? Irony is indeed dead, killed by ignorance and an adherence to an ideology which isn't two thousand years old but just shy of two hundred. What do I mean? The concept that the Christian holy book is the literal written word of a deity wasn't adopted by serious minded folks until recently using a geological or historical scale of events. Humans want to know when things went sideways? Look to religious zealots every time.

jess's not original idea of eradicating a specific population to "cleanse" humanity is ridiculous. How many genocides, how many pogroms? How many 'other' did the Nazi's kill and yet the other is still with us. Even if I were to stoop to their level and compare humans to cockroaches I've tried to kill cockroaches. They are (to my grudging respect) survivors. Use poison? Their babies are immune. Use those little sonic wave devices and they throw a rave. To sum up, you can't kill an idea. How do I know? Homicidal leaders have been trying since History was just a collection of fireside stories.

That said I've been meditating on Mr Roberts, President of Heritage Foundation's words to liberals. He truly believes he is fighting for his and by extension those who believe as he does continued existence. When they view societal acceptance of BIPOC and LGBTQA+ communities all they see are humans they'd rather not acknowledge at all, ever, not fellow citizens.

To be honest I'm not sure how merely existing is forcing ourselves into their lives especially when they themselves are blind to their efforts to codify their beliefs into our secular Constitution and Bill of Rights. No one is born believing any deity. No one. But I knew who I was before I learned about religion.

So we are here/now, forced to live through historic times. How each of meets the challenge will determine the next chapter in the most exiting experiment. As a hippy trained by the fiercest Marine I've ever known I am a warrior (of the beauty way) and those theocratic bigots have another think coming if I'm going to just lay back and 'take it'. I won't back down to call up Tom Petty from the grave and other songs from my youth which may or may not have influenced my rebellious soul. Thinking outside the box is my superpower, one I share with many of my fellow citizens. The bigots won't ever see it coming.

Sam said...

Nixon promised to end the war which went on years after his inauguration. Bush invaded a country and killed many innocent people and there was no evidence Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.
The head of the current 2025 project is a real slimeball and his own words prove he is. He is a dangerous man.

skudrunner said...

And had the democrats been honest and admitted that biden was nothing but a space holder for one term they would be a lot better off today. They were so into the media hype that biden is competent that they wouldn't admit he was loosing it. He was just a stand in who said he would sit for four years then go away. He lied and now the democratic is in a panic because they have a difficult decision. They can't replace him with cruella because she is worse than he is and their options are limited. Maybe they can convince RFK, JR to come back into the fold.

Dave Dubya said...

The only difference between Hitler's Nazis and American neo-Nazis is in scapegoating Jews.

Not ALL American neo-Nazis scapegoat Jews, unless you include Soros. And of course the American swastika faction of the Trump Cult are STILL hating and blaming Jews.

American neo-Nazis scapegoat and demonize Blacks, Mexicans, Central Americans, Arabs, Muslims, Atheists, Educators, Liberals, Progressives, Democratic Socialists, and Democrats.

All are "vermin" to Trump's cult of Neo-Nazis. That makes everyone who opposes Trump essentially the "Jews of the American Fourth Reich".

They would just as soon exterminate the rest of us. Seriously. They HATE multi-racial democracy, and they hate us.

Although falsely attributed to Werner Herzog, this was Nazi Germany: "1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches."

It is now America. Would Joe Con/-FJ be in the first third if he could get away with it?

He certainly demonstrates the required sociopathy.

I fear J/6 will look like a peaceful rehearsal when they finally enact their neo-Nazi/Q-anon "the storm is coming" fantasy.

BB-Idaho said...

Trump may announce his vice president pick soon.
Main qualification is they must bring their own noose.

Joe Conservative said...

George W. Bush was UniParty through and through. And in 2024, that means a Democrat.

Joe Conservative said...

The Uni-Party is the Neo-Liberal Party of corporate globalism.

Dave Miller said...

Ahhh... the MAGA blogs.

The person who left the "It's all the Dems" fault is a hoot. He writes under the moniker of one of our founding fathers, Sam Huntington. Perhaps he's related to him. True or not, I guess he believes that using Huntington's name imputes on him some special authority.

If that's the case, and it's a big if, then perhaps I should change my avatar ID to one of my ancestors, Robert Treat Paine.

The struggle here Shaw is that you are correct. Somehow Sammy, in the near past a person who valued personal responsibility, has shifted blame for both World Wars from the perpetrators, to Progressive Dem Presidents who believed, with great support here in the US, that our country could help defeat evil and make the world a better place for us all.

