Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hey, Ed Bonderenka! Trump admitted AGAIN! that Joe Biden beat him in the 2020 election!


Are you going to continue to post your lies about the "Day of the Coup," and speak of Domestic Enemies. BTW, what really is a "domestic enemy?" I would say it is someone who continues to spread lies about a "stolen election," even though the loser in that election is admitting he lost it -- "by a whisker."

Isn't one of the Ten Commandments "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness?"


Trump has admitted more than once that HE LOST THE ELECTION BY A WHISKER!

(Another lie by Trump. What is it about Trump and his cultists that compel them to lie, lie, lie? Trump lost the popular vote by EIGHT MILLION VOTES, and he lost the electoral vote: Biden 306; Trump 232 -- a landslide!)

"So, if you listen, you know I regularly open my show with the Day of the Coup and speak of the Domestic Enemies a number of us swore to fight. "It’s Day 1,340 of the most recent coup. The taking of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic. Mostly Domestic" --Ed Bonderenka


skudrunner said...

Yes trump did lose but not by a landslide unless you are considering the electoral collage votes which many "regressive's" want to do away with. It does seem everything is fine, number of supremes, electoral collage, until you lose then we need to change things until we win again. So confused

Les Carpenter said...

8,000,000 votes. A landslide landslide by today's standard.

BB-Idaho said...

The Founders designed the electoral college to deny one man one vote. They
needed to keep the southern slave owning states with low populations in the union. Worked then. Not now.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I was referring to what Trump claimed when he won in 2016. It was HE who declared he won by a landslide, even though he won only the electoral college vote exactly: Trump 304 - Hillary 227

There is nothing in the Constitution that says the SCOTUS should be 9 justices

Tom said...

So, the NYC Mayor Eric Adams is Going to be thrown in Jail where he belongs!
The democratic party is a Criminal organization that makes the old Mafia look like pikers. Just like "The Big Guy" Joe Biden, and the rest of those SOB's

skudrunner said...

I am changing my support to harris. She believes that everyone should pay their fair share and this is something I support. Now the 50% of slackers can pony up and be a contributor. She hasn't said if the government is going to trip it's pork spending which has doubled in the last four years or not. If she gets everyone to pay their fair share she should have plenty of money to spread around.
Did you watch ruhle interview her and ruhle said she didn't answer the question. Does anyone care if she answers a question or are they such yellow dogs it doesn't matter.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I let this comment publish just to point out to "Tom," who I'm guessing is from Lisa's Latrine, that he's supporting Trump who was indicted and convicted on THIRTY-FOUR CRIMINAL COUNTS, WAS ADJUDICATED A RAPIST AND HAD TO PAY $83 million to the woman he defamed, was found guilty of tax fraud, and is facing more than 80 more criminal indictments. And Tom and his cultists will vote for that CRIMINAL, DONALD J. TRUMP, for POTUS, and he has the gall to come here and talk about the corrupt mayor of New York City..

Oh, and BTW, "Tom," Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, was once the beloved mayor of New York City, and he's lost his license to practice law, and has also been indicted.

Corruption is equally spread among both parties. But "Tom" isn't bright enough to understand that simple truth.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Funny, skud, you NEVER talk about how when Trump is asked a pertinent question about policy, he goes off on a rant about Hannibal Lecter, people eating dogs and cats, and how tariffs will be good for the country. And yet, people think he's qualified to be POTUS.

VP Harris did fine. All she had to do is be coherent and not talk about people eating dogs and cats.

Shaw Kenawe said...

John Harwood
The craziest thing about this election is that we have a very good economy -- the best in the world -- and so many people feel/act/pretend that it's bad.

Dave Dubya said...

So I decided to revisit Bonderenka's white nationalist blog. The latest post was about "Masculinity and the Left's attack on it."

I asked, "So where do those looney leftists get the idea that fascists are obsessed with masculinity?"

skudrunner said...

The craziest thing about is, Just like crime, If you live in a safe neighborhood with little crime then crime is low. If you live in South Chicago crime is high.
If you are well off and have little credit card debt, not trying to buy a house, have locked in rent and drive a 10 year old Honda the economy is good.