Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, September 23, 2024

FBI: Crime is down across the nation.


Trump has been campaigning on the lie that crime is up all over the country.

Trump, of course, is a liar. And he's wrong.


Like a certain Trumper who frequents this blog and posts incorrect, conspiratorial lies.

BREAKING: The FBI has just released 2023 crime stats:

-*Murder and manslaughter:*↓ nearly 12% 
 - Reported rapes: ↓ more than 9% 
- Hate crimes: ↓ less than 1%
- Overall violent crime: ↓ estimated 3%
 - Property crime: ↓ estimated 2.4%



skudrunner said...

Crime is local and always has been. If there is a robbery or assault next door than crime is up. It is kind of like food and home prices. If own a house then home prices and interest rates don't affect you if trying to buy they do.

Most of these reports are reported crimes and In its annual survey, BJS asks crime victims whether they reported their crime to police. It found that in 2022, only 41.5% of violent crimes and 31.8% of household property crimes were reported to authorities.

If you live at the beach in Delaware crime is probabley low but if you live in Roxbury you probably have a different take on it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Somehow I knew you wouldn’t be happy with this news from the FBI, since it doesn’t match the narratives that you buy into.

But facts are stubborn things, even if you don’t believe them.

Anonymous said...

It is also a fact that we have a problem with mass killings with guns. I don't know how that figured into the FBI facts, but too many people are dying.

possumlady said...

What Skud fails to say is that each year BJS, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, surveys roughly 240,000 people that represents a national representative sample. Yes, they ask if they or anyone in their household has been a victim of a crime. If yes, did they report the crime. If they didn't report the crime, BJS does and in their findings, BJS statistics also show a lowering of the crime rate. I'm attaching an address to CBS Sunday Morning from a few weeks back where David Pogue was giving Reality Checks throughout the program. The web address is one regarding crime.

skudrunner said...

I didn't say I was unhappy with the news and I would like to see it crime to be zero but if you live in a safe area then crime is low. Statistics are only valid if the reporting is high which is not the case with crime. I would place more validity to reports from local law enforcement because the FBI has proven to be untrustworthy. Look at them tanking -H-, keeping a damaging laptop in hiding and gestapo techniques in securing classified documents.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I would like to see it crime to be zero..." You understand that as long as there are human beings around that there will ALWAYS be humans committing crimes.

"...the FBI has proven to be untrustworthy." Be sure to remember that you think so poorly of the FBI should you or anyone in your family ever need their help. No organization has ever been perfect -- not even an organization that purports to represent God on Earth -- the Catholic Church, for example.

Overall, the FBI has served this country well, solving crimes and delivering justice. It's not perfect but neither are you or any human being.

If you're looking for perfection, you will NEVER find it so long as groups of human beings are running anything. I would have thought people would have learned this by now.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...gestapo techniques in securing classified documents." It is sadly obvious that you are unaware that the FBI handled Trump's illegal possession of top secret documents the exact way they would have handled any private citizen's illegal possession of said material.

You provide absolutely no evidence to back up your characterization of the FBI confiscating government property stolen by a private citizen, Trump, as a "gestapo technique."

You reveal your allegiance to a crook instead of to the US.

Les Carpenter said...

We can cherry pick all day long and as the "mix of the pick" changes the "pick" percentages would change skud.

But this is America and nationally crime is down across the nations.

It is the responsibility of local law enforcement to effectively manage local crime control. With the assist of state and national law enforcement as appropriate.

Who says the FBI is untrustworthy skud? Trump? Bannon? JD Vance, right wing MAGA media?

Give us a credible non rightwing MAGA source that has the "goods" on their "untrustworthy" data.

Thanks... I'll wait for it skud.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Don't worry, much like the recent BLS Employment statistics, the FBI crime statistics will be updated/ adjusted in the next report.

btw - Is there an immigrant crime category yet?

Les Carpenter said...

Is he unaware? It is unlikely, but possible I suppose.

More likely he simply prefers his MAGA narrative to the truth.

Untrue reified beliefs can be a hard nut to crack.

BB-Idaho said...