And in so doing, excuses the actions of the Archduke, the Germans, Hitler, Yamamoto and later, the North Koreans and Chinese.

In his entire screed, he is/was correct as it relates to Vietnam. We now know the entire Turner Joy episode was a bunch of BS. It did not happen. It was made up. But the Johnson Admin used the story to ramp up involvement in that war.

Sammy's accuracy on Vietnam does prove the old saw that "even a broken clock is right twice a day".

These folks make clowns of themselves.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw, I know it's OT, but I want to get it on the record before tonight's interview on ABC with Joe Biden.

President Biden is struggling. He's not been sharp, but what we saw on the debate the other night was beyond what many of us have seen. I believe the Dems are right to question his fitness, look for solutions and if they are convinced, publicly call for another candidate.

Some have already done that.

Those actions are part of a healthy democracy. Deep reflection, questions, and public honesty are what we should expect from our representatives. I for one am proud of the Dems who have gone public with their viewpoints on Biden and what they also saw at the debate and in other settings.

Nancy Pelosi asked the salient question... is it [Biden's performance] an episode or a condition.

The question we should be asking however is not about Biden's fitness for office. That will be dealt with by the Dems as a party. Then we will make the decision for whom we will vote.

The question we need to be asking is this... why is the only party willing to go public with criticism of their leader, the party of the Democrats? Why is the GOP unwilling or unable to publicly criticize their candidate, Donald Trump.

He too rambles at his events, albeit in a different form. He says crazy stuff, loses his place, lies, calls for political violence and more. And he close to 80 years old too. Yet we hear no cries from his party now, as former presidential candidates like Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz among others said in the past, that Trump also is unqualified to hold office, cannot win, or is bad for America.

If democracy is on the ballot in 2024, and many believe it is, people should be asking why only one party, the Democratic Party, is willing to step up, be critical of their leader and try to force him to change or withdraw. And why the GOP, is willing to look the other way, accept Trump’s immorality, slurred, mixed up speech, ramblings on electrocution and sharks, and his calls for violence, just to win an election. Why is the GOP, full of so many leaders who have told reporters they hate Trump and think he's bad for America, their party and yet are unwilling to go public with those criticisms

We're left with their own words... they are afraid of the violence their voters might unleash on them and their families.

As ppl watch the interview tonight, or the YouTube clips later, remember this. A functioning Democracy needs at least two healthy parties that are willing to publicly call out their leaders when they go bad.

Sadly, America at this moment seems to have only one, the Dems.

Why is that?

skudrunner said...

Joey will show he is still up to the task in tonight's piercing interview. He is facing a true stalwart professional in george. George is a hard hitting interviewer who will ask all the right prearranged questions and wait for the prearranged answer. He will question something and get a prearranged response. Hard hitting is what george is all about and his second ability is to provide joey some cover.

Can't wait for all the media to drool over joey b's performance as being spellbinding. How many lies will joey tell tonight. Top of his class, professor, uncle eaten by cannibals, maybe played for the boston philharmonic. Spell binding.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

. why is the only party willing to go public with criticism of their leader, the party of the Democrats?

... because they HAD to. Biden's incompetence was in FULL VIEW during the debate. Trump's was well concealed. :)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.: "Why is the GOP unwilling or unable to publicly criticize their candidate, Donald Trump."

They did! The leading lights of the old GOP gave us their true opinion of Trump when he announced his candidacy in 2016: Lindsey Graham said Trump is a "kook," and "would destroy the GOP, and the GOP would deserve it.

Marco Rubio denigrated Trump, as did Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Mitch McConnell, Mike Lee, and many more.

Here's a long list of prominent Republicans who were against Trump in 2016.

And yet the convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster who's facing dozens more criminal charges has been able to get these naysayers and anti-Trumpers to continue to support him.

IMO, it's because they see a path to power and passage of their policies through Trump, and they don't care that he is an immoral malignant narcissist who knows nothing about America or its people. It's naked and corrupt POWER.

Also, those GOPers who said Trump is unfit to be POTUS are, IMO, lacking any moral compass and have betrayed America in the worst possible way.

I don't know what the outcome will be for Joe Biden, but I am thankful that the Democrats are not as corrupt and anti-American as the present GOP is.

There is no "Uni Party" as the cynic and malcontent -FJ/JoeCon alleges. He 's as blind to reality as those GOPers who continue to kiss Trump's prodigious orange arse.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Here's the list I referred to in my previous post.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Democrats didn't "go public" with Biden's incompetence. The cloak of Gyges fell OFF despite 3 years of "best efforts" to keep it ON!

