Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Conservative writer, David Frum:



There's no mystery about this election. Trump's party talked itself into the idea that their guy led some mighty popular movement. In fact a voting majority of Americans have rejected Trump and Trumpism every chance they got since 2015. Now they're readying to do it again.

Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016. He lost the popular vote by 7 million in 2020. He was under 50% approval in every reputable poll every single damn day of his presidency.

Trump's party lost the House in 2018. Trump's party lost the US Senate in 2021, because Trump personally cost the GOP two Senate seats in Georgia. In 2022, Trump's party lost -1 in Senate, -2 governorships, -4 state chambers. An expected "red wave" in the House proved a trickle.

For Trump, Republicans repudiated their former political principles on everything from NATO to trade. For Trump, they acquiesced in a violent coup against the Constitution. For Trump, they jettisoned the family and sexual morality they supposedly cherished. All - to lose.

How to explain this self-deception? Some of the self-deceived lived in ideological ghettoes sealed from real-world information. Some were just eager to believe self-gratifying lies no matter how plainly false. But I think two other things entered it ...

1) Because Trump is himself so financially corrupt, he wrecked many of the formal and informal restraints against using politics as a vehicle for self-enrichment. Many grifters got a lot richer in the Trump era than they would have under other management.

2) Because Trump is such an all-around terrible person, his example gave permission to many people to explore and indulge the darkest parts of their own personalities. People who might once have struggled to be better delighted in being worse. Bad politics; potent psychology.

For the millions of people for whom politics is about self-validation rather than governance - Trump made life more fun, more fulfilling. *He* said it from the White House. *They* could say it on Facebook or at the PTA. That was worth losing a few state legislative chambers!

If this explanation of Trump's otherwise destructive hold on the GOP is correct, one more election loss may not change anything. A Harris presidency opens the door to four exciting years of trash-talking, if that's what you like to do. As we've learned, many people do like it.

An elite few in the GOP care about outcomes. Trump seemed to offer a mesmerizing opportunity: a way to convert 46% of the vote into control of the executive branch. Some racism, some corruption, some authoritarianism was (to them) well worth the prize.


skudrunner said...

How the republicans can support trump is a mystery. Yes he did some positive things when he was in office, reduce regulations, reduce corporate and individual taxes and fast track covid vaccine but they don't take into account the destruction he has caused.

There is no way the republicans could lose having a sizable majority in both chambers in 2022 because of the incompetence shown by the harris/biden administration but thanks to trump they lost the senate. The decision to change RvW was all trump and it was a mistake because for a party of individual rights they have become just like the democrats thinking the government know best and the people are stupid.

Had the republicans chosen a different candidate this election would be a landslide victory but they chose trump so now it is a toss up. I am looking for a candidate that represents all the American people instead of just special interest.

Joe Conservative said...

Let's take a new poll in November. :)

Dave Miller said...

"Had the republicans..." Yes Skud, you are correct. But you need look no further than the Mothership to understand the GOP problem...

While they may not all adore Trump, they do see him as the cure for what ails the US.

And they are 100% representative of the present MAGA dominated GOP, your "former" political home.

Les Carpenter said...

There is no Republican party anymore. Certainly not as it once was.

It is now owned by Trump, powered by Trump, and has become just as dishonest and reprehensible as Trump.

For if had even an once of decency and integrity the "RNC" would pull all campaign funding from Trump and stand solidify against Trump's lies and narcissistic pursuits.

But it won't. It has become both an ignorant and deluded party under the authoritarian leadership style of the narcissist insurectionist and rapist Trump. The party is no better than it's "leader" and it is doing the harm Trump wants for America for him.

skudrunner said...

Rev, I do agree that he is far better for the country than ms flip slop who cannot answer even soft ball questions and no one knows what she stands for except the BS I am for the worker. One thing you can say about the evil one is he is not afraid to speak his mind and will always talk to the press. Ms flip flop refuses to have honest press conference and even when she has a conference with a massive fan she refuses to answer any questions.
It shouldn't be a close race but tumps actions have made it so.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skud, can you explain to us why you call Harris's claim that she's for the worker "BS?"

Also, please explain how you think a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, a tax cheater, a self-admitted sexual assaulter (pu**y grabber), a man who cheated on all 3 wives, and who lies like normal people breathe, is good for America? Don't talk about his "policies" unless you can give us concrete evidence for how his "policies" improved the lives of Americans.

His tax break was for the 1% billionaires and permanent, while the tax break for the middle class will end soon, and middle class taxes will go up because of that.

Trump failed miserably on his COVID response. He did take credit for the "warp speed" vaccine. But YOU fail to acknowledge that there was no program to get those life-saving vaccines into the arms of Americans. Biden had to do that as soon as he was sworn in on Jan. 20!

You're impressed with Trump's get rid of regulations? Really?

The Trump administration repealed the Clean Water Rule and rewrote the EPA's pollution-control policies—including policies on chemicals known to be serious health risks—particularly benefiting the chemicals industry.

I can't imagine any sane person thinking that repealing the Clean Water Rule was a good thing! How was repeal of rules and laws protecting our drinking water a good thing? I wish you'd answer this because sometimes I think you don't know half of the destructive things Trump did to this country.

You're a partisan, yes, so am I. And you'll NEVER admit any Democrat did anything good for America and the working class.

PS. How's that Social Security check? Your Medicare coverage? Your minority neighbor's ability to vote without having certain areas of the country putting up poll taxes and tests to allow them to vote? How about the Child Labor Act that prevents factories from making children work 12 hours a day? Good idea, right?

Except for giving billionaires tax breaks and allowing corporations to pollute our air and waterways, what has Donald Trump done to improve Americans' lives?

Shaw Kenawe said...

One last thing: Your continued denigration of VP Harris rings hollow, since earlier in the year, you were all in for Nikki Haley. Haley is on record stating:

"US won’t survive four more years of Trump ‘chaos’,
‘We have a country to save – and that means no more drama,’ "

Please explain how an American can warn US of the dire consequences of another Trump administration, and then tell the country that she will vote for the man she claims will plunge our country into chaos! Insane!

You never mention her sickening, spineless, and hypocritical flip-flop on that.

Your criticism is only for VP Harris. That's why many of us don't take your words too seriously on flip-floppers.