Pence and Biden had classified documents too. They immediately returned them. Trump used mob tactics to resist the law in that matter. As far as Gestapo tactics - a good bet if you know who wins.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here is evidence that both you and skudrunner will dismiss because it doesn't fit your prejudices/pre-conceived notions/disinformation.

Whatever doesn't fit your unverified suspicions is suspect because your reified beliefs won't allow facts to inform you.

Immigrants are significantly less likely to commit crimes than the U.S.-born

Study finds over a 150-year period, immigrants have never been incarcerated at a greater rate than those born in the United States

"Some Americans believe that undocumented immigrants are a criminal threat to society. Former President Donald J. Trump has leveraged this assumption to inflame the rhetoric around immigration from the U.S.-Mexico border.

A study co-led by Northwestern University economist Elisa Jácome provides the first historical comparison of incarceration rates of immigrants to U.S.-born citizens.

Using incarceration rates as a proxy for crime, a team of economists analyzed 150 years of U.S. Census data and found immigrants were consistently less likely to be incarcerated than people born in the U.S.

They also found beginning in 1960, the incarceration gap widened such that immigrants today are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than the U.S.-born.

“Our study shows that since 1870, it has never been the case that immigrants as a group have been more incarcerated than the U.S.-born,” Jácome said."

Howard Brazee said...

It isn't just Trump. The anti-crime/anti-immigrant/anti-other is the big basic property of Republicanism.

Grey One talks sass said...

"Crime is local and always has been." says the human who historically brought up crime statistics for areas not local to them. Awesome goal post moving - you've been practicing skud.

Les, skud willfully ignores what doesn't fit in their worldview, those pesky facts that get in the way of their sincerely held beliefs about all things MAGA. We've all tried to shed some light into their brain but thus far their response is to double down and close all the shutters in their head. skud won't 'see' anything we say because to them we are the enemy.

To the point of the post, statistics don't matter to a cultist. After all, can't numbers be manipulated? Yes, I used this statement in my past and yes I'm not proud of that moment. Very sincere humans assemble these numbers and they stand by them. I will not sully their work to say they placed their thumb on the scale when making their report. After all it wasn't too long ago when I was the one reporting on numbers (different industry but same need for metrics) and I was the one not believed. Of course I was correct. Still don't have the job but there you go, you can't make a human accept that which they get compensated to not understand.

Just a heads up because these are tricksy times right now. Heads on a swivel, watch your six, and stay frosty my friends. Cultists are being confronted with too many facts conflicting with their indoctrination. Something is going to pop and I'd prefer if my friends weren't caught in the crossfire. I'm just wyrd that way.

Joe Conservative said...

btw - One of the great thing about immigrants is that you don't have to incarcerate them... you can just deport them and save yourself the expense of a trial.

Joe Conservative said...

...and just for clarification, aren't we a nation of immigrants? Native Americans must be committing a awfully lot of crime...

Shaw Kenawe said...

More inane nonsense, because you have a inordinate need to always have the last word, or to bring up nonsensical bosh when facts contradict your opinions.

Shaw Kenawe said...

They seem to be ill-informed as well!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

When you change previous data collection practices and now ignore 30% of the data sources that you used to collect... overall crime numbers go down. Wow, what a significant finding!

skudrunner said...

Grey, You are not the enemy you are just wrong most of the time. When the truth is democrats started jim crowe I am instructed they changed to republicans therefore they were not democrats. When inflation hit 19% I am told it is coming down and the cumulative effects are up significantly and when when biden is deemed incompetent I am told he is fine. Now you say crime is down and facts say 40% don't report. Now we have defund the police has been so effective police take a long time to respond and then don't file a report because they have to get to the next crime scene.

Yes statics don't matter as long as you have belief in your views and you apparently do so pull the yellow lever and sleep well at night know you did the socially correct decision.

Shaw Kenawe said...

You and skudrunner are so predictable. When faced with stats, even from the FBI itself, you claim that the numbers are wrong, or have been manipulated, etc., etc. Only the stats that YOU produce can possibly be correct! It's a mentality that feeds into your fantasy that ONLY you have the TRUTH and everyone else is wrong. (In fact, JoeCon/-FJ have been wrong on almost all their predictions on the 2020 election investigations, including that the Arizona and Wisconsin recounts would find an avalanche of voter fraud. None of that was true, and neither was your claim that the mother and daughter counting votes in Georgia were committing fraud.