Shaw Kenawe said...


Yes. His VP would have to know that is required. But the question is:

Who in their sanity, after seeing what he wanted to do to VP Pence, would EVER want to be his VP.

He or she would have to practice being a VP while living under a bus.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya, Les, Sam, skudrunner, Grey One talks sass,

I have no idea what we will face at the election in 2024, but I fear it will be worse than what happened on J6.

Les Carpenter said...

To a MAGA and or Christian Nationalist stalwart asking questions of the anointed one is verboten. His divine wisdom and vengeful proclivities are beyond questioning or reproach. To do so automatically labels one as unpatriotic, vermin, filth, or some worse derogatory identifier.

Democracy, integrity, decency, and truth are on the ballot in November. The ONLY party representing those values is the democratic party. Thoughtful, intelligent, insightful, honest, and caring people know this and will be voting democrat, not republican.

The fearfully squeamish and scared of their shadow MAGA and Christian Nationalist neo-Nazis are willfully blind to truth as well as reality.

Mike said...

I don't want to distract from a good conversation going here, but Eisenhower, a republican, got us involved in VietNam when he sent "advisors" in to help the South.

Les Carpenter said...

True & valid point Mike. However, we'll never know if he would have escalated as did Johnson.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Maybe JoeC and his other selves can tell me why Biden, who regularly has met with republicans since his election, never brought up his so called infirmities. I guess McConnell and the other republican leaders who haven't said a word up till now are uni guys or whatever new adjectives the guy feeding info to to the magats can come up with. Funny how Joec and his other selves can remember what they're to by their masters yet forget so much simple history. This will work to the Dems advantage cause once Trump is deemed a menace by the heritage foundation within a week the magats will hate on him and shower their adoration on whatever kook serves their masters best.

Grey One talks sass said...

Why won't MAGA reveal their God King's infirmities? Power. No more, no less. The Presidential Transition Plan aka Project 2025 gives it away, at least it does in my eyes.

In the bright lights of the 2016 campaign I knew exactly why the Evangelical/MAGA crowd kept eating Trump up with a spoon even after all his warts were revealed. Power to the power of power. It's not about religion although their rhetoric sure has been dipped in the stuff.

I know there is a lot of hand wringing about President Biden's health. First, he doesn't have the Alzheimer's grin nor does he have the eyes but I am not a doctor. Sure, I've noticed the forgetfulness but in my opinion it's not full onset dementia. As someone who has and has had family afflicted, just stop. It is a fact that We The People don't have one young person running for president this election cycle. You want younger alternatives then get busy for the next one but this year it's a contest of the olds. Some of you have never faced a decision where you weren't faced with two fantastic choices and it shows.

Second, for the record please explain why Biden communicated intelligently not only with politicians here in the States but across the world if he is so feeble that he needs immediate placement in a locked down Alzheimer's facility?

Side note: I wasn't going to mention the incredible bipartisan legislation passed in a Congress with a House that keeps unraveling itself but since I've heard nothing but crickets about his accomplishments I'm plugging them again.

I've a pretty good idea of what's coming. Seriously - telling us that it won't be bloody unless the we don't let MAGA do what they want to do? How absolutely triggering! I've had abusive humans in my life pull that sort of crap and it didn't sit well then and it certainly doesn't sit well now. Either we are a nation of laws or we aren't and if the laws get tossed... I guess I do get to use all that nifty information I learned from my late husband. Would rather not but this is OUR country. We all share it even if we don't like our fellow occupants. What is it our opponents keep saying? The Tree of Liberty must sometimes be fed with blood. May their statement become an unintended consequential fact.

skud - your guy was just credibly accused of sexual assault - he even admitted as much in an interview. You sure do know how to pick them.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... yes, those folks were once very critical of candidate Trump. But when he became president, he's been home on the range where those with discouraging words are banished to the hinterlands.

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe JoeC and his other selves can tell me why Biden, who regularly has met with republicans since his election, never brought up his so called infirmities.

Two reasons 1) Most Republicans are neoliberals (corporate globalists) like Sleepy Joe.
2) The neoloberal corporate globalist PRESS (ncluding the NYT AND WSJ) would never print it.

MANY people spoke up. NO MSM reporters covered it, unless the person could be ridiculed and cancelled (like DJT).

I've called him an Alzheimers case since 2020. But then again all my predictions and conspiracy theories are ignored. You neoliberal stooges are MUCH smarter than me.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Joebama... how come you never brought up Biden's infirmities?

Anonymous said...

Hold This Shaw!
Following up on Biden’s widely slammed debate performance, George Stephanopoulos, ABC’s pint-sized Democrat political operative and sycophant, is going for a miracle: to manufacture a Joe Biden that appears coherent and normal for a limited time. Of course, anything is possible through the modern alchemy of drugs
Will he deal with America’s four most impactful issues for America?
Inflation: Caused by the deliberate destruction of America’s energy sector and driven by profligate spending on social programs and foreign giveaways, the cost of living is rocketing higher. Investments, especially retirement funds, are being eroded by government-driven inflation—possibly planned so that borrowing can be repaid by “cheaper” money. Technically, we are experiencing stagflation, a stagnant economy with rising prices.

Jobs: The Bureau of Labor Statistics revised their jobs report downward, losing 111,000 jobs from the April and May combined totals. The May jobs numbers were revised downward from 272,000 to 218,000 and the April jobs numbers were revised downward from 165,000 to 108,000. To no surprises, the government’s payroll comprises a substantial portion of the alleged new jobs being touted in the progressive media. Black and Asian unemployment continued upward. Most of the jobs created went to foreign-born, not native Americans, and real wages are lower today than they were when Presiden Biden assumed office.
Illegal Immigration impacting healthcare, jobs, housing, education, and our social safety nets: Despite the Biden Administration assuring us that the borders are secure and under control, illegal aliens continue to pour through the porous borders like an invasion force. Even worse, we are finding that the Biden Administration is flying illegal aliens directly into the United States Cities from foreign locations.
Crime and community safety: Our communities are becoming dangerous as progressive legislators negate relax criminal statutes in favor of criminals, many illegal aliens and minority gang members. Likewise, progressive prosecutors are refusing to prosecute criminals or plea-bargaining away the most serious charges, and activist judges are releasing criminals into our communities under the guide of progressive “restorative justice” which favors criminals over victims..
Biden attempted to excuse his bad debate performance as a “Bad n-Night, a singular episode. I was sick, I was very tired, it may have been because of the Jet-Lag I suffered that day”..

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry, anon, just for one example: the FBI page shows that violent crime is actually DOWN. You’re cherry picking data.

If our communities are” becoming more dangerous,” that’s because of the gazillion firearms available even in communities that have a low firearms death rate.

We are much much better off now than when the convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, and ex-president who’s facing dozens more felony charges was in office. Fact.

Who, in their sane mind, would want a criminal to lead this country?

That, more than anything facing America, is the most important question.

Joe Conservative said...


The May jobs numbers were revised downward from 272,000 to 218,000 and the April jobs numbers were revised downward from 165,000 to 108,000. To no surprises, the government’s payroll comprises a substantial portion of the alleged new jobs being touted in the progressive media.

So the May numbers were off by ~25%, and the April numbers were off by ~53%...

Must have been "close enough for Government work".

How unrelaible are BLS statistics? Now you know.

Les Carpenter said...

Continuing to hope that November 2024 brings sanity to enough Americans that Trump, the Heritage Foundation (Project 2025), the GOP, and the corrupt scotus experience a historical defeat unlike anything we've ever seen.

But of course that ain't gonna happen. And unless the democrats identify an interested, intelligent, capable, and at least semi-charismatic individual to step in and replace Biden this nation may never again be a true democracy or democratic republic. A landslide loss to the neo-Nazi Christian Nationalist republicans will solidify the implementation of the draconian authoritarian Project 2025 and likely one party and one man rule for the foreseeable future. A dystopia conservative nightmare.

The only reason to vote Joe is that Trump is so goddamn bad that if a hamster was running against Trump one should vote the hamster.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, As you are aware crime is local and taking statistics from the esteemed FBI with their sterling reputation of honesty seems a stretch. Guns are indeed a problem but there is no real good solution. Register guns is not the answer since most crimes are committed by non registered gun and gun owners. Look at Chicago and NYC and they will prove that strict gun regulations doesn't work.

Maybe limit the liberal DA's power to let criminals walk would help.

Les Carpenter said...

Who, in their sane mind, would want a criminal to lead this country?>/i>

And THAT is the 64 billion dollar question Shaw.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ahh my poor yet esteemed friend from the right. good old JoeC, I mostly ignore your predictions and conspiracy theories because they are nonsense and your feeble attempts to be credible on any subject bore me. Now be a good magat and run back to the master blogger and ask how you should respond to my brutal honesty. Or you could just use your flavor of the week and call me a neo liberal like you call everyone else Trump says you must hate this week.

Dave Miller said...

Skud said, in a comment I know will be mostly missed as it's late in the thread and we Americans are ready to mad about something new. But here's his quote anyways...