When will you own up to the dozens of times you've been wrong? Let me guess: NEVER. A narcissist is incapable of admitting a mistake. q.v., Donald Trump!

But the real issue is that neither you nor skud like seeing ANYTHING! that is favorable to a Democratic administration.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"When the truth is democrats started jim crowe I am instructed they changed to republicans therefore they were not democrats."

No one has denied that the SOUTHERNERS who instituted the murderous Jim Crow laws were at that time Democrats. As soon as the Civil Rights movement began, those SOUTHERNERS changed parties and joined the political party that shared their bigotry: The GOP. What remained constant is the fact that they were always SOUTHERNERS. That never changed, all they did was change political parties to match their values.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And by "SOUTHERNERS" I mean the Confederate States.

Grey One talks sass said...

Pull what lever? And why does it have to be yellow? skud's been hanging with our many faced troll too much. Their obscure cultural references are off the chart.

I've not looked at the report so I don't know the origin of the 40% but since most women who suffer from sexual assault never report the crime perhaps that's the missing percentages? I don't know - just spit balling here. And why don't they report? HA! In a country where the Republican nominee for president just said with his concept of plan I won't have to ever think of abortion again.... Right. Because it's only abortion and not the entire study of Reproductive Health.

What has remained consistent throughout the USA political scene is there are those who believe in Civil Rights for all and those that don't. Republican or Democratic doesn't matter much when looking through history. One hundred years from now what we call ourselves won't matter a jot. What will matter is what we do here/now. Did we vote for someone to help the middle class? Harris/Walz have a plan to do that. Did we tell women We The People trust you to make wise decisions for yourself? Harris/Walz have a plan for that.

The other side who is faithfully championed by our many faced troll and skud? They are big on hatred for the other and that is about it. By the way skud, you've been pro middle class for more than a minute. Why aren't you championing the Harris/Walz ticket? Union reps, a solid plan to help struggling families. These are real policies but you are still peddling hate. Why is that skud? Did you get what you asked for and now don't know what to do with it?

Howard Brazee said...

More important than not giving credit to Democrats is demanding that everything is bad. The blame can go to anybody except themselves.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So the BLS employment numbers didn't get adjusted? Who knew?

skudrunner said...

Grey, Explain what the harris plan is to help the middle class. Is it opening the border more or perhaps giving 25K for a home or maybe pay off the rich kids tuition. Who pays for all those give away's, not the poor or the rich but you guessed it, the middle class who pays for everything.
If we keep our political system in place in 100 years guess what will change, nothing. The politicians don't want people with critical thinking skills they want lemmings who take orders and do the socially correct thing.

That's OK just pull the yellow handle and don't put any effort into thinking because you have done the socially acceptable thing.

Les Carpenter said...

It is interesting that the one with the closed mind, filled with archaic reified inaccurate beliefs calls Grey wrong w/authority.


Grey One talks sass said...

Curious indeed Les. And to top it all off they want me to do their homework. HA! If I'm so wrong why would they want me to.... yeah, my brain just bent on that logic.

Regarding skuds assertion that politicians want uncritical lemmings. Oh my stars and garters. And skud says that with their full chest while defending a narcissist who demands unwavering loyalty. Might have disturbed the cat I was laughing so hard.

In my opinion it is a very good thing Gov Walz aka Coach isn't a politician but is instead a Public Servant. How do I know? Like my father Gov Walz has served his country honorably no matter what job he was doing. That is a public servant and our country could use more of them. Again, this is my opinion only. Your milage may vary.

skud, the Harris/Walz campaign has multitudes of videos on social media if you want to know their positions on a topic. No, they haven't done the traditional media route but based on how traditional media has treated the Democratic Party for the past decade or so, I don't blame them one bit. The campaign embraced the young's communication methods because honestly, the future belongs to the kids, we are just borrowing it here/now.