"Guns are indeed a problem but there is no real good solution."

Rebecca Costa in her book "Watchman's Rattle" recounts the mysterious fall and decline of the Mayans in Southern Mexico and Guatamala. No one has been able to pinpoint what caused their precipitous decline. Costa however posits their decline and fall on how the complexity of modern life has outpaced the human brain's ability to develop new capabilities [solutions].

Costa says perhaps the problems the Mayans faced were so far outside of their box of solutions, that they felt they had Skud's "no solutions", and as such, collapsed.

Is that where the US is with our gun problem? Is that where the US is with our current political state? Are we really at a point, perhaps a Mayan inflection point, where we just throw up our collective hands at the hard problems and just give up, preferring solutions that nibble at the edges of the problem rather than big bold solutions?

I hope not, but perhaps so.

Les Carpenter said...

It may very well be this is where we are with all of our problems Dave.

Nihilism is a constant battle we fight these days.

There are plenty of reasons why and there is plenty driving the nihilistic tendencies.

Humans are, without question, the single largest parasitic threat to Mother Earth and life on it. As we continue our race to beat down everything that is true, wholesome, and decent. While we continue to look for solutions external to ourselves and solutions that serve only the special interest(s) we align ourselves with.

As the hamster wheel of ignorance avd delusion always has room for more.

skudrunner said...

Rev, So no one knows what caused the decline but Costa does, must be brilliant. Enforce the law would be a good start but that goes against the no bail mentality. Now we have prominent democrats who think biden should drop out because he is not up to the job. Joey is on duty from 10-4 and no meetings after 8 but he is the best choice to run the country. What the dems are saying is to hell with the country it is all about beating trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "What the dems are saying is to hell with the country it is all about beating trump."

Skud has a problem with the Dems wanting to win an election against a convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster who's facing dozens more felony charges?

How awful of them to want a man, Joe Biden, who is not a convicted felon, to continue to lead America!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden grew the greatest economy in the world to the point that he’s lifting the world‘s economy along with ours

Convicted felon Donald Trump raped children & committed crimes against the United States

What is wrong with people?

Les Carpenter said...

Good question anonymous. The antidote to this ever present human malady is, if people were really interested, readily available. To acces that our US society and culture must look beyond their own self interests.

Doubtful that will happen any time soon. Same applies globally.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wish I had the answer to what's wrong with people my anonymous friend. The heads of the republican party don't know either. They've just learned to exploit it. When the mentality is "sure Mussolini was a bad guy but the trains were on time" is one's benchmark for leadership that person is a kook. I fear the only way to get them to vote our way is to sink to their level. Sadly it would have to be a real low level since they've deified a serial lying rapist and all around piece of crap for a human being. Our friend on the right, Skudruuner" dislikes Trump yet he comes up with all manner of what about Biden being old or referring to Kamala as "Cruella". He's going to vote for Trump no matter what. The Dems I believe do have a path to victory if they can get behind one person and simple coherent messaging, Not sure if the party is capable of this. Too many think they have the answers when what the Dem party needs are good followers.

Dave Miller said...

Don't take it personally Skud, but I figured you'd be unable to understand any nuance at all, much less a comment that uses words like maybe and perhaps.

I wish I was a smart as you and knew everything you know so surely and free of doubt.

Maybe then I'd have more hope for our country.

Dave Dubya said...

Earlier Skud declared, "You are anti capitalism and support a person who is not up to leading the country and I am pro capitalism and want to see different candidates."

This is one step from calling us commies.

Then Skud tells us what we're saying: "What the dems are saying is to hell with the country it is all about beating trump."

Skud has gone full fascist and tells us we are anti-capitalism AND we hate America because we don't want a criminal white nationalist sociopath for president.

What next? We're "vermin poisoning the blood of our country"?

Doe he really believe we're communists? His red hat is showing.

Les Carpenter said...

Any form of government the people democratically select is fine. So long as the majority of the people have democratically chosen the form of government.

There is no intrinsically good or bad government. What makes government good or bad is determined by whether it is freely chosen by the societies majority or whether it if forced upon society by an illegitimate minority. IE authoritarianism.

Communism selected and administered democratically and equitable might not be at all like the authoritarian and dictatorial communism the world has witnessed to date.

BTW, capitalism was considered the best governmental/economic system devised by man up to the time of Karl Marx by Narx himself. Perhaps a more altruistic capitalism, like democratic socialism, just might be the best system for humankind. Even given the billionaires and neo-Nazis objections.

skudzy simply marches to the drum beat of the MAGATS.